Advertising is closely related to the existence of the market, the essence of which is the exchange of goods and services. The law sometimes interferes with some areas leading to the reduction of the possibility of advertising a service or product. In many countries, including Poland, among others, advertising medical activity is prohibited. The purpose of this article is to present legislation and issues related to the advertising of health services (medical activity).
Referat omawia problematykę praktyki zawodowej realizowanej w ramach jednolitych studiów magisterskich - dwustopniowych na kierunku Budownictwo. Prezentuje założenia teoretyczne, formy realizacyjne, doświadczenia praktyczne, prezentacje i odbiory opracowań oraz zaliczenia praktyk.
The important factor in effective education is the practical industrial work experience. In technical sciences a continuous interchange of information between education, research and practice is a prerequisite of progress. It is also an essential precondition of effective teaching in this area. In new curricula developed within the Tempus BestSys Project a Supervised Industrial Practical Placement was introduced during the 7th semester at the 1st undergraduate level of studies.
This paper seeks to demonstrate how the concept of generic competence (primarily intended for monolingual specialized communication) could be extended to address important issues in translating legal texts. First, generic competence is discussed against the backdrop of the related concept of translation competence. Then, a case study is presented which examines a closely related set of documents employed by the professional community of lawyers (represented by an English solicitor and Polish advocate) engaged in the specialist domain of probate law (legal process related to the estate of a deceased person). It is argued that both generic competence and professional expertise should be included in the range of competencies required for the translator of legal texts.
Proces kwalifikacji studentów na staże zawodowe ma charakter intuicyjny, główną rolę odgrywają w nich studenci oraz pracodawcy – oferenci staży. Skuteczność procesu można pokazać poprzez analizę sytuacji krytycznych. Artykuł omawia sytuacje, jakie pojawiły się w dwóch edycjach kwalifikowania na staże zawodowe. Do analizy procesu zastosowano dwie koncepcje teoretyczne: model ASA oraz dopasowanie organizacyjne, stosowane w doborze pracowników. Efektem podjętych prac jest analiza przyczyn sytuacji krytycznych, opisanie uwarunkowań procesu kwalifikacji, a także zalecenie odnośnie modyfikacji działań, które można wykorzystać w kolejnych edycjach kwalifikacji na studenckie staże zawodowe.
The process of qualifications for student’s professionals internships is an intuitive, central roles play students and employers. The efficiency of the process can be shown by an analysis of critical situations. The paper discusses the situations that appeared in two editions of qualification for internships. To analyze the process used two theoretical concepts: ASA model and person – organization fit, used in the selection of employees. The result of the work are listed causes of analyzed cases, conditions of the qualification process, as well as recommendations for modification of activities that can be used in the next two editions of the qualifications for internships.
Introduction: Osteopathy is a manual healthcare practice which has its roots in alternative and complementary medicine. The last thirty years have seen significant political, educational and professional developments in osteopathy in the UK. Against this changing landscape, perhaps it is not surprising that only 8% of the profession are over 60. However to take Antonovsky’s salutogenic approach , the question is not so much why most osteopaths retire, but why some do not. Purpose: To explore the perceptions and experiences of a group of osteopaths who remain in practice past state retirement age. Materials and methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven mature osteopaths. An interpretive phenomenological approach was used to analyse the data. A brief validated personality questionnaire was also completed to derive trait characteristics of the group. Results: Four themes emerged, with Finance and Health represented thus supporting existing literature. Career as a theme was strongly evident, with sub-themes of autonomy, generativity, helping others, success, relationships and regulation also apparent. The last theme Self, incorporated identity, interests, personal relationships and perceptions of work and retirement. Personality profiles were in line with those expected of contented employees and longevity, but at odds with the osteopathic profession as a whole. Conclusion: Making sense of ‘not retiring’ is completely coherent for mature osteopaths who enjoy career satisfaction, good health, and high self-esteem. Whilst, for the most part, they have financial and social ‘buffers’ to cope with retirement, it is their choice to remain in work, beyond the retirement age.
Proces vzdelávania v odbornej praxi zahŕňa identifikáciu požiadaviek vzdelávania, ciele vzdelávania, plánovanie vzdelávania, výber vhodnej vzdelávacej inštitúcie, samotnú realizáciu vzdelávania a hodnotenie efektívnosti vzdelávania pre pracovníka a organizáciu. Na základe teoretických východísk sme realizovali výskum, ktorého cieľom bolo analyzovať celoživotné vzdelávanie na reprezentačnej vzorke organizácií v odbornej technickej praxi v SR vo vzťahu k odporúčaniam Európskej únie a vlády SR. Vo výskume sme sa zamerali aj na vzťah výrobných organizácii a pracovníkov k ďalšiemu vzdelávaniu a sebavzdelávaniu vo fáze ich profesijného rastu a kariérneho postupu.
The process of learning in the professional practice involves identification of educational requirements, learning objectives, education planning, selection 87 of appropriate educational institution, the very implementation of education, and evaluation of the educational effectiveness of staff and organization. On the basis of theoretical assumptions we have conducted a study aimed to analyze the lifelong learning on a representative sample of organizations in professional technical practice in Slovakia in relation to the recommendations of the European Union and the Government of Slovak Republic. In the research we focused on the relationship of production organizations and employees to further education and self-education in the phase of their career development and career promotion.
W temacie poszukiwania źródeł inspiracji w architekturze metafora pełni kluczową, bo podwójną rolę. Z jednej strony bowiem sama (będąc osadzona - z racji swej natury, ale i tradycyjnego jej postrzegania - w świecie poezji, literatury, jak i mowy potocznej) może być niebanalnym źródłem inspiracji niebezpośredniej (abstrakcyjnej). Z drugiej stanowi podstawowe narzędzie do implikacji innych źródeł inspiracji niebezpośrednich (czyli tych spoza źródeł bezpośrednich, ściśle związanych z architekturą) do środowiska architektonicznego. Artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia skompensowanych informacji dotyczących jej definicji, formy, funkcji, interakcyjnej koncepcji metafory i jej znaczenia dla nauki oraz myślenia kreatywnego. Porusza problematykę funkcji metafory w architekturze, począwszy od procesu dydaktycznego po życie zawodowe architekta.
In the subject of the search for sources of inspiration in architecture, metaphor plays a crucial, because double role. On the one hand, metaphor itself (being embedded - due to its nature, but also due to its traditional perception - in the world of poetry, literature and everyday speech) can be a remarkable source of indirect (abstract) inspiration. On the other hand it constitutes a basic tool for implicating other, indirect sources of inspiration (i.e. those outside the direct sources, closely related to architecture) in the architectural environment. The article is an attempt to present compensated information concerning its definition, form, function, interactive concept of metaphor and its meaning for science and creative thinking. It addresses the issue of the function of metaphor in architecture from the didactic process to the professional life of an architect.
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