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Funkcjonowanie człowieka w rolach zawodowych pracownika, współpracownika, przełożonego, pracodawcy zdeterminowane jest bardzo wieloma różnorodnymi czynnikami. Wśród nich doniosłe miejsce zajmują doświadczenia społeczne jednostki w toku jej rozwoju. Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy relacji zachodzących między rozwojem społecznym człowieka a jego aktywnością zawodową. Uwzględniono tu takie zagadnienia, jak: znaczenie środowiska społecznego, zwłaszcza rodzinnego, istotę i uwarunkowania procesu socjalizacji, adaptację społeczną, znaczenie samowychowania i tożsamości społecznej, stres psychospołeczny, rolę społecznego podtrzymywania i grupy wsparcia.
Human’s function in professional roles of an employee, a co-worker, a superior, an employer is determined by a great variety of factors. Among them social experience of an individual in a development process takes a momentous place. This article is trying to analyze relationships between human’s social development and his professional activity. The signifi cance of social life, especially family life, essence and socializing process condition, social adaptation, the signifi cance of upbringing and social identity, phycosocial stress, the role of social support and support groups are taken into consideration.
The following article presents the goals and assumptions contained in the project entitled “Psychosocial influences concerning disabled people’s professional activity”. The study was conducted in four stages: (1) document analysis and literature review presenting research concerning how disabled people function on the job market; (2) expert opinions, including disabled people; (3) qualitative studies employing Maxqda2 to analyze information gathered from 311 interviews; and (4) quantitative research on a sample of 1498 participants with various types of disabilities (hearing, sight, physical, somatic, and psychological) conducted in 2007. The following article presents the first set of results obtained, referring to connections on a socio-demographic level (place of residence, gender, age, education, and marital status) as well as those isolating disability characteristics (type, level, and genesis) against degree of life satisfaction. Comparisons were executed for five groups with various employment statuses: employed, those looking for employment who had worked before, those looking for employment who had no previous employment experience, previously employed but had no intention of returning to the workforce and those who had never worked and had no intention of becoming employed. Lowest feelings of life satisfaction were among those not looking for employment whereas highest levels of life satisfaction occurred amongst employed participants. Important risk factors: gender (female), age (elderly), low education, marital status (single), place of residence (non-city dwellers), disability (innate and level).
Content available remote Professional Activation of the Unemployed over 45 Years Old
In the article the results of survey carried among 75 people unemployed over 45 years old were presented. The survey shows that these people tend to have rather low qualifications but are trying to increase their competences and to find a proper job. They are also aware of their advantages like: dutifullness, responsibility, experience and life stabilization. But, on the contrary, when we analize the employers' attidute towards these group of pe ople, it occurs to be full of stereotypes basing on a belief that elderly workers are simply worse than the younger ones.
The purpose of the article is to determine the primary education teachers’ readiness to Russian (second foreign) language professional activity and the characteristics of its components. The specifics of the research required combining general scientific methods and theoretical search. In the paper the definition of the mentioned readiness is given and its components are pointed out: communicative and motivational, communicative and informative, communicative and technological. In particular, the indicators of the communicative and motivational components are: formation of positive emotional and evaluative attitude to the teaching profession, understanding historically conditioned cultural diversity in the state, interest and desire to study the Russian language, setting the purpose, educational activities objectives as a form of creativity, success desire, the ability to mobilize, responsibility, the necessity to deepen and improve professional skills in the field of linguistics. Information and communication component includes such indicators: understanding of the theoretical concept of speech and language, knowledge of the Russian language system; the ability to use classroom expressions necessary for learning activities taking into account children’s communication areas and topics. In particular, a student must know: 1) the purpose, tasks, contents, methods of teaching primary school children’s communication, the laws of this age group speech development, the peculiarities of teaching organization, the curriculum, training program and teaching and learning means; 2) to know linguistic and communicative features of teaching primary school pupils; 3) to know the basics of communication theory. Communicative and technological component of readiness to the Russian language communicative competence forming includes operational and technological skills: the ability to use active and interactive technologies, including the ability to make a game, modeling, project activities; the ability to form language, speech and socio-cultural components of communicative competence. Conclusions. The mentioned readiness is considered as a steady start integrated feature of a person the essence of which is the motivational system and communicative skills in the ability to teach the Russian language to primary school pupils. We consider further it is advisable to determine the criteria and levels of the studied quality formation.
The essence of the concept «creativity», ways and facilities of development of the future primary school teacher in his professional activity are examined in the article. The main approaches to study the concept of creativity are analyzed, that in scientific literature is considered as an ability of a person to create from present material of reality on the basis of cognition of conformities of objective world a new reality that answers various public and personal demands and has a progressive character. It is decided that the basis of self perfection is the phenomenon «creativity» as the main method of forming professionalism, mastery and realization of creative potential of the personality. Creativity is a major method of ascent of a person to individuality, realization of its creative potential. It is proved that a great role in development of creative potential belongs to the subject – the future teacher of primary school. The basic problems of preparation of the future primary school teacher are scientifically argued in the article. An important for pedagogical practice is a decision of problem of creative self perfection of a future specialist of primary school, research of structure, basic indexes and optimal terms of forming of important professional traits, enriching maintenance, forms and methods of professional preparation that provide its forming. It is concluded that the development of creativity is associated with structural and functional updating the activity, turning it into something new, more sophisticated, identified in the new results. The uniqueness of the role of the creative personality of the teacher is based on the fact that such teacher has the potential to generate creative personality of the pupil, to help him be creative, develop inclinations and abilities. The key of the development of the creativity of the future primary school teachers is the process of changing pedagogical activity, which is to update the target systems and procedures for solving problems of training and education of future specialists. Implementation of the above mentioned approach in the system of improvement of professional skills of the personality makes possible the development of the creative potential of professional consciousness, reflection and self-improvement that contribute to the formation of new thinking, perception and development of the creative potential of the future primary school teachers.
The purpose of the article is to determine the primary school teachers’ readiness to Russian (second foreign) language professional activity and the characteristics of its components. The specifics of the research required combining general scientific methods and theoretical search. In the paper the definition of the mentioned readiness is defined and its components are pointed out: communicative and motivational, communicative and informative, communicative and technological. In particular, the indicators of the communicative and motivational components are: formation of positive emotional and evaluative attitude to the teaching profession, understanding historically conditioned cultural diversity in the state, interest and desire to study the Russian language, setting the purpose, educational activities objectives as a form of creativity, success desire, the ability to mobilize, responsibility, the necessity to deepen and improve professional skills in the field of linguistics. Information and communication component includes such indicators: understanding the theoretical concept of speech and language, knowledge of the Russian language system; the ability to use classroom expressions necessary for learning activities taking into account children’s communication areas and topics. In particular, a student must know: 1) the purpose, tasks, contents, methods of teaching primary school children’s communication, the laws of this age group’s speech development, the peculiarities of teaching organization, the curriculum, training program and teaching and learning means; 2) to know linguistic and communicative features of teaching primary school pupils; 3) to know the basics of communication theory. Communicative and technological component of readiness to the Russian language communicative competence forming includes operational and technological skills: the ability to use active and interactive technologies, including the ability to make a game, modeling, project activities; the ability to form language, speech and socio-cultural components of communicative competence. Conclusions. The mentioned readiness is considered as a steady start integrated feature of a person the essence of which is the motivational system and communicative skills in the ability to teach the Russian language to primary school pupils. We consider further it is advisable to determine the criteria and levels of the studied quality formation.
Having the ability of the efficient getting around the labour market is now necessary for everyone who enters the adults life and intends to start professional work. Finding a job these times, requires the skills of coping with the constantly changing conditions. Some jobs have been disappearing, while others are appearing. Therefore, the need for the constant improvement of qualifications and lifelong learning, must be often satisfied by almost all participants in the labour market. Finding the first job usually causes a lot of problems, thus it is important to have the appropriate support system, which can be provided by schools. Its mission is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills needed in order to select the proper fields of education, or profession and appropriate incorporate their aspirations into the expectations of the employer. The school can achieve such tasks by a number of its own initiatives, namely, the career counseling, and/or special subject-matter projects. The school plays a very important role in preparing young people for the entry into the adults life. However, a person who wants to remain active in the labour market should be flexible and adapt himself/herself to constantly changing conditions. He/she will be still professionally active, if he/she keeps fulfilling such conditions.
The current state of socio-economic development of Ukrainian society necessitates the preparation of educated, moral, mobile, constructive and practical people capable of cooperation, intercultural interactions that have a deep sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, establishing it as a sovereign, independent, democratic, social, legal state. Education is the basis of personality, its intellectual wealth, the key to the future of Ukraine. The leading role in this process belongs to the teacher. The general process of reform of higher education in the context of Ukraine objectives of the Bologna process actualizes an appeal of innovation in the sphere of education that emerged in different historical periods and determined its development today. The most complete essence of readiness for professional work is given by L. V. Kondrashova. Readiness is a complex personality formation, including ideological and moral and professional attitudes and beliefs, vocational and educational orientation mental processes, self-control, optimism teaching, performance, installation and creative educational work, the ability to determine the difficulties to self-evaluation of its results, the need for professional self and providing highly effective pedagogical. Readiness of a teacher to professional activity should be considered at three levels: personal, theoretical and technological. We turn our attention to the technological readiness, which is regarded as integrative, significant quality of the individual, which consists of various components. The analysis of scientific literature on the researched topic allowed to identify the structural components of technological readiness of future teachers of foreign languages (English) for professional careers. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, given the specificity of teachers of foreign languages, we have identified the following structural components: motivation, informative, contents, evaluative, reflective.Dedicated structure and its components allow us to develop a content technology of the training of future teachers of foreign languages to use various technologies, forms and methods of professional activity.
The article lights up the current problem of forming professional communicative competence of the students studying economic disciplines in the class of the Ukrainian language. It presents the theoretical and practical material of using interactive teaching techniques and methods as one of the ways of improvement of the process of studying and the development of the communicative competence of the students of economic disciplines in the class of the Ukrainian language. The practicability of using interactive methods of teaching in the class of the Ukrainian language are considered. In the class there created a possibility of discussing different problems, proving and reasoning of a personal point of view, that is an interaction between a teacher and a student, which directs at a personality to the development of his/her creative and mental abilities and communicative skills, takes place. The necessity and importance of using interactive methods of teaching in the formation of professional competence of the students are justified. The main aspects of introduction and approaches to define and classify the interactive methods of teaching are presented concretely. It is proved that the choice of interactive teaching methods helps to attract the students to be active in the classroom, promotes self-mastery of skills and abilities, finding solutions to practical tasks. It helps a complex development of the future economists on the background of general professional training. As the purpose of teaching the Ukrainian language is to form the adequate level of professional competencies of the students, the attention is paid not to the forming of single skills and abilities but to complex forming of the components of communicative competence. It is stressed that under the conditions of using interactive methods of teaching the students develop the desire for creative productive activity and acquire models of behavior necessary for the future professional activity. The conclusion has been made that using of interactive teaching methods motivates the students to study, provides the connection between studying the Ukrainian business language and a real context of its use in future activity of a specialist in the sphere of economics.
Since 2008, the number of young people without work has increased to 166,000. Today, every fourth unemployed person is 25 years old, has graduated from college, and knows at least one foreign language. The main objectives of the article are to characterise this group, determine the type of unemployment that affects them, find the causes of that unemployment and to propose solutions primarily to improve the current situation of graduates on the labour market. Currently one in ten unemployed Poles has a higher education, though unemployment is still highest among those with a vocational education, secondary and primary or incomplete primary education. It is not only Poland but countries throughout Europe that face this problem. However, Poland has only just begun to realise the importance of its existence. What is to be done to combat unemployment? How can we help young people find their dream jobs? There are a number of ways to fight unemployment. The article proposes several key solutions that will enable young people to believe calling them the “Lost Generation” was a premature act.
Content available remote Moje spotkania z podwójnym czterdziestolatkiem - Ryszardem Tylutkim
Opis spotkań autora z jubilatem przynosi wiele ciekawych epizodów z życiorysów obu panów. Łączy ich wiele. Nauka w tej samej szkole średniej - technikum drogowym w Radomiu, wspólne zainteresowania zawodowe - technika i technologia drogowa, znajomość języka niemieckiego, praca społeczna i wyjątkowa aktywność.
Description of meetings of the author and jubilee brings many interesting episodes from curriculum vitae of both gentlemen. They have a lot of common. Education in the same high school - technical road school in Radom, common professional interest - road technology, German language, social works and exceptional activity.
Objectives: Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) is a very rare genetic disorder affecting skeletal and heart muscles. The aim of this study was to identify factors which might influence the ability to work in EDMD patients in Poland. Material and Methods: The study included 24 patients suffering from either of the two EDMD forms: 17 with emerinopathy (EDMD1; EDMD caused by mutations in the emerin gene) and 7 with laminopathy (EDMD2; EDMD caused by the lamin A/C gene mutations). After clinical evaluation of EDMD course, study participants were questioned about their education, current and former employment, and disability certificates and pensions. Results: 54% of the study participants were employed, and 90% of them had job position corresponding to their education. Undertaking work did not correlate with the level of physical performance or disease complication, but it revealed statistically significant correlation with a higher level of education (p = 0.015). Only 23% of professionally active patients were employed in a sheltered workplace. Disability certificate was granted to all EDMD2 and to 90% of EDMD1 patients. All EDMD2 and 50% of EDMD1 patients received a disability pension, which reflects more severe course of EDMD2. Conclusions: Higher level of education increased the chance of employment, even if significant disability was present. Therefore, I hypothesize that advice on education and jobcounseling should be applied as early as possible after the diagnosis of EDMD.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the nervous system. There are approximately 2 million people suffering from MS worldwide. Poland belongs to the countries with high MS incidence and presently the estimated number is 60 000. The neurologic deficiencies occurring in result of the disease have a negative impact on many aspects of life, including professional life. The aim of the study was to evaluate the socioeconomic status of the MS patients in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. The study covered 25 MS cases from the Podkarpackie Voivodship. In all cases, MS was diagnosed by a specialist. A survey consisting of 40 single-choice questions was designed for the purposes of the study. The analysis of the data obtained from the survey indicated that the majority of the MS patients are professionally inactive which has a negative impact on their economic status. The ability to work and perform ADLs decreases in patients aged 40 or more. The self-service functions and the abilities to perform housework also deteriorate with time. The patients require assistance and care from others.
Stwardnienie rozsiane to przewlekła choroba układu nerwowego. Na świecie żyje około 2 milionów osób ze stwardnieniem rozsianym. Polska należy do strefy o wysokiej częstotliwości występowania tej choroby. Szacuje się, że w Polsce jest obecnie ok. 60 tysięcy chorych. Powstające wraz z postępem choroby deficyty neurologiczne negatywnie wpływają na wiele aspektów życia, w tym możliwości pracy zarobkowej. Celem badania była ocena sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej osób chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane zamieszkałych w województwie podkarpackim. Badaniu poddano 25 osób zamieszkujących województwo podkarpackie chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane (sclerosis multiplex, SM). Do badania włączane były osoby z diagnozą postawioną przez lekarza specjalistę. W badaniu wykorzystano autorską ankietę utworzoną na potrzeby badania zawierającą 40 ponumerowanych pytań jednokrotnego wyboru. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań wykazano iż większość badanych osób chorujących na SM jest nieaktywnych zawodowo, co pogarsza ich status materialny. Zdolność do pracy oraz zdolność do wykonywania codziennych czynności badanej grupy pogarsza się po 40 roku życia. Wraz z okresem trwania choroby pogarszają się funkcje samoobsługowe oraz związane z prowadzeniem gospodarstwa domowego. Chorzy wymagają pomocy i opieki innych osób. W dalszych badaniach poszerzona zostanie grupa badawcza oraz, uwzględnione: stopień niepełnosprawności pacjentów i czas trwania choroby.
Content available remote Maternity and Professional Work of Women
The paper presents the results of the diagnostic survey concerning conditions of employment and professional consequences for women resulting from maternity. The analysis of opinions gathered showed mitigating difficulties in combining the roles of a mother and an employee depends mainly on the attitude of the employer as well as availability of nursery schools and/or kindergartens. The consequences of maternity include some limitations in the professional activity but also changes in attitudes and values increasing the employee competences of women such as feeling of responsibility, better self-organisation, patience and need for stabilisation. The legal regulations, information policy and proliferation of the best examples serve liquidation of employee limitations resulting from maternity and a change of the traditional mentality and paradigms hindering reconciliation of the roles of the mother and the employee.
Starzenie się społeczeństwa postrzegane jest głównie jako proces demograficzny, wpływający na politykę ludnościową i generujący określone problemy organizacyjne oraz koszty ekonomiczne państwa czy jednostki związane z zapewnieniem skutecznego systemu opieki nad osobami starszymi. Wraz z podejmowaniem działań promujących wydłużenie czasu aktywności zawodowej pracowników, istotne jest poznanie czynników środowiska pracy i cech pracy, które mogą przedwcześnie obniżać zdolność do pracy, a także kreowanie takich warunków środowiska i organizacji pracy, które będą sprzyjały pozostawaniu w zatrudnieniu również po przekroczeniu ustawowego wieku emerytalnego.
Ageging is mainly perceived as a demographic process wich has an impact on the population policy and wich generates particular organizational problems and economic costs for the State or for a unit dealing with ensuring effective care system for older persons. Alongside the measures aiming to promote the extension of working life, it is of vital importance to identify work environment factors and work features which may lead to premature decline of work ability as well as to create such work conditions and work organization which will be conductive to remaining in employment after having reached the statutory retirement age.
The socio-economic transformations taking place in the contemporary world condition the shape of the family and the quality of the process of the development, upbringing and socialization of the youngest generation. Family life has become subordinate to a professional career, which is an important factor in these transformations. The assumption that a properly functioning family is the best environment for child-rearing, as it provides stimuli necessary for children’s harmonious and comprehensive development, leads to the diagnosis of the changes affecting the family. Such a diagnosis should serve as the basis for educational activities supporting contemporary parenthood.
The aim of this article is to present results of a study concerning the level of social competences displayed by students of tourism and recreation and how it relates to their work experience. The author hypothesized that the fact of being employed could help to differentiate between different levels of social competences in the student population. Factors such as the length of work experience, positions held, work abroad, internships, and voluntary work were analysed. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative data collected using such tools such as the Social Competence Questionnaire and the Questionnaire for Self-Assessment of Student’s Professional Achievements in order to identify forms of professional activity among the respondents. Full-time students of tourism and recreation were found to have an average level of social competences, and their work experience, considered as a form of social training, did not differentiate between different levels of social competence. No statistically significant correlations were found between the level of social competence and internships at secondary schools, internships at university, work experience in general and in tourism and recreation in particular, and voluntary work. Also, positions held did not differentiate the level of social competence. It could therefore be concluded that the respondents’ work experience was too short to have a measurable effect on the level of their social competences, which take much more time to develop and depend on personal and environmental factors.
Pierwsza praca z wielu względów ma szczególne znaczenie w życiu człowieka. Przygotowanie do pracy zawodowej jest oceniane w sposób zróżnicowany. Szczególnie ważne więc jest badanie aktywności zawodowej młodzieży oraz jej przygotowania do pracy zawodowej. Przeprowadzone badania zaprezentowane w artykule potwierdzają potrzebę wspierania młodzieży w zakresie kształtowania jej aktywności zawodowej, tak w wymiarze indywidualnym, jak i społecznym.
For many reasons the first job is of particular importance in human life. A preparation to the professional career is evaluated in a differentiated manner. Therefore, the research into professional activity of young people and their preparation for a professional career are particularly important. The presented research in the article confirms the need to encourage young people to shape their professional activity, both in terms of individual and social life.
Work and broadly understood professional activity constitutes a very significant element of human being’s functioning as it empowers the person, gives the sensation of ability, being independent and needed. Moreover, it is an important part of success while aiming at self-realization. Performing professional work by a disabled person enables him or her to feel socially useful and determines their position in a social hierarchy. It must be said that disabled people constitute the group of people for whom professional work means not only the improvement of their financial situation, but, most of all, it raises their self-esteem. Still, too many disabled people remain vocationally inactive for various reasons; it is not only because of their health. Even though work could give the disabled people some independence, they are forced to fight stereotypes, employers’ ignorance, architectural barriers as well as their own anxiety and low self-esteem. The endless search for the person responsible or blaming others for the present situation will not improve anything. It can only inhibit the process of employing the person with a disability, which may lead those people to adapt demandingness as their way of life. The consequence would be learned helplessness.
Women show greater and greater activity on the job market, they obtain better positions, salaries, etc. However, the statistics concerning their professional activity differ from those of men. We should take into consideration the fact that women are the ones who give birth to children and, in majority, take care of their upbringing, especially in the first years of child’s life. Policies of particular states are different in terms of the amount and availability of family benefits, and that can be reflected in women’s willingness to return to work.
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