The interlocutory dialogicality of press discourse manifests itself, among other things, in the use of common expressions that give the impression that “it is the language that speaks, not its users” (Bonhomme, 2012, p. 77). Euphemisms, for example, are used to raise difficult or polemic inducing issues, such as poverty, exclusion, war, politics, etc. Meanwhile, expressions that have become common in the source language, and are consistent with generally accepted norms, do not always remain transparent during the translation process. Depending on the translator’s choices, the phrases used in the target text can have various effects, ranging from the erasure of sensitive topics, to their hyperbolization. The subject of the paper is the comparison of articles published in the French monthly Le Monde diplomatique and their translations, which appeared on the pages of the Polish edition of this periodical. Its aim is to reveal the traces of the translator’s presence, visible through his or her ways of interpreting euphemistic phrases, or toning down harsh expressions.
The article follows the trend of contemporary discursive research by approaching the problem of information media coverage. The main purpose is to describe discursive mechanisms responsible for creating conceptual social space necessary to perception process by individuals of a given society (social identity). The author presents a study of numerous discursive phenomena ordering them according to particular pragmatic objectives of media strategies, such as creating community environment, creating representation of social events, legitimacy of created information. The analysis is based on Polish and French informative press.
Taking as a starting point the nowadays evident role of media in the process of forming public opinion, our article focuses on the function performed in it by the title pages of periodicals. The analysis of their iconic and textual message (based on the covers of French magazines concerning the so-called affaire DSK) allows to state that it mainly serves the purpose of building up emotions in the receiver, which eventually is meant to achieve a certain persuasive effect
Formula plombier polonais in the press discourse The object of this study, based on the theoretical framework of French Discourse Analysis, is the expression plombier polonais (Polish plumber) circulating in the press discourse since 2005. The aim of the paper is to describe this expression in regard to four properties of the formula proposed by Alice Krieg-Planque (2009). The subsequent sections of the study, are meant to (1) examine the stability of the form of the expression plombier polonais and compare it with the degree of fixation of similar expressions, (2) present that the formula plombier polonais results from language practice and not from the language system, (3) observe its nature as social referant and (4) analyze the polemical dimension of the expression plombier polonais.
This paper deals with the actancial and locative anaphors referring to the country name laRussie in the French written press. The aim of this article is to examine how anaphors that are coreferential with la Russie actualise the linguistic meaning of the proper name in question and, subsequently, to observe the ways in which they construct the social meaning of Russia. It appears that the most common, high-entropic anaphors are not just stylistic tools, but that they also have a rhetorical effect. They create a social meaning of Russia as a homogenous, living and acting entity. Furthermore, they contribute to the ways in which Russia is stereotyped and included in the domain of the well-known.
The aim of the article is to show the role of the adjective postsoviétique (Post-Soviet) in the construction of discursive identity of actors described with a country name or its reformulation in the French media discourse. The observation of uses of the adjective which completes a proper name or its discursive reformulation (such as état/pays/espace – state/country/space), allowed to distinguish the most common effects of the use of postsoviétique: the referential blurring, which contributes to the creation of the collective identity of the agents, the memorial character of the adjective postsoviétique, which constructs the discursive identity of agents by constantly recalling the past, as well as the appearance of the adjective in proximity to axiologically marked structures.
The present paper attempts to give an otline of the expressiveness of the discourse encountered in the mass media. Examples are drawn from selected Polish and French periodicals retrieved from the Internet: le Monde, Libération, Tribune, Newsweek, Gazeta Wyborcza. The political stance of these titles is characterized alongside. Main focus is laid on headlines which on account of their localization usually abound most with conspicuous discursive effects, including the ones having specifically expressive character. A priviledged position of the mass media in approaching real life problems is discussed first. Then, various wording techniques implemented in press titles are subject to a thorough analysis. Expressiveness and establishing a particular ranking of values are viewed as two concurrent and close-knit phenomena. Furthermore, expressiveness is shown to reflect current political trends and to comply with main characters of political regime in a given community. Finally, examples exhibiting a high degree of expressive markedness are analyzed. Their peculiar linguistic features result, among others, from delexicalization, NPs exhibiting a strong axiological bias, and neologisms.
Nur-Sultan (until recently called Astana), is the capital of Kazakhstan, which in 1998 was moved from Alma-Ata to a small village located in the central part of the country in the middle of a vast Kazakh Steppe. The capital is mostly known for its severe climate, futuristic and technologically advanced architecture, as well as for organizing international political and economic events, resulting from the growing power of Kazakhstan in Central Asia. The aim of this paper is to: (1) find out whether, and if so to what extent, the word Astana spurs interest in two British and two American newspapers representing right-wing and left-wing political alignment; (2) check how Astana is evaluated by these newspapers (whether in negative, positive, or neutral terms); (3) observe whether there are any differences between the conservative and the liberal papers as well as between the British versus American press. The material was gleaned from a ca. 35 billion word timestamped press corpus. Four subcorpora (altogether ca. 650,000 words in size) were created based on articles retrieved from The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, Chicago Tribune and The New York Times, published between 2014-2018. The results have shown that the predominant themes in both British and American press include the ultramodern architecture of Astana and political events (international summits) organized in the capital. The majority of comments have positive or neutral evaluation.
The main subject of the article is to show the changes that have taken place in the media, including the newspapers. The starting point is the title of the book by B. Poulet „La Fin des Journaux et l’avenir de l’information” („The End of Newspapers and the Future of Information”, 2011). This article presents the changes that have occurred in the printed newspaper, with special attention to the description of the components of the press release. The paper also focuses on the significance of the image and its interaction with the text and the issues associated with the return of iconic and visual culture. The traditional newspaper is compared with an electronic, on-line version of the newspaper in the context of presenting the information and its geneology. Furthermore, the paper shows the transformation of the information into infotainment.
The purpose of the article is to describe and analyse the meanings which the media construct in relation to real events (‘événement réel’) by the example of Anders Breivik’s attacks in Norway in 2011. The paper is a comparative analysis of the media productions in three countries – Poland, France and the United Kingdom. The authors use the French Linguistic Discourse Analysis (FLAD) methods to determine the keywords (‘mot vedette’) – the most common words or phrases naming the event – reconstruct referential paradigms (‘paradigme désignationnel’) – the lists of expressions that rephrase the keywords – and then deliberate their social meanings. The article textualizes similarities and differences of the social meanings of the event in different European countries and contemplates the collective memory of Europeans.
The aim of this paper is to present my ongoing PhD research project concerning the social meaning construction in thanatological discourse. The project is in line with the research principles of the French school of discourse analysis, which places press discourse at the center of interest (cf. Moirand 2007, Veniard 2013). The representatives of this school of thought show that the mass media, being an intermediary of information for a given linguistic community, influence the way the community perceives the world. Therefore, the media, including mainstream press, by using certain nominations in repetitive way, imprint them in the discursive memory of a given community. The media name people, objects, phenomena and events in order to explain major crises and to assign them a place in the usual order of things (cf. Siblot 1997, 2001, Veniard 2013). The nomination takes place in an anaphoric network that ensures the coherence of the text. In our view, the contribution of anaphora, especially nominal anaphora, to the production of meaning in thanatological discourse is fundamental. We will show that anaphoric relations are not based on linguistic parameters (e.g. lexical relations), but on the discoursive memory of a given community.
Acronyms are lexical units that have been thoroughly explored in terms of their morphology or pronunciation. However, their semantic value has not been entirely determined yet. The present paper aims at investigating the manner in which a semantic value of an acronym, and particularly a difference between proper and common acronyms, influences techniques applied to translating them. In order to achieve the aforementioned objective, on the basis of the cognitive theory of proper names, the authors have distinguished Polish and French acronyms being ergonyms as well as acronyms belonging to proper names and these designating item classification. The paper concerns the analysis of both Polish and French translations of ergonyms in foreign language press and French common acronyms in the Polish press. The performed analysis allows observing a tendency towards transferring acronymsergonyms that play the role of a rigid designator rather than full names in the target text. By contrast, the techniques of translating common acronyms differ, depending on whether they designate phenomena typical of the source culture or universal ones.
In this publication we would like to consider the issue of discursive strategy responsible for mediatisation of the migrant crisis currently taking place in Europe, partly as a result of military actions in the Middle East. The first objective is to describe media representation of the European migrant crisis published in the French and Polish press over the last five years. The author especially emphasizes one discursive moment, year 2015, when a significant increase in the number of migrants arriving in Europe occurred. The next task will be to assess the argumentative potential that results from a particular staging of the discussed event.
The implementation of school meal reform in Poland in 2015 has been withdrawn in because of vast social resistance. The analyses of press discourse in daily newspapers reveals how the critics and resistance has been shaped. The use of content analysis and critical discourse analysis helps to identify how power relations and ideologies connected to the anti-junk-food law has been contested and redefined. The changes were manifested by abandoning healthist framing in favour of construction of new discursive worlds. In the discourse of resistance, cultural food symbols such as hunger and satiety, the ceremonial nature and pleasure of eating, economic freedom and consumer freedom were employed, and the status of taste in consumption among children was highlighted. Historical and cultural context has given the basis for such redefining and provided cultural meanings for undermining expert narrative, which has been reform’s rationale and hegemonising frame.
The aim of the article is to present and discuss graphic means used in press headlines. The material constituting the basis of the analysis was excerpted from several hundred issues of the weekly “Polityka”. This choice was dictated primarily by the variety of texts and headings included in it, as well as the important role of the weekly on the Polish press market. The analysis covers press headlines from 2015–2017. For the graphic means, also referred to as a graphic medium or a wider charting, every clearly marked elements of heading segmentation (brackets, spacing), exposed fragments (capital letters, lowercase, italics) were considered and also all elements accompanying the headings (symbols). The material was analyzed formally and then an attempt was made to indicate the function of such treatments in the broadly understood discourse. These action made it possible to determine the role of linguistic creativity in the functioning of press releases by showing the relationship between the form of communication (linguistic and graphic) and its meaning. The conclusions drawn from the analysis confirm the thesis that despite the apparent openness to the multiplicity of meanings of press releases, the number of possible readings of the message is limited and predetermined by the sender. The recipient can only join certain predefined schemes, reacting in accordance with the intention of the broadcaster.
The aim of this article is an analysis of ways of presenting polish education’s problems in opinionforming weeklies. First assumption of this article is: way of writing about education impacts on what readers of these opinionforming weeklies think about education (about rules of working of education, role of education in human life). The author of this article analysis 115 texts about school and education published between 2009 – 2010 in opinionforming polish weeklies (‘Polityka’, ‘Newsweek’, ‘Wprost’, ‘Gość Niedzielny’, ‘Przegląd’). This analysis based on theory of T.A. van Dijk who was confident of relation between language, thinking and action. He affirms that a language (as a form of social action) forms a nonlinguistic reality, but discourse analysis is a method which let us meet social reality. Results of this analysis let us affirm that opinionforming pressemphasizes economic aspects of education (it is connected both with kindergarten and with primary school, secondary school and other stages of education). Kindergarten, primary schools, secondary schools and others are presented in press like companies which sale their services. This perspective of looking has many consequences. When we want to rate quality of these institutions, we should use economical mechanismes.
The aim of this paper is to examine and describe the language of advertising at the turn of the 20th century. The corpus analysed in the paper comprises the press published during 1890–1910 in Rzeszów, a former imperial and royal county town in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During that period (since 1873) the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, part of the empire, enjoyed complete autonomy under the Polish rule. The paper attempts to present the Polish language of those times the way it was used in advertising and notices.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie i opisanie języka reklamy i ogłoszeń prasowych na przełomie 19. i 20. wieku. Jego korpus stanowi prasa wydawana w okresie 1890-1910 w Rzeszowie, dawnym cesarsko- królewskim mieście powiatowym w Austro-Węgrzech. Jest to czas, w którym Królestwo Galicji i Lodomerii, jako jego część cieszy się od 1873 roku, pod polskim przewodnictwem, pełną autonomią. W artykule starano się pokazać obraz ówczesnego języka polskiego w reklamie i ogłoszeniach.
Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, die Sprache der Werbeanzeigen zu analysieren, die in den in Rzeszów um die Wende des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts herausgegebenen Zeitschriften beobachtet werden können. Als Untersuchungskorpus wurde die Presse gewählt, die in der Zeit von 1890 bis 1910 in der damaligen freien königlichen Stadt Rzeszów im Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien herausgegeben worden ist. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich um die folgenden Blätter: Gazeta Rzeszowska, Głos Rzeszowski, Kuryer Rzeszowski und Rzeszowianin.
The article presents the functionality of language games in texts representing the unofficial press discourse of the late ‘70s (press). The non-censorship journalism of the second publishing circulation, published outside the censorship, created a space for independent debate and presented the point of view of the pre-solidarity opposition; therefore, it developed communication practices that were alternative to Newspapers as the basic model of Polish in the press at the time (and in public communication). Language games (lexical, syntactic, text, and intertextual) strengthened the persuasive influence of the second cycle press texts, in which new topics were introduced and a new community of values was defined. In a broader sense, the presence of language games in independent journalism can be treated as a signal of reproduction of public communication after a period of dominant newspeak – excluding and actually anti-communication.
The purpose of the article is to describe the functioning of acronyms in Polish and French press texts. The acronyms present in both Polish and French press discourse are generally used differently as disparate semantic categories. Even though the organizational acronyms dominate the discourses, in the French texts other categories are also visible. The theories and methods of word-formation of both languages were used in the work. Using acronyms is obviously symptomatic for linguistic tendencies to economize on means of expression, however, a study of their discursive usage allows to differentiate lexical acronyms with a meaning different than that of the full name. Moreover, acronyms also function as stylistic devices equivalent to euphemism or hyperbole.
L’objectif de cet article est de décrire le fonctionnement des sigles en français et en polonais. Bien qu’ils soient présents dans les deux langues, les sigles dans les deux langues ne recouvrent pas les mêmes catégories sémantiques. Dans son étude, l’auteur fait référence aux outils méthodologiques de la néologie lexicale contemporaine. Le procédé de siglaison répond certes au souci d’économie dans le langage, toutefois une étude des emplois des sigles dans le discours de la presse permet de dégager leurs autres fonctions. Ainsi, certains sigles, par glissement de sens, manifestent une autonomie sémantique par rapport à leur source. D’autres se prêtent à des emplois figuratifs, euphémiques ou hyperboliques et sont sujets à des polémiques.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, że zarówno francuski, jak i polski dyskurs prasowy charakteryzują się użyciem skrótowców, jednak te ostatnie różnią się pod względem kategorii semantycznych.Chociaż w obu dyskursach dominują skrótowce od nazw organizacji, to w tekstach francuskich są obecne także akronimy innych kategorii. W pracy zostały wykorzystane teorie i metody słowotwórstwaobu języków. Stosowanie form abrewiacyjnych jest przejawem tendencji języka do ekonomiczności, ale obserwacja ich funkcjonowania w tekstach prasowych pozwala wyodrębnić także inne efekty stylistyczne i pragmatyczne. Można wyróżnić skrótowce zleksykalizowane o znaczeniu innym od znaczenia ich rozwinięcia. Niektóre z nich służą za eufemizmy, inne wpływają na hiperbolizację wypowiedzi lub stają się przedmiotem polemiki.
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