W "Problemach Jakości" nr 11/1997 Dariusz Gruszczyński opisując różne techniki i sposoby podejścia do spraw jakości wymienia także QOS czyli Quality Operating System. Autor wyraża się przy tym bardzo pozytywnie o tej technice, podaje jednak tak skrótowe informacje, że na ich podstawie trudno chyba wyrobić sobie własny pogląd na QOS. Ten artykuł stawia sobie za cel przybliżenie metodologii QOS polskiemu czytelnikowi.
The article refers to the ability of continuous improvement of processes and their assessment in Polish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The research problem emerges from the lack of a clear and understandable model of self-assessment for this group of enterprises and also a minimal ability to precisely define areas for improvement. The way to competitiveness in these organizations usually starts with implementation of pro-quality management standards respondent to ISO 9001 standard requirements. The next steps are usually quite chaotic and do not employ a systematic approach and holistic view of an enterprise. Polish Quality Award and EFQM excellence models are too general at this stage of a SME organization’s maturity. Thus, the main goal of the author’s paper was to develop and verify the idea of a modularized measuring model of an organization’s excellence. The article presents the results of literature research, the developed simplified diagram of the theoretical model and, consequently, focused research – a revised model of excellence for small and medium-sized enterprises. The model consists of five modules defined by terms as: quality, maintenance, ergonomics and OSH, environment and logistics, and for each of the modules offers six evaluation criteria: policy and strategy, preventive measures, teamwork, staff qualifications, and communication (internal and external).
Purpose: The main aim of the paper is to identify, evaluate and improve the factors that are responsible for the reliable operation of the guttering system using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the planned goal, the FMEA method was used. This is one of the suitable techniques of reliability modelling used to investigate the failure behaviour of a products and processes. The article presents the use of design FMEA on the example of a guttering system that is produced in one of the companies in the Podkarpackie province. In order to do this, potential defects and their effects have been identified. Later, the control methods used in the company were specified. The frequency of potential defects was then estimated, as well as their significance and possibility of detection. Findings: The design FMEA method allowed the authors to reveal defects, including critical defects, which may significantly affect the construction of a guttering system. The defects and their root causes were identified, and a proposal for corrective and preventive actions was suggested. Originality/value: An original solution of a guttering system that is currently in production in the Podkarpackie province was tested. This analysis should contribute to improving the quality of products manufactured here.
Purpose: The article reviews the literature on the concept of Global 8 Disciplines method in the context of root cause analysis of the quality issue. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper the objective was set to prevent quality issues regarding the surface of wire rod coils. In order to achieve this, the G8D problem solving method was applied to analyze and solve the problem. Findings: G8D does improve the efficiency of quality issue problem-solving. Originality/value: G8D method application allows reducing problem analysis time and costs in the manufacturing companies.
Autor anąlizuje motywy i koncepcje porozumień strategicznych przedsiębiorstw. Ponieważ rynki żywności w Polsce są rynkami rozwojowymi i niskiej marży, celem porozumień strategicznych przedsiębiorstw jest z reguły wzrost sprzedaży. W miarę tego, jak rynki żywności stają się bardziej nasycone, celami porozumień strategicznych przedsiębiorstw są: poprawa jakości, marka, poziom kosztów i zysków.
The author analyzes the motives and concepts of strategic agreements between enterprises. As the food markets in Poland are development and low-margin-of-profit markets, the goal of strategic agreements between enterprises as a rule is sales increase. As the food markets become more saturated, the agreements begin to pursue the following strategic goals: improvement of quality, brand, the cost and profit.
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Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the activities in the self-evaluation process of the investigated firm on the example of The Polish Quality Award model. Design/methodology/approach: This study presents a case study of selected Polish organization that was evaluated according to The Polish Quality Award’s criterions. The firm was selected in order to clarify how this evaluation process could be used to improve organisational performance. Findings: The own researches proved that The Polish Quality Award Model is the efficient tool for a self-assessment, and also the example of excellence to which organization should aim. By using such a model organization can check on which stage in the way to excellence it is, model makes possible identification of areas needing improvement, rates existing initiatives: removes double activities and identifies failures. Own researches allowed to direct activities to liquidation the weak sides and threats and allowed to improve system. Research limitations/implications: An interesting area of further research would be a comparison of different organizations with one another for performance improvement. Practical implications: Findings from the case study is the importance of the self-assessment process for all the organisations. After each evaluation it is necessary to undertake the improvement projects resulting from the evaluations. Originality/value: The paper provides methodology for all who wish to measure achievements and strengths and also identify improvement opportunities in the performance. Also the guidelines presented in the paper might be helpful for organisations considering a participation in a quality award process.
Purpose: The aim of the work was to propose the integrated decision method with quality techniques to precision identify the root of the problem. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed method was integrated methods as the Ishikawa diagram, 5Why method and AHP method. An idea of the proposed method was improving the process of identifying the problem by using a new mixed-method, ie. after Ishikawa diagram the methods 5Why and AHP. Findings: It was demonstrated, that it is purposeful using the proposed mixed method (ie. qualitative and quantitative) to expand the horizon of identifying the root cause. Research limitations/implications: The limitation is the subjectivism of the entity using the method, which is revealed during assessing the causes of a problem. Therefore, future works will be based on the minimalization of subjectivism by using the fuzzy Saaty scale. Practical implications: The proposed method is a new approach to analyse different types of problems and support the process of solve decision problems. Therefore, this method can be practice in service and production enterprises to identify the root of product incompatibility. Social implications: Using the method allows improving the process of making the decision about causes of the problem, and limits the possibility of wrong decision about the source of the problem. Originality/value: The proposed method was used a new proposal of mixed-method, ie. it was used integrated the Ishikawa diagram, 5Why method and AHP method. The presented method is some kind of a new approach to identify the root of the problem.
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine if KPIs (Key Process Indicators) are described using the acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Design/methodology/approach: The research consisted of database research. A database of nine journals with over 18,000 quality related articles was searched for the term “KPI”. The results were then searched for lists of KPIs. These KPIs were then copied to an online tool that identified the number of occurrences of each word in the lists. Findings/concussions: The most common words were non-KPI relevant words such as “of” and “and”. Out of the KPI related words, the most common were “%”, “percentage”, “number” and “per”. These quantification words pertain to the measurable aspect of the acronym SMART. The occurrence of these words and others support the hypothesis that KPIs are described discussing the acronym SMART. Practical implications: The use of the acronym SMART provides a method for assisting organizations in the creation of KPIs. Originality/value: Much of the literature on KPIs is of a “how to” nature; this paper went a step farther and identified common word choices used in describing individual SMART KPIs.
Cel: Celem badania jest ustalenie, czy KPIs (kluczowe wskaźniki efektywności) są opisane zgodnie z metodą SMART (specyficzne, mierzalne, osiągalne, istotne, określone w czasie). Projekt badania/metodyka/podejście: Badanie polegało na analizie baz danych. Przeszukano bazy danych dziewięciu czasopism z ponad 18 000 artykułów związanych z jakością pod kątem występowania terminu „KPI”. Wyniki zostały następnie przeszukane pod względem list z KPI. Te kluczowe wskaźniki efektywności zostały skopiowane do narzędzia internetowego, które zidentyfikowało liczbę wystąpień każdego słowa na listach. Wyniki/wnioski: Najczęstszymi słowami były słowa niezwiązane z KPI, takie jak np. „z” i „i”. Spośród słów związanych z KPI najczęstszymi były: „%”, „procent”, „liczba” i „na”. Te słowa kwantyfikacji odnoszą się do mierzalnego aspektu akronimu SMART. Występowanie tych i innych słów wspiera hipotezę, że KPIs opisane są zgodnie z metodą SMART. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Zastosowanie akronimu SMART stanowi właściwą metodę wspomagania organizacji w tworzeniu KPIs. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Znaczna część literatury traktująca o kluczowych wskaźnikach efektywności ma charakter „jak to zrobić”; w tym artykule posunięto się o krok dalej i zidentyfikowano najczęściej używane słowa do opisu wskaźników SMART KPI.
Z reguły w każdym kruszywie występują pewne ilości niektórych minerałów lub skał, które wywierają duży wpływ na jego jakość. Problem pojawia się wówczas, gdy te składniki są niepożądane. Wówczas konieczne jest ich usunięcie lub ograniczenie ilości. W celu poprawy jakości kruszyw stosuje się różne operacje i urządzenia przeróbcze.
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyses process of implementation and effectiveness of 5S method in an industrial enterprise. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis, questionnaire analysis, case study analysis. Findings: On the example of industrial organization that was in the presented paper an analysis of effectiveness of 5S implementation. On the basis of conducted analysis the main objectives of using 5S are: order in the workplace, maintenance of cleanliness and efficiency of machines and devices, shorter duration of activities. The main causes of problems with 5S implementation are connected with no time to do the work and lack of funds. The overall rating of efficiency of 5S method in analyzed enterprise is very good. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of main objectives of using 5S method and the main causes of problems with it in the industrial enterprise.
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W artykule przedstawiono właściwości cieplne kompozytowego materiału izolacyjnego przeznaczonego do wytwarzania technicznych środków transportu. Materiał ten można nakładać w postaci powłok na większość tworzyw konstrukcyjnych. Osnowę kompozytu stanowi żywica akrylowa, a fazę zbrojącą − zamknięte sfery ceramiczne wykonane z tlenku glinu. Dzięki temu, że wewnątrz sfer jest prawie próżnia (0,13 Pa), i dzięki dużej liczbie sfer na jednostkę grubości jest możliwe uzyskanie bardzo małej przewodności cieplnej. Zastosowanie tych powłok w budowie kabin chłodniczych pojazdów samochodowych pozwoli zmniejszyć ilość paliwa zużywanego na utrzymanie zadanej temperatury, a wykorzystanie ich w statkach powietrznych latających na dużych wysokościach (temp. do 213 K) umożliwi zmniejszenie zużycia paliwa na ogrzewanie. Ma to istotny wpływ na jakość i na koszty jakości transportu.
The paper presents the thermal properties of composite insulating material designed for producing of technical means of transport. This material can be coated on most of engineering materials. The matrix of this material is an acrylic resin ant non porous ceramic microspheres made of alumina are the reinforcing phase. Thanks to that into the spheres almost vacuum (0,13 Pa) dominants and a big amount of spheres pro thickness unit is it possible to achieve low thermal conductivity. Usage of these coatings for producing of cooling cabins on vehicles let us to reduce of fuel for maintain of given temperature. Usage of these coatings in planes flying on high altitudes (temperature up to -60) allows to reduce of fuel consumption for heating. It has an important influence on transport quality and quality costs.
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