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II Krajowa Konferencja Naukowa „Przeszłość polskiej kultury fizycznej”
The aim of the paper is to present the outline of the history of physical culture in the province of Ternopil in the years 1920-1939. The province of Ternopil was established on 23 December 1920, as one of the very first provinces on the South-Eastern Borderlands of the Second Polish Republic. In the interwar period, physical culture flourished in the province of Ternopil. In the twenties and thirties of the 20th century, new social and sports associations and sports clubs were being established. What is more, sports organisations gathering Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish citizens that had been active before the outbreak of WWI became active again. Football was the most popular sports discipline practised alongside boxing, gymnastics, cycling, athletics, archery, water sports, shooting, gliding, table tennis. A contest whose main prize was the State Sports Badge played an important role in propagating physical activity in society.
High level of fitness and its maintenance is one of the most important conditions of availability of individuals and groups to performing tasks in difficult situations. Physical culture has been ac-companying disposition groups since the beginning of their appearance and the patterns of physi-cal culture and social patterns in disposition groups, complement one another and interpenetrate one another, creating autotelic, universal and timeless values. Physical culture in disposition groups can be considered from different theoretical and methodological perspectives and in this work I make an attempt at doing such analysis in respect of symbolic interactionism. From this point of view, physical culture, being in a close relationship with disposition groups is “a system of meanings contributed and communicated mutually by individuals participating in it”. Physical culture in disposition groups considered from the point of view of the adopted paradigm, refers to mutual interaction of individuals and groups engaged in the area of both mentioned systems. Of the presented typology of social patterns in disposition groups it follows clearly, that they include one of the three elements: physical pattern, cultural pattern and moral pattern. All of them are characterized by normative character and unique values. In the light of the above considerations of an application character, physical culture can be understood as a unique tool to achieve professional goals by individuals and disposition groups, who are a significant social capital.
Wysoki poziom sprawności fizycznej i jego utrzymanie są jednym z ważniejszych warunków dyspozycyjności jednostek i grup do wykonywania zadań w sytuacjach trudnych. Kultura fizyczna towarzyszy grupom dyspozycyjnym od początku ich powstania, a wzory kultury fizycznej oraz wzory społeczne w grupach dyspozycyjnych dopełniają się, wzajemnie przenikają, tworząc warto-ści autoteliczne, uniwersalne i ponadczasowe. Kulturę fizyczną w grupach dyspozycyjnych można rozpatrywać z różnych perspektyw teoretycznych i metodologicznych, a w niniejszym opracowa-niu podejmuję próbę takiej analizy w ujęciu symbolicznego interakcjonizmu. Z tej pozycji rozwa-żań kultura fizyczna, pozostając w ścisłym związku z grupami dyspozycyjnymi, jest „[…] syste-mem znaczeń współtworzonych i wzajemnie komunikowanych oraz interpretowanych przez osob-ników biorących w niej udział” (Z. Krawczyk, Teoretyczne orientacje w socjologii kultury fizycznej, [w:] Z. Dziubiński, Z. Krawczyk (red.), Socjologia kultury fizycznej, Warszawa 2011, s. 44). Kultura fizyczna w grupach dyspozycyjnych rozpatrywanych z punktu widzenia przyjętego para-dygmatu odnosi się do wzajemnych interakcji jednostek i grup zajmujących się obszarem obu wspomnianych systemów. Z przedstawionej typologii wzorów społecznych w grupach dyspozy-cyjnych jasno wynika, że zawierają one jeden z trzech elementów: wzór fizyczny, wzór kulturowy i wzór moralny. Wszystkie charakteryzują się układem normatywnym i unikalnymi wartościami. W świetle powyższych rozważań o charakterze aplikacyjnym, kulturę fizyczną można rozumieć jako unikalne narzędzie do osiągania zawodowych celów przez jednostki i grupy dyspozycyjne, które są znaczącym kapitałem społecznym.
This article is a result of researches concerning influence of the elements of kickboxing and profiled circuit training on the overall fitness of members of dispositional groups, such as antiterrorists. Taking into account the special features necessary for such people, for the experiment we chose exercises that are the best to develop them. Members of dispositional groups need special preparation so they could efficiently fight with the offenders, who threat the security. The research experiment described is of interdisciplinary character, as it regards an interdisciplinary branch of studies – securitology. Security studies, to develop the security culture, must be based on empiric researches and consists of practical elements, as there is no place for speculative theories of doubtful quality here. Therefore researches on special preparation of dispositional groups are of great importance.
The definition of doping in the World Anti-Doping Code is an important instrument of international politics. While implications are obvious for the professional athletes participating in Olympic Games, they remain vague for the broader society – the followers of the Olympic struggles. The article is an attempt to indicate the problem faced by society, international institutions and states, trying to pursue an effective anti-doping policy. It presents a comprehensive description of one of the largest doping scandals with the participation of the Russian authorities in 2013–2014 and the results of the author’s research on society’s knowledge of doping in sports. Public awareness of banned substances and methods may turn out to be crucial while assessing the actions of governments and international institutions. Society may have insufficient knowledge about doping and may be unaware of its role in politics on an international scale. An ani-doping policy is a part of state policy, so it impacts the way of benefiting physical culture which is one of the areas creating the public sector.
The author discusses the legal solutions regarding strategic documents in the field of physical culture and sport, as well as financing of sport by municipalities. She presents available forms of providing services in the field of physical culture by local government units in Poland. She describes municipalities’ sports development programs, examples of municipalities’ measures to increase the level of physical activity and engagement in sports activities of citizens as well as to promote the development of local economies through sport. She also discusses examples of public-private part‑ nerships in sport.
Authors of the article present conclusions resulting from the observation of 197 official company names referring to gyms and fitness clubs located in Podlaskie and Wielkopolskie voivodships. The different number of company names in these voivodships is proportional to the number of inhabitants in each voivodship. The comparison of both sets of proper names showed no differences, whether in the scope of structural models applied, or in terms of motivational mechanisms. Structurally, two- and three-element patterns are dominant, while the motivation behind selection of names is mainly related to the type of business activity and/or the persons of business owners. The manifestations of internationalization and transonymisation visible in proper names strengthen their persuasive function.
The article presents modern approaches to sports and recreation activity in the educational institutions. It is stressed that the involvement of the general public to the mass popularization of sports and a healthy lifestyle is provided according to the Concept of the National Programme on the development of physical culture and sports for 2012-2016. A complex of concrete measures aimed at creating conditions for physical education and sport in all types of schools was proposed during this period of time. The main approaches to the organization of sports and recreation activity in the educational system, particularly in pre-school, primary and secondary school, during extracurricular activity and camps in the summer recreation for children have been singled out in the article. It is determined that the proper organization of physical education and recreation activity and innovative programs will not only contribute to harmonious all-round development of the individual, but also the preservation and strengthening of mental, physical and social health. The authors have distinguished the following approaches to the organization of sports and recreation activity in education: improving the legal framework of physical culture and sports; increase in the educational establishments of all types amount of motor activity per week; wide involvement of parents to nurture a healthy baby; gradual upgrade of logistics facilities of physical culture and sports; promotion of healthy lifestyles and overcome public indifference to the state of health of the nation; widespread adoption of social advertising of various aspects of a healthy lifestyle in all media and ban all direct and hidden forms of advertising of alcohol, tobacco and so on. The presented study is an attempt to summarize the current views of the scientists on the issue of sports and recreation activitiy at schools. In particular, it is determined that the essence of sports and recreation activity is the formation of a healthy lifestyle and harmonious development of a personality. Thus the question of finding the best areas of sports and recreation activity with children, students and young people is a testament to the relevance and appropriateness of our study. Prospects for future research are to highlight the problems of sports and recreation activity in public organizations of sports orientation.
The paper discusses the development of sport on the territory of the district of Myszków in the years 1956 -1975. The introductory part focuses on organizational units responsible for the development of physical culture (especially sport) on the territory of the district such as: Physical Culture Committ ee (established in 1956), Secretariat of Physical Culture (established in 1958 in place of the Physical Culture Committee), District Committee of Physical Culture (set up in 1960) and the unit established a year later (in 1961) - District Committee of Phys ical Culture and Tourism. Whereas the contents of the further part of the study also concern sports infrastructure on the territory of the district of Myszków, as well as sports activity conducted on the territory of the district by union sports clubs, Rur al Sports Teams and School Sports Association. Sports practised in the district of Myszków (years 1956 -1975) were primarily the following: cycling, basketball, track and field events, football, handball, volleyball, weightlifting, chess and table tennis.
The article shows social and political aspects of implementing Soviet ideology-doctrine of physical culture after taking over the rule by communists in Russia and its evolution up to the year 1939. Physical culture, including sports was harnessed into the system of indoctrination of the population, preparation for military service and increased production effort. Sport, which was supposed to serve the working classes, became a tool of propaganda, confrontation with Western Countries and for leading politicians and trainers it became a conveyor belt of power ideology. Against the background of internal and external situation the system of so called socialistic physical culture social sport’s phenomenon was shown, which, often against the policy of authorities, remained a way of life, entertainment, and spectacle gathering many fans.
The article presents the determinants of the development of cycling in the areas incorporated by Poland in the first years after the Second World War. The biggest contribution into this process was made by people from large cities, pre-war enthusiasts and athletes who undertook the hardships of social activity and the engagement of local youth. Sports organizations were controlled, but also supported, by state authorities that used mass events in the propaganda policy and actions aimed at integrating the Northern and Western Lands with the rest of the country. This was an important task due to the difficult living conditions and marauding groups of criminals for whom Pomorze Zachodnie constituted an area of criminal activity, mainly plundering former German property, as well as attacking. Polish settlers. The development of cycling in Szczecin was favored by the German infrastructure, including a concrete track often used in national championships. At the end of 1949, sport in Poland was reorganized and centralized, making it similar to the Soviet model, where there was no room for social measures. The bourgeoisie clubs had to cease their activities, while the circles and clubs were created at workplaces and trade unions. Sports federations were liquidated and their place was occupied by sports clubs located within the structures of the state administration. The organizational changes were accompanied by the mass popularization of sport and increased financing for competitive sport from the state budget. The goal of such activities was to reach a wide group of young people for the needs of indoctrination, as well as to raise the level of sport to achieve more effective competition with Western countries.
In the years 2010-2012, the research survey was carried out on 480 people with or without physical disabilities. The aim of the research was to obtain information on attitudes and opinions of people with physical disabilities towards the possibility of reducing social marginalization through participation in physical culture. The research confirmed that the respondents’ attitudes towards participation of those people in physical culture were, in majority, positive. Participants of the research expressed the opinion that the feeling of marginalization of physically disabled persons would not have been so strong if there had been the possibility of an active participation in sport, recreation and tourism as well as in active rehabilitation. The possibilities of an active participation in physical activity should be inexpensive and widely accessible regardless of the year season and with providing volunteer assistance and transport facilitations.
The objective of this article was to show the educational values of adventure tourism in the process of rehabilitation of juveniles. Theoretical considerations concerning this topic give rise to the following conclusions: 1. Thanks to qualified tourism, young people shape their character and face weaknesses. It helps to change the behavior and create pro-social attitudes. 2. Qualified tourism teaches basic life skills. All of the above-mentioned points prove that part of correctional facilities activity should be based on qualified tourism.
The aim of this paper is to present an outline of the history of physical culture in the Stanisławowski province (an area that is currently within the borders of Ukraine) in the period 1920-1939 in the times of the Second Polish Republic. In the inter-war period the development of physical culture took place in the Stanisławowski province. In the period of the 1920s and 1930s there was a development of sports infrastructure. Social and sports associations were established, while also sports clubs, as well as the fact that sports organizations were reactivated that had operated in the period prior to the outbreak of the First World War among the Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish communities. Organizational structures of sporting movements were established, among others, Stanisławowski District Football Association, as well as structures at a sub-district level. The development of sporting competition took place. The most popular sporting discipline was football; while also gymnastics, horse riding, cycling, athletics, shooting, skiing, table tennis.
Introduction. Differences and inequalities connected with the place where a person lives are a subject of interest to social sciences, sociology in particular. Empirical findings indicate that residents of urban and rural areas differ significantly in terms of such variables as physical development, health condition, life expectancy, affluence, education level, access to power, cultural capital and so on. It is interesting to check whether the above regularity also applies to young people's attitudes towards physical culture. The aim of this study was to examine attitudes which middle school pupils (ages between 13 and 16) in Poland's urban and rural areas held to physical culture. Material and methods. The study involved a survey conducted between 10th November 2011 and 10th March 2012 on a purposive sample of 336 children. They were pupils aged 13-16 in two middle schools in Świętokrzyskie province: the Jan Karski no. 4 Middle School in the city of Kielce and the John Paul II Middle School in the village of Masłów, Kielce county. The diagnostic poll method was used in the study and an original, categorised poll was the research tool. The surveying technique was an auditorium questionnaire. Results. After analysis, empirical data obtained from the survey shows that the place of residence causes slights differences in middle school pupils' attitudes towards physical culture. The data allows for the conclusion that pupils from urban areas possess a little better knowledge of physical culture than their peers from rural areas. Pupils from villages have, in turn, a slightly more positive emotional approach to physical culture than pupils in cities. Urban middle school pupils manifest more positive behaviours within physical culture than rural pupils. The place of residence does not cause such striking differences in attitudes to physical culture as it does in other social and cultural variables, such as affluence, education level, access to power, health condition, fitness, participation in culture and so on.
The article examines the organizational activity of the state authorities for the development of education in the sphere of physical culture and sport in Poland. It describes the powers and activities of the Council of Ministers of Poland, Ministry of national education, Ministry of science and higher education, Ministry of sport and tourism, the Central and regional authorities in the development of education in the sphere of physical culture and sports. The Central body of Executive power in the Republic of Poland is the Council of Ministers of Poland. It defines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy, enforces laws, issues normative acts, coordinates and monitors the work of state authorities. The Council of Ministers includes nineteen ministries. Each Ministry performs a political function, which was to prepare regulations in a specific field of activity and reflect the interests of the state and administrative function, which is to manage the processes affected by the Ministry. The Central bodies of state administration of education are involved in the development and implementation of the state policy in the sphere of education, establishing the prospects of its development, define the requirements to its content, level and volume, financial and logistical support. They participate in the organization of training of qualified personnel, coordination of research, methodological support, organization of international relationships, innovative technology implementation, supervise training and its results, participate in the inspections, certifications and accreditations for educational institutions. The Ministry can perform several common functions. Such general functions include the development of education in the sphere of physical culture and sports, which deals with the objectives of the Ministry of national education, Ministry of science and higher education, Ministry of sport and tourism. The Ministry of national education is responsible for the quality of education in the state, provides for the development of secondary education, and promotes equal opportunity in education of citizens of the country. The Ministry of science and higher education is responsible for the quality of higher education in the state, its compliance with international and European standards of education. Local authorities give funds to institutions, define their network, and provide social protection to their employees and students.
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The presented paper has a polemic and an explanatory nature. It refers to some of the inaccuracies contained in the text authored by Ivo Jirásek and Peter Hopsicker. The aforementioned authors presented the achievements of various prominent philosophers of sport from Slavic countries, including the achievements of some Polish thinkers. My observations are focused mainly on issues related to the birth and development of the philosophy of sport in Poland. I would like to thank Professor Ivo Jirásek and Professor Peter Hopsicker for addressing the topic of Polish philosophy and for their research efforts. I also would like to ask the authors to receive my comments with the good intentions with which I composed them, and hope my comments may enrich their cognitive project.
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