The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of phraseological innovations in titles of articles in one of the Italian newspapers La Stampa. In the first part of the article, key terms such as the phraseological norm and the phraseological innovation have been defined, taking into account various terms related to this process. Then, some innovation classifications have been presented. Finally, the analytical part describes 91 titles that are examples of innovations.
This article aims at highlighting available possibilities offered by web-based language corpuses to support the phraseologist and experts in phraseography in their research methods. From this introduction, the author proceeds to show the ways to keep trace of the changeable character of the phraseological resources in the Polish language in the increasingly democratized cultural space, focusing on the relations between innovative phraseological constructions (neophraseologisms, shifts in meaning and polymorphic type of the form of explicit language usage) and the phraseological norm in modern Polish language. Theoretical considerations are then followed by the analytical part of the article in which the author presents a number of research improvements related to the study of phraseological innovations with the application of the National Corpus of Polish, with three examples provided (powtarzać coś jak mantrę [literally: to repeat something like a mantra], chodzić na rzęsach [to do everything in order to accomplish something, or to make whoopee, to paint the town red] and z prędkością/szybkością karabinu maszynowego – jak karabin maszynowy [to talk a mile a minute]).
W artykule przeanalizowano trwałe uzualne przemiany polskiej frazeologii animalistycznej. Zbadano procesy innowacyjne o charakterze ilościowym (ubywanie frazeologizmów recesywnych oraz przyrost neofrazeologizmów), jak również jakościowym (powstawanie innowacyjnych wariantów tradycyjnych związków frazeologicznych lub derywatów frazeologicznych, neosemantyzacja związków frazeologicznych oraz pojawienie się innowacyjnych schematów leksykalno-semantycznej łączliwości frazeologizmów).
In the given research article we considered stable usual changes in Polish phraseology with an animalistic component. We analyzed the innovational processes of a quantitative nature: loss of recessive phraseological units and an increase in neo-phraseological units as well as those of a qualitative nature (evolution of innovative variants of the traditional phraseological units or derivatives of phraseological units, neo-semantization of phraseological units and the occurrence of innovational schemes of lexico-semantic collocations of phraseological units).
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