Celem analizy było zbadanie, w jakim stopniu sytuacja pandemiczna wpłynęła na ocenę wskaźnikową miejskiego systemu transportowego w Rzeszowie. Dane wykorzystane w badaniu pochodzą z bazy danych źródłowych Zintegrowanego Systemu Zarządzania Zarządu Transportu Miejskiego w Rzeszowie. Swoim zakresem przestrzennym obejmują obszar Rzeszowa oraz podmiejskie miejscowości objęte rzeszowską komunikacją miejską w okresie czterech tygodni października w latach 2019–2020. Dokonana analiza wskazuje na zdecydowany spadek dziennej liczby przewiezionych pasażerów przy jednoczesnym nieznacznym obniżeniu wykonanych wozokilometrów. Zmniejszony ruch samochodowy oraz korekcja rozkładów jazdy w obrębie czasów międzyprzystankowych doprowadziły do poprawy punktualności kursowania autobusów. Czynnikami determinującymi opisane skutki są m.in. wprowadzenie nauki i pracy zdalnej, ograniczenie bądź brak dostępu do produktów i usług, a także prowadzenie negatywnej narracji odnoszącej się do komunikacji miejskiej. Osiągnięcie wskaźników sprzed pandemii będzie możliwe w wyniku reorganizacji oferty przewozowej, zmianie taryfy biletowej uwzględniającej podmiejskiego przewoźnika autobusowego, a także kontynuacji wymiany taborowej. Wszystkie opisane działania powinny zostać poprzedzone szeroko zakrojoną kampanią społeczną, promującą miejski transport zbiorowy.
The aim of the analysis was to measure to what extent the pandemic situation influenced the index assessment of the urban transport system in Rzeszów. The data used in the study come from the source database of the Integrated Management System of the Public Transport Authority in Rzeszów. Its spatial scope covers the area of Rzeszów and suburban towns covered by Rzeszów public transport in the period of four weeks of October in the years 2019–2020. The analysis shows a definite decrease in the daily number of passengers transported with a non-significant decrease in the performed vehicle kilometers. Reduced car traffic and the adjustment of timetables within the inter-stop times resulted in improved punctuality of bus services. Determinants of these effects include the introduction of remote learning and working, limited or no access to goods and services, and a negative public transport narrative. Achieving the pre-pandemic indicators will be possible as a result of a reorganization of the transport offer, a change in ticket tariffs to include a suburban bus operator, and the continuation of rolling stock renewal. All described actions should be preceded by a wide public campaign promoting urban public transport.
Aim. During the pandemic situation of Covid-19, various true or false information about the spread, treatment, prevention, and vaccination against Covid-19 began to spread in the media, as well as in the real world. It is necessary to fight against various hoaxes on the basis of modern and especially scientifically documented information. Method. This study addresses human rights and change in society before and during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The authors of the study worked with specific texts and with the help of literary and textual analysis, as well as analytical and synthetic methods. Basic human rights and freedoms during the pandemic were pointed out, together with various myths which circulate among non-professional individuals Results. The results of the study confirm that the pandemic situation of Covid-19 requires constant explanation, exploration, and confirmation of professional and scientific studies by experts in the media as well as within the social life of people, just to reject various hypotheses of people who are not experts in the field and who disseminate false and scientifically and technically unsubstantiated information.
Aim: The Covid-19 pandemic situation has affected all sectors of our society that have been in direct or indirect contact with humans. The virtual world, which did not concern many people until the onset of the pandemic, began to be a major part of the solutions to everyday situations in life. Modern technologies thus began to play a major role in solving problem situations, but also in the ordinary contact of people with the school, with medical facilities, with work, in communication with other close relatives. Concept: The use of modern technological equipment and their connection to the pandemic situation began to be of interest in the professional and research investigation of scientists working in various areas of life. In addition to the use of modern technological equipment, other more abstract ideas have begun to be explored, reflecting and commenting on, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using equipment on the basis of age, ability and industry. Scientific studies are thus carried out from the point of view of sociology, gender studies, psychology, psychiatry, medicine, social work, but also other inhumane scientific branches. Method: This study addresses the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technology and points to a number of studies that positively or negatively affect a person's personality through the virtual world. The authors of this study worked with specific texts, using textual analysis, analytical and synthetic methods, and pointed out important studies that draw attention to the connection between the social situation and the use of modern technologies. Results: The study confirms that the pandemic situation requires constant access to virtual reality through modern technological devices that allow all people in society to contact each other, regardless of age, gender, job classification, or position, role. At the same time, it is very important how we will incorporate modern technologies into our lives and what impact modern devices will have on survival and on the real world. Conclusion: The scientific articles and contributions offered in this study point to the use of technological devices, their advantages and disadvantages for the development of human personality. It is understandable that the virtual world can interfere with our personal and family life, while it is necessary to realize its basic functions, which it offers us for our benefit.
Aim. The main goal is to identify not only the religion of the Roma ethnic group, but also their relationship to God, and their experience of faith in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. In the contribution, the authors point to the perception of the personality of the priest as a spiritual shepherd, but also as a figure who leads them to a moral and Christian life. Concept. This scientific study thus points to the classic experience of spiritual life in various selected situations, and identifies the importance of a pandemic situation for a person’s Christian life. Methods. The study deals with several aspects of experiencing the spiritual life of the Roma community, and points out and identifies their thoughts about life during selected social activities. The authors point to important studies that show the connection between the pandemic situation and the issue of faith and religion in the Roma community. Results. The study confirms that the pandemic situation had an adverse effect on experiencing spiritual life in the Roma community, but we can state that Roma carry on their spiritual life despite all the measures in their individual, family community, with the support of other community members. and a priest. Conclusion. The scientific and professional contributions in this study point to the inner experience of spiritual life in the community through individual and family relationships, and the presence of a priest who is supposed to lead the Roma to a spiritual life in accordance with morality.
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the face of the earth and future seems to be uncertain for many vulnerable groups. Among them, the golden population are the group who are silently succumbing to the mixed negative emotions of fear, doubts, insecurities, risks and even a taboo or a stigma of, having a least resilience and immunity to the infection, even to an extent of being called a source of community spread due to their higher severity, prolong illness and fatality of the infection .The reason being their prior existing health infirmities. Therefore, this paper is an effort towards drawing the attention of the Government agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders of the society to the different aspect of problems of the most revered sections of the society during this global tragic time of Covid -19 Lockdown. The present study wants to overview the problems the golden populations are silently suffering using the content analysis methodology. The researcher made use of secondary source data and the relevant and comprehensive literature on the subject. And as a Social Work professional, help giving appropriate suggestions for effective solutions to help the elderly move ahead in this crisis not only as a takes but as a crisis responders for different tasks at hand for the country as a caregivers, health workers, volun¬teers and community leaders. .The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the face of the earth and future seems to be uncertain for many vulnerable groups. Among them, the golden population are the group who are silently succumbing to the mixed negative emotions of fear, doubts, insecurities, risks and even a taboo or a stigma of, having a least resilience and immunity to the infection, even to an extent of being called a source of community spread due to their higher severity, prolong illness and fatality of the infection .The reason being their prior existing health infirmities. Therefore, this paper is an effort towards drawing the attention of the Government agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders of the society to the different aspect of problems of the most revered sections of the society during this global tragic time of Covid -19 Lockdown. The present study wants to overview the problems the golden populations are silently suffering using the content analysis methodology. The researcher made use of secondary source data and the relevant and comprehensive literature on the subject. And as a Social Work professional, help giving appropriate suggestions for effective solutions to help the elderly move ahead in this crisis not only as a takes but as a crisis responders for different tasks at hand for the country as a caregivers, health workers, volun¬teers and community leaders.
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