The article presents the results of the research into the pace of speech of the students with oligophasia which results from the mild intellectual disability as compared to their peers with no disabilities. Both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the speech were analysed. The analysed criteria included: the number of syllables and phones used in the 30-second utterances, the number of pauses made and their characteristics, and the percentage of the pauses within the utterance. The material obtained in the research through the usage of Audacity software was subsequently analysed with the use of Shapiro–Wilk test and Mann–Whitney test.
The article discusses the matter of pace as one of several elements of text prepared to be read or delivered, emphasizing the relationship between pace and clarity of speaking. The terms defining the speed of speaking and describing its diversity, used in literature in the fields of phonetics and phonology, orthophony and artistic speech therapy, are indicated. On the basis of analysis of sample recordings of texts that are or may be the subject of work in artistic speech therapy and/or speech therapy for the mass-media, differences in pace, resulting from the nature of the text, type and situation of the speech, are shown. The article also highlights the factors that should be taken into account when working on the pace of speaking.
The article presents the results of research into the pace of speech of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) when compared to their peers with no such disabilities. The analysed criteria included: the number of syllables and phones used in 30 second-long utterances, the number of pauses made and their characteristics, and the percentage of the pauses within an utterance. The results of the analysis allowed for the study of the speech pace of the children as well as their general pace of speaking. We tested 5 girls and 11 boys, all of the children were intellectually disabled. The average age of the control group was 9 years and 1 month. Both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the speech were analysed. The obtained data consisted of audio recordings which were subsequently re-played multiple times in order to properly analyse the crucial phenomena occurring within the speech samples. This part of the research made use of the Audacity software (Audacity(R): Free Audio Editor and Recorder [Computer program]. Version 2.1.0 retrieved September 19th 2015 from The material obtained in the research through the usage of Audacity software was subsequently analysed with the use of the Shapiro-Wilk test and the Mann-Whitney test. Estimative qualitative and quantitative analyses showed differences between the groups in all of the parameters which influence the pace of speech. However, the statistical analyses did not confirm any statistically significant differences in the average pace of speech, the ratio and the percentage of pauses within the speech samples, and the average duration of all types of pauses. The formulated hypotheses for the presence of significant diffe rences in the average pace of speech of children with autistic spec trum disorder and the normative group of children have not been confirmed. No significant differences have been noted in the average pace of speech, the ratio and the percentage of pauses within the speech samples, and the average duration of all types of pauses between the two groups.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad tempem wypowiedzi uczniów szkoły specjalnej, dotkniętych niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu umiarkowanym, odniesione do grupy kontrolnej – rówieśników niedotkniętych żadnymi zaburzeniami rozwojowymi. Dodatkowo wyniki porównano z analogicznymi uzyskanymi w grupie osób niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie w stopniu lekkim. Analizy wypowiedzi uczniów objęły wybrane ilościowe i jakościowe aspekty mowy. Wśród analizowanych parametrów znalazły się: liczba sylab i głosek użytych w trzydziestosekundowym fragmencie wypowiedzi, liczba pauz wraz z ich charakterystyką, a także procentowy udział pauz w wypowiedzi. W celu weryfikacji hipotez badawczych uzyskany materiał językowy poddano analizom statystycznym.
This article presents the results of the research into the pace of speech of students with a moderate intellectual disability as compared to their peers without any disabilities. Additionally, the results were also compared to a study of a group of students with a mild intellectual disability. Both quantitative and qualitative aspects of speech were analysed. The analysed criteria included: the number of syllables and phones used in the 30 seconds-long utterances, the number of pauses made and their characteristics and the percentage of the pauses within the utterance. The material obtained in the research was subsequently analysed using statistical methods.
W opracowaniu podjęto temat szybkości mówienia osób dotkniętych chorobą Alzheimera (AD). Odwołując się do studiów literaturowych, badań eksperymentalnych, obliczeń ilościowych oraz ich statystycznej weryfikacji z wykorzystaniem testów: Shapiro-Wilka i Manna-Whitneya, wyznaczono tempo tworzenia wypowiedzi słownych w tej jednostce chorobowej. Dokonując analizy i deskrypcji tempa artykulacji (articulation rate) oraz tempa mówienia (speaking rate), decydujących o szybkości, z jaką mówią osoby dotknięte otępieniem alzheimerowskim, ocenie poddano także następujące parametry szczegółowe: średni udziału pauz w wypowiedziach (liczba + dane procentowe), średni czas trwania wszystkich pauz (s), średni czas trwania pauz właściwych (s), średni czas trwania pauz wypełnionych (s), średni czas trwania pauz częściowo wypełnionych (s). Rezultaty porównano z normami określonymi dla polszczyzny na gruncie ontolingwistyki. Otrzymane wyniki odniesiono także do wyników analogicznych, uzyskanych w grupie osób starzejących się fizjologicznie. Dodatkowo, dążąc do szerszej perspektywy badawczej, rezultaty porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi wśród osób autystycznych oraz niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie.
This work discusses the subject of the pace of speech among people affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Referring to published studies, experimental research, quantitative calculations and their statistical verification with the use of the Shapiro–Wilk and Mann–Whitney tests, the tempo of formation of word utterances with this disease is indicated. In conducting an analysis and description of the articulation rate as well as the speaking rate, determining the speed at which people suffering from Alzheimer’s speak, the following detailed parameters were evaluated: average share of pauses in utterances (number + percentage data), average duration of all pauses (s), average duration of appropriate pauses (s), average duration of filled pauses (s), average duration of partially filled pauses (s). The results were compared with norms determined for the Polish language on an ontolinguistic basis. The obtained results were also referred analogically to those obtained in the group of people physically aging. Additionally, in aiming to achieve a broader research perspective, the results were compared with results obtained among autistic and intellectually disabled people.
The article characterizes the pace of speech as a research category which gives us the ability to analyze both normative and impaired speech. The practical part consists of the description of the research process and the obtained results. It is preceded by the theoretical part which describes the notions of the pace of speech and the pace of utterance and their main components. Special emphasis has been put on the notion of pause. Additionally, selected quantitative and qualitative aspects of speech have been outlined, together with the ways of their analysis which include measuring tools (Audacity software) and statistical tests (Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, Fisher-Snadecor).
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