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Content available Algorytmizacja przestrzeni internetowej
The article tackles the problem of the existence of algorithms in selected services and the Internet websites. The interfacing of media is the starting point for this discourse, aimed at presenting the processes of automatisation in information distribution, the individualisation of messages, and profiling in websites. The threats resulting from dynamically developing enterprises aimed at providing the website user with artificial intelligence – in terms of both social networks and mobile applications – are explicated in detail. The examples presented in the article refer to Internet recommendation systems, e-mail applications, voice assistants, and mechanisms responsible for the functioning of social networks. Speculations on the algorithms omnipresent on the net lead us to reflect on how the journalist’s profession will be redefined in the future, since it seems that the role of the journalist will be to moderate discussion and select the themes to be discussed; it is quite likely, though, that the themes selected will be compiled by specialised software.
The aim of this review article is to assess the use of different research methods in empirical studies on the influence of new media on journalism. It analyses all articles related to the topic which were published between 2006-2013 in three selected prestigious academic journals – Journalism, Journalism Studies and New Media & Society. Employing the principles of systemic review, the articles are grouped in three temporal categories according to the methods applied in the research they present. It is concluded that mostly traditional research methods were used in the analysed period, only with minor adaptation to the new communication environment. Only from 2009 some tendencies towards a change of classical methods (software analysis, various combinations of methods) and techniques (using of special software which helps to study new internet phenomena such as social networks sites Facebook and Twitter) are evident.
Content available Telewizja tematyczna w obliczu nowych mediów
The article describes two television channels: a general one (TVN) and its thematic variation (TVN Style) in the context of transformations observed in the genological and discursive character of television itself. Analysis of the programme schedules of both TV channels reveals a tendency to create specific genres, it distinguishes certain types of speech that appear in both channels and presents the style of some magazines. Such presentation leads to certain conclusions on the essence of thematic television and the task it is to fulfil.
nr 6
Nowe technologie dostarczyły człowiekowi zupełnie nowych, niespotykanych wcześniej, możliwości w zakresie przekazywania wiadomości, pracy, komunikowania się i wielu innych. Jednocześnie przeprowadzone badania (również z wykorzystaniem AT) wskazują na relacyjny charakter naszego kontaktu z nimi. Pojawia się zatem pytanie – czy np. komputer to dla przeciętnego użytkownika wyłącznie narzędzie, czy może jednak coś więcej? Badania wskazują na tendencję do przypisywania komputerom struktury osobowości (analiza funkcjonalna), w znacznej mierze zbieżnej z osobowością użytkownika. Może powinniśmy zatem dokonywać analizy obecności nowych mediów w naszej rzeczywistości, traktując je nie przedmiotowo, lecz jako współpracownika – specyficznego towarzysza w naszej rzeczywistości.
New technologies have provided people with new, unprecedented opportunities to transmit messages, perform work, communicate, etc. At the same time, research that has been conducted (including research that has used TA) indicates a relational nature of our contact with them. Hence, we can ask whether, for example, a computer constitutes only a tool for an average user, or maybe, it is something more. Research indicates a tendency to credit computers with a personality structure (functional analysis), which, to a great extent, is similar to the personality of the user. Thus, maybe we should analyse the presence of new media in our reality and treat them not as objects but as co-workers – specific companions in our reality.
Content available remote Status dzieła w przestrzeni mix-medialnej
The opposition between traditional and new media (usually identified with te therm: electronic media) paradoxically contributed to creation of a specific artistic phenomenon. The space has becone not only a place or its illusion, but was treated as a tool for the creation of feedback: sending impulses but absorbent ones to reach him. Using space as a tool , the artist leads us into a state of uncertainly the status of the work. In fact, we do not know where it is entrenched because it’s ‘suspended’ in many objects but without the destination of their hierarchy. Who is considered the author, how to save and preserve it? This particular space we can name mixmedia space. It sets a new order in arts, not just visual. Enlargement of artistic space appears to be an permanence process and the infinite. The mixmedia space is only step in this continuity.
Content available Nowe media - nowe problemy
Stosunkowo długie doświadczenie obecności technologii informacyjnych w edukacji, pozwala spojrzeć na problemy efektywności wspomagania edukacji środkami informatycznymi z nieco innej perspektywy. Szereg badań prowadzonych w różnych ośrodkach naukowych na świecie nie potwierdza skuteczności tych metod. Artykuł stanowi próbę ujęcia tego problemu z punktu widzenia polskiego systemu edukacji.
The relatively long experience of the presence of information technology in education, lets look at the problems of efficiency assist education resources informatics from a slightly different perspective. Several studies conducted in different research centers around the world don't confirm the effectiveness of these methods. The article is an attempt to approach the problem from the point of view of the Polish education system.
New Media brought new roles for all actors engaged in politics: politicians and their coworkers, potential voters and media itself. As users of new media are active politicians have broaden their scope of communication with an external environment and opportunities to construct their social image. Also the social control of general public and media over the politicians’ activities is nowadays much stronger. Unfortunately some features of new media may also be utilized in negative actions such as so called electronic aggression against a politician or his/her image. In this context the new media play a negative role for a politician using them to build his/her image.
Autor charakteryzuje w swoim artykule kolejno pojęcie nowych mediów, sztuki nowych mediów oraz sztuki cybernetycznej, która jest tu postrzegana jako historycznie pierwsza postać sztuki nowych mediów, posiadająca zarazem liczne kontynuacje we współczesności. Pojęcie nowych mediów Kluszczyński ujmuje nie przez ulokowanie go na linii czasu, lecz jako paradygmat właściwości, z których nowe media korzystają. Najważniejsze z nich to: charakter techniczny, reprezentacja numeryczna, wirtualność, modularność, automatyzacja, wariacyjność, telekomunikacyjność, telematyczność, autonomiczność, cyfrowość, interaktywność, hipertekstualność, informacyjność, sieciowość, nielinearność i orientacja przestrzenna, nawigacyjność, strukturalne otwarcie, hybrydyczność, interfejs, konwergencja. W analogiczny sposób jest tu charakteryzowane pojęcie sztuki nowych mediów. W tym wypadku najważniejszymi właściwościami paradygmatycznymi okazują się techniczny i elektroniczny charakter, cyfrowość, interaktywność i sieciowość. Liczne wyodrębnione przez autora sztuki nowych mediów w zróżnicowany sposób konfigurują wskazane właściwości, łącząc je z innymi, niespecyficznymi dla nowych mediów, budując w ten sposób złożony krajobraz sztuk nowomedialnych.
In his article the author analyses the concepts of new media, new media art, and cybernetic art, which is considered to be the historically the earliest form of new media art, and one that is continued in many ways in the present. Kluszczyński approaches the concept of new media not by placing it on a timeline, but by considering it to be a paradigm of properties, new media rely on. The most important of these are: technical character, a numeric representation, virtuality, modularity, automation, use of variations, telecommunication, telematics, autonomy, digitisation, interactivity, hypertextuality, providing of information, networking, non-linearity and spatial orientation, navigability, structural opening, hybridity, interface, convergence. In the same way the concept of new media art is characterised. In this case the most important paradigmatic properties are technical and electronic character, digitisation, interactivity and networking. Numerous new media arts identified by the author configure the properties in diverse ways, combining them with other properties, non-specific to new media, thereby building a complex landscape of new media art.
In today’s era, in which visual communication and multimedia dominate, a direct result of this has been the development of genres based on the visual transfer of information. The visualisation of information connects the communicative goals of a journalist with the reader’s expectations. Infographics, which combine a graphic representation of information with an understandable, dynamic and updated form of presentation is becoming a crucial form of informative discourse. This form can be an element that enriches a text, but it can also function as an autonomous journalistic genre, with its own categories and varieties. Data journalism, i.e., journalism based on figures and statistics, is very closely connected with infographics; its aim is the collecting, filtering and interpreting of data (e.g. by means of infographics). Thus, the skill of storing data is becoming very important in a journalist’s work, comparably important to interpretation and presentation. Figures, percentages and statistics are significant sources of information, as well as means of telling and creating a story. They may also be used as a source of entertainment and a means of engaging the reader; the phenomenon of “datatainment” (derived from sport), meaning the use of data for the sake of provoking a reader’s interaction, provides proof of this.
nr 2
The idea of free flow of information, for which after II world war developed democratic countries fought on the United Nations and UNESCO forums, was primarily based on the American concept of freedom of the press and the belief that the source of human progress is unrestricted activity of individuals and free competition, uninhibited by state authorities intervention. Today, with the Internet we finally have free access to information and freedom of passing it on to others. However, frequently there are more cases of limiting access to certain information on the network, not only from authoritarian countries, but also democratic. Under the legal names of projects such as European Commissions’ ACTA or ITR (International Telecommunications Regulations) operated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU – the specialized organization of United Nations) there are smuggled provisions that main goal is to better control the Internet, and thus the flow of information in the world. Citizens of many countries recognize this as a desire to limit their rights and freedoms, so they loudly oppose such regulations. There is a war for control over information. This war has already started decades ago and on its course not only politicians, big business and the media have an impact, but also to the fore come Internet users – citizens of free countries.
nr 4
The phenomenon of new media has been a subject of ongoing discussions for a years. On the one hand, they are still reveal many doubts and concerns related to their interpretation and description. On the other hand – has become a pretext for extended reflection on contemporary culture and communication strategies. Particularly important in this context seem to be stories about the meanings of new media in everyday use. Indeed new media are involved in everyday practice and experience of their users.
Content available Algorithms of the Web
The article tackles the problem of the existence of algorithms in selected services and Internet websites. The interfacing of media is the starting point for this discourse, aimed at presenting the processes of automation in information distribution, the individualisation of messages and profiling in websites. The threats resulting from dynamically developing enterprises aimed at providing the website user with artificial intelligence – in terms of both social networks and mobile applications – are explicated in detail. The examples presented in the article refer to Internet recommendation systems, e-mail applications, voice assistants, and mechanisms responsible for the functioning of social networks. Speculations on algorithms omnipresent on the Web lead us to reflect on how the journalism will be redefined in the future, since it seems that the role of the journalist will be to moderate discussion and select the themes to be discussed; it is quite likely, though, that the themes selected will be compiled by specialised software.
Television Theatre is a specific genre that is a characteristic unique to Polish media. It began with the creation of TV. In the beginning it aimed only at transferring traditional theatrical shows into a new medium. It became very popular with live transmissions of theatrical shows from TV studios. Later it adopted new technical and staging possibilities. It has evolved over the years, creating different styles and tendencies, due to the development of television itself and the achievements of the theoreticians as well as people involved in theatrical productions. Lately it has also turned to the Internet and because of that a mass audience has gained access to a high art form.
Content available Wirtualna semantyka miasta
In the era of information revolution we are communicating via the web. Reflections, thoughts and information are transmitted by building up the language of augmented reality. In communication networks, while leading a chat, we are also influenced by advertisements. It is a kind of multiple contact with the network of friends, strangers, journalists and advertising agents. Symbols and patterns transmitted by tradition are given their virtual dimension, their universal archetypes adjust their character to the present. The Modern Man, a network user, tries to use the new tool – the computer – more efficiently. The Internet network is often compared to the extension of the human neural system. The computer as a medium of art was used to create an additional space - the virtual reality. It showed how interesting spaces can be created by combining art and technology. The combination of the human specificity of contact, language, and new technology creates tremendous opportunities and threats. Transhumanism is a possibility in which we would seek a symbiosis between the man and technology, so as not to create a conflict between the biological body and its electronic contact networks. The semantics of the city, despite of its changing nature, may have human-specific qualities, but its media expression may allow for incomparably richer network of contacts.
Significant civilization changes resulting in the formation of a network society, involve a need to seek new and more effective models of education utilizing the potential of new media. The study area − the use of ICT in educational services − has been limited to the identification and analysis activities in support of search and selection of necessary information. The purpose of this article is to identify the tools and mechanisms used primarily in virtual space, which allow for an increase of motivation of learners and the perception of knowledge, and hence, achieving the desired educational goals. The article was developed based on a review which had been conducted regarding services and educational applications proving the effectiveness of using the mechanism of gamification and mobile devices in education and on the basis of the results of qualitative research conducted by the author at the time of the scientific research internship in a consulting and training enterprise. The publication is of research and analysis character and can provide a contribution to the in-depth empirical research.
The author presents methodological concept devoted to studies of home movies. She combines in an original way broad range of discourses. For example she utilizes André Gaudreault’s and Philippe Marion’s studies on the genealogy of media, the concept of intermediality, media convergence, theory of remediation and researches on media domestication. This medium-focused perspective convincingly links together social and technological history – studies on “the history of the media-shaping man and the user-shaping media”.
W swoim artykule autorka prezentuje koncept metodologiczny służący analizie prywatnych filmów (home movies). W oryginalny sposób łączy perspektywę genealogii mediów André Gaudreault i Philippe Marion, sięga po refleksję nad intermedialnością i konwergencją mediów, wykorzystuje też teorię remediacji i badania nad oswajaniem praktyk medialnych (media domestication researches). Perspektywa autorki, skoncentrowana na kategorii medium, pozwala jej w przekonujący sposób połączyć historię społeczną i historię technologii, badanie „historii mediów kształtujących człowieka i badanie użytkownika kształtującego medium”.
For politics, just like any member of the public, the Internet is a very convenient medium. It not only allows for a relatively low cost to reach diverse customers, but it is also an excellent tool for meeting the requirements of the politics personalization. Not only their own websites, on-line discussions and e-mail offer today a politician possibility of mediating communication with citizens (voters). Becoming increasingly popular, blog offers many exciting opportunities to provide information. Every political party can find a politician who owns and runs a blog (including Joanna Senyszyn, Waldemar Pawlak, Ryszard Czarnecki, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Marek Migalski). Most of them treats virtual notebooks as a tool to present their views and image. They emphasize certain information which they believe and have not been adequately provided by other media. Undoubtedly, online diaries begin to play an increasingly important role today in political communication. Even though they are much more “poor” from parliamentary websites, because they contain only the texts published by the author, they are a great advantage of personalistic character. Popularity of blogs among politicians (not only in Poland) is steadily increasing. One of the things attesting to the validity of this court is its constant evolution. Online diaries are more and more powerful. You can now post on blog not only a text, but also a photo, short video or audio file. It should be noted that the political debate is closely dependent on the media and changing with the emergence of new communication tools. Blogs made a significant transfers in this area. For the purposes of this article, subject of study focused on two levels of analysis, for the elections to the Parliament (if they were held this Sunday) and in the context of political ideology. The analysis of empirical data was related to the two main issues: ownership and operation of political blogs and track their entries by the voters.
Project Indymedia is an institutionalized example of global activism mediated by the new information technologies. The significant innovation here is the fulfilment of the radical democracy ideal, that has not been fully realized yet, despite of numerous attempts. It can be seen that the Indymedia implements radical democratic vision of the media and promotes participants with widely known slogan „be the media”. Indymedia initiative promotes the idea that everybody should have access to the possibility of free creation of information and its unlimited transfer to the wide audience. Notably, radical democratic practices undertaken by the Indymedia go beyond the content of its internet page and include a number of important institutional activities that involve new communication technologies in global network dimension. The so-called radical democratic practices also involve an active attempts to renegotiate the basic relations of power, leveling hierarchical systems (an example of this is the decision-making procedure supported by consensus), and the prevention of visible limitations of the access to content (example is promotion of an open access software). The paper presents framework of the project, its basic ideas, with particular emphasis on implementation of radical democracy elements. The main purpose is to answer the questions concerning extreme inclusiveness of the project and evaluation of its radical democratic character.
Niniejszy artykuł omawia zjawisko kont alternatywnych oraz jego konsekwencje dla społecznegoi kulturalnego życia w internecie. Na wstępie analizie poddano pojęcie kontaużytkownika oraz opisano dwa jego rozumienia: jako swego rodzaju prywatny, wirtualnydomek użytkownika oraz jako sposób dostępu do usługi internetowej. W dalszej kolejnościwprowadzono pojęcie konta alternatywnego, czyli marionetki, oferującego użytkownikowiserwisu alternatywną tożsamość. Następnie przeanalizowano strukturę i funkcjęprywatnej strony domowej. Analogicznie i tu znaleźć można dwie przeciwstawne strategiejej pojmowania. Podczas gdy pierwsza interpretuje ją jako „kawałek prawdziwego życia”,druga kładzie nacisk na zastosowane w niej strategie autokreacyjne i perswazyjne. Przejścieod prywatnych stron domowych do profili związanych z kontem użytkownika opisanojako element ewolucji sieci od Web 1.0 do Web 2.0 i z tej perspektywy przedstawionokonsekwencje tej ewolucji dla rozkwitu tak zwanej turystyki tożsamościowej.W końcowej, empirycznej części artykułu badaniu poddano kilka przypadków użyciakont alternatywnych. Pierwszy dotyczy Wikipedii, gdzie zjawisko to określane jest mianem„pacynki”. Drugi to Faceopera, gra fikcyjnych postaci tocząca się na platformie Facebookai angażująca także prawdziwych użytkowników.
The topic of the paper is the phenomenon of alternative accounts and the repercussionsin the social and cultural life of the Internet. First of all, the notion of user accounts isexamined. Two main ways of understanding the function of a user account are described.According to the first one, it is the private virtual home of a particular user. The second approachperceives it as nothing more than a way of accessing a service. Next, the notion of a secondary, alternative account is introduced, a sock puppet, offering an alternative identityfor a service user. In the following part the structure and functions of a personal homepage are analysed. Analogically there are two contradictory home page strategies. The firstone interprets them as a pieces of “real life”, whereas the second stresses self-creationaland persuasive strategies applied in them. The transition between personal home pagesto user account profiles is described as a part of the Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 evolution and itsconsequences for the so-called identity tourism.In the subsequent practical part of the paper some cases of usage of alternative accountsare examined. The first concerns Wikipedia, where this phenomenon is indicatedwith the term sock puppet. The second is Faceopera, a play of fictional characters going ona Facebook platform and also engaging real users.
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