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W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono teoretyczne podstawy networkingu biznesowego. W drugiej (empirycznej) części publikacji autor opisał główne sposoby tworzenia i umacniania relacji biznesowych, stanowiących podstawowy budulec networkingu w biznesie. Opisano takie kwestie, jak: spotkania osobiste („twarzą w twarz”), wykorzystywanie kontaktu via e-mail oraz via telefon, rola rekomendacji i referencji, szybkość przechodzenia podczas spotkań do rozmów o interesach, rola rozmów na tematy prywatne/pozabiznesowe (small talk), wręczanie upominków oraz spotkania na gruncie prywatnym (pozabiznesowym). W drugiej części artykułu autor bazował na wynikach badania w formie częściowo standaryzowanych, indywidualnych wywiadów pogłębionych, zrealizowanych w 2016 roku wśród 16 menedżerów z 4 przedsiębiorstw z rynku B2B, zlokalizowanych w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim. Badanie przeprowadził zespół pracowników Katedry Marketingu i Handlu Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
In the first part of the article the author discusses the theoretical basis of business networking. The second (empirical) part of the publication describes the main ways of creating and strengthening highquality business relationships, which are the basic building blocks of networking in business. Described issues such as personal meetings („face to face”), use of contact via e-mail and via telephone, the role of the recommendations and references, the best time to talk about business, the role of conversations on private topics (small talk), gift-giving and meetings in private. In the second part of the article, the author was based on the results of research in the form of semi structured, in-depth interviews, carried out in 2016 among 16 managers from 4 companies on the B2B market, located in Kujawsko-Pomorskie-region. The survey was conducted by the team of the Department of Marketing and Trade of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun.
Content available remote Inkubatory sieciowe : efektywna struktura organizacyjna w nowej gospodarce
W artykule zaproponowano strukturę organizacyjną inkubatora sieciowego opartą na powiązaniach sieciowych między przedsiębiorstwami różnego typu i indywidualnymi ekspertami. Przedstawiono korzyści z kooperacji w ramach inkubatora.
The article focuses on trends and methods as well as tools used for mapping and visualization of scientific domains as a research methodology which is attracting more and more interest from scientific information and science studies professionals; several factors which have contributed to such developments are also discussed. Science mapping or bibliometric mapping is a spatial repre-sentation of how disciplines, fields, specialties, and individual documents or authors are related to one another (Small, 1999). Different approaches have been developed to extract networks using the selected units of analysis (authors, documents, journals, terms, etc.). Furthermore, the authors looks at the most popular computer programs used for the processing of bibliographic and biblio-metric data.. In addition, plans and activities are presented concerning a comprehensive analysis of IRNet project ( networking activities and numerous publications, using spe-cial ICT tools and study methods, first of all Pajek and presenting a several examples.
Content available remote ‘We Women Are No Good at It’: Networking in Academia
In this article the author investigates networking in an academic milieu in Slovenia to obtain information on the academic staff’s perceptions of how formal and informal connections in academia influence the success of a person’s academic career. The analysis is based on ethnographic research and in-depth interviews with academics in the middle of their academic career. The results of the analysis reveal the existence of two kinds of social networks: one based on patron-client relations, and another based on equal and ‘floating’ partnership cooperation and autonomy. The article focuses on gendered dimensions of academic networking and criticises the existance and impact of a male network on male and female academic career progression.
Technology development has changed many aspects of human life. Adjusted usage of social networks tends to be significant, especially at the moment of transfer from studying to professional employment. Researchers claim the significance of Internet tools for planning and starting a career. However, they simultaneously emphasize the growing need to understand this field, which deserves more respect. Background descriptions serve as the basis for the main objective of this article, to verify the utility of the prepared tool and to assess the aim of joining Facebook and networking in general among Polish students.
Podczas pożaru wewnętrznego strażacy nigdy nie wchodzą do palącego się budynku czy pomieszczenia pojedynczo. Do akcji ratowniczo-gaśniczej przy pożarze wewnętrznym przystępuje przodownik roty i pomocnik roty. Aby umożliwić strażakom trening w bezpiecznych warunkach rzeczywistości wirtualnej, niezbędne jest zastosowanie technologii, która umożliwi przodownikowi i pomocnikowi roty taktyczne współdziałanie w obrębie jednego środowiska wirtualnego, w czasie rzeczywistym. Za pomocą hełmów HMD (Head Mounted Display) umieszczanych na głowach szkolonych strażaków, zanurzają się oni do środowiska wirtualnego. Niezbędnym aspektem symulatora jest fakt, iż zanurzeni strażacy muszą widzieć się nawzajem. Dzięki zastosowaniu awatara - wirtualnej postaci człowieka poruszającej się zgodnie z wykonywanymi ruchami, w czasie rzeczywistym – oraz technologii networking, wzajemny kontakt wzrokowy jest możliwy.
During action with fighting internal fire, firefighters never come into room or building alone. Rescue - firefighting action is always carried by pair of firefighters which is leaded by one of them, another one is assistant. To enable for firefighters safe conditions of training in virtual reality environment, necessary is to implement technology which allow them possibility of tactical cooperation in one virtual environment, in real time. Essential aspect of simulator is fact that both of immersed firefighters must be in eye contact. By implementation of human avatar, and networking architecture eye contact is now possible, what is more also physical contact.
This research is an attempt to examine the influence of TMT networking on firm innovativeness. Firm innovativeness has been the central concern in the upsurge competitive environment. While strategic decisions, such as, innovation has been posited to be potentially derived by the top management team (TMT), network is in fact a vital medium in providing access to different resources which has been found to be a crucial factor contributing to enhanced judgment and decisions. Despite a surge of studies emphasizing the beneficial of networking as well as examining the role of TMT in explaining the firm strategic decision, there is however little empirical research investigating the influence of TMT networking “internal and external” on firm innovativeness. Therefore, the current study has attempted to fill this gap by surveying 45 TMT leaders representing 45 companies. Findings reveal that TMT internal and external networking has significant impact of firm innovativeness. The study significantly contributes to the Upper Echelon Theory. Further, the study will also benefit the TMT leaders and practitioners as it highlighted the vital contribution of TMT internal and external networking in realizing firm innovativeness.
Niniejsze opracowanie jest próbą zbadania wpływu networkingu TMT na innowacyjność firmy. Innowacyjność firmy była głównym problemem w dynamicznym otoczeniu. Podczas gdy decyzje strategiczne, takie jak innowacje, zostały potencjalnie uzyskane przez zespół najwyższego kierownictwa (TMT), networking jest w rzeczywistości kluczowym medium w zapewnieniu dostępu do różnych zasobów, które okazały się kluczowym czynnikiem przyczyniającym się do lepszego osądu i decyzji. Pomimo wielu badań podkreślających korzyści wynikające z networkingu, a także badania roli TMT w wyjaśnianiu decyzji strategicznej firmy, niewiele jest jednak badań empirycznych badających wpływ networkingu TMT "wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego" na innowacyjność firmy. Dlatego też w niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę wypełnienia tej luki poprzez przebadanie 45 liderów TMT reprezentujących 45 firm. Wyniki pokazują, że wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny networking TMT ma znaczący wpływ na innowacyjność firmy. Badanie znacząco przyczynia się do teorii Upper Echelon. Co więcej, badanie przyniesie również korzyści liderom i praktykom TMT, ponieważ podkreśliło istotny wkład networkingu wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego TMT w realizację innowacyjności firmy.
Działalność gospodarcza wymaga od jej uczestników dostosowania się do ulegających ciągłej modyfikacji wymogów otoczenia biznesowego. W 2021 r., w czasach coraz bardziej zaognionych sporów na płaszczyźnie geopolitycznej oraz niepewności towarzyszącej następstwom reform określanych jako Polski Ład, wzrasta niepewność konsumentów, jak i podmiotów aktywnych na rynku wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym. Prognozy epidemiologów dotyczące możliwego rozwoju pandemii COVID-19 oraz innych zagrożeń (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2021) nie sprzyjają aktywności inwestycyjnej w makro- i mikroskali. W tym celu dokonano analizy studentów wielkopolskich uczelni wyższych jako potencjalnych, aktywnych przedsiębiorców radzących sobie w warunkach wolnego, globalnego rynku. Zbadano ich gotowość do realizowania się we własnej działalności gospodarczej oraz ich wiedzę i/lub skalę wykorzystania platform networkingowych i crowdfundingowych. Wyniki badania porównano z tymi uzyskanymi w podobnym badaniu z 2017 r. Wynik badania pozwala stwierdzić, że młodzi, potencjalni i aktywni przedsiębiorcy oczekują zdefiniowanej i konsekwentnej polityki gospodarczej państwa, zwłaszcza przejrzystego sposobu rozliczania działalności oraz elastycznych systemów wspomagania poszczególnych branż w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Nie mniej ważne jest przygotowanie i wdrożenie skutecznych form edukacji wspomagających wiedzę (i w konsekwencji procesy decyzyjne) w zakresie prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej.
Economic activity requires its participants to adapt to the constantly changing requirements of the business environment. In 2021, in times of increasingly heated disputes on the geopolitical level and uncertainty accompanying the consequences of reforms referred to as the Polish Order, the uncertainty of consumers and entities active in the internal and external market increases. The forecasts of epidemiologists regarding the possible development of the COVID-19 pandemic and other threats (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, 2021) do not support macro- and micro-scale investment activity. For this purpose, an analysis was made of students of Greater Poland’s universities as potential, active entrepreneurs, coping with the conditions of a free, global market. Their readiness to pursue their own business activity was examined, as well as their knowledge and / or the scale of using networking and crowdfunding platforms. The results of the study were compared with those obtained in a similar study from 2017. The results of the study indicate that young, potential and active entrepreneurs expect a defined and consistent economic policy of the state, especially a transparent way of settling activities and flexible systems of supporting individual industries in crisis situations. Equally important is the preparation and implementation of effective forms of education supporting knowledge and – as a consequence – decision-making processes in the field of running a business.
Wireless network communication standards have become very common due to the huge benefits of their application. The use of radio waves to create networks has reduced infrastructure costs and increased the mobility of devices. The advantages of wireless communication (WLAN) also pose a challenge to the security of transmitted data. However, the use of a wireless signal poses certain threats to network security. The aim of the study was to analyse problems related to the security of WLAN 802.11. and assess its resistance to various attack strategies. It was assumed that wireless networks have an insufficient level of security. The assumed assumption is verifiable due to the ability to monitor events in networks. In order to verify the hypothesis, a number of experiments have been carried out in laboratory conditions, concerning the currently used WLAN protections from the IEEE 802.11 family of standards. The electromagnetic waves used for communication are available to the public at a distance of a few / several dozen metres from the communicating devices. It is easy to monitor air traffic using a network card that operates in monitor mode. The communication itself cannot be secured in any way, so data encryption is one way of secure transmission. During the research, the applied security features were successfully broken with the help of publicly available tools. The obtained results are distinguished by a high level of objectivity and reliability in the assessment of applied wireless network security. It was shown that there are still imperfections in the security and it is possible to break the security measures. The consequences of attacks are very serious and lead to a breach of each of the attributes of secure information. Practice has shown that it is impossible to create a wireless network that is fully secure. The findings of the study should be used to develop methods to improve information security, as well as to raise users’ awareness of existing threats. Not all users of wireless networks are aware of how easy some of the commonly used security features are to break.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the entrepreneurship ecosystem and the entrepreneur’s willingness to grow. This study is particularly interested in exploring the relationship between entrepreneur’s familiarity with the key economic development organizations in the entrepreneurship ecosystem and the willingness to grow. Several studies have investigated the growth process in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) since the case has been made that high growth SMEs contribute to economic growth through job creation. To date, these studies have identified multiple internal and external determinants including their effects on small business growth. There is evidence in the literature that characteristics of the entrepreneurs such as the willingness to grow and the entrepreneur’s network are important factors in growth process. However, the relationship between growth process and the entrepreneur’s networking behavior is yet to be fully understood. Drawing from the entrepreneurship ecosystem literature, the growth process literature and the resource dependence theory, this study uses the business confidence survey from 2011 to 2013, which targeted all businesses across all of Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) in Nova Scotia, Canada, to explore the relationship between the entrepreneur willingness to grow and the propensity to network with key economic development organizations of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The findings support the assumption that the proportion of businesses that are willing to grow (i.e. hire additional staff and enter new markets within the next twelve months) is higher for the group of businesses that are familiar with the key economic development organizations than for the group of businesses that are not familiar with them. However, the results are not homogeneous across all populations. Our findings also indicate that the higher the expectation to enter new markets over the next twelve months, the higher the odds to be familiar with the key economic development organizations. Our findings contribute to the literature around the association between networking and small business growth.
Partenij Pavlovič – the “wandering monk” as a networkerPartenij Pavlovič was a Bulgarian monk (ca. 1700–1760) who spent his entire active life in the service of the Serbian Orthodox Churches of Pec and Karlovci. He used the intellectual network created by the ecclesiastical structures and to some extent also created a personal network that helped him spread the anti-Muslim and anti-Catholic ideas the Orthodox church at that time stood for. As such, he is to a much lesser extent than is often assumed a forerunner of Balkan Enlightenment but appears to be strongly rooted in a rather medieval perception of the world. Partenij Pavlovič – „wędrujący mnich” jako twórca sieci Partenij Pavlovič był bułgarskim mnichem (ok. 1700–1760), który spędził całe swoje życie w służbie Serbskich Cerkwi Prawosławnych w Peći i Karłowicach. Wykorzystywał on sieć intelektualną stworzoną przez struktury kościelne i do pewnego stopnia stworzył osobistą sieć, która pomogła mu rozpowszechniać antymuzułmańskie i antykatolickie idee, propagowane przez ówczesny Kościół Prawosławny. Jako taki jest on w mniejszym stopniu prekursorem oświecenia bałkańskiego, niż to się zwykle twierdzi, był on raczej silnie zakorzeniony w średniowiecznym postrzeganiu świata.
The article focuses on the reception of Enrico Prampolini’s work in Polish Avant-garde circles in the 1920s and 1930s. It shows Prampolini as a central figure in “networking” between artists and illustrates how such “networking” phenomena resulted in the popularisation of Italian Futurism in Poland and Polish Avant-garde in Italy. It highlights the range of Prampolini’s contacts with Poland, especially with the «Zwrotnica» circle, Jalu Kurek and Jan Brzękowski, who promoted his theatrical productions and paintings. The outcome of these contacts was most of all a good knowledge of Futurist scenography in Poland, an invitation for Polish scenographers to take part in the “Triennale” which Prampolini organized in 1936 in Milan, and his cooperation with the “a.r.” collection of Modern Art in Łódź. The painting entitled Tarantella (1920), which Prampolini offered to Brzękowski and was installed in Łódź in 1931, testifies to this important collaboration.
The paper presents the study conducted in the Mokotów district in Warsaw, encompassing circular practices of eight chosen local entities, from private, public, and NGO sectors. The choice was based on the preliminary research showing that the entities were already engaged in some form of the circular transition. The definition of the circular economy applied in the study was based on the one proposed by Kircherr, Reike, and Hekkert [2017] describing a circular economy as an economic system based on business models replacing the ‘end-of-life’ concept with reducing, alternatively reusing, recycling, and recovering materials in production/distribution and consumption processes. The aim is to accomplish sustainable development, by creating environmental quality, economic prosperity, and social equity to the benefit of current and future generations. The goals of the study encompassed: • verification if there is a common understanding of what the circular economy is; • identification and comparison of circular practices introduced by various actors; • identification of existing incentives for circular practices and expected benefits; • pinpointing the obstacles and barriers, both within organisations and outside. The identified practices were also verified to support more specific goals of the circular economy, present in the literature. The findings show that current benefits of the circular transition are limited and the actions are mostly driven by personal involvement. The lack of the support of local administration is evident, as well as the limitation of market solutions. Networking turns are to be one of the most important aspects of efficient circular practices.
The influence of the social media phenomenon on organizational functioning (including human resource management) is increasing. One of the key issues in the new media environment is a dynamic development of virtual social networks. This article explores the subject of employer branding in the context of on–line networking. Employer branding activities on social networking websites seem to be at a very experimental stage at this moment. For this reason the article focuses on reviewing and verifying existing rules of employer branding in virtual networks. Rules that can be found in marketing and HR literature are described. Whether these theoretical rules are present in organizational practice (one social networking website—Facebook—is considered) is then verified. The result of this analysis is a set of directions that can serve as a base for further research and best practice development in the field of employer branding on social networking websites.
Wireless network communication standards have become very common due to the huge benefits of their application. The use of radio waves to create networks has reduced infrastructure costs and increased the mobility of devices. The advantages of wireless communication (WLAN) also pose a challenge to the security of transmitted data. However, the use of a wireless signal poses certain threats to network security. The aim of the study was to analyse problems related to the security of WLAN 802.11. and assess its resistance to various attack strategies. It was assumed that wireless networks have an insufficient level of security. The assumed assumption is verifiable due to the ability to monitor events in networks. In order to verify the hypothesis, a number of experiments have been carried out in laboratory conditions, concerning the currently used WLAN protections from the IEEE 802.11 family of standards. The electromagnetic waves used for communication are available to the public at a distance of a few / several dozen metres from the communicating devices. It is easy to monitor air traffic using a network card that operates in monitor mode. The communication itself cannot be secured in any way, so data encryption is one way of secure transmission. During the research, the applied security features were successfully broken with the help of publicly available tools. The obtained results are distinguished by a high level of objectivity and reliability in the assessment of applied wireless network security. It was shown that there are still imperfections in the security and it is possible to break the security measures. The consequences of attacks are very serious and lead to a breach of each of the attributes of secure information. Practice has shown that it is impossible to create a wireless network that is fully secure. The findings of the study should be used to develop methods to improve information security, as well as to raise users’ awareness of existing threats. Not all users of wireless networks are aware of how easy some of the commonly used security features are to break.
Content available Wirtualna a doskonała konkurencja
Multitude of competition concepts causes the necessity to search for theories corresponding most appropriately with the real life. Dynamic changes taking place in the economy of the twenty-first century bring new elements, which cannot be disregarded when analyzing modern processes of competing. Big Data, cloud computing and social networking are those aspects of the process of digitization of the economy that disrupted many activities of traditional companies. Easy access to enormous amounts of data makes its effective use become a huge challenge for many companies, as it changes the way they should consider the issue of being competitive. The aim of this article is to provide the review of latest research in the field and to identify the best models to be applied. The results of research confirm that revival of the model of perfect competition is currently observed. Classical analysis of market structures indicates its convergence with the model of virtual competition, which seem to describe best the structures of modern market.
The SPE Poland Section (established in 1992) allows members and sympathizers to participate in interesting lectures, presented by international experts from various fields, associated with the oil and gas industry. In general, these are the Distinguished Lecturers chosen by the SPE, lecturers from various companies, and research centers present the latest technological developments in the oil and gas industry. The activity of the SPE Poland Section contributes to the expansion and strengthening of international scientific and technical cooperation. Also, it allows to its members to update their professional knowledge and learn about the trends in development and technological progress. Within the Section, AGH UST SPE Student Chapter acts an important role. SC brings together active students who organize workshops, industrial training, field trips, and internationally known East Meets West Congress. The work performed by Student Chapter is greatly appreciated by the academic community, as well as by the management of the region and the headquarters of the SPE. In 2022 SPE Poland Section celebrates 30th anniversary of its establishment and we would like to express our deep appreciation to all members of the Section and our sympathizers who have contributed so much to the development of science and education in the field of drilling, oil, and gas engineering.
The value co-creation, as a method of creating value in relations between enterprises and customers, is a reality that brings benefits for both sides. Practical business solutions presented in the article force to ask a question about topicality of the assumption that only the company is able to create a value to be exchanged on the market. Perhaps the best opinion that sums up this paper was brought by Harvard University mathematical biologist Martin Nowak in his article Five rules for the evolution of cooperation published in the Science Magazine: The two fundamental principles of evolution are mutation and natural selection. But evolution is constructive because of cooperation. New levels of organization evolve when the competing units on the lower level begin to cooperate. Cooperation allows specialization and thereby promotes biological diversity. Cooperation is the secret behind the open endedness of the evolutionary process. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of evolution is its ability to generate cooperation in a competitive world. Thus, we might add ‘natural cooperation’ as a third fundamental principle of evolution beside mutation and natural selection.
The development of the concept of the network, which is used both to explain complex decisions made in the area of implemented policy and as a basis for introducing innovations, is currently of significant importance for organizations. The analysis of network relations may contribute to increasing the efficiency of managing complex interactions that also arise in the sphere of entities participating in activities aimed at satisfying social needs, which is why the common courts that constitute the system of justice is the subject of interest. The purpose of this article was to determine the levels of organizational maturity of common courts for the practice of cross-referencing within the justice system, the formulation of general recommendations in this area, and indication of potential benefits. The research involved direct interviews and participant observations as a result of the project POKL 05.03.00-00-012/11, entitled PWP Education in the field of time management and court proceedings costs – Case management. Nearly 10% of all courts in Poland were subject to the survey. The research results became the basis for determining the levels of organizational maturity of the courts. The results obtained indicate the potential for the judiciary to create horizontal organizational links, the purpose of which is to connect members of the organization, facilitate joint activities and learning, and consequently create new solutions to existing problems. The research shows that the level of maturity is varied, but judicial cooperation is possible, cutting hierarchical subordination as a voluntary inter-organizational network.
Krzysztof Śmietana le¢ Poland in 1980 to study in London as the only recipient of the British Petroleum Scholarship who was not a British national. A¢er returning to Poland in December 1981 to spend Christmas with his family, martial law was suddenly imposed and Śmietana was denied the right to leave for London and told his studies there had concluded. Fortunately, a friend helped him return to London where he subsequently expressed his outrage and sorrow, protesting against the regime in Poland during the „Medical Support for Poland” concert. Back in Great Britain, his artistry was quickly realised. He was invited to perform in the most prestigious halls and appeared on BBC Radio 3 with the highest appreciation in many critics’ reviews. roughout many of these concerts Śmietana had brought to light concertos by Szymanowski and Panufnik, was guest concertmaster of orchestras such as the LSO – PROMS at the Royal Albert Hall are examples of his abundant successes. e family from whom he rented a room were so full of admiration for his artistic endeavours that they made a beautiful 18th Century Neapolitan violin available for Śmietana. Owing to his clarity of musical ideas and ample attention to detail, Krzysztof Śmietana has reached the summits of classical music and taken his place among the very best.
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