Inne tytuły
Witryna WWW
- "Journal of Management and Financial Sciences"
- Adres redakcji: ul. Madalińskiego 6/8, room 324 02-513 Warsaw, Poland
- Adres e-mail: jmfs@sgh.waw.pl
Instytucje i osoby
Michał Matusewicz
- Adres e-mail: mmatus1@sgh.waw.pl
Następny tytuł
Poprzedni tytuł
półrocznik / biannual
Pełne teksty
Pełne teksty dostępne lokalnie
Collegium of Management and Finance has been publishing the scholarly periodical "Journal of Management and Financial Sciences" since 2008. It includes articles in the English language of a particular scientific value on crucial issues of economy, finance and management. Due to the close links between economic and other sciences, the editor accepts a variety of different research approaches. The thematic profile is also diversified. There are both theoretic analyses and those referring to national economies, business sectors or groups of business entities.
A submitted article is sent to two reviewers who are outside the Warsaw School of Economics in accordance with the procedure "double-blind review proces.
A submitted article is sent to two reviewers who are outside the Warsaw School of Economics in accordance with the procedure "double-blind review proces.
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