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The paper attempts to analyse the neologisms in the literary genre of science fiction by comparing and evaluating the possibilities of their translation into other languages based on the example of the English novel Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover and its German and Polish translations. The study has shown that the neologism translatability rates in both translations are very high (about and over 80% for the German and Polish texts respectively). Owing to a considerable amount of occasional neologisms in the English original and language system similarities the most frequently applied translation methods included transplantation and imitation.
Content available remote Czy polszczyznę mogą wzbogacić nowe typy struktur słowotwórczych?
nr 16
The paper presents some considerations on the lexical development of Polish. It concentrates on the issues of word-formative enlargement of vocabulary. Against the background of analogy, compensation, and extra- and intralinguistic borrowing, it discusses the possible continuants of feminine names (adjectives and diminutives), and of masculine names of professions that were traditionally reserved for women (e.g. kosmetyczka ‘beautician’, niania ‘nanny’). The paper does not only identify the extralinguistic factors, such as the rise of new naming needs or the phenomenon of linguistic fashion (e.g. structures with the prefix para-), but it also investigates the processes of erosion of morphotactic constraints, and of customary limitations.
In the article we consider the problem of understanding the unique lexemes-neologisms meaning people (root segment belongs to the Kazakh language, grammatical forming has the Russian basis), citizens of the country where communication is carried out by means of two languages — Kazakh and Russian. These lexical units, chosen from the modern Kazakh Russian-language press are interpreted differently by users of the two mentioned languages.
Content available Words Mean. Words Look. Words Sell (Themselves)
An article entitled Words Mean. Words Look. Words Sell (Themselves) focuses on three issues: dominance of the use of English loanwords over attempts to create their Polish equivalents (as a result of which a product, a process, an event, or an artefact promoted by the English-speaking culture is adopted together with its name), a trend whereby words (and titles composed of words) become images (through a choice of font, a non-standard use of lowercase and uppercase letters, or an inclusion of non-letter characters, e.g. parentheses), and ascribing to words present in micro-acts a promotional function, advertising the entire product – a text. The trends discussed in the article are not new, but it is their intensity level that is new.
Slam appears as an emergent discursive genre where the expressive function of the language is emphasized. It is at the same time stand of collective expression, forum of the modern city, and place for individual expression. As such, it reflects a double search, for identity and poetry: language and identity are closely linked. Essentially expressive, slam texts are characterized by reflection and that’s why we shall evoke a “mirror language” (langue-miroir). They are also a place where the lexical creativity is stimulated, so that neologisms are frequents: they have to be organized according to “lexicogeniques matrices”, through an analysis which is not only lexical, but also stylistic (with neostyle concept) and functional (with colludique function). Finally, we shall present an example of didactic plan designed to stimulate the lexical creativity for pupils by suggesting them inventing pseudonyms or stage names.
Espace hybride, le slam apparaît comme un genre discursif émergent où la fonction expressive du langage est mise en relief. Il est à la fois tribune d’expression collective, forum de la cité moderne, et lieu où s’exprime le moi. En tant que tel, il reflète une double quête, identitaire et poétique : langue et identité se trouvent étroitement entrelacées. Fondé sur la recherche d’expressivité, les textes de slam se distinguent aussi par leur réflexivité et c’est en ce sens que nous évoquerons la « langue-miroir » dont ils sont porteurs. Ils sont aussi un lieu où la créativité lexicale est exacerbée, d’où de nombreux néologismes que nous étudierons à la lumière des matrices lexicogéniques, selon une analyse lexicale, mais aussi stylistique (autour de la notion de néostyle) et fonctionnelle (avec la fonction que nous qualifierons de colludique). Enfin, nous présenterons un exemple de dispositif didactique visant à favoriser la créativité lexicale chez des élèves d’école primaire en les mettant en situation de rechercher des pseudonymes (noms de scènes).
The present paper is devoted to the specificity of adjectival neologisms on the basis of observations made while analyzing the ‘Wortwarte’ electronic corpus, whose author is doctor Lothar Lemnitzer from Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. This lexical corpus is updated on a nearly daily basis and provides a source of valuable information concerning German lexis for people learning the language as well as for linguists. It also encourages the researchers to pay more attention to new lexemes and to describe them. The adjectival neologisms listed in ‘Wortwarte’ are certainly worth attention. The empirical material for the paper, which comprises adjectival neologisms that were listed in 2012 and in January 2013, was subjected to both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: adjectival neologisms constitute 6% of the neologisms listed in ‘Wortwarte’ and in terms of quantity they prevail over verbal neologisms, although they are significantly fewer in comparison with nominal neologisms. However, it should be emphasized that the number of emerging adjectival neologisms in relation to neologisms derived from different parts of speech proves that the adjective enjoys a firm, stable status both among the lexemes existing in the German language and those emerging on a day-to-day basis. As far as the structure of adjectival neologisms is concerned, of particular importance is the fact that most of them are two- or multi-word compounds (in 2012 – 95%, in January 2013– 90% of all neologisms under analysis) which demonstrate a distinct tendency to form word series, e.g.: airbagfrei, ambientefrei, couchfrei, exzellenzfrei, fracfrei, gagfrei. Another interesting issue concerns the spelling of adjectival neologisms. More specifically, these neologisms reflect the overall tendency in the contemporary German language to opt for hyphenation. What this paper underlines is that the graphic-optical breaking of individual parts of a compound, by means of a hyphen, serves variouspurposes. The results of the analysis are presented using diagrams, which helped to order the data gathered, to visualize them and facilitate their interpretation.
The principles of word formation have been employed for a considerable period of time. In the contemporary Polish word formation numerous doubts are expressed concerning the correctness of newly formed words, but languages are constantly developing and some expressions which were previously considered incorrect are now accepted as a norm. The development tendencies of the language constitute its driving force. It should be observed that apart from two basic trends in the development of word formation, i.e. the propensity for abbreviating and the tendency to make information precise, a third trend can be added, namely the automatic use of derivational techniques. More specifically, the creation of derivatives out of native word-forming elements consists merely in their mechanical combining, while any complications are eliminated. It should also be stressed that in the contemporary Polish language abbreviations are created on a mass scale, and the process of creating neologisms involves a lot of univerbalising. Another observable trend in the contemporary Polish language is the creation of complex suffixes: -alność, -arstwo, -alnictwo, -owość, -ownictwo, e.g. in words such as zachorowalność, etapowość, drogownictwo. The process of internationalisation is becoming more and more intensive in the Polish language, too. Foreign words are quickly adapted in the Polish word formation system, a phenomenon which is particularly striking when derivatives are created, e.g. adjectives from borrowed nouns or verbs: weekend – weekendowy, kemping – kempingowy, detergent – detergentowy, outsider – outsiderski.
tom 15
The paper aims to provide an analysis of the author’s neologisms used in A Game of Thrones, which is the first book of Martin’s fantasy series Songs of Ice and Fire. In the first part the paper identifies the sources of the author’s lexical neologisms (e.g. direwolf, septon, or proper names). The second part focuses on the methods used for neologism translation in the Polish and Slovene versions of the novel (translations by Paweł Kruk and Boˇstjan Gorenc), and finds differences between the two translations. The paper describes translation techniques such as borrowing, equivalency, and the creation of a neologism.
Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy neologizmów autorskich użytych w Grze o tron, czyli pierwszym tomie sagi Pieśni lodu i ognia George’a R.R. Martina. W pierwszej części zostają przedstawione źródła neologizmów (np. direwolf, septon oraz nazwy własne). Druga część jest porównaniem metod, jakimi posługiwali się tłumacze polskiej i słoweńskiej wersji powieści (Paweł Kruk i Boštjan Gorenc).
In the article an attempt is made to describe a few stylistic mechanisms responsible for creating language-games in selected poems by Julian Tuwim, Stanisław Młodożeniec, Maria Cyranowicz, Tadeusz Różewicz and Ryszard Krynicki. Also the phenomena are considered that are connected with infringing traditional poetic patterns in Polish lyric poetry of the 20th century.
W artykule podjęto próbę opisu kilku mechanizmów stylistycznych odpowiadających za tworzenie gier językowych w wybranych utworach Juliana Tuwima, Stanisława Młodożeńca, Marii Cyranowicz, Tadeusza Różewicza i Ryszarda Krynickiego. Uwzględniono też zjawiska związane z naruszeniem tradycyjnych poetyckich wzorców w polskiej liryce XX wieku.
Użytkownicy forum tworzą społeczność, którą silnie spaja miłość do kotów, co wyraża się głównie poprzez różnoraką pomoc i opiekę nad nimi. W wypowiedziach członków tej społeczności znajdujemy charakterystyczne słownictwo, powszechne wśród wszystkich miłośników zwierząt. Autorka artykułu uznaje język miłośników kotów (zwanych ailurofilami) za mikrosocjolekt, który jest częścią socjolektu miłośników zwierząt. Ponieważ trudno jest znaleźć źródło wspólnego słownictwa dla miłośników zwierząt, w tekście omówiono słownictwo używane na forum, ale nie występujące w standardowym języku polskim lub występujące tam w innym sensie. Microsocjolekt użytkowników forum jest celowo transparentny, umiarkowanie komunikatywny, z przewagą funkcji ekspresywnej. Obejmuje rzeczywistość w sposób skrócony, a nie peryfrastyczny.
EN forum users form a community strongly bonded by love to cats and express it, mainly, by helping them in various ways and taking care of them. In their statements, both we find vocabulary specific to this community, and common to all animal lovers. I consider the cat lovers (ailurophiles) language as microsociolect which is part of animal lovers sociolect. Because it is difficult to identify the source of a common vocabulary for animal lovers the article discusses the vocabulary used on the forum but not occurring in standard Polish or occurring there in a different sense. Microsociolect of forum users is intentionally transparent, moderately communicative, with dominance of expressive function, embracing reality in abbreviated rather than periphrastic manner.
Path of Science
tom 3
nr 11
Наукова робота присвячена труднощам перекладу лексики комп’ютерного дискурсу українською мовою. В роботі описано головні проблеми з якими стикаються перекладачі, користувачі ПК чи мережею Інтернет, визначено доцільні способи розв’язання проблеми, в залежності від сфери вживання таксону.
The study is devoted to enlightening the difficulties of translation of the computer discourse vocabulary into the Ukrainian language. The work describes the main problems encountered by translators, users of the PC or the Internet, and identifies the appropriate ways to solve the problem, depending on the area of the taxonomy using.
Das Untersuchungsfeld des vorliegenden Beitrags stellen wertend markierte nominale Derivate aus kontrastiver Sicht (Polnisch-Deutsch) dar. Es handelt sich um Neologismen oder Okkasionalismen von einer generell undurchsichtigen semantischen Struktur, deren Derivationsbasis Eigennamen bilden, und die in den beiden Sprachen meistens etymologisch identische Derivationssuffixe aufweisen, hauptsächlich lateinischer Herkunft. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Analyse ist vor allem eine Untersuchung von Derivationsschemata in Bezug auf diese Suffixe in beiden Sprachen, von dem Grad der Wirkung der Suffixe auf diese Derivate, mit Berücksichtigung der Perspektive ihrer Internationalisierung, sowie ein Vergleich der Semantik derjenigen Derivate, die unter morphologischem Aspekt sich voneinander unterscheiden, aus Sicht ihrer semantischen Analogie.
Tematem niniejszego artykułu są nacechowane wartościująco derywaty nominalne w ujęciu kontrastywnym niemiecko-polskim. Chodzi o neologizmy lub okazjonalizmy o generalnie nieprzejrzystej strukturze semantycznej, których podstawę derywacyjną stanowią nazwy własne i które w obu językach wykazują najczęściej tożsame etymologicznie sufiksy derywacyjne, głównie pochodzenia łacińskiego. Celem analizy jest przede wszystkim zbadanie schematów derywacyjnych w odniesieniu do tychże sufiksów w obu językach, stopnia oddziaływania sufiksów na te derywaty z uwzględnieniem perspektywy ich internacjonalizacji, jak również porównanie znaczenia derywatów zróżnicowanych w aspekcie struktury morfologicznej pod kątem ich analogii semantycznej.
The paper deals with the evaluative nominal derivatives from contrastive point of view. The focus is given to neologisms or occasionalisms that are on the whole semantically opaque, whose derivative base is constituted by proper names and which show mostly identical suffixes, primarily Latinate, in the both languages. The aim of the analysis is to investigate the derivative schemes referring to the suffixes in the both languages as well as the extent to which the suffixes influence the derivatives from the perspective of their internationalization. The other searching aspect is set to compare the meaning of the derivatives that are underlined by different morphological structures, taking into account their semantic analogy.
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