We sometimes hear opinions that sign language is not a real or a natural language like English or Polish. In this paper, the views that sign language is not a real or a natural language are considered to be mistaken. The aim of this article, therefore, is to provide evidence in support of the thesis that sign language is as real and as natural a language as spoken languages, such as English or Polish.
An original model of grounding simple modalities is presented and some of its properties are formally proved and discussed. The language of simple modalities is given as the set of atom formulas extended with modal operators of possibility, belief and knowledge. The artificial cognitive agent is organized into working and long term memory that correspond to conscious and non-conscious subspaces of natural cognition, respectively. The so called epistemic satisfaction relation is introduced that defines states of artificial cognition in which simple modalities can be treated as well grounded and satisfied in the epistemic sense. The idea of epistemic satisfaction is interpreted as complementary to the Tarskian and Kripke definitions for truth and its relation to the idea of semiotic triangle is discussed. The resulting correspondence between natural language behavior and artificial grounding is analyzed. In particular, desirable possibility of designing artificial cognitive agents with the ability of simultaneous grounding of particular sets of simple modalities is proved.
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Here we present a novel approach for automated creation of parallel New Testament corpora with cross-lingual semantic concordance based on Strong's numbers. There is a lack of available digital Biblical resources for scholars. We present two approaches to tackle the problem, a dictionary-based approach and a CRF model and a detailed evaluation on annotated and non-annotated translations. We discuss a proof-of-concept based on English and German New Testament translations. The results presented in this paper are novel and according to our knowledge unique. They present promising performance, although further research is necessary.
Przedstawiono propozycję zastosowania sztucznych sieci neuronowych typu Kohonena oraz techniki algorytmów ewolucyjnych w badaniach nad pochodzeniem oraz klasyfikacją języków naturalnych. Zaproponowano również zastosowanie binarnej metody kodowania zjawisk gramatycznych, którą zilustrowano obszernie na przykładzie kodowania systemów deklinacyjnych wybranych języków świata, należących do różnych rodzin językowych. Zaproponowane przez autora podejście może służyć do podjęcia próby rekonstrukcji drogi, jaką podczas swego historycznego rozwoju przebył dany język naturalny, zanim uzyskał występującą obecnie postać. Ponadto rozważane techniki obliczeniowe mogą dostarczyć dodatkowych argumentów przemawiających za zaliczeniem danego języka do tej czy innej rodziny językowej.
In the paper there was proposed the application of Kohonen neural networks and evolutionary algorithms in the research on the origin and classification of natural languages. The binary coding method of grammatical catego-ries was also proposed. It was illustrated on the example of binary coding of declination systems of the selected natural languages that belong to different families of languages. The approach proposed by this author can be used in the trials or reconstruction of the path along which the given language moved during its historical development in order to achieve its contemporary form. The computational techniques described by the author tan deliver the additional arguments for classification of the given language to some family of languages.
This paper introduces the Graphs Description Language. This language is similar to the natural one and makes it possible to communicate between a system and a user in the form of questions and answers. The Graphs Description Language can be applied to the interactive graph grammar - the grammar with a user's demands controlled derivation.
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Healthcare professionals are often overworked, which may impair their efficacy. Text search engines may facilitate their work. However, before making health decisions, it is important for a medical professional to consult verified sources rather than unknown web pages. In this work, we present our approach for creating a text search engine based on verified resources in the Polish language, dedicated to medical workers. This consists of collecting and comprehensively analyzing texts annotated by medical professionals and evaluating various neural reranking models. During the annotation process, we differentiate between an abstract information need and a search query. Our study shows that even within a group of trained medical specialists there is extensive disagreement on the relevance of a document to the information need. We prove that available multilingual rerankers trained in the zero-shot setup are effective for the Polish language in searches initiated by both natural language expressions and keyword search queries.
The aim of this paper is to sort and characterize natural and artificial mixed languages. These are also classified in an educational perspective. The article stressed the fact that natural mixed languages (e.g. pidgin) were not acquired in natural conditions (at home), whereas artificial languages (e.g. volapik) must be learnt at school. Is also discussed interlanguage as a phenomenon present in the process of learning foreign languages, as well as an effect of natural contact of languages. The article reflected on the matter of searching for a universal language, which could be a global means of communication. Furthermore, the essence of lingua franca is explained and the role of English (and its variants Basic English and Plain English) in the contemporary world is emphasized.
Celem tekstu jest uporządkowanie i scharakteryzowanie naturalnych i sztucznych języków mieszanych, które podlegają również klasyfikacji „edukacyjnej”. W artykule zwraca się uwagę na to, że naturalne języki mieszane (np. pidgin) nie były poznawane w szkole, zaś sztuczne (np. volapük) można opanować tylko w wyniku uczenia się/nauczania. Omówiono interjęzyk jako zjawisko obecne w procesie dydaktycznym, ale i poza nim – jako efekt naturalnego kontaktu języków. Refleksji poddano kwestię poszukiwań języka uniwersalnego, który służyłby do globalnego porozumiewania się i podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia istoty lingua franca, akcentując rolę angielszczyzny (także jej odmian Basic English i Plain English) we współczesnym świecie.
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