Immersive technologies, like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) have undergone technical evolutions over the last few decades. Their rapid development and dynamic changes enable their effective applications in medicine, in fields like imaging, preprocedural planning, treatment, operations planning, medical students training, and active support during therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures. Within this paper, a comprehensive analysis of VR/ AR/MR application in the medical industry and education is presented. We overview and discuss our previous experience with AR/MR and 3D visual environment and MR-based imaging systems in cardiology and interventional cardiology. Our research shows that using immersive technologies users can not only visualize the heart and its structure but also obtain quantitative feedback on their location. The MR-based imaging system proposed offers better visualization to interventionists and potentially helps users understand complex operational cases. The results obtained suggest that technology using VR/AR/MR can be successfully used in the teaching process of future doctors, both in aspects related to anatomy and clinical classes. Moreover, the system proposed provides a unique opportunity to break the boundaries, interact in the learning process, and exchange experiences inside the medical community.
The aim of the article is an attempt to analyze the use of Augmented Reality in educational applications over the last few years. The first part is devoted to defining the concept more precisely, because AR may seem ambiguous. The second part of the article introduces selected educational applications of AR in different subjects or teaching/learning, e.g. in science/mathematics, natural science or in language learning. Research projects for applications in various teaching solutions will also be referenced. The third and final part contains a brief review of AR literature in recent years.
Innowacyjne technologie, takie jak skanowanie 3D, kamery 360, druk 3D, wirtualna rzeczywistość (VR, MR, AR) wprowadzają budownictwo w nową erę rozwoju. Artykuł prezentuje możliwości zastosowania technologii mieszanej rzeczywistości (MR - ang. Mixed Reality) w projektowaniu BIM i inspekcjach budowli. Technologia MR daje dotąd niespotykane możliwości, jednocześnie zaciekawia oraz fascynuje użytkowników. Techniki wizualizacji MR pozwalają przedstawiać świat wirtualny w zestawieniu z rzeczywistym. Dlatego w najbliższej przyszłości w wielu dziedzinach nauki i gospodarki mieszana rzeczywistość znacząco wpłynie na wzrost skuteczności projektowania i nadzorowania procesu inwestycyjnego czy jakości tworzonych obiektów. Za pomocą MR można oglądać obiekty, informacje trójwymiarowe, dokonywać pomiarów oglądanych modeli. Zastosowanie świata wirtualnego w budownictwie możliwe jest dzięki powiązaniu z modelami BIM. Wykorzystanie MR wymaga posiadania specjalistycznego sprzętu, oprogramowania, licencji, a także specjalistycznej wiedzy. Stąd też tworzy obawy przed wykluczeniem technologicznym użytkowników z tego procesu. Także wysokie koszty sprzętu, oprogramowania oraz licencji wpływają na elitarny charakter technologii.
Innovative technologies such as 3D scanning, 360 cameras, 3D printing, virtual reality (VR, MR, AR) are bringing construction into a new era of development. The article presents the possibilities of using Mixed Reality (MR) technology in BIM design and building inspections. MR technology offers hitherto unprecedented possibilities, while at the same time making users curious and fascinated. MR visualization techniques make it possible to present the virtual world in juxtaposition with the real world. Therefore, in the near future, in many areas of science and economy, mixed reality will significantly increase the efficiency of design and supervision of the investment process or the quality of created objects. With the help of MR, it is possible to view objects, three-dimensional information, make measurements of the viewed models. The use of the virtual world in construction is possible due to its connection with BIM models. The use of MR requires specialized hardware, software, licenses, as well as specialized knowledge. Hence it creates fears, of users being technologically excluded from the process. Also, the high cost of hardware, software and licenses affects the elitist nature of the technology.
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