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The aim of the investigation carried out in 2006-2007 was to assess differences between 5 grass species and 5 species of plants belonging to meadow herbs in their ability to accumulate selenium. According to the results, among the grass species, the samples of Arrhenatherum elatuis L. had the highest average Se content (46 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.), and the lowest average Se amount was found in Holcus lanatus L. (24 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.). The content of Se in meadow weeds (70 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.) was approximately twice as high as in grasses (32 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.). Among this group of plants, the highest Se accumulation occurred in Equisetum arvense L. (103 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.) and the lowest – in Taraxacum officinale (59 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.). Both in grasses and in meadow weeds, the Se content significantly depended on the amount of this element in soils. In the following species: Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Poa pratensis L. and Taraxacum officinale, the amount of accumulated Se was also conditioned by the soil’s abundance in organic and total C.
Celem badań prowadzonych w latach 2006-2007 było określenie zróżnicowania w zdolności nagromadzania selenu przez 5 gatunków traw oraz 5 gatunków roślin zaliczanych do ziół łąkowych. Wykazano, że wśród analizowanych gatunków traw najwięcej selenu zawierały próby Arrhenatherum elatuis L. (46 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), a najmniej Holcus lanatus L. (24 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), średnio dla badanych gatunków roślin. Zawartość Se w chwastach łąkowych (70 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.) była ok. 2-krotnie większa niż określona dla traw (32 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.). W tej grupie roślin największą kumulację Se wykazywał Equisetum arvense L. (103 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), najmniejszą Taraxacum officinale (59 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.). Zarówno w trawach, jak i chwastach zawartość selenu była istotnie zależna od ilości tego pierwiastka w glebach. Dla gatunków: Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Poa pratensis L. oraz Taraxacum officinale o ilości nagromadzonego Se decydowała również zasobność gleb w C-org. i S-og.
The research was carried out on two meadow objects with clearly different geo- chemical conditions of the soil environment (a small Ciemięga river valley and meadows surrounding three lakes of Uściwierz Bikcze and Nadrybie). Soil and plant samples (6 species - mainly meadow grasses) were taken in 2 vegetation periods - 1995 and 1996. The results showed that soils from the fertile valley of the Ciemięga river, as the ones derived' from low peat silted-up by carbonates and loess silt, had a neutral reaction and a great content of basic components - especially calcium compounds. Boggy soils occurring in the second object, derived mainly from weakly decomposed low or transitional peat, had low ashness and a very acid reaction. In the chemical composition of almost all plant species there is a clearly more favourable situation in the samples from the Ciemięga river valley meadows. That allows to conclude that the trophism of meadow habitats to a great degree depends on the amount of Ca in the environment, because Ca - by deciding on the soil reaction - indirectly affects the mobility and, therefore, also availability of other nutrients for plants.
In June 1994 samples of soils and meadow plants were collected at 21 spots situated along the left bank of the Vistula within the Cracow province boundaries (Fig. 1). Two soil samples and one sample of meadow plants were picked between the embankment and the river-bed, as well as outside the flood bank al each spot. In all samples the contents of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined and also the basic physico-chemical properties of the soils. Turf soils in the Vistula valley within the Cracow province are highly diversified as to their basic properties and heavy metal contents (Tab. 1, Fig. 1 and 2). The highest accumulation of heavy metals and diversification in their contents are observed in the top layers of soils in the valley bottom zone adjoining the river-bed, separated by the flood bank. Total heavy metals contents range from 0.42 to 84.04 mg Cd, 87-2120 mg Zn, 7.5-181.4 mg Cu, 16.4-217.7 mg Pb and 15.4-60.7 mg Ni/kg d.m. Except for nickel, the level of examined heavy metals concentration in a majority of soil samples from this zone is described as serious or dangerous contamination (Tab. 3). Average content of investigated metals in the soils outside the embankment approximate to the contents most commonly noted in I tic arable lands in Cracov province. The contents of cadmium, zinc and copper in the soils within the embankment in the lower regions of the Vistula below Cracow are on an average ca 2 times higher that in the upper region. An analogous raise in lead concentration is almost 1.7 times higher. Only nickel contents in the soils of these two regions are almost identical. Nearly all samples of meadow plants from the zone between the flood bank and river-bed and many picked outside the embankment contained excessive amounts of cadmium from the point of view of their fodder usability (Tab. 4).
Próbki gleb i roślinności łąkowej pobrano w 21 punktach położonych wzdłuż lewego brzegu Wisły w granicach województwa krakowskiego. W każdym punkcie pobrano po 2 próbki gleby i 1 roślin łąkowych wewnątrz obwałowania i poza wałem przeciwpowodziowym. We wszystkich próbkach oznaczono zawartość Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn. Zróżnicowanie zawartości badanych metali ciężkich w glebach wewnątrz obwałowania jest bardzo duże. Gleby te są również znacznie bardziej zanieczyszczone, szczególnie kadmem i cynkiem, od znajdujących się poza wałem. Większość próbek mili łąkowej zebranej wewnątrz. obwałowania jest zanieczyszczona kadmem.
Fluorine was isolated from plant material by microdiffusion and determined potentiometrically using a fluoride ion-selective electrode. The content of lead, cadminum, copper, zinc and manganese was determined by the ASA method. Samples of cocksfoot and meadow grass were collected from plots in which mineral fertilizers (O, PK, PKN100, PKN150, PKN200, PKN250) had been used for seven years. The obtained results showed a fluorine increase in the studied grasses after using phosphoric-potassium fertilizers with an addition of ammonium nitrate (PKN130, PKN200, PKN250) but their concentrations were several dozens of times lower than those admissible for plant feeds. In most samples mineral fertilization was also found to effect manganese and zinc increases, but zinc content increased after using three fertilizers (PKN). The obtained manganese concentrations exceeded the optimal values admissible for cattle feeds. The levels of lead and cadmium did not exceed the standard admissible for plant feeds.
W dolinie Środkowej Mogilnicy oceniano walory przyrodnicze zbiorowisk łąkowych na podstawie liczby gatunków, wskaźnika różnorodności florystycznej Shannona-Wienera (H’) i metody waloryzacji Oświta oraz ich wartość gospodarczą i użytkową (LWU). Określono ponadto warunki siedliskowe wyróżnionych zbiorowisk: uwilgotnienie (F), odczyn gleby (R) oraz jej zasobność w azot (N), z zastosowaniem liczb wskaźnikowych Ellenberga. Walory przyrodnicze i użytkowe wyróżnionych zbiorowisk zależą od usytuowania w dolinie. Zbiorowiska położone najbliżej rzeki, zaklasyfikowane do klasy Phragmitetea, wykształcone są w formie typowej i przedstawiają duże oraz umiarkowanie duże walory przyrodnicze (od V do VII klasy waloryzacji), jednakże ich ruń ma najczęściej niską wartość użytkową (LWU od 1,63 do 6,90). Aktualnie użytkowane zbiorowiska klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea przedstawiają umiarkowane walory przyrodnicze (III i IV klasa waloryzacji). Z łąk tych uzyskuje się wysokie plony I pokosu (4,4 do 5,7 t s.m.· ha-1) o dobrej wartości użytkowej (LWU od 7,37 do 7,56).
Natural importance and economical and usefulness values (FVS) of meadows situated in the valley of the central Mogilnica River were assessed. The natural value was determined on the basis of: the number of species in a phytosociological relevés, phytosociological structure, floristic diversity expressed by the Shannon-Wiener index (H’) and the method of plant community valorization according to Oświt. Site conditions: moisture (F), soil reaction (R), soil nitrogen content (N) of the examined meadow communities were evaluated using the Ellenberg phyto-indication. Both natural and usefulness values of the examined communities depend on the place of occurrence in the valley. The communities situated closest to the river, which were assigned to the class of Phragmitetea, developed in their typical forms and presented significant and moderately significant natural values, although their sward was found to be characterized by low usefulness value. Communities growing further from the river, representing the Molinio-Arrhena-theretea class, are utilized at the present time. Grasses found in these communities are of moderate natural importance but the meadows provide high yields of good fodder value.
The aim of the paper was to investigate if and to what extent mining and treating of zinc-lead ores (Bukowno Olkusz, Trzebinia) and emissions from other factories localized within Katowice province (Jaworzno, Dąbrowa Górnicza) influenced the level of heavy metals contents in soils and meadow plants of north-western regions of Krakow province. Samples of soil and meadow sward were collected in 1592 at twenty points located along die north-western boundary of Krakow province (Fig. 1). One sample of meadow sward and three samples of soil, from 0-10, 10-20 and 10-50 cm layers were collected at each point. Total contents of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in each sample. Apart Front heavy metals, also basic soil properties were assayed in the soil samples. A majority of examined soils have shown increased contents of Cd, Pb and Zn, but only in single cases the pollution may be considered dangerous (Tab. I and 3). On the other hand, concentrations of Cu and Ni, with few exceptions, fall within the range of „natural" contents. The following top values have been accepted for soils with natural contents: Cd - 1, Cu - 20. Ni - 20, Pb - 30 and Zn - 100 mg/kg. In respect of their vertical distribution in the soil profile, the examined metals fall into two groups: one included Cu and Ni, which do not show differentiation within the soil profile; the second is composed of Cd, Pb and Zn whose contents decrease markedly along with depth (Fig. 2 and 3). Such distribution of those three metals shows an influence of factors of anthropogenic origin which are not connected with subsoil The assayed contents of heavy metals in meadow sward, except for cadmium, is within the norm assumed for fodder plants (Tab. 4). Cadmium contents in sward exceed the lop permissible limit - 0.5 mg/kg d.m. - in 65% of samples.
Dokonano oceny poziomu zawartości metali ciężkich w glebach i runi łąkowej północno-zachodnich rejonów województwa krakowskiego przyległych do terenów eksploatacji górniczej i przeróbki rud cynku i ołowiu w województwie katowickim. Stwierdzono, że z oznaczonych metali ciężkich zawartość kadmu, ołowiu i cynku niemal z reguły przekracza górne wartości przyjmowane dla gleb nieskażonych, a niektóre z badanych gleb wykazują duży bądź nawet niebezpieczny stopień zanieczyszczenia. Natomiast w przypadku runi łąkowej jedynie zawartość kadmu w większości zebranych próbek przekracza dopuszczalną normę dla pasz wynoszącą 0,5 mg/kg s.m.
In this paper the following problems are presented: changes of phosphorus content in the sward shaped by long-term, differentiated fertilization (1968-1992), quantities and rates of phosphorus uptaking with yield, utilization of phosphorus from the fertilizer and changes in fodder quality resulting from ratio of phosphorus to other macroelements. Systematic fertilization with P increases soil abidance in this element and as a consequence of this causes an increase of P in the sward. The effect of liming on P content in the meadow- sward and in the soil was not observed. Utilization of P from the fertilizer by the meadow sward during the period of 25 years depends mainly oil crop yields and with NPK fertilization amounts from 46% for 90 kg N/ha to 60% for 180 kg N/ha. The decrease in food value of mountain sward stated by ratio of P to other elements was confirmed during 25 years of the experiment. The highest changes of P content in soil were observed in the first years of the experiment.
W pracy przedstawiono zmiany zawartości fosforu w runi łąki górskiej w warunkach długotrwałego zróżnicowanego nawożenia mineralnego (1968-1992). Wyliczono ilości tego pierwiastka pobranego z plonem siana, jego wykorzystanie z dawki nawozu oraz przedstawiono zmiany jakościowe paszy wyrażając je sto­sunkiem fosforu do wapnia, magnezu i sodu. Systematyczne nawożenie fosforem zwiększa zasobność gleby w ten pierwiastek, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do wzrostu jego zawartości w runi. W okresie 25 lat trwania doświadczenia potwierdzono obniżenie wartości pokarmowej runi łąkowej, określane wartością stosunku fosforu do innych pierwiastków.
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