Purpose: To assess the manner and instruments used by the authorities of Cieszyn and Český Těšín for the purpose of managing public communication with residents. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in the form of an individual in-depth interview with Gabriela Hřebačkova, MA, the mayor of Český Těšín (22.09.2021) and Gabriela Staszkiewicz, BSc, the mayor of Cieszyn (28.09.2021). Findings: Social communication is a multi-layered issue. It can be assessed from the perspective of how it facilitates relaying information to residents and businesses, as well as from the point of view of the effectiveness of the communication between Cieszyn and Český Těšín during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authorities of the cities in question are aware of the challenges they are faced with, and make use of varied forms and instruments of public communication. Their messaging is aimed at various stakeholder groups, including residents, businesses, potential investors and tourists. Research limitations/implications: The study is worth repeating in the future for the purpose of identifying possible changes in the strategies applied by the authorities of the cities in their communication with residents and other stakeholder groups. Practical implications: The methods and instruments of social communication, including marketing communication, utilised by the local authorities when communicating with residents, have a significant impact on the image of the cities and their authorities. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the purpose of communication is to satisfy various vital needs of the residents of Cieszyn/Český Těšín, including healthcare, commuting to schools and work, as well as crossing state borders. Originality/value: The article illustrates how selected public communication instruments are utilised in Cieszyn and Český Těšín.
Purpose: This paper aims to identify the factors of destination attractiveness in the opinion of the digital nomads. The data was obtained through a quantitative research process. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses a quantitative approach. The author used a method in the form of a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire tool with a proprietary scale provided to respondents on-line (CAWI). A deliberate sample selection was used based on the self-identification criterion of the respondent as a digital nomad with experience or planning a trip in this capacity soon. Findings: In order to choose a city as a destination, digital nomads are most often guided by the price level prevailing in a given place, the level of safety, and the interesting culture and identity presented by the city. Among the factors influencing the city's attractiveness, the most important were the technological facilities, accessibility, the presence of recreational areas and facilities, and the local community's attitude towards visitors. Originality/value: This paper focuses on analyzing the specificity and features of cities from the perspective of a relatively new, dynamically growing group of external recipients - digital nomads. The developed conclusions may contribute to formulating the city's marketing messages appropriately and adapting the city's offer to the digital nomad community. In addition, this paper contains the issue of preferences regarding the size of the city and the intention to use coworking spaces.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual understanding of territorial marketing using the dynamic approach and explore the Dynamic Marketing Capabilities that extend the place's competitive advantage. Design/methodology/approach: This paper has taken a conceptual approach to provide an analytical conceptualisation of Dynamic Marketing Capabilities and to guide future studies in territorial marketing. This article introduces a novel dynamic approach towards Territorial units, adopting a view based on the relationship between the dynamic capabilities view and place marketing. The primary method of the research was a critical analysis of the literature Findings: Although there is already extensive literature on Dynamic Capabilities in strategic organizational management, there is the lack of research on this concept in the Territorial Marketing knowledge field. Which indicates a knowledge gap and research gap. The Dynamic Marketing Capabilities for territory was proposed as the result of the conceptual analysis. Originality/value: The paper identify a gap in the conceptual thinking about implementation Dynamic Capabilities concept in territorial marketing. The analysis of the literature allowed the author to notice that the subjects related to concept of DMC in territory units are still being elaborated, but can be adopted.
The city's brand has become a huge non-material resource that exerts an influence on its competitive advantage and the power of its impact. The article presents the experiences of the past in making city brands. New York and Singapore have been selected as examples. Those cities are among the global metropolises that have changed their image by creating the city brand. The aim of this article was to investigate the role of city branding as a factor which stimulates its development, compare the marketing campaigns of the given metropolis and analyze theirs methods of creating a positive city brand. The analysis showed that the high standard of living as well as the interest of investors and tourists in New York and Singapore consists of many factors, such as infrastructure, nature and environmental protection, the city's presence on the Internet, feeling of safety, and even the city's atmosphere with feeling of pride in being a resident of a given city. For those metropolises, building their own brand using the experience of the past has become one of the key factors for the city's development, and economic and cultural growth. Their high position among cities around the world, can prove how important city brand is. Over time, the logo replaced the emblem of the city and became its symbol. The indicated solutions may help in the creation of strong city brands for developing cities. Given this need, the topic remains current.
Wizerunek miasta stał się ważnym zasobem niematerialnym, który ma wpływ na przewagę konkurencyjną i zakres oddziaływania na rynek. W artykule zostały zaprezentowane doświadczenia przeszłości w stanowieniu marek miast, które są kluczem do zrozumienia ich współczesnej strategii marketingowej. Jako przykład empiryczny wybrano Nowy Jork i Singapur. Miasta te należą do tych globalnych metropolii, które zmieniły swój wizerunek poprzez kreowanie wyznaczonej wizji marki miasta. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie roli brandingu miasta jako czynnika stymulującego jego rozwój lokalny, porównanie kampanii marketingowych wskazanych metropolii, prześledzenie metod tworzenia pozytywnej marki miasta. Analiza wykazała, iż na wysoki poziom życia w metropoliach, a także zainteresowania nimi inwestorów i turystów składa się wiele czynników, takich jak infrastruktura, ochrona przyrody i środowiska, obecność miasta w internecie, poczucie bezpieczeństwa odczuwane przez mieszkańców, a nawet atmosfera miasta i poczucie dumy z bycia jego mieszkańcem. Dla Nowego Jorku i Singapuru budowanie własnej marki na doświadczeniach przeszłości stało się jednym z kluczowych czynników rozwoju, wzrostu gospodarczego i kulturalnego, o czym świadczy ich wysoka pozycja wśród miast na całym świecie. Logo z czasem zastąpiło herb i stało się wizytówką. Wskazane rozwiązania mogą posłużyć w procesie kształtowania silnej marki i pozycji wielu rozwijających się miast. Uwzględniając tę potrzebę, należy stwierdzić, że temat ten jest bardzo aktualny.
Purpose: Explore the recent evolution of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) program in terms of both selection criteria and the profiles of the cities nominated to become a one-year cultural capital of Europe Design/methodology/approach: The case study was used as the research method. In this research, the case of the ECoC program was presented as a chance for European cities aiming at creating their competitive position based on culture and creativity. The authors have identified three subsequent periods in the evolution of the ECoC and concentrated on identifying the differences between them, referring to selection criteria and the characteristics of the awarded cities. Findings: The evolution of the ECoC formula shifts toward European cities with better recognition of intangible heritage, smaller size, and lower administrative status. Possessing the tangible heritage assets is not the leading advantage anymore, and the chances of success are bigger for locations which had not been recognized before as cultural centers. Research limitations/implications: The study is based on desk research, and no qualitative research was conducted. Therefore, the interviews with the city marketers involved in the celebration of the ECoC should be included in further studies for deepening the issue. Practical implications: The paper draws some implications for practice for city marketers aiming at improving the international recognition of the city under the cultural label. The call for the next nominations of the ECoC is open for Czech, French, Polish, and Swedish cities, and soon it will be a case for Cyprus, Belgium, Malta, Spain, Bulgaria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Italy. Originality/value: The paper identifies the current trends in designation of the ECoC; it covers the unique description of the nominated cities from the selected categories, which enables to assess the chances to be nominated in the incoming calls.
Purpose: The luxury segment plays a significant role in the tourism industry in general and in the hotel business in particular. The paper is devoted to the review of the trends determining the development of the top hotel segment in aspects of place marketing. Design/methodology/approach is a combination of interviews to elicit responses from the selected luxury hotels. A typology of different hotel brands’ approaches to place branding was prepared on the basis of the survey data. Findings: The main findings are that the luxury hotel brands are on the cutting edge of taking into account place marketing items in the brand strategy framework; luxury segment remains the most stable part of hospitality industry; qualitative increase of tourist flow could contribute to GDP more than quantitative growth. Social implications: The article shows the evolution from separate promotion of the hotels’ and place brands to their natural win-win co-branding; traces effects of such long-life cross-promotion. Originality/value: The paper shows different points of coincidence of business (hotels’ brands) and non-profit/state (place brands) strategies at the area of destination promotion.
Cel: segment luksusowy odgrywa istotną rolę w branży turystycznej w ogóle i w hotelarstwie w szczególności. Artykuł stanowi przegląd trendów determinujących rozwój segmentu najwyżej plasujących się hoteli w aspektach marketingu miejsca. Projekt/metodologia/podejście stanowi kombinację wywiadów w celu uzyskania odpowiedzi wybranych luksusowych hoteli. Typologię podejść cechujących różne marki hoteli do brandingu miejsc przygotowano na podstawie danych z wywiadów. Wyniki badań: główne wyniki wskazują, że marki hoteli luksusowych znajdują się w czołówce z punktu widzenia uwzględniania elementów marketingu miejsca w ramach strategii marki; segment marek luksusowych pozostaje najbardziej stabilną częścią hotelarstwa; wzrost jakościowy przepływów turystów mógłby wnieść większy wkład do PKB niż wzrost ilościowy. Implikacje społeczne: artykuł przedstawia ewolucję od pojedynczych promocji marek hoteli i marek miejsc do ich naturalnego kobrandingu, w którym nie ma przegranych, oraz śledzi efekty takiej długotrwałej promocji krzyżowej. Oryginalność/wartość: opracowanie ukazuje różne punkty zbieżności biznesu (marki hoteli) i strategii non-profit/państwa (marki miejsc) w obszarze promocji miejsca przeznaczenia.
Цель: роскошный сегмент играет существенную роль в индустрии туризма в общем и в гостиничном хозяйстве в частности. Статья посвящена обзору трендов, определяющих развитие сегмента гостиниц высшего класса в аспек- те маркетинга мест. План/методика/подход – интервью для выявления ответов от избранных ро- скошных гостиниц. Типологию подходов к брендингу мест разными бренда- ми гостиниц подготовили на основе данных опросов. Результаты изучения: основные результаты изучения указывают, что бренды роскошных гостиниц находятся в авангарде с точки зрения учета элементов маркетинга мест в рамках стратегии бренда; роскошный сегмент остается на- иболее стабильной частью гостиничной индустрии; качественный рост пото- ка туристов мог бы внести больший вклад в ВВП, нежели количественный рост. Социальные импликации: статья показывает эволюцию от единичного про- движения брендов гостиниц и мест до их естественного беспроигрышного ко- брендинга, а также прослеживает эффекты такого длительного перекрестного продвижения (кросс-промоушина). Оригинальность/ценность: статья показывает разные точки совпадения стратегий бизнеса (бренды гостиниц) и стратегий благотворительных/госу- дарственных заведений (бренды мест) в области продвижения мест назначе- ния.
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