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tom nr 4
Zmieniająca się w Polsce gospodarka w kierunku gospodarki rynkowej obliguje menedżerów do podejmowania coraz bardziej efektywnych wyborów strategii działania. Wymaga to bardzo dobrej znajomości otoczenia i uwarunkowań wewnętrznych przedsiębiorstwa zwanych systemem informacji o środowisku działania. System ten jest ograniczony polem działalności firmy. Kryzys gospodarczy generuje w szczególności trudną sytuację dla biznesu. Stąd metody racjonalnego podejmowania decyzji mają duże znaczenie. Praca w sposób ogólny wprowadza do problematyki metodologii pracy menedżera, w tym budowlanego, w oparciu o metody programowania liniowego.
The changing Polish economy, passing to the free market conditions, obliges managers to take more effective strategies of acting. It requires good knowledge on outside and inside environments which is called system environment. It is defined by firm activities. Economic crisis generates particulary diffcult situation for business, so the rational methods of making decision in management have special importance. The Author introduces to the work methodology for managers, based on linear programming method.
Content available remote Professional self-determination of socially maladjusted teenagers
nr 1
The article considers the problems and peculiarities of professional self-determination of marginalized teenagers, assistance to teenagers with deviant behavior in professional self-determination and social adaptation on the basis of carrying out the competition of students’ creative works «I am a MANAGER» is offered, educational course "Professional self-determination and career of a Manager" that promotes the absorption of socially useful standards of behavior and values, convergence of attitudes and orientation of the individual with the expectations of the social environment.
According to D. Woodhouse ”organizations exist for a purpose, sometimes set out in a mission or objectives; then they plan and act in ways intended to achieve these objectives” . Defining and documenting of processes and their interaction is basic prerequisite for effective management of the organizations. Therefore, idea of the lean management which is based on processes risks and weaknesses analysis is very useful. The main aims of this paper are to describe common features of processes and documents lean management and to highlight the essence of the documents and leadership for lean concept implementation. The use of lean management concept has to be combined with a total value chain strategy particularly considering process management supported by the documents management and lean managers on different stages of an organizational structure.
Według D. Woodhouse „organizacje istnieją w jakimś celu, czasami określonym w misji lub celach strategicznych, później planują i prowadzą działania zmierzające do osiągnięcia tego celu”1. Definiowanie i dokumentowanie procesów i ich wzajemne oddziaływanie jest podstawowym warunkiem efektywnego zarządzania organizacjami. Dlatego idea lean management, która opiera się na analizie ryzyka i słabych stron procesów jest bardzo przydatna. Głównym celem artykułu jest identyfikacja cech procesów „odchudzonego” zarządzania i ich dokumentacji oraz podkreślenie istoty przywództwa dla prezentowanej koncepcji lean. Zastosowanie koncepcji lean management musi być połączone ze strategią tworzenia łańcucha wartości szczególnie biorąc pod uwagę proces zarządzania wspomagany zarządzaniem dokumentacją oraz działalnością kierownictwa (lean managers) na różnych szczeblach struktury organizacyjnej.
Content available remote Menedżer w dobie przemian
tom Z. 3
Dynamiczne zmiany społeczno-gospodarcze powodują wzrost wymagań stawianych pracownikom a w szczególności kadrze kierowniczej. Współczesny menedżer pełni szereg odpowiedzialnych ról w organizacji. Jaki jest rodowód i jak radzą sobie w nowych warunkach polscy menedzerowie? Odpowiedzi na te i inne pytania dają badania prowadzone przez socjologów, ekonomistów i specjalistów od zarządzania. Oceny i opinie sformułowane na podstawie tych badań nie są spójne. Z jednej strony wskazuje się na dużą operatywność i wysoka sprawność w adaptacji do nowych warunków działania, a z drugiej, że brakuje menedżerom wiedzy z zakresu zarządzania i umiejętności pracy w zespole.
The dynamic social-economic changes result in the increase of the requirements for the employees, most notably for managers. The modern manager play a number of responsible roles in the organisation. What is the background and low the managers perform in the new economic conditions? The answers for such questions are obtained through sociological, economic and managerial research. The estimation and opinions derived from the research are not coherent. Significant creativity and high ability to adapt to new conditions are stated on the basis of the research, but on the other hand, it is highlighted that the managers do not posses sufficient knowledge in a field of management and ability to work in teams.
Artykuł składa się z trzech części: uwag wstępnych, części zasadniczej podzielonej na dwa podrozdziały pt. „modele kompetencji w organizacjach” oraz „kompetencje menedżerów a pozycja rynkowa przedsiębiorstw IT”, oraz części trzeciej – uwag końcowych. W części pierwszej, we wstępie zwrócono uwagę, na fakt, iż menedżerowie pracujący w trudnych gospodarczo czasach, chcąc utrzymać poziom jakości zarządzania w swoich organizacjach, powinni budować w swoich organizacjach modele zarządzania oparte o kompetencje pracowników. W dobie kryzysu gospodarczego bowiem, tylko przedsiębiorstwa nowoczesne, oparte na wiedzy swoich pracowników potrafią przetrwać. Wiedza pracowników jako główny element kompetencji, jest jedną z najważniejszych składowych kapitału przedsiębiorstwa. W pierwszym podrozdziale części drugiej scharakteryzowano modele kompetencyjne w organizacjach, oraz składowe poszczególnych elementów kompetencji takie jak: wiedza, umiejętności i postawy. W drugim podrozdziale na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań przedstawiono jaki jest związek kompetencji menedżerów z wynikami organizacji IT. Określono które z badanych składowych kompetencji mają największy związek z wynikami, a które nie są bardzo istotne. Artykuł kończą uwagi końcowe, w których podsumowano wyniki badań otrzymane z 25 przedsiębiorstw od 104 ankietowanych menedżerów pracujących w firmach z branży IT wdrażających zintegrowane systemy wsparcia zarządzania.
The article consists of three parts: preliminary observations, the fundamental part divided into two subsections: "Models of competence in organizations" and "competence of managers and IT companies market position," and part four - concluding remarks. In the first part, in the introduction it was pointed out that managers working in difficult economic times, in order to maintain the level of quality management in their organizations, should build their organizations management models based on the competence of the employees. In the era of economic crisis, only a modern enterprise based on knowledge of their employees are able to survive. Knowledge of workers as a key competence is one of the most important components of the company's capital. In the first section of the second part, the competency models in organizations were characterized. In that part were also shown the individual elements of competence, such as: knowledge, skills and attitudes. The second section shows what there is an impact of the competence of the managers on the results of the IT organization. It was also determined which of the researched components of competence have the greatest impact and which are not very important. The article ends with concluding remarks, which summarizes the results. The researched based on 25 IT companies implementing integrated management systems and its 104 workers that were respondent
Zarówno określenie kierownik, jak i określenie manager ma swoich zwolenników i przeciwników. Dostępnych jest wiele publikacji jak i dyskusji, które pochylają się nad tematem różnic i podobieństw tych obu funkcji. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie miejsca kierownika oraz managera w przedsiębiorstwie, sprecyzowanie obszaru zadań obu tych funkcji jak również, zlokalizowanie tych terminów w świadomości osób pracujących w korporacji, na podstawie przeprowadzonego badania ankietowego . Czym dziś różni się kierownik od managera? Czym różni się kierowanie od zarządzania?
As can be seen from the presented issues, in management literature, the terms manager and manager are used interchangeably, there is also no specific systematic that clearly indicates where the manager's competence ends, and the manager's competence begins. Often, the tasks performed by the manager are identical to those of the manager, but it is important to emphasize that these are two different positions, which make sense in the linguistic sources to manage and direct. What is more, the competencies that a manager deserves is a manager, often a competency that belongs to managers and vice versa. It is difficult to separate the two positions precisely from each other, as previously mentioned, the functions within them cross into many directions. The more problematic is the distinction between the two positions, for those unaware of the subject. A survey conducted by an international corporation, on a sample of 100 people, indicates that the lower level staff surveyed did not see a significant difference between these positions. Education, information and so-called feedback are very much needed on what is the manager's job and what the manager's responsibilities are. What should be emphasized is that these positions are not identical and distinguishing them is a challenge in our day.
To čo dnes odlišuje víťazov od porazených sú vlastne informácie a znalosti. Z tohto dôvodu je manažérske vzdelávanie pre udržanie konkurencieschopnosti podniku veľmi dôležité. Efektívne výsledky a potrebná zmena vždy závisia od kvalitnej analýzy vzdelávacích potrieb a od zvolenia vhodných foriem i metód vzdelávania. Dôležité je, aby organizácie vedeli predvídať smer vývoja svojej oblasti podnikania a cielene na to pripravili svojich zamestnancov a nielen odpovedali na objavujúce sa potrebné zručnosti. Nie každá organizácia si to vie definovať. V ponuke je niekoľko vzdelávacích inštitúcii, ktoré organizáciám môžu pomôcť. Organizácia však musí mať jasne zadefinované, čo chce dosiahnuť. Pri výbere kvalitnej vzdelávacej inštitúcii treba prihliadať nielen na atraktívnosť ponuky, ale aj na serióznosť a kvalitu lektorov, na skúsenosti z tréningov. Pokiaľ má vzdelávanie získať postavenie v organizácii, ktoré mu patrí, musí byť vnímané ako dôležité a potrebné pre organizáciu, musí zabezpečiť naplnenie ich skutočných potrieb. Takýmto potrebám môže byť rozvoj, ktorý prinesie preukázateľnú pozitívnu zmenu doterajšie praxe, motivácie ľudí sa rozvíjať, zefektívniť procesy, zvýšiť produktivitu, motiváciou podporovať ostaný rozvoj, návratnosť investícii, stabilita kľúčových pracovníkov a mnoho ďalších.
At present investing in human potential is considered to be the most important step for enterprise competitiveness sustainment. Therefore the top managers should consider the importance of education and its effectiveness for the enterprise. The goal of the paper is to point out to the educational methods of employees in organizations, actual trends and methods of managers' education in the world and in Slovakia. The organization changes approaching to manager’s education in fact how the real economic situation provides the innovated practices and procedures. The education change applies in the education institute and in an enterprise education itself. Presently not even in the world also in Slovakia we prioritize the methods where we can perform the natural ability and birth given ability of each member of the course. It’s very important thinking of the correct education way, furthermore, choosing the right education enterprise. The most common education way in Slovakia is taking education classes out of business place(on the job training), less common is taking „inside education program“ and finally visiting outsource training education classes. In majority the formal education and conference education are still very popular but they usage it’s very occasional. Different between winners and defeaters are in information worship and knowledge owned. Consequently, in this way the manager’s education is very important to keep the competitiveness sustainment in high level. Sufficient results and required changes depend on qualitative analysis the education needs and from suitable forms and methods of education. It’s very important if enterprise have prediction attitude in corporate business way and being able to prepare their employees.
The analysis of scientific approaches to understanding the psychological characteris-tics of the role of the management team is important in the context of ensuring the organizational development of educational institutions. The transformational changes taking place in education today require the introduction of new approaches to the process of managing educational organizations. The practical solution to the problem of forming management teams in educational organizations involves determining and understanding the importance of systematic psychological training of education managers to form professional management teams. The article reveals the psychological features of innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, selected by the criterion of «Teamwork in the organization». Іt is especially important in educational organizations to form not only a teaching staff, but a team where teachers set an example not by words but by their own actions: teach them to be leaders, develop their various social competencies, and most importantly – teach by personal example. Аllowed us to identify innovative management styles in managers of educational organizations, which are selected by the criteria of «Teamwork in the organization» and provide the following skills: orientation of managers of educational organizations on teamwork based on clearly defined roles, willingness to internally accept organizational goals and objectives; to organize joint activities to address management issues, willingness and skills of constructive communication, dialogue and interaction with different categories of people. Іdentified traditional («fear of poverty», «authority – conquest», «rest home») and innovative («organization», «team») management styles in managers of educational organizations on the indicator «of orientation of managers to teamwork». Highlights the main reasons for managers to avoid team building. Increasing the attention of psychologists to the problem of psychological preparation of managers of educational organizations.
Paper refers to the book by John Hendry, a British philosopher connected also to the US Notre Dame University, Between Enterprise and Ethics: Business and Management in a Bimoral Society. The author presents in a persuasive manner axiological context of business behavior characteristic for Western societies. What is stressed in the paper is that it is not a bi-morality but division between praxiological directives upgraded to the level of ethics, mainly utilitarian, and norms ethical sensu stricte. In relation to that it is claimed that contemporary manager should act as a politician and leader rather, than as a technician.
The paper is an attempt to verify the assumptions of the motivation-hygiene theory by Frederick Herzberg in the context of the values and practices of leading managers of the U.S. economy. The two-factor theory is a part of every synthesis of management science, although its assumptions raise serious controversies. The subject matter of the analysis is the biographies of the most prominent managers, such as Henry Ford, Lee Iacocca, Walter P. Chrysler and Jordan Belfort (known as the ‘Wolf of Wall Street’). The basic aim of the analysis is to check their biographical story in the context of their motivation issues. The selection of characters has been imposed by the feature of being self-made men. It seems that their descriptions of how to motivate employees may be interpreted as a specific manifestation of values important to them in the perception of economic life and the interpersonal relations in structures of corporations functioning in different market circumstances. The choice of source materials from different historical moments and different economic spheres shows a conversion of values and goals in the American economy. One of the results of the analysis is the observation that Herzberg’s theory does not reflect the multiplicity of factors that may have a significant impact on the motivation of employees to perform their duties as well as possible. One of the aims of the discussion is to indicate the unusual source material, considered by many researchers as anecdotal, as potentially attractive for analyses in the field of the management sciences.
Content available remote Rola menedżera we współczesnym zarządzaniu organizacją
At the beginning is worth recalling the generally accepted definition of management. Management leadership is an activity involving the decision-making and control of resources, processes and information in the organization in order to achieve optimal results in the most efficient and cost-effective way and in accordance with the social rationality of actions. Management is thus a kind of journey through the chaos, is a kind of reality construction of the available items which can include: ideas, people, relationships, and formal - legal institutions, material and monetary resources as well as the right to dispose of them. There is also a view that management is control over the diversity and transformation of potential conflict into collaboration. Therefore, management should apply to all resources (personal and material, material) and to all aspects of the organization known as managed organizations, but in fact is related to the activities of the higher and highest levels in the hierarchy of the organization, which embrace a whole aspect and where exactly all the resources are allocated. At lower levels, especially at the executive level, management is better and should be cultivated by good managers. Challenges of the XXI century affect the process of development and the pursuit of business excellence. This is evident in several areas, notably globalization and internationalization of the world economy. Multinational companies increasingly seek newer markets and cheap labor. This affects the development of investment in less developed countries. Analyzing the failure of the pioneers of the company or its competitors in the industry, they implement the latest technologies by eliminating the twenty-first century ineffective. The dynamism of the global economy causes a continuous process of improving the operation and management of many companies. Entrepreneurs do not keep up with the productive and very fast in practice use of knowledge and information. The phenomenon of entrepreneurship is an essential element of economic competitiveness in world markets and many large and small businesses. What actually is meant by saying to be enterprising. Assumed that to be entrepreneurial, it means to be creative, innovative, flexible. Every manager, regardless of specialty, and level of function in addition to act as one plays in the organization the social roles expected by other members. The article presents the nature of the manager's work, types of managers, managerial job requirements and principles of work organization, as well as key roles and skills, in terms of modern management.
Content available remote Výkonnost jako klíčová kompetence
In times of global economic crisis managerial competence is comming into prominence because only competent and high-performance managers are able to hold companies actively competitive. The strenght of the company does not come from a finance background but human capital is becoming more important. That is why companies use the competency model to evaluation and finding potential of the employees. Thanks to this model they can choose the most capable ones. From the whole scale of competencies for the top managers the most important competence determining the success of the manager is his/her performance. Therefore the aim of this study is to confront performance of managers with students.
Manažerské kompetence v době globální ekonomické krize získávají na významu, neboť pouze schopní a výkonní manažeři dokáží podniky aktivně udržet konkurenceschopné. Síla podniku není dána jen jeho finančním zázemím, ale stále více na významu nabývá lidský kapitál. K hodnocení a měření potenciálu pracovníků proto podniky využívají školení a kurzy, díky kterým vybírají ty nejschopnější. Z celé škály kompetencí je pro vrcholového pracovníka asi nejvýznamnější kompetencí rozhodující o úspěchu, či neúspěchu manažerů jejich výkonnost, proto je cílem této studie konfrontovat výkonnost manažerů se studenty.
One of the components of the management activity essence of the educational institution manager is financial and economic activity. It is necessary to single out head issues related to the school and all its subsystems functioning, school building adjacent territory maintenance and teaching team and auxiliary staff activity. At present, the scale and complexity of the activities are defined by self funding and self support of an educational establishment, its external relations, as well as the implementation of financial and business needs the manager has to possess special knowledge and skills, provide scientifically-based approach to the process of administration. Financial and economic activity of educational establishment manager is further complicated by extraordinary social and economic crisis in our country. So we see it urgent to study the experience of educational institutions managers who have managed successfully financial and economic activity under difficult socio-economic conditions. A. Makarenko is such a leader. The urgency of the problems raised in the article led to the definition of the purpose of this article, which was as follows: based on the study and analysis of the heritage of A. Makarenko according to the research of his works, archival research results, research materials reveal the essence of financial and economic activity of A. Makarenko. The chronological boundaries of the study: 1920-1928 – period of A. Makarenko’s management of laborcamp named after M. Gorky. As a result, the study was able to determine that the financial and economic activity of A. Makarenko in the specified chronological boundaries was aimed at providing educational process in terms of logistical arrangement of an institution, satisfying personal physical, moral and psychological needs of inmates and facility staff to achieve educational goals. The author concludes that the effectiveness of financial and economic activity of A. Makarenko became possible by saving, rational use of financial, material and human resources, motivation of the members of the labour camp and also business activities in solving financial problems.
W artykule przedstawiono wymagania stawiane menedżerom, również dotyczące ich osobowości. Przeanalizowano ich osobowość w kontekście koncepcji stałych indywidualnych cech osobowości. Wskazano pożądane u tych osób wartości tych cech ze względu na ich efektywne funkcjonowanie.
Requirements expected from managers are discussed in the paper, including those related to their personalities. Managers personalities were analyzed in the context of constant individual personality traits. Desired value levels of those traits were identified with regard to the efficiency of their professional performance.
In the article the basic administration theories’ views on taking into account of the human factor are revealed. The essence of the phenomenon of conformity in the context of administrative efficiency is analyzed. The features of the manifestation of conformity in social groups are found out. An attempt to determine positive and negative values of conformity in the management team is made. The main aim of the team management is to improve work efficiency, and the most important factor is people. The head leads the basic resource of organization – staff and its potential strength. But the quality of administration and staff mutual understanding is influenced by the row of socio-psychological phenomena. The specificity of this influence, in author’s opinion, is one of the challenging and underexplored issues in the management psychology. One of such important factors is the phenomenon of conformism. Conformism is a conscious or unconscious subordination of the individual to the group influence in which it is included; passive adaptive perception of ready standards in behavior, unconditional admiration of authorities. The degree of conformity depends on several factors: 1 – personal characteristics of the person (age, gender, occupation, personal feelings of competence, self-esteem, physical and mental health; 2 – level of complexity of the problem; 3 – group size, degree of agreement of the majority; 4 – relationship between the person and the group (the higher the degree of commitment to the group, the more evident is conformity); 5 – publicity: in case of open thought expression person demonstrates high level of conformity); 6 – lack of information for decision making; 7 – attitudes of individuals: innovative or authoritarian; 8 – culture mentality. Positive impact of conformity on management is manifested in the increase of the personnel cohesion in crisis situations, simplification of the organization of joint activities, reducing of the adaptation time in the collective, getting rid of thinking how to behave in ordinary situations. As a result of manifestation of conformism the group of supporters is formed, all members share values and norms.Excessive conformism is a psychologically detrimental phenomenon. The person follows the group template without having his own views. Negative traits of conformism are: loss of ability to make decisions and navigate in unfamiliar conditions; creation of conditions and prerequisites for the development of totalitarian sects and countries, implementation of the massacres and genocide; development of various prejudices and biases against minorities; reducing the ability of the individual to make a significant contribution to the culture or science, as well as conformity eradicates original and creative thought. It is concluded that socio-psychological phenomenon of conformism is ambiguous concerning the impact on the management efficiency: on the one hand it helps the leader to influence the collective, unite staff; on the other hand, it hinders openness of staff to new professional solutions, to creative initiatives. Therefore, the manager must consider all aspects of the phenomenon of conformism and adjust its level in collective by means of professional management methods.
W artykule przedstawiono implikacje wynikające z przemian cywilizacyjnych dla edukacji zawodowej menedżerów. Konieczność radykalnych zmian w systemie edukacji w dziedzinie zarządzania uzasadniono wieloma czynnikami, przede wszystkim potrzebami rynku pracy i dokonującymi się w Europie procesami integracyjnymi. Wskazano kierunki tych zmian, które już można zauważyć i tendencje, które powinny pojawić się w przyszłości.
In the article implications on manager’s education resulting from civilization changes were presented. Necessity of radical changes in the system of education in the field of management was supported by many arguments including labor market requirements and pending integration processes in Europe. Directions of those changes were illustrated which can either be observed already or are expected to appear in future.
Content available remote Twórcze aspekty zarządzania
tom z. 30
Zarządzanie, rozumiane jako zestaw działań skierowanych na zasoby organizacji i wykonywanych z zamiarem osiągnięcia jej celów w sposób sprawny i skuteczny oraz zgodny ze społeczną racjonalnością działań gospodarczych, staje się coraz ważniejsze w tworzeniu przyszłości każdej firmy. Rośnie więc stale jego ranga, ale też coraz bardziej rosną stawiane mu wymagania. Musi być ono coraz bardziej działaniem twórczym, wyzwalającym inwencją i motywację osiągnięć wszystkich, którzy pracują na sukces firmy, Musi skłaniać kierownictwo i personel do poszukiwania nowych korzystniejszych rozwiązań i sposobów ich efektywnej realizacji.
Because of the fact that management, its competence and effectiveness determine the future of the firm, more is being required of it. In our economy, which undergoes rapid transformation, proper managing of the firm plans even greater role and faces more important problems. It is crucial to building our prosperity and achieving success in the process of catching up with the countries of European Community. The main focus of this paper is an decision making, personnel management and managing innovations, because in those areas exist most important opportunities for creative decision making. Presentation of above mentioned opportunities should help managers in choosing the right path of development and in the task of increasing management effectiveness.
Content available remote The profile of knowledge management processes manager
tom Vol. 15, no 2
The study presents the author's concept of a knowledge management processes manager profile. The distinguished category of managers was presented at the background of the discussion focused on changes regarding managerial work profile in knowledge based economy. An important role of knowledge management staff results from the growing importance of changing, dynamic and versatile teams working on carrying out complex and complicated processes occurring in a contemporary organization. The study presents an example of an enterprise creating the group of knowledge managers by means of a special programme.
W opracowaniu zaprezentowano autorską koncepcję profilu menedżera procesów zarządzania wiedzą. Wyróżnioną kategorię menedżerów zaprezentowano na tle rozważań o zmianie charakteru pracy kierowniczej w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy. Ważna rola menedżerów zarządzania wiedzą wynika z rosnącego znaczenia zmiennych, dynamicznych i wszechstronnych zespołów w realizacji złożonych, skomplikowanych procesów zachodzących we współczesnej organizacji. W opracowaniu przytoczono przykład przedsiębiorstwa kreującego, za pomocą specjalnego programu, grupę menedżerów wiedzy.
We współczesnych organizacjach szczególnego znaczenia nabierają ludzie, dzięki których przedsiębiorstwa mogą uzyskać wyróżniającą się pozycję na rynku. Kształt wzajemnych relacji interpersonalnych wpływa nie tylko na pozytywny klimat wewnątrz zespołu, ale także przekłada się na kontakty z otoczeniem. Celem artykułu jest uzupełnienie dostępnej literatury o informacje dotyczące narzędzi budowania relacji interpersonalnych wraz z dokonaniem oceny ich istotności w kontekście preferencji menedżerów, jak również oczekiwań pracowników. Badanie empiryczne zostało przeprowadzone metodą triangulacji za pomocą ankiet, wywiadów focusowych oraz wywiadów indywidualnych. Podstawowym jego celem było porównanie zgodności oczekiwań pracowników i preferencji menedżerów w zakresie stosowanych narzędzi, a dopełnieniem hierarchia celów menedżerów z uwzględnieniem pozycji relacji interpersonalnych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwoliły pozytywnie zweryfikować postawione hipotezy, choć wskazały na pewne rozbieżności w postrzeganiu omawianych zagadnień.
In today's organizations is particularly important people, so that companies can get a distinctive position in the market. The shape of the interpersonal relationship affects not only the positive atmosphere within the team, but also translates into contact with the environment. The aim of this article is to supplement the available literature for information about tools to build interpersonal relationships with assessing their relevance in the context of the preferences of managers, as well as the expectations of employees. Empirical research was conducted using the triangulation through surveys, interviews focusowych and individual interviews. Its main objective was to compare the compliance of employees' expectations and preferences of managers in the field of applied tools and complement the objectives of the hierarchy of managers, taking into account the position of interpersonal relationships. The results of the study allowed positively verify hypotheses, but pointed to some discrepancies in the perception of the issues discussed
The article presents the concept of servant leadership philosophy as a factor creating a human resource in the organization to an extent greater than determinants as indicated in traditional motivation theories. The paper also includes a case study showing the extent to which the selected aspects of servant leadership are used in managerial practice.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję filozofii przywództwa służebnego jako czynnika kreowania zasobu ludzkiego w organizacji w stopniu skuteczniejszym niż determinanty wskazywane w tradycyjnych teoriach motywowania. Opracowanie zawiera także studium przypadku w zakresie oceny stopnia wykorzystania w praktyce kierowniczej wybranych aspektów przywództwa służebnego.
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