This study investigates the effect of magnetic water (MW) on the properties of slag-based geopolymer composites (SGCs) incorporating ceramic tile waste (CTW) from construction and demolition waste (CDW). The presented study consists of two stages. In the first stage, reference mortars without additives were produced, and optimum parameters for molarity, curing temperature and curing time were determined. Tap water (TW) was used as mixing water, and blast furnace slag (BFS) was used as a precursor in SGCs in this stage. SGCs were produced using different alkali activator concentrations (12, 14 and 16 M) and were cured for either 24 or 48 h in an oven at ranging from 60 to 110 °C. Ultrasonic pulse velocity (Upv), flexural strength (ffs), and compressive strength (fcs) tests were performed on the produced SGCs. The results of these tests indicated that optimum paramaters for molarity, curing temperature and curing time parameters were determined to be 16 M, 100 ℃ and 24 h, respectively. Then, TW and MW were used as mixing water, and BFS and CTW were used as precursors in the second stage. At this stage, SGCs were produced using 16 M and cured in an oven at 100 ℃ for 24 h. In the mixtures, CTW was used by substituting 10, 20, 30 and 40% by weight of BFS. In the second stage, workability, Upv, ffs, and fcs tests as well as microstructure analyses, were performed on the produced SGCs. Microstructure analyses were performed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). According to the results, Upv, ffs, and fcs increased compared to the reference SGCs when 10% of CTW was used. Additionally, when MW was used as mixing water, there were increases in workability, Upv, ffs, and fcs results compared to those produced with TW. From SEM analyses, it has been observed that MW accelerates the polymerization process of SGCs containing CTW and reduces the pore size of SGCs. As a result, it has been determined that MW can improve the fresh and hardened state properties and microstructures of SGCs containing CTW.
Badania prowadzono w hali wegetacyjnej Instytutu Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa-Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego w Puławach. Rośliny były uprawiane w wazonach Mitscherlicha zawierających mieszaninę 5 kg ziemi ogrodowej i 2 kg piasku. Czynnikiem I rzędu były odmiany łubinu żółtego: Dukat i Taper, a czynnikiem II rzędu – rodzaj wody stosowanej do podlewania roślin: Wk – woda nienamagnesowana (obiekt kontrolny), Wn – woda uzdatniona magnetyzerem nakładkowym, Wp – woda uzdatniona magnetyzerem przepływowym. Celem podjętych badań było określenie wpływu wody uzdatnionej magnetycznie na kiełkowanie nasion oraz wzrost, rozwój i plonowanie łubinu żółtego. Woda uzdatniana magnetycznie polepszała wschody łubinu. Dotyczyło to zarówno terminu jak i dynamiki wschodów. Rośliny podlewane wodą uzdatnianą magnetycznie osiągały większe wskaźniki bezwzględnej (GR) i względnej (RGR) szybkości wzrostu niż rośliny podlewane zwykłą wodą. Nawadnianie gleby wodą magnetyczną spowodowało istotną zwyżkę plonu nasion obydwu odmian łubinu żółtego. Przyrost plonu był konsekwencją większej liczby strąków na roślinie i większej liczby nasion z rośliny, bowiem masa 1000 nasion nie uległa większej zmianie.
Researches were conducted in the vegetation hall of Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Puławy. Plants were cultivated in Mitscherlich pots containing a mixture of soil - 5 kg and sand - 2 kg per pot. Yellow lupine variety: Dukat and Taper was the first row factor, and the second one - type of water used for plant watering: Wk – non-magnetised water (control), Wp – water conditioned by flow magnetizer, and Wn – water conditioned by fishplate magnetizer. The aim of undertaken studies was to evaluate magnetically conditioned water influence on seed germination as well as growth, development and yielding of lupine. It was found that magnetically conditioned water increased lupine germination. It concerned both the time and the dynamic of plant emergence. Plants watered with magnetically conditioned water achieved greater absolute growth rate (GR) and relative growth rate (RGR) than plants watered with normal water. The use of magnetic water caused significant seed yield increase of both lupine varieties. Yield increase was a consequence of greater number of pods per plant and greater number of seeds per plant, since the thousand seeds mass did not undergo greater change.
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