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Content available remote The masculinisation of old age in South Asia
This paper shows that the universal female survival advantage evades all the countries of South Asia, except Sri Lanka. Consequently, contrary to the global trend, these countries have more older men than older women in their populations. In view of this, the paper first develops a theoretical model (using the life-course perspective) to explain the mechanisms behind the possible persistence of this female deficit, i.e. the (older) missing women phenomenon, and highlights why this model may apply to South Asian countries. This discussion addresses the higher mortality of females’ compared to males at each stage of the life course that culminate in old age (the life-course effect), the role of conflict and natural disasters that affect female mortality more adversely than male mortality (cohort effects), or a combination of the two. Subsequently, the paper calculates the extent of the female deficit in South Asian countries. The results of the calculation accord with the theoretical discussion by allowing the classification of the older missing women phenomenon as a life-course effect in some countries (e.g. India), a cohort effect in other countries (e.g. Nepal), and a combination of the two in specific countries (e.g. Pakistan).
Academic mobility is usually perceived and discussed as a positive phenomenon - as a prerequisite for building a competitive and successful economy and quality science. Academic mobility has now become essential to building a successful academic career in many research domains. On the policy level the negative impact of academic mobility on researchers’ lives and especially women’s is usually overlooked and marginalized. In my paper I focus on academic mobility in the context of academics’ relationships and family lives. I ask two research questions: What is the impact of mobility on researchers’ relationships? How does mobility affect the lives of the partners of mobile researchers? The analysis is based on i) 16 in-depth interviews with academics from various fields of research about their experiences of long-term fellowships abroad in the early stages of their academic path and on ii) 16 in-depth joint interviews with Czech dualcareer academic couples. The analysis shows that academic mobility has a great and significant impact on the family and partnership lives of migrating researchers. For many, especially the partners of migrating researchers, mobility means they have to make many concessions in their private and family lives. I conclude that the impact of academic mobility on people’s partnership lives is highly gendered because couples’ work and family lives are closely intertwined.
Content available remote Partnerské dráhy prvorodiček bez partnera ve společné domácnosti
We investigate partnership transitions of mothers who had no coresidential partner at the time of birth of their first child (‘solo mothers’). Using retrospective partnership and co-residence histories from the Czech 2005 GGS, we investigate mothers’ entry into the first subsequent co-residential partnership using event history methods. We test several hypotheses derived from the individualisation theory. While approximately one half of ‘solo mothers’ had no co-residential partner at the time they had their first child, almost 50% of them did enter a co-residential partnership subsequently. The probability of transitioning into a co-residential partnership increased over cohorts. Whereas about 25% of solo mothers from the oldest cohort (first child born before entered a co-residential partnership with the 20 years after having their first child, in the youngest cohort the figure was almost two-thirds. The highest odds are among very young solo mothers. Well-educated solo mothers are more likely to remain without a co-residential partner and the effect of education increases over cohorts, perhaps reflecting their growing ability and willingness to remain solo.
The paper focuses on the changes that have occurred in women’s academic research careers and compares two generations: women who built their career under state socialism (before 1989) and the contemporary young generation of women. It aims to contribute to the discussion of how the current transformation of science and the academic work environment has impacted gender equality and women’s careers in academia. A life-course approach is used to analyse the interplay between individual, institutional, and structural barriers in women’s careers. Drawing on in-depth narrative interviews, the analysis focuses on the interaction between academic research work paths, institutional and organisational conditions, and family paths and examines the milestones that formed the career paths of women now and in the past, how the dynamics of an academic research career have changed, and how the ways and conditions for combining work life and motherhood have changed. The author argues that the neoliberal transformation of the academic labour market and current Czech family policy leave women increasingly less able to fit their life biography into their preferred career model than they could before 1989.
The following text presents various alternative theoretical approaches in political socialization research. Some of the theoretical insights provided by the functional, systemic and interpretative perspectives are identifiedin order to depict the discussion around the continuity and change within the political socialization research. Whereas in the firstperiod of political socialization research the aim was to explain the continuity in the development of political orientations, it was later forced to account for modificationand the potential for change (especially when addressing the interpretative issues of identity politics). After describing the field’stheoretical shifts, the life-course model of political socialization is presented. The life-course model attempts to deal with the problem of continuity and change in the political socialization process, pointing to its remarkable complexity and lifelong flexibility.It offers a systematic, interdisciplinary and holistic way of conceptualizing political socialization. It points to the importance of political socialization research in demonstrating interdependence between objective functions of the political system and subjective political learning of a reflexive individual.
The article presents the theory of self-control/life-course by T. C. Pratt. Its advantages were presented as a synthesis of two important theoretical trends in criminology. Important deficits in this theory have also been pointed out. Above all, however, the argument was presented that Pratt’s proposal could be supplemented and developed within an evolutionary approach. The authors presented some detailed proposals in this respect and pointed to the potential directions and key assumptions of the project to further explain the relationship between the level of self-control and the evolutionary perspective on the course of an individual’s life.
W artykule dokonano prezentacji teorii samokontroli/biegu życia autorstwa T.C. Pratta. Przedstawiono jej zalety, jako syntezy dwóch ważnych nurtów teoretycznych w kryminologii. Wskazano również na istotne deficyty tej teorii. Przede wszystkim jednak zaprezentowano argumentację na rzecz tezy, że propozycja Pratta może być uzupełniona i rozwinięta w ramach podejścia ewolucyjnego. Autorzy przedstawili pewne szczegółowe propozycje w tym zakresie oraz wskazali na potencjalne kierunki i kluczowe założenia projektu dalszego wyjaśniania związków między poziomem samokontroli a biegiem życia jednostki w ujęciu ewolucyjnym.
Looking for more effective way of doing social policy, its theory and practice is more and more discovering role played by circumstances and determinants of “good life”, i.e. of life-course consistent with social preferences how defined is successful life. In the article attention is paid to concept of life-course, its social preferences – normative model of life course – and to analytical approaches applied by social policy decision-makers and researchers. Additionally significance of changes in the modern life-course was underlined, what is observed as life-course destandarisation resulting in emergence of new social risks.
Poszukując bardziej skutecznych metod działania, teoria i praktyka polityki społecznej w coraz większym stopniu odkrywa wagę analiz uwarunkowań pomyślnego przebiegu życia, zgodnego ze społecznymi preferencjami odnośnie do udanego życia. W artykule przedstawiono pojęcie przebiegu życia, społeczne preferencje odnośnie do pomyślnego życia przybierające postać normatywnego modelu przebiegu życia oraz stosowane w nauce o polityce społecznej podejścia analityczne do przebiegu życia. Dodatkowo wskazano wagę współczesnych przemian biegu życia, prowadzących do destandaryzacji karier, ich wydłużenia i niestabilności, a w efekcie do wyłaniania się nowych ryzyk socjalnych.
W artykule dokonano prezentacji teorii samokontroli/biegu życia autorstwa T.C. Pratta. Przedstawiono jej zalety, jako syntezy dwóch ważnych nurtów teoretycznych w kryminologii. Wskazano również na istotne deficyty tej teorii. Przede wszystkim jednak zaprezentowano argumentację na rzecz tezy, że propozycja Pratta może być uzupełniona i rozwinięta w ramach podejścia ewolucyjnego. Autorzy przedstawili pewne szczegółowe propozycje w tym zakresie oraz wskazali na potencjalne kierunki i kluczowe założenia projektu dalszego wyjaśniania związków między poziomem samokontroli a biegiem życia jednostki w ujęciu ewolucyjnym.
The article presents the theory of self-control/life-course by T. C. Pratt. Its advantages were presented as a synthesis of two important theoretical trends in criminology. Important deficits in this theory have also been pointed out. Above all, however, the argument was presented that Pratt’s proposal could be supplemented and developed within an evolutionary approach. The authors presented some detailed proposals in this respect and pointed to the potential directions and key assumptions of the project to further explain the relationship between the level of self-control and the evolutionary perspective on the course of an individual’s life.
Tekst podejmuje zagadnienia teoretyczne stanowiące podstawę programu badań nad procesem osiągania dorosłości we współczesnej Polsce. W ostatnich dekadach zagadnienie to stosunkowo rzadko stawało się tematem w badaniach socjologicznych. Tymczasem istnieją istotne przesłanki – tak poznawcze, jak i aplikacyjne, by zająć się nim bardziej systematycznie niż dotychczas. Autorki, zmierzając do sformułowania założeń projektu badawczego, przywołują cztery perspektywy teoretyczno- badawcze. Pierwsza związana jest z koncepcją zinstytucjonalizowanego przebiegu życia, druga – z ujęciami wczesnej dorosłości i młodych dorosłych jako kategorii społecznej. Wykorzystanie ramy pojęciowej polityki przebiegu życia i „reżimów przejścia”, a także konstrukcjonistycznej perspektywy w badaniach polityk publicznych pozwala z kolei uchwycić polityczno-instytucjonalne konteksty biografii osób rozpoczynających dorosłe życie.
The article examines theoretical issues underlying research programmes aimed at characterizing transitions into adulthood in contemporary Poland. This phenomenon seems to have been understudied in recent decades, and there are several arguments for undertaking it more systematically. While aiming at the formulation of research project objectives, the authoresses examine four theoretical and research perspectives. The first is the concept of an institutionalized life course. Secondly, the approaches and theoretical categories applied in youth studies are considered. The conceptual framework of a “life course policy” and “transition regimes” within social policy studies, as well as the constructionist paradigm in public policy research, makes it possible to gain deeper insight into the political and institutional frames of biographies of individuals entering adult life.
Przebieg końca kariery zawodowej, wskutek wprowadzenia powszechnych systemów emerytalnych, podlegał takim samym zmianom, jakie generalnie dotyczyły przebiegu życia, czyli chronologizacji, instytucjonalizacji i standaryzacji. Ostatnie dwie dekady to czas powolnej zmiany podejścia do wieku emerytalnego i warunków przechodzenia na emeryturę. W najbardziej rozwiniętych państwach wdrażane są zróżnicowane, dostosowane do zindywidualizowanych potrzeb i możliwości rozwiązania mające zachęcić do dłuższego pozostawania na rynku pracy. Celem pracy jest wskazanie mechanizmu, za pomocą którego wdrażanie tych rozwiązań prowadzi do destandaryzacji normatywnego modelu zakończenia kariery zawodowej i rzeczywistego przebiegu tego procesu.
Withdrawal from the labour market has been shaped by the same changes as general life courses – due to the emergence of pension it was subjected to chronologization, institutionalisation, and standardization. The two most recent decades are a time when changes can be observed in the attitudes to old-age retirement and pension (pre-)requirements. Governments of the most developed countries have decided to introduce incentives to motivate people to stay in the labour market longer. These incentives are becoming more and more individualized and adjusted to meet individual needs. This paper describes how the introduced instruments affect a destandarization of withdrawal from the labour market and its normative models.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie znaczeń, jakie młodzi ludzie nadają pracy wraz z upływem czasu. Skupiamy się na narracjach młodych osób (w wieku 19–34 lata) z wyższym wykształceniem, będących na różnych etapach procesu wchodzenia w dorosłość. Odwołując się do badań dotyczących przechodzenia z edukacji do zatrudnienia, wykorzystujemy koncepcję elastycznego czasu społecznego [Adam 1998], by przedstawić, jak jednostki konstruują zmiany oraz punkty zwrotne w swoich biografiach. Wraz z upływem czasu zmienia się ocena poszczególnych wydarzeń i doświadczeń na rynku pracy. Opierając się na materiale z projektu „Przejścia młodych z edukacji na rodzimy i zagraniczny rynek pracy: rola lokalności, grupy rówieśniczej i nowych mediów”, omawiamy różne znaczenia nadawane pracy na trzech etapach życia od późnej adolescencji do wczesnej dorosłości. Przede wszystkim oddajemy głos badanym, którzy podzielili się swoimi refleksjami na temat: (1) pracy w trakcie szkoły średniej, (2) łączenia studiów z pracą, (3) wchodzenia na rynek pracy bezpośrednio po zdobyciu wykształcenia uniwersyteckiego oraz na późniejszych etapach trajektorii. Artykuł rzuca światło na kwestię stabilności na rynku pracy i jej konstruowaniu na kolejnych etapach życia.
The article discusses the processes of meaning-making which are connected to the significance of work/employment as it intersects with the passage of time. We focus on the narratives of young people (aged 19–34) with a university education at different stages of entering adulthood. Drawing on research linked to education-to-work transitions, we rely on the notion of flexible social time [Adam 1998] to present how individuals subjectively construct breaks and turning points in their biographies. It is argued that the passage of time alters the experience and evaluation of events on the labour market. Based on empirical material from the project entitled Education-todomestic and- foreign labour market transitions of youth: The role of locality, peer group and new media, we discuss three stages tied to varied meanings of work, from late adolescence to adulthood. In particular, we give voice to the interviewees who shared their reflections about: (1) working during high-school, (2) combining university education with employment, and (3) transitioning from education to work, and later career trajectories until their early 30s. The article sheds light on the issue of labour market stability as distinctively constructed at subsequent life-stages.
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