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Content available remote Nowe "serce" Warszawy - Buwing na Powiślu
Warszawskie Powiśle jest dzielnicą, w której od blisko dziesięciu lat swoją nową siedzibę ma Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie (BUW). W artykule wskazano że całokształt obserwowanych i nadal zachodzących przemian spowodowanych przez bibliotekę pozwala dziś mówić o Powiślu jako o interesującej dzielnicy Warszawy, z różnorodnymi funkcjami i aktywnościami miejskimi, atrakcyjnymi gmachami i powiązanymi z nimi przestrzeniami publicznymi, a przy tym niepozbawionej odrębności kulturowej i przestrzennej - jako o nowym "sercu miasta".
Warsaw's Powiśle is a district where the Warsaw University Library (Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie - BUW) has had its new seat for almost ten years. The article indicates that all thechanges caused by the library make it possible to talk about today's Powiśle as an interesting district of Warsaw, with diverse urban functions and activities, some attractive edifices and interrelated public spaces, at the same time not devoid of cultural and spatial separateness - as the new heart of the city.
Content available The tourism attractiveness of Polish libraries
The aim of the article is to draw the reader's attention to the tourism attractiveness of renowned Polish libraries. These have attained a tourism function due to tourism exploration and penetration, but remain in the shadow of other Polish cultural assets. The article outlines the historical geography of Polish libraries, an analysis of tourism assets and an attempt to classify and catalogue libraries in Poland.
This paper presents the plan of West Pomeranian System of Regional and Scientific Information (ZSIReNa). It is composed of: -West Pomeranian Digital Library, -Central Catalogue of Libraries situated in West Pomerania, -Knowledge Base about West Pomeranian Region. The goal of ZSIReNa is an integration of Libraries situated in West Pomerania in virtual Network. The user of this network could have access to all catalogues and digital resources of libraries situated in West Pomerania.
The aim of the article is to draw the reader's attention to the tourism attractiveness of renowned Polish libraries. These have attained a tourism function due to tourism exploration and penetration, but remain in the shadow of other Polish cultural assets. The article outlines the historical geography of Polish libraries, an analysis of tourism assets and an attempt to classify and catalogue libraries in Poland.
Content available remote Budowanie relacji w zespole bibliotecznym
The article tackles the issues of working in a library team referring to building relations and mutual cooperation based on an example of the employees of the Scientific Information Department of the Pedagogical University in Cracow's Main Library. One of the most demanded competences has been underlined in the text, that being the ability to work in a team and taking care of the good working atmosphere by the team members, as well as reaching compromises. The article describes the positive features influencing the professional and life success of a person, for example the appropriate level of motivation, mental resistance, ambition, pull, the ability to make acquaintances, persistence, optimism, mental health and dynamism. Later in the article there is a description of the elements that enable a creation of a good team consisting of people with initiative, open to new solutions and not afraid of change. The summary includes a mature team characterized by: clearly described goals and division of activities, effective system of communication, ability of mutual support in both giving and taking, and having common values
The kept collection of incunabula is not uniform in terms of their origins. Although this is a small collection, in many ways it is interesting concerning both authors, areas of their knowledge, notes of origin or their binding. The library has in total twelve bibliographical positions in ten volumes. They are the work of workshops located in four urban centres: Venice, Cologne, Strasbourg and Augsburg. All of the collection of books are concentrated around four major groups: Scripture, Theology, law and philosophy. The authors of those works were the most prominent representatives of medieval science. Part of the incunabula’s cover are from the period of the book’s print (turn of fifteenth and sixteenth century), part of them are from the later period.
The collection of manuscripts at the Cistercian library in Szczyrzyc amounts to 100 volumes, including four medieval codices dated between 1460-1494; 12 manuscript books dated to the 17th century; 57 dated to the 18th century, and 27 manuscripts dated to the 19th century. Most of them are textbooks, copies of theological, philosophical and legal treatises, works on rhetoric, liturgy, world history, mathematics and herbal medicine, as well as books of homilies for special occasions and feasts. The collection of manuscripts at the monastery in Szczyrzyc is mostly a functional one – it was used by the monks to study and broaden their philosophical, theological, legal and liturgical knowledge. Several codices contain the texts of homilies delivered at various churches on feast days and solemnities, written down by the monks of Szczyrzyc. The surviving codices are bound in simple covers made of damaged folios taken out from liturgical codices, including antiphonaries and graduals. Considering the small number of surviving books, it is difficult to discuss the interests or influences of particular authors and their works on the intellectual level of the religious community of Szczyrzyc.
The importance of consolidated information resources development for social data institutions at the level of towns and establishments with a view to their further integration into national information resource is substantiated. “Smart city” projects portfolio is a new innovative model of the city, region and country development. A considerable part of the world cities and towns use the current innovation for project implementation providing their development with application of intellectual digital information – telecommunication networks and technologies. “Smart city” project implementation is encouraged by the world developed countries in order to rise living standards and economic growth of regions and cities. “Smart city” consolidated information recourse development is based on the application of modern information and communication technologies, tools design and operation algorithms and ways of polymodal information presentation and processing.
A study of eight multicultural suburban Swedish classes forms the backdrop of an analysis of the role of the library in students’ development towards becoming skilled readers. In-depth interviews with five teachers and one librarian involved in the classes provide empirical data, even though background information was collected with mixed research methods. The librarian’s narrative is the primary source of data in this article. The children′s educational trajectory from the preschool class to third grade is in focus. The present meta-analysis highlights the role of the library and the librarian, with respect to linkages made to the children’s overall literacy development. As a tool for analysis critical literacy theory was used, thus extending the influence of the librarian′s participation beyond the actual literacy practice, to the surrounding society. The results indicate that the library played a vital role in several ways, for teachers and students as well as for the parents. The collaboration between the librarian and the teachers started with the librarian having book talks with the children. However, she became a participant in the team’s planning and follow-up activities, linking the worlds in and out of school.
The article presents activities undertaken by a Public Provincial Library – the Copernicus Library in Toruń in the field of promoting readership among children and adolescents in the 1980s. The author describes the situation of libraries after WWII and the role of librarians, emphasizing the educational aspect of their work. In addition, she recreates the course of seminars organised for librarians from children’s libraries, the curiculum of which included academic lectures including lectures on authors of books for children, an analysis of the status of readership and libraries and a discussion of the latest developments. The text includes a description of popularizing activities and initiatives. Cyclical library lessons and thematic projects like holiday and summer campaigns, are also described. The article is based mainly on historical source materials stored in the Archives of the Public Library and the State Archives in Toruń. They include documents relating to the institution, i.e. reports, characteristics of the directions of library development for selected years, as well as materials documenting library events and happenings.
In Leśna Podlaska, the image of Mother of God has been an object of worship since 1683. In 1727, the Leśna parish was taken over by monks from the Pauline Order. In 1875, on the basis of Tsar Alexander II's decree, the church in Leśna Podlaska, together with the venerated image, the great altar, and votive offerings, were handed over to the Eastern Orthodox Church. The remaining furnishings were transferred to 18 parish churches of the liquidated dioceses of Podlasie and Lublin. The organ was transferred to All Saints Church in Warsaw. The book collection of the Pauline monks from Leśna was donated to the library of the seminary in Lublin. In the years 1879–1881, the exterior of the church was changed, giving the building an appearance characteristic of Orthodox Church temples. Leśna Podlaska became an important centre of Russification policy carried out by Russia.
tom nr 6
14199--14206, CD 6
Artykuł prezentuje możliwości wykorzystania kodów QR w usługach bibliotecznych w oparciu o przegląd stron WWW bibliotek. Uwzględniono w nim serwisy internetowe bibliotek akademickich i publicznych, zarówno światowych jak i polskich. Ponadto w pracy przeanalizowano rodzaje usług, z którymi najczęściej powiązane są kody QR. Stwierdzono, że najczęściej kody QR wykorzystywane są do prezentacji danych teleadresowych i lokalizacyjnych, a także korzystania z usługi Zapytaj bibliotekarza i przeglądania zasobów bibliotecznych on-line. Poza tym wykorzystuje się kody QR w celach promocyjnych, np. czytelnictwa i prezentowania zbiorów specjalnych. Dalszym rozszerzeniem zastosowania kodów QR jest zintegrowanie usług bibliotecznych z całym systemem uczelnianym, a także powiązania z profilami na portalach społecznościowych. Powszechność stosowania kodów QR determinuje ich obecność w usługach bibliotecznych. Możliwości ich wykorzystania w środowisku bibliotecznym zależą tylko od kreatywności bibliotekarzy.
The paper presents the possibility of using QR codes in library services based on a review of the websites of various libraries, included the websites of academic and public libraries, both global and Polish. In addition, the paper analyzes the types of services, which are most commonly associated with QR codes. It was found that the most QR codes are used for the presentation of contact details and location, as well as the use of the service "Ask a Librarian" and browse the on-line library. In addition, the QR codes are used for promotional purposes, e.g. reading and presentation of special collections. A further extension of the use of QR codes is the integration of library services throughout the university system, as well as connecting with social network profiles. Common use of QR codes determines their presence in library services. The capability of their use in the library environment depends only on the creativity of librarians.
Content available remote Współczesne biblioteki i ich nowa rola w życiu mieszkańców miast
Budynki bibliotek przeżywają obecnie okres wyjątkowej koniunktury. Projektowane przez znakomitych architektów zajmują często najbardziej prestiżowe lokalizacje w mieście. Rozkwit tego typu obiektów budzi zdziwienie w dzisiejszych czasach, w których książka może być zastąpiona przez media elektroniczne, a coraz więcej budynków i przestrzeni publicznych w miastach wypieranych jest skutecznie przez elektroniczne odpowiedniki. W niniejszym artykule autorzy starają się pokazać jak w wyniku transformacji cywilizacyjnych zmienia się znaczenie bibliotek w miastach oraz jakie potrzeby współczesnych społeczeństw powinny zaspokajać ich nowe schematy programowo-funkcjonalne.
Library buildings are experiencing a period of unique prosperity. Designed by prominent architects, they often occupy the most prestigious locations in a city. The prime of this type of objects seems puzzling these days when a book can be replaced by electronic media, and more and more buildings and public spaces in cities are effectively superseded by some electronic equivalents. This publication tries to show how the meaning of libraries in cities changes as the result of civilization transformations and what needs of modern societies ought to be satisfied by their new programmatic and functional schemes.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji systemu zarządzania normami oraz informacją normalizacyjną w Głównym Instytucie Górnictwa. System umożliwi pełną automatyzację procesów informacyjnych, elektroniczną ewidencję norm międzynarodowych i zagranicznych oraz elektroniczną archiwizację informacji normalizacyjnej. Omówiono genezę oraz opis aktualnego rozwiązania. Przedstawiono koncepcję ogólną i warunki techniczne projektowanej aplikacji. Opisano szczegółowo rodzaje użytkowników oraz ich uprawnienia, funkcje aplikacji, organizację Biblioteki Norm (w tym wyszukiwanie informacji). Opisane, ogólne założenia będą podstawą opracowania dokumentacji technicznej w Dziale Informatyki GIG, na podstawie której zostaną wykonane prace projektowe oraz wdrożeniowe.
General approach. The purpose of this paper is to present the concept of the management system of standards and standardisation information in the Central Mining Institute. The system will allow a full automatisation of information processes, electronic registration of international and national standards and electronic archiving of information on standards and standardisation. The genesis and description of the current solution were discussed. The concept of general and technical conditions of the proposed application were presented. Types of users and their privileges (in detail), application functions and the organization of the Library of Standards (including the search for information) were described. The general assumptions which were presented in this paper, will be the basis to develop technical documentation in the Department of Informatics GIG, on the basis of which will be performed design work and implementation.
Content available remote Biblioteka CIOP-PIB. O co pytają czytelnicy?
Biblioteka Centralnego Instytutu Ochrony Pracy - Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego gromadzi zasoby informacyjne z dziedziny bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia człowieka w środowisku pracy. Katalog elektroniczny umożliwia dostęp do informacji o zasobach biblioteki, a także do tematycznych, bibliograficznych baz danych. Użytkownikami zbiorów są pracownicy naukowi, dydaktyczni i studenci publicznych i niepublicznych wyższych uczelni, eksperci bhp, pracownicy, pracodawcy oraz wszystkie osoby zainteresowane problematyką szeroko rozumianej ochrony pracy.
Content available remote Zarządzanie dokumentami elektronicznymi online w bibliotekach
Współczesny użytkownik informacji korzysta zarówno ze źródeł tradycyjnych, jak i elektronicznych. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby biblioteki w swoich zbiorach oferowały dokumenty każdego rodzaju, nie zapominając o tych w formie elektronicznej. Jednak gromadzenie i udostępnianie tego typu publikacji jest szczególnie trudne. Problemy wiążą się z ich nabywaniem, przechowywaniem i aktualizacją, archiwizacją – przede wszystkim z punktu widzenia technologii informacyjnej, ale również działalnością informacyjną i organizowaniem dostępu do nich. W artykule przedstawiono przykłady inicjatyw polegających na gromadzeniu dokumentów elektronicznych o dostępie zdalnym w wybranych bibliotekach narodowych w Europie i na świecie. Omówione zostaną także sposoby udostępniania tego typu źródeł czytelnikom.
The contemporary user of information is using both from traditional, as well as electronic sources. Therefore it is so important, so that libraries in their sets offer documents of every kind, not forgetting about of the ones in an electronic form. However the accumulation and making available to the publication of this type are particularly difficult. Problems are connected with purchasing them, the storage and the update, with archiving - above all from a point of view of the information technology, but also with information activity and organising the access to them. In the article examples of initiatives consisting in the accumulation of electronic documents about the remote access at chosen national libraries in Europe and in the world were presented. Also ways of making sources of this type available to readers will be discussed.
This study presents the indoor soundscape framework in detail by describing the variables and factors that form an indoor soundscape study. The main objective is to introduce a new indoor soundscaping framework and systematically explain the variables that contribute to the overall evaluation of an indoor soundscape. Hence, the dependencies of physical and psychoacoustical factors of the sound environment and the spatial factors of the built entity are statistically tested. The new indoor soundscaping framework leads to an overarching evaluation perspective of enclosed sound environments, combining objective room acoustics research and noise control engineering with architectural analysis. Therefore, it is hypothesized that case spaces with certain plan organisations, volumetric relations, and spatial referencing lead to differentiated sound pressure level (SPL) and loudness (N) values. SPL and N parametric variances of the sound environments are discussed through the statistical findings with respect to the architectural characteristics of each library case space. The results show that the relation between crowd level variances and sound environment parametric values is statistically significant. It is also found that increasing the atrium height and atrium void volume, the atrium’s presence as a common architectural element, and its interpenetrating reference and domain containment results in unwanted variances and acoustic formations, leading to high SPL and N values.
Content available remote Usługa powszechnej archiwizacji – PLATON U4 a biblioteki
Na gruncie polskim do największych producentów danych należą biblioteki i archiwa, instytuty, uczelnie i jednostki naukowe oraz akademickie centra komputerowe. Zapotrzebowanie bibliotek cyfrowych na przestrzeń do przechowywania danych jest wprost proporcjonalna do wielkości zbiorów w wersji oryginalnej oraz zdolności do ich digitalizacji. Skuteczne i wiarygodne zabezpieczenie lub archiwizacja tak dużych ilości danych jest ogromnym wyzwaniem i może przekraczać możliwości bibliotek. Interesująca dla nich może być Usługa Powszechnej Archiwizacji, która wychodzi naprzeciw potrzebom zabezpieczania danych w instytucjach naukowych, realizowana przez Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo Sieciowe w ramach projektu PLATON – Platformy Obsługi Nauki, w oparciu o ogólnopolską akademicką sieć naukową PIONIER. Usługa oparta jest na oprogramowaniu Krajowego Magazynu Danych (KMD), które zostało wdrożone w redundantnej, wysoko wydajnej, skalowalnej i rozproszonej infrastrukturze serwerów i systemów przechowywania danych. System został zaprojektowany tak, aby spełnić wymagania użytkowników w zakresie: bezpieczeństwa danych, wysokiej trwałości danych, niezawodności i prostoty użytkowania. Kolejnym etapem budowy Krajowego Magazynu Danych – KMD2 jest implementacja zaawansowanych mechanizmów zwiększających funkcjonalność rozproszonego systemu. W systemie KMD2 wysoki priorytet nadano bezpieczeństwu kopii zapasowych i archiwalnych. Usługa daje możliwość zaszyfrowania informacji jeszcze przed przesłaniem ich do systemu, a także automatyczną kontrolę integralności pobieranych danych. Szyfrowanie pozostaje w gestii użytkownika. Znaczną część pracy włożono w realizację bezpiecznego współdzielenia plików z innymi użytkownikami KMD2, importu-eksportu plików do/poza system KMD2 oraz publikacji danych. System pozwala też na utrzymanie kilku wersji pliku z możliwością odtworzenia dowolnej z nich. Rozbudowa systemu uwzględnia zachowanie kompatybilności z już funkcjonującym systemem i umieszczonymi w nim danymi. Usługa Powszechnej Archiwizacji PLATON U4 rozwiązuje większość problemów związanych ze skutecznym i wiarygodnym zabezpieczeniem lub archiwizacją dużych ilości danych, pozwalając na pełne wykorzystanie środowiska cyfrowego.
On the basis of the largest Polish producers that include libraries and archives, institutes, universities, research institutions and academic computer centers. Digital libraries demand for storage space is directly proportional to the size of the harvest in the original version and the ability to digitize them. Effective and reliable protection or archiving of such large amounts of data is a major challenge and may exceed the capacity of libraries. Interesting for them could be archiving service that meets the needs of data security in academic institutions conducted by the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center project PLATON – Science Services Platform, based on the academic research network PIONIER. The service is based on the software of the National Data Storage (NDS), which was deployed in a redundant, high-performance, scalable, distributed infrastructure of servers and data storage systems. The system has been designed to meet the needs of users in terms of: data security, data high durability, reliability and ease of use. The next step in developing National Data Storage project is implementation of advanced mechanisms widening functionality of the distributed system. Strong emphasis has been put on security of data backup and archives. The service makes it possible to encrypt information before they are sent to the system, and automatic control the integrity of the collected data. Encryption is the responsibility of the user. Implement secured internal file sharing, with another NDS2 users, developing module to make possible import/export data to/from NDS2 system and data publishing. Ending with storing historical file versions with restore possibility. Project concept ensures backward compatibility with previous NDS implementation. Archiving Services PLATON U4 solves most of the problems associated with the effective and reliable protection or archiving large amounts of data, allowing you to take full advantage of the digital environment.
Content available remote Księgozbiór Franciszka Scheidta (1759-1807)
Franciszek Scheidt (1759-1807), who had obtained his doctorate from the Jagellonian Univesristy in Cracow in 1779, began work at the University in 1785, first as a collaborator of Jan Jaśkiewicz, and then as a professor of Natural History in his own right. In 1805 Scheidt accepted an invitation from Tadeusz Czacki and went to Krzemieniec, to teach at the newly established Wołyń Gymnasium. His dutes as teacher of Natural History included courses of botany, zoology and mineralogy, as well as the organization of a Botanical Garden. He also brought his book collection to Krzemieniec, which in 1807 he sold to the Gymnasium. The book collection formed the basis for the natural history section of the Krzemieniec Library, whore book collection was quite big, but which had hitherto been rather poorly stocked in natural history. A catalogue made for the conclusion of the deal has been preserved (library of the Academy of Science of the Ukraine, Maniscripts Section, number I 6433-6466, Scheidt Collection). The catalogue gives us an insight as to what books made up Scheidt’s library. It also provides us with information on the scientific and didactic background of the professor, his reading and his interests, and also informs us about the pace at which worldwide scientific ideas were received in Scheidt’s scholarly enviroment. Cracow. As Scheidt moved to Krzemieniec, he brought this wealth of books and ideas along with him, thus forging a link between the naturalists of Cracow and the florists of the Krzemieniec school. Scheidt’s book collection consisted of 336 titles in 943 volumes. Natural and exact sciences predominated among the books: there were 92 titles dealind with physics and chemistry, 34 with mineralogy, 33 with zoology and 67 with botany. Among them were a significant number of old prints, some of exceptional value, as well as many of the most recent books of the period. There were many books in Polish and the latest foreign publications. The collection also included journals, maps and dictionaries. Significantly, Scheidt’s collection contained a large number of historical books, belles lettres, and Roman classics. There was a large collection of books by Linneus. Scheidt did not yet take an interest in de Jussieu’s natural metod, and there is a predominance of theoretical works over works dealing with particular faunas and floras, or over monographies of particular species. Many books were devoted to the physiology of plants, interpreted in very chemical terms. The contents of his library correspond closely to the curriculum of Scheidt’s courses in Krzemieniec. The library, which was representative of the Enlightenment type of erudition, was later supplemented by Scheidt’s successors with books on botany, in keeping with the studies that were conducted in Krzemieniec.
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