Pobranie ołowiu z racjami pokarmowymi przez mieszkańców strefy ochronnej Huty im. T. Sendzimira wynosiło 44% PTWI niezależnie od sezonu. Poziom kadmu w racjach pokarmowych pobieranych jesienią stanowił 143% wartości dopuszczalnej, a w pobieranych wiosną był istotnie niższy i wynosił 99%. Uzyskane współczynniki zmienności wynoszące ok. 65% zarówno dla ołowiu, jak i dla kadmu świadczą o bardzo dużym rozproszeniu powtórzeń wokół średnich wartości pobrania wymienionych metali.
The object of the study was to assess lead and cadmium intake of inhabitants of selected farms located in the area affected by the steelworks emission. Food rations (280 units) were collected during two successive years from autumn 1996 until spring 1998. The weight of the rations was determined taking into account the amount of waste; the ratios were then homogenized, frozen and lyophilised. The lyophilised food rations were dried, mineralised, and the mineralisate was dissolved in HNO3 solution (1/2 HNO3/H2O volume ratio). A Jobin Ivon ICP-AES JY-238 Ultrac Emission Spectrometer was used to determine the amount of cadmium and lead in the resultant solutions. At the same time, food records were kept and personal questionnaires were obtained for each family member participating in the experiment. The results were then recalculated into the weighted average food ration mass for each family, and the value of the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was calculated vs. the weighted average body mass. The group of 62 people participating in the experiment comprised 14% girls and 10% boys aged 10-18 (24%), and 46% women and 30% men aged 19-84 (76%). The amount of lead in the food rations was around 44% PTWI, irrespective of the season of the year. The amount of cadmium in the analysed food rations was 143% PTWI in autumn and 99% PTWI in spring.
Oszacowano i oznaczono pobranie ołowiu i kadmu z całodziennymi racjami pokarmowymi, pochodzącymi z rejonu oddziaływania Huty Miedzi „ Głogów" Średnie tygodniowe pobranie ołowiu wahało się w zakresie 27-63% PTWI, kadmu 24-52% PTWI.
Estimation of the level of lead and cadmium intakes was undertaken using consumption data by Polish Official Statistics (GUS) in 1995-1997 for inhabitants of the region of Copper Foundry „Głogów". The average estimated weekly dietary lead and cadmium intakes (based maily on the levels of heavy metals in food produkcts from the Głogów region) were 40% PTWI and 36% PTWI, respectively. In 1996-1997, lead and cadmium contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in daily food rations of the inhabitants of the region of Copper Foundry „Głogów" (n = 30) and of the city of Wrocław ( n = 20). The average lead and cadmium contents in examined rations were 31% and 24% PTWI for the Głogów region nad 27% nad 35% PTWI for the Wrocław region.
Oznaczono i obliczono pobranie ołowiu, kadmu i rtęci z całodobowymi racjami pokarmowymi osób dorosłych mieszkających na terenie województwa lubelskiego. Omówiono również rozkład pobrania wymienionych pierwiastków na poszczególne grupy produktów spożywczych. Kadm i ołów oznaczono techniką ekstrakcyjną atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej, a rtęć tą samą metodą wykorzystując technikę zimnych par.
In 1997 and 1998, hundred and forty one daily food rations collected by the duplicate portion technique from thirty men and thirty eight women of Lublin Province were examined for lead, cadmium and mercury content. The age of the participants was from twenty to fifty five and they showed average activity. Cadmium and lead were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry using ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) as complexing agent and 4-methylpentan-2-one (MIBK) as the organic phase. Mercury was determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry after wet digestion with nitric (V) and sulphuric (VI) acids. Daily intakes and distribution of the investigated elements in the main groups of food products were calculated by the FOOD software using data from the Polish "Tables of Trace Elements in Food Products". Raw and processed vegetables, cereals, meat and meat products were found to constitute the main source of the toxic elements in the diets. Only with cadmium, cereals preceded vegetables as the source of the element (38.9% and 23.6%, respectively). It is worth to note a significant contribution of the remaining groups of food for lead (12.3%), and milk/diary products and fish for mercury (14.2% and 8.63%, respectively). When we compare the determined values with the FAO/WHO recommendations, we may note that the measured daily intakes were moderate, 31% to 50% PTWI for lead, 27% to 40% for cadmium, and 10% to 14% PTWI for mercury. It should be stressed that there were significant differences between the calculated an the analytical results, suggesting the necessity to update the existing data base by including most recent resuits.
Celem pracy była ocena pobrania ołowiu z żywnością, na przestrzeni lat 1993-1997, w sześciu typach gospodarstw domowych. Wykazano, że pobranie ołowiu w przypadku zawartości maksymalnej stanowiło średnio dla badanych typów gospodarstw domowych 118% wartości tymczasowego tolerowania pobrania tygodniowego, natomiast w przypadku średniej zawartości w produktach było stosunkowo niskie i nie przekraczało ustalonej wartości PTWI. Głównymi źródłami ołowiu w diecie były produkty zbożowe, warzywa i przetwory oraz produkty mięsne.
The studies on food lead intake in the years 1993-1997 were carried out in six (worker, worker/farmer, farmer, old age/disability pensioner, self-employed and non-income) household types. Using household budget data and the Tables of trace elements in food products, mean and maximum food intakes of lead were calculated and compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) data calculated for the individual household types. The results indicate that the mean food lead intake did not exceed the PTWI value, while the maximum intake values were even as much as 18% higher than the PTWI. Lead intake depended on household type, and the highest values were recorded for the farmers and old age/disability pensioners. The main sources of food lead were: cereals, which contributed 32% Pb, vegetables and vegetable products (28%), and meat products (12%).
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