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The article analyses the spatial concentration of world IT companies. They have been described in terms of their varied potential, types and extent of activity and the degree of global concentration. Research included the world’s top 100 largest IT companies, which jointly receive a revenue of USD 1.2 trillion, turning a profit of USD 140 billion. The revenue of the different companies ranged from USD 524.7 million to USD 97.0 billion. The leaders among those businesses are IBM Corporation, Verizon Communications, Deutsche Telekom and Samsung Electronics, which concentrate USD 313.0 billion, that is 25.9 per cent of the total revenue that the largest IT corporations receive. The joint profit of all the analysed IT companies is USD 140.1 billion and it ranges from USD 12.4 million to 11.2 billion. The corporations that make the highest profit are Microsoft, Samsung Electronics and IBM, which jointly earn USD 28.9 billion, which makes up 20.6 per cent of total profit. The analysed corporations are marked by a strong correlation between the revenue and profit ─ its index is 0.832.The analysed enterprises represent 8 types of business in the IT sector: telecommunication, hardware, software, semiconductors, telecommunication devices, services, distributors and Internet companies. The leaders among them are 24 telecommunication companies, whose joint revenue is USD 428.2 billion, that is 35.4 per cent of the total income, and the profit is USD 46.5 billion, that is 33.2 per cent of total profit. The United States has a high concentration of IT companies, 44 of which have reached 43.4 per cent of total revenue and 49.7 per cent of total profit. Companies located in Korea, Germany and Taiwan yield very high revenue and profit. Sixty-three companies from those four countries jointly yield USD 805.7 billion, that is 66.6 per cent of revenue, and USD 94.5 billion, that is 67.5 per cent of total profit. The least important in this respect are the companies located in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, Turkey, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Indonesia, which jointly concentrate USD 22.5 billion, that is 1.9 per cent of revenue and USD 2.7 billion, that is 1.9 per cent of total profit.
Supranational corporations have an impact on organizing the world’s economic, social, and cultural space by means of systems of network and production connections. Among 2000 top world corporations presented in The Global 2000 ranking dated 2008, published by Forbes, 130 corporations representing 6.5 % of the total of corporations featured in the ranking. This study contains an analysis of economic potential of the largest world IT corporations. It aims to find a definition of their diversification from the point of view of their potential, in the light of many features and the relationships between them, and to determine their ranking in the synthetic measure. In 2007, IT corporations in question generated the total of 2015.3 billion USD in sales, which represents a 6.8 % share in total sales volume of 2000 corporations presented in the ranking, generating the profit of 152.4 billion USD, which constitutes a 6.5 % share in total profits; however, the value of their assets reached 2100.4 billion USD, which represents just 1.8 % of all corporations’ assets, while the market value of corporations studied is 3115 billion USD, representing 8.1% of the market value of 2000 top world corporations. As preliminary research shows, high concentration of IT corporations is visible, which leads to a related diversification of the world space.
The chief role in the development of economy is played by the leading global corporations, characterized by great economic potential and network layout of the location of their branches. Basing on this, an attempt was made to build a model of a global corporation, including its structure and outline of functioning. Next, various types of its connection with its environment were determined. These relations were presented in a matrix and verified on the example of location of global corporations service centres and the location inquiries of Far East companies in Poland.
Jedną z cech szczególnych współczesnych systemów gospodarczo-politycznych jest szeroko rozumiana niepewność. Dotyczy ona wielu dziedzin życia, począwszy od bezpieczeństwa publicznego poprzez stabilizację zawodową, aż do perspektyw rozwoju na przyszłość. Za główną przyczynę zmian uważa się procesy globalizacji, których głównym motorem napędowym oraz głównymi beneficjentami są korporacje transnarodowe (KTN) (Gwiazda 2000, Zorska 2000).
In the background of the process of forming the outline of the economic crisis, the dynamics of economic diversification of individual countries were shown in terms of GDP in years 2008–2009 and changes in the economic potential of the world’s largest corporations such as: sales value, the value of profit, assets value and market value. In the article the differences in the severity of the crisis in the global economic space were pointed out, which resulted in weakening of the economic potential of the United States and Europe, as well as the growing importance of emerging new economic powers (China, Russia, India and Brazil).
W procesie nasilających się procesów globalizacji podstawową rolę odgrywają wiodące korporacje, które poprzez różnorodne systemy sieciowych powiązań przestrzenno-produkcyjnych organizują światową przestrzeń gospodarczą zgodnie ze swoimi regułami rozwoju. Przejawia się to w określonych kierunkach i nasileniu powiązań w zakresie: zaopatrzenia surowcowego, dostaw kooperacyjnych, rynków zbytu, przepływów technologii, kapitału oraz decyzji. Działania te prowadzą do utrwalania i pogłębiania istniejących rynków oraz utrwalania lokalizacji działalności poszczególnych oddziałów, a także poszukiwania nowych miejsc lokalizacji i nowych rynków zaopatrzenia oraz zbytu gotowych produktów...
The purpose of the article is to present the analysis of the influence of economic crisis on the functioning of one of the Japanese IT corporations – Panasonic. The paper aims at specifying changes in Panasonic’s economic potential, and at presenting actions taken in order to improve its financial situation. After the crisis which took place in this part of the world in years 1997–1998, Panasonic (like many other corporations in Asia) introduced some mechanisms of protecting the company against the sudden loss of financial liquidity. Strong economic ties with European countries, as well as with the USA, resulted in significant deterioration in this corporation’s financial situation during the crisis in years 2007–2009. Nonetheless, the undertaken actions allowed it to remain one of the largest manufacturers of consumer and industrial electronics in the world.
tom 3
The aim of the article is to define how the issue of entrepreneurship is tackled by authors of textbooks for high, vocational and technical schools. According to presented study, it is possible to observe that the majority of authors of the textbooks on the basics of entrepreneurship raise the issues of globalization and international corporations. Usually the issue of corporations is related to the issue of globalization in the world’s economy - with more or less details in different textbooks. The above mentioned issues can usually be found in the last chapters, which a student can treat as a guideline for what processes will take place in the world’s economy in the future. The awareness of these processes is crucial to students’ education and puts them in competitive position with relation to others who do not realize the full meaning of globalization in the world’s economy. It also allows for making rational decisions and finding one’s place in the developing world.
Ericsson is the company which has been operating on the market for more than thirty years. It continuously develops with the use of knowledge and innovations. The company was founded first as a workshop of telegraphic devices, and later became the leading provider of services for telecommunication companies. Ericsson is the leader in the field of mobile technologies 2G, 3G and 4G, and it operates the networks used by more than billion subscribers.The aim of the following thesis is to analyse the activity of Ericsson. Its aim is also to introduce the process of development and organization of Ericsson company internationally in the conditions of global economic crisis. The expression of the development of this corporation is the increase in its economic potential between 1970 and 2009 and the increase of 29,04 billion USD in sales (from 656,86 billion USD), the worth of the assets from 0,5 billion USD to 37,95 billion USD, the worth of the profits from 42,09 billion USD to 580,45 billion USD, the worth of its own capital from 332,6 billion USD to 19,67 billion USD, and the increase in employment from 61,900 to 82,590 people. Nowadays Ericsson company is operating in 185 countries and more than 95% of its sale takes place outside Sweden. At present Ericsson strengthens its position at eastern markets, mainly in China and India, which is proved by the big amount of regional representatives in both countries. Chinese companies became the biggest customer of Ericsson company, generating 7% of the company’s income. Next in line is India, which is as important as the USA, as far as the income is concerned. In both countries Ericsson gains 6% of its income. The process of technological development in the fields of telecommunication and communication, as well as gaining bigger Chinese and Indian markets, allows to prevent the negative effects of global economic crisis and creates the chances for the further development of Ericsson company.
This article presents the role and the importance of Polish Transnational Corporations (TC) to global economy. Dynamic development of TC can be observed since the beginning of 70s of the 20thcentury. Nowadays TC have huge economic power which generates large profits. Many times incomes of TC are bigger than the value of GDP of less developed countries. Activity of TC is very controversial. On the one hand, present TC should be treated as an answer to qualitative changes which have taken place mainly in the sphere of telecommunication and means of transport, on the other hand, they are the motive power of these changes.Polish corporations are very small in comparison with the foreign ones. We have noticed a great disproportion of worth in comparison with corporations which are on the list of the global 1000 or 2000 biggest-worth corporations on the rising market. If Polish corporations want to catch up with the foreign ones, they must considerably increase the speed of their development.
The predominant role played by the multinational corporations comes as a result of the globalization processes. These corporations can be distinguished by their significant economic potential which is often greater than the economic potential of many countries. The Google corporation was established in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Due to their strategy based on innovation, human potential and high quality standards, Google has developed rapidly and became a leader in cloud computing and Internet search. According to the ranking conducted by The Global 2000 Magazine in 2009 Google was placed on 9th position out of 123 computing corporations. When it comes to its market value, Google has taken 3rd position after Microsoft and Apple. As a result of the analysis of their economic potential between 2001−2009, based on revenue, profit, assets, market value and the number of employees, we can identify three phases in the company’s development. The initial period in years 2001−2004 was characterised by the growth of the output and strengthening of the position in economic rankings. The years 2004−2007 can be described as a period of rapid development of the company. In years 2007−2009 the growth tendencies varied due to the economic crisis in the world. Google involvement in the exchange market in 2004 was the trigger for activating the growth of company’s profited assets which in result positively affected the other factors. Since this improvement in 2004, until 2009 there has been a triple growth of the market value and twelvefold growth of the company’s assets and revenue. Moreover, the profits of the company grew 16 times which moved Google from 904 to 120 position in The Global 2000 Magazine rankings of 2000 biggest companies. According to the presented facts and figures, it can be stated that in the era of globalization, the development of the innovative Google company, similarly to other multinational corporations, will be sustained.
tom 1
Jedną ze szczególnych cech współczesnych systemów społeczno- ekonomicznych jest postępująca niepewność dotykająca coraz większej grupy ludzi żyjących na poszczególnych kontynentach. Powszechnie za główną przyczynę tej niepewności uważa się procesy globalizacji, których nasilenie obserwujemy od II połowy XX wieku. Głównymi beneficjentami procesów globalizacji są KTN o trudnej i niejednoznacznej do ustalenia istocie i genezie...
tom 5
This article provides the study of the process of shaping supranational Apple Corporation. Anattempt was made to define the importance of the role in the development of the corporationplayed by Stave Jobs, its co-founder, as well as the role of Apple Corporation in forming theinformation society. The process of developing the company has been marked by an increase the number of employees, the market value, the assets value, and the sales, etc. Simultaneously, the marketdominance was established more and more intensively. The company operates in mostcountries of the world.
tom 1(37)
The aim of the article is to indicate the role played by Japan as an exporter and importer of direct investments as compared to other countries. Japan, as a leading world economy that boasts of having one of the largest consumer markets, plays a great role as an investor and a small one as an importer of the capital. In the context of relative investments to the economic potential, the country’s place is low in both categories. The main areas of investment for Japan are in the manufacturing industry, especially car and electronic equipment industry. The USA are the most important place Japanese investments are made in as well as the most important foreign investor. Important bilateral partners also include Holland and Great Britain; and as the place for investments Asia has been acquiring importance. However, it is not easy for Japan to draw foreign investors despite attempts to implement special programs.
Organizacje gospodarcze, niezależnie do stawianych im celów biznesowych, służą także rozwojowi więzi społecznych. Relacje pomiędzy pracownikami, przełożonymi i podwładnymi, a także załogą i kierownictwem firmy są efektem mniej lub bardziej otwarcie głoszonych i przestrzeganych reguł postępowania, są także kształtowane przez wzajemne oczekiwania. Poziom zaspokojenia oczekiwań odzwierciedlany jest poprzez dopasowanie człowiek–organizacja. Artykuł charakteryzuje dwa wybrane typy organizacji gospodarczych, określanych jako „korporacje” oraz „wspólnoty”. Celem jest pokazanie różnic pomiędzy oboma rodzajami firm z punktu widzenia pracownika oraz wskazanie na rodzaje potencjalnego niedopasowania. Artykuł ma charakter empiryczny, zastosowano dwie metody badawcze o charakterze jakościowym: wywiady pogłębione oraz eksplorację danych.
Economic organizations, regardless of their business objectives, serve also the development of social bonds. Relations between employees, supervisors and subordinates, as well as the crew and the company’s management are the result of more or less openly proclaimed and respected rules. They are also formed by mutual expectations. The level of satisfaction of expectations is described by a person–organization fit. The article characterizes two types of business organizations, referred to as "corporations" and "communities". Its aim is to show the differences between both types of companies from employees’ point of view and to indicate the types of potential mismatch. The paper is empirical, based on two methods of qualitative research: in-depth interviews and data mining.
W niniejszym artykule zbadano zróżnicowanie kondycji finansowej największych firm Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, opracowanych w raportach firmy Deloitte dla lat 2008–2012. Liczbę firm, ich przychody ze sprzedaży i zysk netto zagregowano do kraju, w którym znajduje się siedziba zarządu. Wykazano, że globalne spowolnienie gospodarcze generalnie nie wpłynęło negatywnie na kondycje badanych firm, aczkolwiek występuje silne regionalne zróżnicowanie. Wyższą dynamiką parametrów finansowych cechowały się kraje położone w północnej części Europy Środkowo- -Wschodniej, gdzie najwyższe przychody ze sprzedaży i zyski netto generują korporacje polskie i czeskie. Największa gospodarka, mierzona poziomem PKB, niekoniecznie sprzyja wysokim wynikom przeliczonym na jedną korporację. Przykładem tego może być Polska, gdzie mimo dużej ilości siedzib zarządów, najwyższych w regionie przychodów ze sprzedaży i zysków netto, nie wpływa to pozytywnie na średnie wyniki finansowe poszczególnych firm. Z kolei firmy ulokowane w krajach o mniejszych gospodarkach cechują się lepszymi wynikami finansowymi, co zauważono w Czechach, Słowacji, na Węgrzech i Ukrainie.
This article examines differences in the financial status of the largest corporations in Central Europe. The number of companies’ revenues and net income has been aggregated to the country where the management headquarter is located. It has been shown that the global economic crisis generally did not affect the condition of the analysed companies, although there is a strong regional variation. Higher dynamics of revenues and net income characterized the countries located in the northern part of Central Europe, where the highest income is generated by Polish and Czech corporations. The largest economy measured by GDP is not necessarily conducive to high performance corrected for one corporation. The highest number of corporations in Poland created the highest revenues and net income, but the revenues and net income of individual companies was only average. In turn, companies located in countries with smaller economies generate higher average net income and revenues, as noted in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Macedonia.
W niniejszym opracowaniu przeanalizowano przestrzenne rozmieszczenie największych firm światowych znajdujących się na liście magazynu „Forbes” Global 2000, posiadających siedziby zarządów na terytorium Europy. Zwrócono także uwagę na wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego na zmiany ich przychodów oraz dochodów. Przedstawiono przestrzenne zróżnicowanie liczby siedzib zarządów, przychodów i dochodów największych firm w latach 2006 i 2012 na terenie Europy. Wykazano, iż w badanym okresie zmniejszyła się ich liczba w omawianym regionie, równocześnie też zarysował się podział na Europę Wschodnią, gdzie wzrosła liczba siedzib zarządów, i Europę Zachodnią, gdzie zanotowano ich regres. Zauważono także nieznaczny wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego na przychody firm umieszczonych na liście Forbes Global 2000. Ich przychody wzrosły, jednak dynamika była wyraźnie niższa niż w krajach pozaeuropejskich. Również tutaj zanotowano wyższą dynamikę przychodów w krajach Europy Wschodniej niż na zachodzie kontynentu. Widoczne oznaki kryzysu zaobserwowano w przypadku dynamiki dochodów omawianych firm. W ponad 30% państw europejskich nastąpił spadek dochodów badanych przedsiębiorstw. Ponadto kryzys gospodarczy spowodował dekoncentrację lokalizacji siedzib zarządów, co przełożyło się na większą liczbę miast, w których znajdują się centrale największych firm.
The present paper analyzes the spatial distribution of the largest companies in the world with headquarters in Europe. The impact of the economic crisis on changes in their revenues and profit is also highlighted. Spatial differences in the number of the Europe-located headquarters of the biggest companies (included on the Forbes Global 2000 list), their revenues and profits in 2006 and 2012 were also shown. It has been shown that in the period taken into consideration, the number of said headquarters located in the analyzed region decreased. At the same time, the division into Eastern Europe and Western Europe was clearly marked. The former is characterized by an increase in the number of headquarters, while the latter observed a decrease in said number. Also observed was the slight impact of the economic crisis on the income of companies from the Forbes Global 2000 list. Their revenue increased, but the pace was significantly lower than in non-European countries. It has also been observed that a higher revenue growth can be noticed in Eastern Europe. In addition, the signs of the economic crisis have been observed in the dynamics of profits of analyzed companies. In over 30% of European countries a decrease in profits of the analyzed companies was noted. Moreover, the economic crisis has caused the de-centralization of location of the headquarters of the biggest companies, which resulted in a larger number of cities where the HQs existed.
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono aspekty teoretyczne marketingu bezpośredniego. W części drugiej przedstawiono rozwój marketingu bezpośredniego na przykładzie korporacji Amway oraz działalność spółki Amway Polska.
The article presents important theoretical aspects of direct marketing and also the practise using the example of "Amway" corporation and its Polish counterpart, namely "Amway Polska". Dynamic increase of turnover since its foundation in 1992 and net rate of return amounting to 10% acknowledge the thesis about a positive influence of direct marketing on economic efficiency of companies using this method of economic activities promotion.
W niniejszym opracowaniu autorzy starają się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak zmieni się pozycja miasta w momencie głębokiego kryzysu sektora dominującego w danym ośrodku. Kryzys jest tutaj rozumiany jako spadek wyników finansowych firm danego sektora, przez który korporacje należące do niego istotnie tracą na znaczeniu. W tym celu utworzono syntetyczny wskaźnik kompleksowego rozwoju sektorowego miast (KRS), który ukazuje pozycję miasta względem wartości zlokalizowanych w nim poszczególnych siedzib zarządów według sektorów oraz stabilność ich pozycji po usunięciu najważniejszego sektora. W ten sposób otrzymano informację nie tylko o potencjale ośrodka, ale również o jego kompleksowym rozwoju lub też silnej specjalizacji. Zwrócono uwagę, iż niemal w połowie miast dominował sektor finansowy (financials) oraz surowcowy (materials). Zauważono zróżnicowanie regionalne dominujących sektorów. Sektor produktów konsumenckich (consumerstaples) i surowcowy (materials) przeważał w Ameryce Północnej, a informatyczny (informationtechnology) i finansowy (financials) w Europie. Z kolei w Azji wystąpiło większe zróżnicowanie dominującego sektora.
In this paper, the authors attempt to determine the extent and manner of changes in the position of a city during a deep crisis of a sector dominant in this city/region. Crisis is understood here as a deterioration in the financial performance of companies of a sector when, as a result of the crisis, corporations from the sector suffer a significant decline. To achieve the research objective, a synthetic indicator of comprehensive sectoral development of cities is developed. The indicator illustrates the position of a city removal of the dominant sector. With this approach, information can be generated about the potential of the centre and about its comprehensive development, or strong specialisation. It was noticed that in nearly 50% of the cities, the financial and material sectors dominated. Regional variation of the dominant sector was observed. Consumer staples and materials prevailed in North America, while the IT and financial sectors were dominant in Europe. Greater diversification of the dominant sector was reported for Asia. in terms of the value of corporate headquarters located in the city, by sector, and their stability after the
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