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tom Z. 52
Opracowanie porusza problem inwestowania przez przed- siębiorstwa w majątek trwały dzięki zakupowi lub modernizacji nieruchomości. Przedsiębiorstwa są jednym z podmiotów lokujących na rynku nieruchomości, mogącym w istotny sposób zdynamizować ten rynek. Przed podjęciem decyzji inwestycyjnych należy przeprowadzić wnikliwą analizę opłacalności. Problem rynku nieruchomości to także fakt, iż wejście na ten rynek jest ograniczone wysokim progiem finansowym (dotyczy to zwłaszcza sektora małych i średnich firm). W Polsce pokonywanie tego progu jest o tyle trudniejsze, że z powodu braku korzystnych kredytów, większość kapitału musi pochodzić ze środków własnych. Istotną rolę do odegrania mają takie gminy, które mogą ułatwiać procedury przy nabywaniu i obrocie nie-ruchomościami.
This paper touches on the problem of investments in enterprise's real prop- erty by purchasing or modernization of real estates. Enterprises are one of entities investing on real estate's market and they can essentially affect the dynamic of this market. Before taking up of investment decisions a careful analyse of profitability has to be prepared. Real estate market's problem is also the high financial level at the entrance (especially for small and middle enterprises). Surmounting of this level is more difficult in Poland because of lack of favourable credits, the majority of the capital has to come from proper resources. The communes have also an important part in this processes. They can facilitate the procedures of purchasing and turnover of real estate.
tom Nr 3 (60)
Usterki polskiego procesu inwestycyjnego i nadmiernego schematyzmu. Zaległości w planowaniu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Brak zrozumienia nowych realiów, w tym również szczególnych cech materiałowych i wynikających z nich ograniczeń.
Defects of the Polish inwesting system and excessive schematism. Backwardness in special planning. The lack of understanding o new realities including new material properties and resulting limitations.
tom Nr 50, t. 2
Finally, it has to be reminded, that talking about these problems, usually we make financial and economic analysis. We can use financial analysis to valuate the profitability of a private investment and its capability to increase the economic operator profit. In this case, variables affect directly the profit function. In other words, the private operator takes into account the cost and benefit flow that a project can produce. The project will be feasible if the profit will be positive. In the hypothesis of several projects, the project with the highest profit will be chosen. We have to use the economic analysis if the project advantage affects the common welfare for both public investment and private investment with public financing. Public operators making decisions must take into account common interests and goals. Therefore, the function that the public operator has to maximize is the common welfare function, even with the limits reminded before that characterize this specific function.
The aim of this paper is to determine the motives to implement public-private partnership (PPP) in municipalities. It was assumed that the implementation of such projects is determined by characteristics that can be aggregated into three areas: the availability of infrastructure, the size of the financial resources at the disposal of municipalities, and the ability to finance an investment project without exceeding the limits of liability. A quantitative study of these relations was done using taxonomic analysis. The study failed to clearly resolve the impact of having an infrastructure gap on PPP decisions. The results have confirmed, however, that municipalities are suffering from rising public debt, which threatens the investment process. Research shows that PPP is perceived by the communities under consideration as a remedy to the problems associated with obtaining investment financing.
Content available Governance of Tanzanian pension fund investment
This study aims to examine how mainland Tanzania pension fund investments are governed and which developments can be foreseen. The literature provides ample leads for a conceptual and practical framework on pension fund investment governance. This framework is filled in along a case research design drawing upon system participant interviews. It is shown that whilst the system is gaining strength, its inherent limitations may call for change measures. The pension fund’s investments work out fine and contributors receive value for money. Also, the oversight is thought to work reasonably well. Quirks include investments limitations set by the markets and the government, and also a still low coverage, the heavy weight of the government, a load of administrative costs, employer compliance, beneficiary withdrawal, insufficient education throughout and ignorance in general. The system is governed by complex but strict controls and is being professionalised. To lower administrative costs and raise investment returns, the role of the Ministries versus the Regulator may be amended, while keeping Central Bank in the loop. The paper demonstrates that the hierarchical system engenders agency conflicts that are curbed by a trust grounded common strive for optimal financial value. In specific the paper argues that the investment governance benefits from strict controls and professionalising, especially if financial markets and government limitations are lessened
The history of venture capital funds has shown that they are crucial for the promotion of innovation and competitiveness of the economy. By funding projects that are considered by others as too risky, they contribute to the increase in the number of modern enterprises as well as create jobs and constitute a significant participant in the capital market. This article aims to identify the factors having an impact on the condition of the Polish market of venture capital investments. An analysis of the system solutions adopted by the US and European leaders in the venture capital market indicates that of greatest importance are the legal regulations on the organisational forms of funds and their fiscal transparency as well as those on the system of tax reliefs and exemptions and pension funds’ participation possibilities. Such aspects as the corporate income tax rate and the capital gains tax rate proved to be of secondary importance for the operation of venture capital funds.
The paper aims at assessment of support from public funds to investment activity of farms and determining the possibilities of funding the implemented investments without public aid. The research was held in 2012 among 129 farms, which in 2004–2011 benefited from public financial aid in their investment activity. The selected farms were researched with the use of interview questionnaire concerning organisation of farms, obtained economic results and assessment of executed investments. To determine the possibilities of financing investments at researched farms without the public financial aid the linear programming method was used to develop models of farms, where public financial aid was replaced with commercial loan or own monetary funds, if possible. It was decided that public aid in financing investments should be directed at farms likely to develop, which are not able to finance investments without public aid. Farms, which are too small to guarantee independent development in the future, or too large, which can gather up funds for investments without public aid, should be excluded from the support.
Through presenting the main axes in this study, it is clear that identifying a precise concept of industrial development is related to a wider idea of development. Despite that, the geographical view gives a wider and more comprehensive concept of the industrial development. Moreover, balanced spatial development is closely related to industrial and agricultural development within the space of a geographical region. Industry and agriculture represent productive activities which form the economic basis for a region. Industrial development is the most important tool which is used in developing rural areas. Moreover, industrial development has a great role in developing other activities, especially services in a region. This is done through the capability of industry to provide requirements of other activities and absorb labour force surplus from other economic sectors. In addition, the industry sector increases economic revenues for the region and raises the individuals’ incomes. Strategies of achieving industrial development spatially differ from region to region. This relates to a group of variables, such as political and economic conditions in a region, its development, as well as size of industrial investments. However, accomplishing industrial development spatially requires putting appropriate developmental strategies which conform with a region’s development level and available industrial investments, particularly, in underdeveloped regions with limited financial resources. These regions need to be identified as the most underdeveloped ones in order to attract industrial investments according to the unparalleled spatial development model. What should be taken into consideration is focus on adopting the modern technological development of industry in the field of spatially achieved industrial development through providing appropriate spatial elements. This should be followed by the distribution of modern industrial projects of large production capacity which exploit ideally the available geographical qualifications to attain big economic revenues that supports and develop other economic activities. This is reflected positively in the balanced spatial development of a geographical region
The aim of the article is to analyse the investment activity of micro-enterprises from the Lubelskie voivodeship, and to indicate the sources of its financing, with particualar emphasis on EU funds. During the period 2009-2013, the investment outlays of micro-enterprises from the Lubelskie voivodeship were subject to significant fluctuations. The data analysis indicates the moderate investment activity of entities from the other regions of Poland. Micro- and small enterprises from the Lubelskie voivodeship financed their investments mainly from their own resources. The usage of UE funds in investment financing was relatively small. For micro-entrepreneurs from the Lubelskie voivodeship, barriers to using EU funds of particular importance were: bureaucracy, lack of own resources, and insufficient knowledge.
tom 5
nr 4
Nowadays competitiveness of enterprises is determined by the size and range of implemented investment projects. The investments need to involve necessary resources. In the case of the SME sector, enterprises have limited financial assets. Therefore, Poland’s accession to the European Union and the opportunity to use its funding is a chance for development of this sector. The aim of the paper is to discuss the significance of EU funds in investments of SMEs and to present the most important advantages and barriers to their spending. The research methods used in this paper are: study of literature and analysis of secondary data. The research material comprises programming documents and the results of research carried out at the request of the European Leasing Fund, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan. Conclusions: EU funding is an attractive source of financing investments for enterprises. It is one of the most affordable forms of obtaining capital. Acquisition of additional financial means can determine the start of an investment, extend its scope, increase its rate and improve its quality. However, in practice the share of EU funds in financing SMEs investments is still small and entrepreneurs face many barriers to using this form of support. Major obstacles include: excessive bureaucracy, strict procedures, over-scrupulous office workers, lengthy verification of payment applications, as well as delays in payments to beneficiaries.
One of the challenges contemporary economies face is to ensure a sufficient supply of optimal quality water for different user needs while at the same time preserving the principles of ecosystem protection. Poland deals with a significant developmental and civil challenge in this area, mainly due to previous negligence in sewage management. When it joined the European Union, Poland assumed certain obligations in this area resulting from the implementation of the so-called Sewage Sludge Directive and the Water Framework Directive. At the same time, the EU budget designated financial resources to facilitate quicker achievement of the appropriate objectives. It is therefore revealing to track changes in the area of water and sewage management, especially those involving the share of funds from abroad and budgetary commitments of individual municipalities used to co-finance these as well as changes in the regional provision of the relevant infrastructure. Accordingly, the aim of the paper is to analyse investment expenditure in the area of water and sewage management in Poland by region with a special focus on changes in selected sources of financing, especially funds originating from abroad and from municipality budgets.
The publication presents the use of artificial neural networks as a tool expert that supports the process of decision-making for the quarterly period to invest in selected stock exchanges. It proposes a set of 10 features of exchanges, which is of enough universal character that the approach presented in the publication may be useful for any chosen stock exchange. The conducted study was based on actual data.
The main goal of the article is to present the research testing a model of investment structure in different phases of SMEs’ growth. The author assumed that the share and structure of investments vary in accordance with the stage of the company’s growth, and it is possible to describe the path which SMEs follow in their development. In the study based on organizations’ growth models, demand for particular resources in subsequent growth stages is presented. The model and investments structure is verified on a sample of 286 SMEs.
Fiscal austerity in Germany used to be blamed for a stagnant growth in the European countries. However, it seems not to be the case for the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. As it is established on the basis of vector error-correction model (VECM) estimates for quarterly series over the 2002-2015 period, a positive non-Keynesian spillover from the fiscal austerity in Germany to output in the CEE countries is realized mainly through an increase in investments, with the export channel being rather ambiguous across countries. Following an improvement in the German budget balance, there is a decrease in exports measured as percent of GDP in 6 out of 10 CEE countries. Depreciation of the real exchange rate (RER) is found for countries with exchange rate flexibility, while the opposite effect of RER appreciation is observed in countries with a fixed exchange rate arrangement. It is possible to argue that spillover effects of German austerity on the CEE countries are dominated by capital flows or confidence measures while foreign demand or relative price channels are rather weak.
Socio-economic development of a city depends highly on investment policy and finance abilities for realized projects. Permanent supply of funds for that goal is very important and it is possible because of strategic programming of expenses in a long-term period. In the MIP 2015–2019 for Wrocław expenses are concentrated on: transport, renovations and rebuilding of streets and public transportation; education; and also other subdivision tasks. Planned expenses will reduce development barriers of the city, assuring consistency of projects realization and they can help in realization of socio- -economic development strategy priorities. In the long term, the goals of the city development will be achieved. Consistent planning of the investment expenditure process affects the implementation of development and strategic challenges of the city, focuses funds on indicated tasks and allows for flexible redeployment of funds in the variable conditions of the global economy.
Wielkie Jeziora Mazurskie (WJM) to umownie przyjęta nazwa określająca obszar o niespotykanych walorach przyrodniczych, rozpoznawalny w przestrzeni Polski przede wszystkim ze względu na walory turystyczne. Obszar ten obejmuje 12 gmin i rozciąga się od małego jeziora Brzozolasek w pobliżu miasta Pisz, dalej przez miasta Mikołajki i Giżycko, aż do Węgorzewa na północnym brzegu jeziora Mamry. Znaczna część obszaru badań objęta jest prawnymi formami ochrony przyrody, co z punktu widzenia formułowania podstawowych celów polityki przestrzennej na poziomie lokalnym (gminnym) ma decydujące znaczenie. Prawne formy ochrony przyrody, często nakładające się na siebie, w istotny sposób ograniczają możliwość lokalizacji inwestycji w gminach położonych nad jeziorami mazurskimi. Nawet przedsięwzięcia z zakresu turystyki, które ze względu na potencjał obszaru, powinny być traktowane jako priorytetowe w polityce przestrzennej, są w znacznym stopniu ograniczone ze względu na nadrzędność celów ochrony przyrody. Dysponując bogatym materiałem badawczym, powstałym w trakcie prac na studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy Mikołajki, podjęto próbę krytycznej oceny, z punktu widzenia możliwości rozwoju społeczności lokalnych, wpływu uwarunkowań przyrodniczych na formułowaną przez samorząd lokalny politykę przestrzenną. Przedstawiono próbę odpowiedzi na podstawowe pytanie: czy przy tak znacznych ograniczeniach (przyrodniczych) możliwe jest zarządzanie przestrzenią gminy bez wchodzenia w konflikt z celami ochrony przyrody oraz czy z punktu widzenia celów rozwojowych społeczności lokalnych ochrona przyrody jest czynnikiem wspierającym, czy hamującym rozwój.
The Masurian Lake District is a popular general term referring to an area characterized by a unique nature beauty associated with the existence of many lakes. It is a popular tourist area in Poland. The above mentioned area includes 12 local community districts (communes) and stretches from the small Brzozolasek Lake near the city of Pisz, through the cities of Mikołajki and Giżycko to Węgorzewo on the northern coast of the Mamry Lake. Substantial parts of this area are under legal forms of protection and conservation. This is of major importance to from the point of view of formulating basic aims of spatial policy at the local (commune) level. The legal forms of nature conservation, which overlap each other , very often considerably limit the investment possibilities in the cities located in the Masurian Lake District. Even undertakings involved in tourism, which because of the potential of the area should be treated as priority undertakings in spatial policy, find themselves substantially constrained by the primacy given to the aims of nature conservation. The collection of rich research material gathered during the author’s study of the conditions and directions of spatial management for Mikołajki commune enabled him to make a critical assessment with respect to the possibilities offered to local communities for their development, and the impact of natural conditions and accompanying obligations on the formulation of spatial policy at the local self-government level. This article presents an attempt to answer the following two questions: Is it possible to develop an effective spatial policy in a commune located in an area which is under substantial legal obligations to preserve and protect natural spaces located therein, without clashing with aims of the nature conservation?; Is nature conservation a factor which supports or inhibits development from the point of view of the developmental aims of a local society?
tom Nr 36
The article includes the practical methods which may be used to compare and estimate measurers of the effectiveness of two investment projects, when there are big differences between their expenditure of money and their predicted cash flows or when these two projects differ in length of their investment lifetime.
Content available remote Archeologiczne badania przy inwestycjach drogowych i liniowych
tom nr 4
Inwestycje liniowe a w szczególności inwestycje drogowe często ingerują w obszary niezbadanych zabytków archeologicznych. Prawo polskie zobowiązuje inwestorów do wykonania ratowniczych badań archeologicznych a w przypadku budowy autostrad również do sfinansowania opracowania wydobytych eksponatów. W zakresie autostrad archeologicznymi badaniami ratowniczymi objęto 460 stanowisk o łącznej powierzchni 600 ha.
Linear investment and in particular road investments often interfere in areas of uninvestigated archeological relics. Polish law obliges investors to make rescue archeological investigations and in the case of motorways to finance scientific description of obtained exhibits. In motorway area, rescue archeological investigations have been made on 460 sites with total area of 600 ha.
Content available remote Fuzje i przejęcia w przemyśle rolno-spożywczym na świecie w latach 1990-2012
Taking into consideration the specification of the sector, distinct tendencies in FDI flows can be expected both in the short and long term. The aforementioned assumption constituted the basis for the research the aiming at of which the presentation of the level, dynamics and structure of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in agricultural-food industry and exploration, on their basis, of the tendencies and directions in which they are going to change as well as to specify the place and role of agriculture and food industry in global flows of FDI. In order to reach the aforementioned goal, ex-post empiric analysis of capital flows in the form of mergers and acquisitions was applied (1990-2012) together with chosen statistical methods (measurements of placement and variation) and with indicators of structure and dynamics. The results of the analysis showed that M&As, in the long term, was specified by a relatively high cyclical nature as well as by a growing trend with short-term fluctuations around the trend distinct from those specifying other sectors. Moreover, the research proved that mergers and acquisitions constituted an important form of FDI flows and their implementation had a marginal meaning when considering the whole sector.
Uwzględniając osobliwości sektora rolno-spożywczego należy spodziewać się odmiennych tendencji w przepływach FDI (Foreign Direct Investigation), zarówno w krótkim, jak i w długim okresie. Założenie to stanowiło podstawę przeprowadzonej eksploracji mającej na celu przedstawienie poziomu, dynamiki, struktury międzynarodowych fuzji i przejęć (Mergers and Acquisitions – M&As) w sektorze, zbadanie tendencji i kierunków ich zmian, a także określenie miejsca oraz roli rolnictwa i przetwórstwa spożywczego w globalnych przepływach FDI. Realizacji celu posłużyła analiza empiryczna ex post (1990-2012) przepływów kapitałowych w formie fuzji i przejęć z wykorzystaniem wybranych metod statystycznych (miar położenia i zmienności) oraz wskaźników struktury i dynamiki. Wyniki analizy wskazały, iż M&As w przemyśle rolno-spożywczym w długim okresie wyróżniała relatywnie wysoka zmienność oraz trend rosnący z krótkookresowymi wahaniami wokół trendu, odmiennymi w porównaniu z tymi, które charakteryzowały inne sektory. Badania dowiodły również, iż M&As były ważną formą przepływów FDI, przy czym ich wartość w analizowanym sektorze była niska w porównaniu z pozostałymi gałęziami przemysłu.
Wyniki produkcyjne przemysłu spożywczego w 2008 r. oraz w pierwszych miesiącach 2009 r. wskazują, że skończyło się w tym sektorze ożywienie produkcyjne wywołane wejściem Polski do UE, a coraz bardziej widoczne stały się skutki światowego kryzysu gospodarczego. Przemysł spożywczy, który zaspokaja podstawowe potrzeby bytowe ludności, odczuł jednak ten kryzys znacznie mniej niż inne działy polskiej gospodarki. Potwierdzają to wyniki II półrocza 2009 r., kiedy to okazało się, że spadek produkcji sprzedanej i pogorszenie wyników finansowych były tylko przejściowe. Do 2008 r. zjawiska kryzysowe nie oddziaływały na aktywność inwestycyjną przedsiębiorstw przemysłu spożywczego. Obniżenie tej aktywności nastąpiło dopiero w 2009 r., ale biorąc pod uwagę postępujący spadek inwestycji rozpoczętych należy sądzić, że będzie on kontynuowany w 2010 r. W kolejnych latach w przemyśle spożywczym można oczekiwać ponownego wzrostu nakładów na inwestycje.
Production results of Polish food industry in 2008 and during the first months of 2009 indicate that revival in that sector connected with the accession of Poland into the EU has been finished. The effects of global financial crisis have been more and more noticeable. However since food industry meets basic consumer needs, it was less affected than other sectors of Polish economy. The results of Polish food industry in the second half of the year 2009 showed that decrease in the production sold and deteriorating of financial results were temporary. The crisis did not affect investment activity in food industry until 2008. The decline of investment activity was observed in 2009, but given the progressive decline in investments, it can be expected that it would continue in 2010. The revival of investment activity is expected in subsequent years.
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