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Content available remote Wiedza coraz większa
W maju 2006 r., instytut badań opinii publicznej PENTOR przy merytorycznym udziale "Inżynierii Bezwykopowej" przeprowadził badanie, mające na celu wykazanie znajomości technologii bezwykopowych i materiałów w nich stosowanych wśród osób bezpośrednio związanych z branżą. Na pytania związane ze stosowaniem poszczególnych technologii i materiałów, odpowiadały cztery grupy respondentów: urzędnicy, pracownicy przedsiębiorstw wodno-kanalizacyjnych oraz projektanci i wykonawcy. Wśród omawianych zagadnień znalazły się: - technologie bezwykopowe; - rekomendowane materiały i ich wizerunek; - źródła wiedzy o technologiach bezwykopowych.
An institute for public opinion survey with participation of "Trenchless Engineering" magazine, has carried out a survey in order to determine the level of knowledge and awareness among people involved in trenchless technology industry in Poland. The questions concerned their familiarity with different trenchless methods, the choice of various installation materials and the ways of learning. The results of a comprehensive survey questionnaire distributed among investors, engineers and contractors are presented.
Content available remote Preferencje i satysfakcja pasażerów z usług świadczonych przez MPK w Gnieźnie
Wyniki badań ankietowych wśród pasażerów, wykonanych w 2002 roku po raz pierwszy w historii miasta. Badania miały na celu rozpoznanie preferencji w zakresie jakości usług przewozowych oraz stopnia satysfakcji pasażerów z tych usług. Badaniami objęto 10 cech opisujących jakość usług przewozowych. Szczegółowo przedstawiono również stosunek pasażerów do pojęcia "odjazd punktualny".
Results of passenger inquiry, carried in 2002 - first time in the city. The investigations aimed to recognise passenger preferences related to public transport quality, as well as passenger satisfaction level. Inquiry comprised 10 attributes of transport service quality. In particular the meaning of "punctual departure" has been presented.
This research aimed to examine the strategy effectiveness of the Integrating Inquiry-based learning and Student Teams Achievement Division (INSTAD) compared to other strategies: Inquiry; Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD); and conventional learning, in order to narrow Upper Academic Ability (AA) and Lower Academic Ability (AB) science students’ learning outcome gap. As many as 136 research subject, consisting of AA and AB 7th grade students in equal numbers were selected using stratified random sampling from 27 State Junior High Schools in Surakarta, Indonesia. This research employed 4x2 factorial design as a method. Students’ learning results were measured with an essay test, then analyzed using Anakova. Findings demonstrate that INSTAD is the optimum strategy to constrict AA and AB students’ science grade point average, compared to Inquiry, STAD, and conventional learning.
Video-Based Interaction (VBI) for teachers does not have any meaning without the presence of an instructor and a process of interaction. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of VBI in Teacher Working Group (TWG) forums to improve teachers’ professionalism in science learning in elementary schools. This study involved 36 teachers in rural and city areas by using a one group pretest - posttest design. N-gain was used to analyze the effectiveness of VBI in TWG forums to improve teachers’ teaching skills. The study showed that VBI significantly increases teacher professionalism to reach professional levels. The results were also consistent with the N-gain category of teacher professionalism in planning, implementation, and relations components.
This article is devoted to the study of Sébastien Japrisot’s novel Un long dimanche de fiançailles (A Very Long Engagement) that belongs to the current of literature denouncing the military authorities’ abuses during the First World War. The article concentrates on the novel’s narrative devices, especially on the relations between the narrator and the protagonist’s discourse, with the intention to demonstrate that the narrator voluntarily renounces his enunciative authority, thus sharing the protagonists’ value system. In the context of the topical tendency to question the Great War’s events, the narrator’s egalitarian attitude seems eloquent, in that it legitimates the discourse that condemns the very notion of authority.
In this contribution we shall focus on the project of philosophy for communities carried out at the Liceo “Vasco-Beccaria-Govone” (Mondovì , Italy) within the IX edition (2016) of the CeSPeC Summer School on Futures, imagining the world of tomorrow. Philosophy is understood as a practice, an experience, a creation of concepts, an inquiry, as an exercise of argumentation and research. Thanks to this view, a dialogue has opened up with the pupis of this school. In this contribution we present the perspective of a post-philosophy for children and we understand it as an opportunity for philosophy in itself.
Matthew Lipman’s P4C (Philosophy for Children) method, which in Poland took the names: philosophising with children, philosophical investigations with children, workshops in philosophy, workshop classes in philosophy, workshops on philosophical research, is based on a discussion in which children are the active participants and creators of the classes. In the course of the investigations, one can observe children’s communication behaviour in the dialogue, the level of language and communication skills, the specificity of the child’s thinking and the ability to negotiate or interpret meanings in a peer group. The conducted research on communication shows that for five- and six-year-old children ‘communication’ is primarily about building relationships and reciprocity of linguistic actions.
Global and digital connectivity transform Australian classrooms by creating rich environments for inquiry learning. Developing inquiry learning in this Information Communication Technology (ICT) context is an Australian educational goal. Recently the Australian Curriculum reform and the Digital Education Revolution has become a catalyst for teachers to overcome the ubiquitous disconnect between traditional and digital pedagogies and reconceptualise practice and curricula. The National vision for ICT in School Education (2008) creates opportunities and imperatives for transformative pedagogies to sync with key learning areas and raises questions about how ICT pedagogical disconnect may be overcome. This paper reports findings from multi-site case studies which focus on the bridging the pedagogical disconnect by investigating the ICT experiences and pedagogy of History teachers in K-12 Catholic schools.
This paper focuses on the issue of surveying older people. Increasing interest in the issue of ageing and old age has been accompanied by infrequent debate on the methodological pitfalls that might influence research into this specific, albeit very heterogeneous population. Interviewers routinely complete post-interview questions that provide important information on such criteria as respondent difficulty in answering the questions posed. This article examines such difficulty in terms of interviewer and respondent characteristics. It investigates three potential explanations of why interviewers judge an interview as difficult: (1) interviewer characteristics (age and gender), (2) socio-demographic characteristics of the respondent and (3) respondents’ sense of well-being. The data used in this study were obtained from four surveys conducted with older people in the Czech Republic between 2007 and 2011. These surveys explored ageing and old age. The findings show the crucial importance of respondents’ sense of well-being and level of education. No interviewer age or gender effects were observed.
Human Affairs
tom 21
nr 2
This paper explicates and defends Morton White’s holistic pragmatism, the view that descriptive and normative statements form a “seamless web” which must be tested as a “unified whole”. This position, originally formulated as a methodological and epistemic principle, can be extended into a more general philosophy of culture, as White himself has shown in his book, A Philosophy of Culture (2002). On the basis of holistic pragmatism, the paper also offers a pragmatist conception of metaphilosophy and defends the need for interdisciplinary inquiry.
Content available remote Kolejowe przewozy turystyczne na Dolnym Śląsku
Na Dolnym Śląsku istnieje wiele niewykorzystanych linii kolejowych, które mogą w znaczny sposób wpłynąć na rozwój turystyki kolejowej w tym rejonie. W tym celu, oprócz modernizacji linii i taboru, należy stworzyć ofertę dostosowana do aktualnych potrzeb społeczeństwa. Ważne, aby zbadać zdanie klientów i pozyskać ich jak najwięcej. Najlepszym narzędziem w tej sytuacji jest ankieta skierowana do jak największej grupy ludzi.
In Dolny Śląsk, there are many railway line attractive to tourist, which could be used to obtain a the new passengers. This article presents proposals for railway tourism, based on historical offers and currently active lines. To this end, the preferences was explored of the passengers, conducting among them of survey.
Content available remote Weryfikacja modelu zachowań konsumentów opartego na modelu Axelroda
W artykule przedstawiono model zachowań konsumentów i wymiany informacji między nimi. Do symulacji zachowań konsumentów wykorzystano automaty komórkowe - model Axelroda. W celu weryfikacji zaprezentowanego modelu, wśród 250 losowo wybranych konsumentów przeprowadzono badania ankietowe. Wyniki tych badań potwierdziły wnioski, wynikające z przeprowadzonych symulacji.
In the paper we discuss a model of consumers' behaviour and of information exchange between them. Cellular automata are used to simulate consumers' behaviour - i.e. Axelrod's model. In order to verify this model surveys were carried out among 250 randomly chosen consumers. Their results confirmed the conclusions drawn from the simulations.
Philosophizing, according to E. Martens, can be seen as an elemental cultural technology, like arithmetic or writing, which both can and should be acquired in childhood. Martens is proposing here an understanding of philosophy that attributes value not only to the content canon, but also to the process itself, as Wittgenstein, for one, also did when he stated in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, “Philosophy is not a doctrine, but an activity.” For Socrates, this activity consisted in “giving an account of ourselves, our knowledge, our way of life.” In Nietzsche’s view, the precondition for this kind of accounting is the personal capacity for self-distancing, which allows us to grasp our quite individual primal experiences of emotion, perception, sudden illuminations of insight, and so on, as general concepts and logical structures.
Content available remote Dylematy metodyczne kompleksowych badań ruchu
Artykuł podejmuje dyskusję nad celowością unormowania stosowanych pojęć, bazy danych i wyników kompleksowych badań ruchu (KBR), aby uzyskać przystawalność i porównywalność ich założeń oraz wyników. Uporządkowania i ujednolicenia wymaga terminologia KBR, zakres i forma informacji opisujących strukturę socjo-ekonomiczną oraz przestrzenno-użytkową obszaru badania, w tym jego poszczególnych rejonów komunikacyjnych. Podano ogólne rekomendacje dotyczące doboru wielkości próby w badaniu ankietowym. W artykule zarysowany został zakres informacji uzyskiwanych w wywiadach ankietowych o gospodarstwie domowym i o zrealizowanych podróżach. Przedstawiono propozycję zakresu przetwarzania wyników badań i postaci danych wyjściowych. Większość podnoszonych kwestii stanowi dylematy do rozstrzygnięcia, w tym w zakresie postulowanej standaryzacji.
This paper undertakes a discussion on usefulness of standardising for comprehensive travel surveys concerning applied notions, data base and their results to gain compatibility and comparability of assumptions and results. Used terminology requires unified and well-ordered data and results. General recommendation for choice of sample size in household inquiries has been given. The scope and the form of information consists social and economical as well as spatial and land use structure of surveys' area, including each individual zone. Needed information is obtained from inquiry about household and performed travels. A proposal of data processing and scope of output data has been presented. Majority of undertaken issues are typical dilemmas, including dilemmas connected with standardisation in comprehensive travel surveys.
Content available Retrospektívy koncepcií technického vzdelávania
The author of contribution based on the historical retrospectives of technical education concepts. Examines their focus and reasons, which has made the change in the curriculum. The greatest attention is given to research-tuned concept of technical education, which develops the six most important skills for scientific research. Improvement of educational steps inquiry based science education is based on the experimental verification at primary schools.
Autorka príspevku vychádza z historickej retrospektívy koncepcií technického vzdelávania. Skúma ich zameranie a dôvody, ktoré spôsobili zmenu kurikula. Najväčšiu pozornosť venuje výskumne ladenej koncepcií technického vzdelávania, ktorá rozvíja šesť najdôležitejších schopností pre vedecké bádanie. Sprecíznenie edukačných krokov výskumne ladenej koncepcie vychádza z experimentálneho overenia na základných školách.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane praktyczne aspekty wyboru zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego do zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Kwestia opracowania dobrego zapytania ofertowego jest bardzo istotna w procesie przebiegu przetargu, którego efektem ma być zakup zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego do zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Celem autora było pokazanie wybranych mechanizmów zachodzących w tym procesie zwracając uwagę na kluczowe czynniki, które są niezbędne do osiągnięcia sukcesu. Autor celowo nie wymieniał żadnych konkretnych zintegrowanych systemów informatycznych ze względu na chęć przedstawienia w sposób obiektywny omawianej problematyki. Przedstawione wybrane aspekty praktyczne wynikają z kilkunastoletniego doświadczenie biznesowego, które autor posiada.
he article presents selected practical aspects of choosing an integrated IT system for enterprise management. The issue of developing a good request for proposal is very important in the process of conducting the tender, the effect of which is to be the purchase of an integrated IT system for enterprise management. The author's goal was to show selected mechanisms taking place in this process, paying attention to the key factors that are necessary to achieve success. The author intentionally did not mention any specific integrated IT systems due to the willingness to present the discussed issues in an objective manner.The presented selected practical aspects result from several years of business experience that the author has.
Content available remote Geoportale infrastruktur danych przestrzennych w opiniach użytkowników
The paper presents results of the survey performed in 2006 and the first half of 2007 on a group of 358 respondents. The group was accepted as a model for future level of advancement of GIS users. Members of this group use spatial information in their work and in their private life. They are more advanced in geoinformation, than average users, but they are not GIS experts. With this aim the group selected for the survey consisted of students (of different ages) of faculties of Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Current and future job specializations of respondents were as follows: forestry, protection of environment, spatial management, tourism. The respondents answered questions regarding internet sites and map services of the three geoportals: Polish, European Union and a national geoportals of selected country. The users opinions were in general positive. The new possibilities offered by SDI were appreciated. The comparison of services allowed to express various proposals and suggestions regarding further development of the geoportals.
This paper is a reflection on a recent project that was conducted using the Philosophy for Children (P4C) pedagogy to explore issues of climate justice with young people. Taking place in 2022 and 2023, the project, entitled Fierce Close, aimed to use the Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a space for young people to identify concepts germane to their experience of the climate crisis and formulate questions about these ideas that they answered together. At the end of the project, the participants created a podcast informed by their philosophical inquiries, now available as two “seasons.” While it is true that Ann Margaret Sharp, in particular, allowed everything from “dance” to “creative work” as an emergent product of inquiry, the relationship between outputs and inquiry itself can become strained. Matthew Lipman characterized inquiry through the analogy of a “boat tacking in the wind,” a kind of free progress towards a temporary destination. In this paper, we reflect on our experience of designing P4C projects that should result in a particular creative outcome and their relationship to the notionally “free space” of inquiry.
Content available Humility and Inquiry: A Response to Tibor Solymosi
In his essay, “Affording our Culture: “Smart” Technology and the Prospects for Creative Democracy,” Tibor Solymosi addresses my challenge for neuropragmatism to counter what I have elsewhere called dopamine democracy. Although I believe that Solymosi has begun to provide an explanation for how neuropragmatism may counter dopamine democracy, especially with his conceptions Œ and cultural affordances, I respond with a helpful addition to his approach by returning to the theory of inquiry as put forth by John Dewey. In particular, I focus on the phases of inquiry as colored by Dewey’s concept of humility. Solymosi does not pay adequate attention to the function of inquiry necessary for combatting dopamine democracy. His account of cultural affordances and education is strengthened by using Dewey’s concept of humility as a guiding disposition for neuropragmatic inquiry. Recognizing humility as an instrument of neuropragmatic inquiry provides us with a tool to better address the pitfalls of dopamine democracy, especially misinformation and incentive salience. My argument proceeds by first articulating dopamine democracy as a problem and Solymosi’s concept of cultural affordances and how he understands these as neuropragmatic tools to address the problem through education. I present humility as an instrumental concept derived from Dewey’s work on inquiry. I then suggest how humility may serve neuropragmatic inquiry to assist in combatting the problems of dopamine democracy.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań statystycznych, dotyczących przydatności wybranej grupy parametrów do określenia stanu zagrożenia wyrzutami metanu i skał. Wybraną formą badań była anonimowa ankietyzacja. Przedstawiono wyniki ankietyzacji dotyczące 27 parametrów mogących wpływać na stan zagrożenia zjawiskiem. Pokazano opinie dotyczące ważności poszczególnych parametrów dla oceny stanu zagrożenia w ujęciu zarówno parametrycznym, jak i z podziałem na grupy specjalistów związanych z praktyką górniczą i z nauką. Wyniki ankietyzacji pozwalają na określenie najistotniejszych parametrów oceny stanu zagrożenia wyrzutowego a analiza współczynników zmienności oraz histogramów pozwala na ocenę zgodności ankietowanych co do ważności poszczególnych parametrów oraz ich wartości granicznych.
Statistical research results referring to usefulness of the selected parameters group for determination of methane and rocks outburst hazard state determination are presented. The anonymous inquiry was the selected form of research. Results of inquiry referring to 27 parameters, which could influence the state of phenomenon hazard are presented. Opinions referring to the importance of particular parameters for evaluation of hazard state as well in parameters depiction as in division into the experts groups connected with the practice and science are shown. Results of inquiry allow to determine the most essential parameters of state of out burst hazard evaluation and analysis of variation coefficients as well as histograms allows evaluation of inquired particular parameters compatibility as well as their boundary values.
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