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The paper concerns a new idea of fuel injector for Diesel engines on base of invention applied by M. Zabłocki and J. Szymański. Some results of preliminary operating parameters research are presented in the paper. This investigation was conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector. The new-made research injector has needle, which executes rotational reciprocal motion. The new worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that undergoes a change during the injection process, which enables to decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at varied rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector was not optimized in relation to engine performance. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a new injector and their influence on combustion process in different method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimization, injector manufacturing improvement, fuel preparation improvement to obtain proper droplet size and both fuel consumption reducing and toxic exhaust gases emissions reducing.
High intensity H- beams are injected into the K130 cyclotron [1] for isotope production and for proton induced fission studies. Earlier, when protons were accelerated as positive ions, the beam intensity was limited by beam losses in the extraction system from the cyclotron. Stripping extraction of negative ions removed this limitation. However, now space charge effects in the injection beam line limit the beam intensity. At present, the maximum practical H- beam intensity at the inflector is about 0.25 mA, which gives 40-50 žA of extracted proton beam. Calculations predict that the injection beam line from the ion source to the matching quadrupoles below the cyclotron can transfer about 1 mA of 6 keV H- beam, which also was measured. The quadrupole section has a smaller transmission. Also a significant portion of the beam is lost during the last 2 m in the axial hole. General rules for maximum beam intensity as a function of beam line parameters such as beam tube aperture, distance of focusing elements, beam charge, mass and energy are given for different kinds of focusing systems (solenoids, FODO and FOFDOD quadrupole structures). As a conclusion, some suggestions to improve the transmission of the injection line are given.
Analysts are increasingly being required to evaluate the uncertainty associated with methods. Estimating the uncertainty of an analytical result is an essential part of quantitative analysis. This paper discusses the sources of uncertainty of chlorpyrifos determination by gas chromatography equipped with flame photometric detector (GC-FPD). The analysis was performed on HP-5 MS, 30 m x 0.32 mm capillary column with a 0.25 μm stationary film thickness using ultra pure nitrogen (99.9999 %) as a carrier gas at 25 psi constant pressure. The method has been optimized. Factors affecting quantization of chlorpyrifos such as injector temperature, carrier gas inlet pressure, air to hydrogen ratios and initial temperature program have been studied to get the best sensitivity, minimum delectability. The liner range of the detector was from 0.15 ng/ml to 1200 ppm, the minimum detection limit was 0.15 ng/ml and the relative standard deviation was 0.839.
Wymagania stawiane współczesnym technikom fundamentowania to niezawodność posadowień budowli i efektywność ekonomiczna. Wynika stąd konieczność zapewnienia między innymi równomierności osiadań fundamentu oraz ograniczenia wartości osiadań do ściśle określonej wielkości i to zarówno w fazie wznoszenia obiektu, jak i jego użytkowania.
Requirements for modern foundation techniques are the reliability of building foundations and economic efficiency. Hence, it is necessary to ensure, inter alia, the evenness of foundation subsidence and to limit the value of subsidence to a strictly defined value, both in the construction phase and in its use. The construction of high-rise facilities in urbanized areas in a limited space, often in unfavorable ground conditions, as well as large engineering facilities for the needs of road infrastructure, increases the unit loads of the foundation. This requires the use of special pile foundations with high load-bearing capacities of individual piles and their groups. Obtaining such load capacity is possible thanks to the use of special technologies.
Content available remote Uszczelniające środki iniekcyjne do napraw betonu
Jednym ze sposobów naprawy lub uszczelniania uszkodzonych elementów żelbetowych jest wypełnianie rys i pęknięć w betonie przez wprowadzenie iniektów. Metoda iniektowania polega na wtłaczaniu pod ciśnieniem do uszczelnianego betonu środka iniekcyjnego przy zastosowaniu odpowiednich urządzeń [1].
The reduction of the compression ratio in Diesel engines is a common practice in the contemporary development of these engines. The result is the thermodynamic parameters change at the beginning of combustion and consequential on all combustion process. The article presents discussion on research results respecting parameters in cylinder of diesel engine with two different compression ratios. The values of pressure, Indicated Mean Effective Pressure, temperature in cylinder, heat release and fuel consumption were analyzed.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wyników badań silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym dla dwóch stopni sprężania. W badaniach uwzględniono parametry cylindra. Przedstawiono wartości ciśnienia maksymalnego, średniego ciśnienia indykowanego IMEP, temperatury w komorze spalania, wywiązywania ciepła oraz zużycia paliwa.
The paper presents the results of the research on the influence of diesel fuel, rape oil methyl esters and rape oil on the evolution of the jet, velocity of the jet front and the atomization/spraying apex angle versus the crank angle of the engine. Measuring was performed using a single-cylinder Diesel engine with direct fuel injection and the apparatus AVL Engine VideoScope. It was found that physical and chemical parameters diversifying the tested fuels significantly influence the parameters of the sprayed fuel jet. It applied mainly to the increase of the fuel atomization apex angle for the fuels of high viscosity as compared with diesel fuel and to different course of the range and velocity of the jet front versus the engine crank angle. Large and heavy drops of vegetable oil have initially higher velocity than for diesel fuel. However, very soon, the velocity of rape oil jet front decreases to a lower value than for the petroleum fuel. From the visualisation process we can observed real start of injection and combustion processes. From these measure - delay of self combustion in diesel engine. Delay of self-combustion for natural rapeseed oil is shorter than for standard diesel fuel. As a result of this fact, we can observe in next research lower combustion dynamic, lower max. combustion temperature and lower concentration of NOx in exhaust gases. A change of the organization of the injection process of tested fuels can bring on differences in the combustion course.
Przedstawiono model reaktora rewersyjnego z wtryskiem międzystopniowym. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku ograniczenia maksymalnej temperatury katalizatora zastosowanie wtrysku umożliwia bezpieczną pracę aparatu. Optymalne umiejscowienie wtrysku zależy od wartości temperatury ograniczającej.
A model of a reverse flow reactor with an injection of cold feed was investigated. It was found that when the maximum temperature was restricted, an application of cold gas injection gives way to a safe operation. The exact place of this injection depends on the value of the temperature limit.
Content available Freud. Zastrzyk Irmy
The author descibes a dream of one of Freud’s patients based on his paper The Interpretation of Dreams Die Traumideutung.
Dual fuel combustion has been recently of high interest, mainly in terms of utilization of fuels different than diesel fuel in compression ignition engines. Depending on the properties of a fuel which is additional to diesel fuel, and the type of the additional fuel supply method the combustion process may be strongly modified comparing to single fuel combustion. Nowadays the modification of the combustion process becomes the reason for implementing the dual fuelling process. However, still the main reason for its implementation remains the utilization of nonconventional fuels in compression ignition engines. Among different types of dual fuel systems the one based on simultaneous direct injection of two fuels seems to be most flexible one. It allows to stratify the charge in the cylinder, blend two different fuels at any ratio and does not decrease volumetric efficiency. Therefore, this study aims at mixture formation in a heavy duty engine employing simultaneous direct injection of two different liquid fuels. Special attention was paid to spray breakup and simultaneous evaporation of two fuels which are the key processes in mixture formation.
During the construction of a section of the S-7 Lubień – Rabka-Zdrój dual expressway, located in the area of the Carpathian flysch (Carpathian Flysch Belt, South Poland), damage to the embankment was observed, as well as cracks and depressions in the new pavement. An analysis of the geological and engineering conditions in the area of the road section under construction showed the existence of a complex tectonic structure of the flysch formations, a shallow groundwater table, and numerous landslides. In order to stabilize the road substrate, it was decided to carry out injections, and the locations of these injections were initially geotechnically tested. However, due to the high variability of the geological structure, the target method employed was electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), which performed the survey in two stages. In Stage I, the geoelectrical/geochemical structure of the near-surface zone was identified, and the probable causes of road damage were indicated. This stage was completed by performing the stabilization and sealing process of the ground with an injection mixture. In Stage II, studies were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the injection process. The ERT method effectively identified the shallow geological structure and, in particular, delineated the zone of strong fractures in the flysch and areas associated with faults. Using the electrical resistivity tomography method, it was also possible to determine the injection mixture’s approximate penetration depth and the loosening zone’s degree of filling.
Arriving at a good combination of coding and modulation schemes that can achieve good error correction constitutes a challenge in digital communication systems. In this work, we explore the combination of permutation coding (PC) and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) for mitigating channel errors in the presence of background noise and jitter. Since PAM is characterised with bi-polar constellations, Euclidean distance is a good choice for predicting the performance of such coded modulation setup. In order to address certain challenges facing PCs, we therefore introduce injections in the coding system, together with a modified form of PAM system. This modification entails constraining the PAM constellations to the size of the codeword’s symbol. The results obtained demonstrate the strength of the modified coded PAM system over the conventional PC coded PAM system.
Results of modelling of thermal cycle of turbocharged compression ignition IC engine are presented. The object of investigation was a 6CT107 turbocharged auto-ignition internal combustion engine powered by diesel oil, installed on an ANDORIA-MOT 100 kVA/ 80 kW power generating set in a portable version. The performed simulations of the combustion process have provided information on the spatial and time distributions of selected quantities within the combustion chamber of the test engine. The numerical analysis results have been juxtaposed with the results of indicating the engine on the test stand. Modelling of the thermal cycle of an auto-ignition piston engine in the AVL FIRE was carried out within the study. Advanced numerical submodels were used to analysis of combustion process, such as: Extended Coherent Flame Model (ECFM-3Z), turbulence model k-zeta-f, injection submodels with evaporation, collisions, coalescence and other. Intake and exhaust processes were included during modelling. This resulted in a lot of information about the intake, fuel mixing, ignition process and the exhaust process. Results of modelling were compared with results from real engine.
Artykuł dotyczy problemów jakości powierzchni mikroelementów otrzymywanych przez formowanie wtryskowe proszków. Do wytwarzania mikroelementów zastosowano proszki żelaza i stali kwasoodpornej. Przedstawiono wpływy ziarnistości proszków i napełnienia masy proszkiem na chropowatość powierzchni oraz wpływ rodzaju materiału na skurcz elementów po spiekaniu.
This article presents the problems of surface microelements obtained by powder injection moulding. Iron powders and stainless steel powders for the manufacture of microelements were used. The influence of powder granularity and powder volume fraction in the mass on surface roughness and sintering shrinkage is also presented in this paper.
W pracy przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania kopolimeru jo-nomerowego do przetwórstwa wtryskowego. Dokonano oceny przetwarzalności tego tworzywa w warunkach rzeczywistych oraz za pomocą symulacji komputerowej przy użyciu programu Mold-flow 6. Wskazano na trudności przetwórcze jonomerów oraz na ścisłą zależność pomiędzy parametrami przetwórczymi a przezroczystością wyprasek.
In the work possibility of use of ethylene/methacrylic acid copol-ymers in injection moulding were presented. The evaluation of the processing properties of this material in real process and by the computer simulation with the use the Moldflow program was made. The processing difficulties (during injection moulding) of this material and essential dependence of the processing parameters on the clarity (transparence) of moulded parts were observed.
Wydobyciu gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej prawie zawsze towarzyszy pozyskiwanie wód złożowych, a ich zagospodarowanie stanowi poważny problem dotyczący większości kopalń w Polsce. Jedną z najefektywniejszych, a zarazem najtańszych metod zagospodarowania wód złożowych jest ich zatłoczenie do horyzontów chłonnych. W celu maksymalnego wykorzystania możliwości technicznych odwiertów zatłaczających i pojemności złoża przeznaczonego do magazynowania odpadów płynnych konieczne jest odpowiednie zmodyfikowanie parametrów fizykochemicznych wód przed zatłoczeniem, mające za zadanie ochronę strefy przyodwiertowej przed kolmatacją. W artykule porównano efektywność usuwania jonów żelaza przez napowietrzanie drobnopęcherzykowe z napowietrzaniem standardowym. Zaprezentowano wyniki laboratoryjnych badań procesu filtracji z wykorzystaniem różnorodnych złóż oraz przegród filtracyjnych.
Oil and gas production has been mostly followed by obtaining deposit waters. Their management is a crucial problem faced by most plants in Poland. One of the most effective as well as the most inexpensive methods of reservoir waters management is their injection to absorptive horizons. Correct modification of physical and chemical parameters of deposit waters (to protect a wellbore area against colmatation) is essential in order to use optimum technical possibilities of the injective wells and maximisation of injected brine volume. Effectiveness of iron and manganese ions removal by fine-bubble aeration and standard aeration have been compared in the article. Results of laboratory research on filtration with the use of diversed filter deposits and barriers have been presented in this work.
Dyspersyjny charakter cementowych mieszanek iniekcyjnych sprawia wiele trudności w praktycznych realizacjach procesu iniekcji ciśnieniowej, jak również w próbach teoretycznego ujęcia tego zagadnienia. Istniejące modele reologiczne zaczynów cementowych traktują je jako układy ciągłe. W artykule podjęto próbę wprowadzenia do modelu reologicznego ciała Binghama członu reprezentującego opory natury tarciowej, powstające na stykach ziaren cementu. Ujęta w ten sposób ziarnistość mieszanki cementowej pozwala w konsekwencji na analityczne wyprowadzenie nowych równań przepływu zaprezentowanych w pracy. Podano sposób wyprowadzenia równań przepływu oraz możliwości analitycznego szacowania wielkości związanych z oporami tarciowymi. Analiza wyników obliczeń wskazuje na pojawiające się znaczne rozbieżności w porównaniu z już istniejącymi rozwiązaniami. Nowe równania lepiej przewidują efekty uzyskiwane w praktycznych realizacjach procesu iniekcji.
Dispersial nature of cement grout makes many difficulties in practical applications of the injection process. It is also difficult to describe by theoretical equations. The rheological models treat cement paste as continuous material. In this paper the new flow equation was derived, which contains the factor of the friction between cement grains introduced to the Bingham model. The possibilities of the calculation of this new factor was presented. The analysis of the calculation's results of the classical and new equations shows significant differences. The new equation allows to better predict the effects of the real injection applications.
W artykule przedstawiono budowę oraz wyniki badań dla układu łączącego wtryskiwacz gazowy z przewodem kolektora dolotowego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z zastosowaniem programu symulacyjnego Dymola. Badano zależność pomiędzy wybranym parametrem konstrukcyjnym przewodu wtryskowego a przepływem gazu do kolektora dolotowego w czasie wtrysku. Analizie poddano zjawiska zachodzące w jednym z przewodów wtryskowych w zależności od średnicy wkrętki.
The paper presents the design and test results for the system combining gas injector with the inlet manifold pipe. Tests were carried out with the use of Dymola simulation program. The test investigated the dependency between a selected design parameter of inlet pipe and the gas flow into inlet manifold during injection. The analysis covered the processes taking place in one of the inlet pipes depending on the ferrule diameter.
Content available remote Diagram ustawiania procesu wtryskiwania
tom R. 78, nr 11
914-914, 916, 918, 920-921
Content available remote Wytrzymałość na zginanie kompozytów przeznaczonych na dielektromagnesy
Przedstawiono wpływ parametrów materiałowych na wytrzymałość na zginanie próbek wykonanych z kompozytów przeznaczonych do wytwarzania dielektromagnesów. Próbki wykonano metodą wtryskiwania. Wtryskiwane kompozyty zawierały dwa rodzaje proszku magnetycznie twardego. W badaniach stosowano proszki firmy Magnequench International o kulistym i płatkowym kształcie ziaren wytwarzane ze stopów Nd-Fe-B. Osnowę kompozytów stanowił polistyren wysokoudarowy i niskoudarowy firmy DWORY S.A. Do badań przygotowano próbki z kompozytów o zmiennych zawartościach obu rodzajów proszków wielofrakcyjnych. Przygotowano również próbki z kompozytów napełnianych proszkami frakcjonowanymi. W tym przypadku stosowano stałe napełnienie kompozytów wynoszące 48%. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały istotny wpływ zarówno kształtu ziarn proszku napełniacza, jak i materiału osnowy na wytrzymałość na zginanie próbek. Zastosowanie napełniacza w postaci proszku płatkowego powoduje wzrost wytrzymałości na zginanie. Wyższą wytrzymałość na zginanie uzyskuje się również przy zastosowaniu jako materiału osnowy polistyrenu niskoudarowego. Określano także wpływ ilości proszku napełniacza i wielkości jego ziarn na właściwości mechaniczne próbek. Zamieszczone obrazy przełomów próbek pozwoliły na określenie mechanizmu ich pękania. Jest on związany z adhezją osnowy do metalowych cząstek napełniacza.
Injection molding is one of the production methods of dielectromagnets. This technology was applied in presented researches. Special molded samples were prepared for analysis of flexural strength. They were made of composites base on the thermoplastic polymer with hardmagnetics powders. The flaky powder MQP-B and spheroidal powder MQP-S made from magnetic alloy Nd-Fe-B were used. As polymer matrix two kinds of polystyrene: the high impact and low impact polystyrene were used. The powders were produced by Magnequench International USA and polymers by DWORY S.A. Poland. Composites were made by the solvent method using toluene. The composites consist variable volume fraction of the flaky and spheroidal powder also separate granularity ofthe both kinds of powders. The feedstock temperature during injection was of 200°C and pressure of injection was of 110 MPa. In this paper, the correlation between flexural stress and deflexion for samples made of composites inclusive 48% of flaky and spheroidal powder is presented. More over the influence of the volume fraction, grain size and kind of magnetic powders was shown. Additionally investigation of fractures view made from composites with flaky and spheroidal powder were carried out. The analyze of the received results showed, that the most influence on the flexural strength had the kind of the polystyrene and shape of magnetic powder particles used for samples preparation.
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