Verbal fluency (VF) is a good indicator of a child’s academic prowess and later academic success. The goal of the present study was to examine the association between VF and inhibitory control. An additional goal was to examine the developmental trajectories of VF in relation to the grade and gender of the children. The sample for this study consisted of 210 children attending grades 1 to 3. Children’s performance was measured on two VF tasks: semantic fluency and phonological fluency. As a measure of inhibitory control we used a number of commission errors committed on the Multiple Choice Reaction Test. The results of this study indicate the lack of association between VF and inhibitory control. Children improved significantly in VF from grade 1 to grade 3. In relation to gender, girls outperformed boys on the test of phonological fluency but not on the test of semantic fluency. Given the importance of VF, these skills need to be tackled during the elementary school period and even earlier in preschool.
Acquisition of the theory of mind (TOM) is a very important milestone in the development of preschool children. TOM is especially important for the development of children’s social skills. The goal of the present study was to examine the effects of age, gender and executive functions (EF) on the acquisition of TOM. The sample in this study consisted of 116 preschool children aged 36-72 months (mean age 58.8 months, SD= 9.5 months). In relation to the child’s gender, there were 56 girls (48.3%) and 60 boys (51.7%). The Sally Anne test- a task purporting to measure TOM, was used as a dependant variable and age, gender, and EF measures were used as the predictors. Logistic regression was used as a method to determine the effects of predictors on TOM. The results of this study indicated that success on the TOM test can best be predicted by the inhibitory control, followed by verbal fluency and child’s age. The gender of the child was not associated with TOM acquisition. The overall model explained between 27% and 38% of the variance in the TOM scores. Inhibitory control is the executive function that had the greatest predictive power for the results on the theory of the mind task. The findings of this study can help early interventionists in the modification of existing preschool curricula, so that they include more activities that would foster the development of the theory of mind in preschool children. Future studies should aim to find a better model of theory of mind predictors by examining the effects of other executive function constructs, such as working memory.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania dotyczącego związku poziomu umiejętności czytania i funkcjonowania uwagi u dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym. W zakresie umiejętności czytania pomiarowi poddano dwa wymiary – dekodowanie i rozumienie. Zastosowano do tego narzędzie PROLEXIA. Natomiast w zakresie funkcjonowania uwagi analizie poddano takie jej funkcje jak: koncentracja, zdolność spostrzegania, impulsywność, nieuważność (inattention) oraz zdolność hamowania poznawczego. Do pomiaru zdolności hamowania poznawczego zastosowano trójkolorową wersję zadania Stroopa, natomiast pozostałe parametry uwagi zbadano za pomocą Testu badania uwagi D2. Do analizy wyników zastosowano metodę analizy skupień na przypadkach według procedury k-średnich. Dla wszystkich grup wiekowych łącznie wyodrębniono 5 skupień (parametrów uwagi) istotnie różniących się między sobą pod względem sposobu organizacji (profil uwagi), które nazwano kolejno: „przeciętni”, „skoncentrowani”, „nieskoordynowani”, „impulsywni” i „rozkojarzeni”. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice w zakresie poziomu umiejętności czytania pomiędzy grupami. „Skoncentrowani” uzyskiwali istotnie wyższe wyniki niż „nieskoordynowani” oraz istotnie wyższe niż „przeciętni”, w obydwu przypadkach – zarówno w dekodowaniu, jak i w rozumieniu.
The paper presents results of research on the level of reading skill and attention functioning in early school children. The study involved 256 I–III grade elementary school children, each grade numbering roughly one third of the sample population. Two dimensions of reading skills (decoding and reading comprehension) were measured by PROLEXIA test and five attention parameters (concentration, perceptivity, impulsivity, inattention and cognitive inhibition) were measured. The three colour version of the Stroop Test was applied as a cognitive inhibition task. The D2 Test of Attention by Brickenkamp was used to measure concentration, perceptual abilities, impulsiveness and inattention. Cluster analysis was used for all ages. Five significantly different groups of all participating children were identified, respectively labelled as: "uncoordinated," "average," "impulsive," "focused" and "distracted" according to attention function. In the cases of decoding and comprehension there were statistically significant differences in literacy levels between "focused", who produced significantly higher reading scores than the "uncoordinated" and "average".
Artykuł poświęcony jest prezentacji założeń teoretycznych i konstrukcyjnych Testu sortowania kart dla dzieci (TSKD). Autorzy zaprojektowali go jako standardową metodę indywidualnej diagnozy poziomu rozwoju funkcji wykonawczych. TSKD opiera się na założeniach dwuwymiarowego testu sortowania kart (DTSK), powszechnie wykorzystywanego w badaniach naukowych z udziałem dzieci. Narzędzie zostało przetestowane w badaniu pilotażowym na grupie 49 dzieci w wieku 3–11 lat. Zaobserwowano w nich identyczne wzorce wykonania testu jak w przypadku DTSK, co pozytywnie rokuje dla stworzenia ostatecznej wersji TSKD.
The paper presents theory and design of Children Card Sort (CCS). The authors created the CCS as a standard method of psychological assessment of executive functions development. Design of the CCS is based on the Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS) commonly used in scientific research with children. The tool was tested in a pilot study with 49 children aged 3–11. The results showed a similar pattern of scores as in the DCCS to give a good starting point to design a final version of the CCS.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania, którego celem była diagnoza poziomu funkcjonowania uwagi dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym (klasy I–III) i wyłonienie ewentualnych grup ryzyka. W badaniu przeprowadzonym w dwóch poznańskich szkołach podstawowych wzięło udział 256 dzieci (33% z klasy I, 31% z klasy II i 36% z klasy III). Pomiarom poddano parametry uwagi: koncentracja, spostrzegawczość, impulsywność, nieuważność oraz zdolność hamowania poznawczego. Do pomiaru hamowania poznawczego zastosowano trójkolorową wersję testu Stroopa. Pozostałe parametry zbadano za pomocą testu uwagi D2. Metoda k-średnich analizy skupień na przypadkach pozwoliła wyodrębnić pięć podgrup dzieci, które ze względu na profil uwagi nazwano: „przeciętni”, „skoncentrowani”, „nieskoordynowani”, „impulsywni” i „rozkojarzeni”. W skupieniu „przeciętni” większość stanowili uczniowie klasy I, zaś w skupieniu „skoncentrowani” – uczniowie klasy III. W skupieniu „impulsywni” znalazło się istotnie więcej dziewczynek.
The main purpose of the paper was to analyse the characteristics of attention in early school children and to identify risk groups. The study involved 256 primary school children in grades I–III. First, second and third grade pupils made up 33%, 31% and 36% of the sample, respectively. Five attention measures (concentration, perception, impulsivity, inattention and cognitive inhibition) were investigated. The three-colour version of the Stroop Test (1935) was applied as the cognitive inhibition task. The D2 Test of Attention by R. Brickenkamp (Polish version by E. R. Dajek, 2003) was used to measure concentration, perceptual abilities, impulsiveness and inattention. The cluster analysis method of k-means was used. Five significantly different groups of children were identified, classified as: ‘uncoordinated’, ‘average’, ‘impulsive’, ‘focused’ and ‘distracted’. Only the ‘average’ and ‘focused’ revealed the significant dominance of certain age groups regarding concentration. In the case of ‘average’, most children were in grade I, while in the case of ‘focused’ most were in grade III. Significant gender differences were only shown with girls dominating as ‘impulsive’.
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