W artykule przedstawiono kształtowanie się pozycji konkurencyjnej sektora ogrodniczego oraz wybranych grup i produktów tego sektora na rynku światowym. Oceny dokonano na podstawie analizy kształtowania się poziomu mierników zewnętrznej konkurencyjności (saldo handlu zagranicznego, wskaźnik pokrycia eksportem importu, wskaźnik orientacji eksportowej, penetracji importowej, ujawnionej przewagi komparatywnej i udziału eksportu w obrotach międzynarodowych). Analiza wskazuje na poprawę wskaźników pozycji konkurencyjnej większości owoców, warzyw i ich przetworów w latach 2010-2012 w relacji do lat 2001-2003. Korzystne były zewnętrzne uwarunkowania eksportu (brak wyraźnych tendencji wzrostowych produkcji i eksportu w krajach konkurentach) i relatywnie duże wykorzystanie w Polsce unijnych środków wsparcia w zakresie koncentracji podaży eksportowej, poprawy jakości i efektywności produkcji.
The paper shows competitive position of horticultural sector and the selected groups of horticultural products on the world market. The study is based on an analysis of indicators of external competitiveness (balance of trade, trade coverage (TC), import penetration, real comparative advantage and share in foreign trade). According to the conducted analysis in the period of 2010-12 competitive position improved in relation to the period of 2001-2003 in respect of the most of the products concerned. It was supported by a favourable situation on external markets (lack of clear upward tendencies as regards production and exports in competing countries) as well as by relatively large use of the EU support as regards of concentration of export supply, quality improvement and production efficiency.
Bosna i Hercegovina zajedno sa Srbijom pokazuje lošije ekonomske performanse od susjednih zemalja, dok evropski prosjek ostaje daleka i umnogome nedostižna kategorija. Razlozi ovakvog nezadovoljavajućeg stanja su mnogi, i ovim radom se želi osvijetliti preduzetnički aspekt ekonomske dinamike ovih zemalja u poređenju sa svjetskim, evropskim i regionalnim prosjekom. Koristićemo komparativnu, statističku, dinamičku i kognitivnu analizu i sintezu u cilju jasnijeg sagledavanja uzroka situacije u kojoj se nalazimo, kao i uočavanja potencijalnih komparativnih prednosti. Kroz predstavljanje pozicija BiH i Srbije u izvještajima Svjetskog ekonomskog foruma u odnosu na ponderisane prosjeke svijeta, Evrope i regiona, preko analize osnovnih parametara konkurentnosti i detaljne analize indikatora preduzetništva doći ćemo do značajnih zaključaka o najvažnijim manjkavostima i mogućim prednostima preduzetništva u BiH i Srbiji. Ove rezultate bi trebalo imati na umu prilikom kreiranja budućih ekonomskih mjera uz značajnu upotrebnu vrijednost sadašnjim i budućim preduzetnicima.
Bosnia and Herzegovina together with Serbia shows the poor economic performance compared to neighbor countries, while the European average remains a remote and largely unattainable category. The reasons for this unsatisfactory situation are many, and this paper aims to highlight the entrepreneurial aspect of the economic dynamics of these countries compared to the world, European and regional average. We will use comparative, statistical, dynamical and cognitive analysis and synthesis in order to get better insight into the causes of our current situation, as well as recognizing the potential comparative advantages. Through presentation of the BiH and Serbia position in the Reports of the World Economic Forum in relation to the weighted averages of the world, Europe and the region, and further through the analysis of the basic parameters of competitiveness and detailed analysis of business environment indicators we will reach important conclusions about the most important shortcomings and potential advantages of entrepreneurship in BiH and Serbia. These results should be kept in mind while creating future economic measures, and they have considerable usable value for current and future entrepreneurs.
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