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Content available Gender and social determinants of health
The existing paradoxical differences in the mortality and morbidity rates (death rates and illness rates) between men and women, which are difficult to explain by biological factors, have called researchers’ attention to social and cultural factors as a possible explanation. The worldwide statistics indicate that women outlive men in almost all countries, while at the same time they suffer from higher morbidity rates than men, due to chronic physical and affective disorders. In addition, the data shows that women, as compared to men, are underprivileged in several material resources that are important to preserve good health. This puzzling situation has invited a search for socio-cultural factors that could shed some light on the nature of different health patterns of men and women. This article uses a sociological perspective in an attempt to show that the observed differences may be attributable to differing socio-cultural and structural arrangements of both genders.
Content available Concepts and research areas of health pedagogy
tom XII(1 (34))
In pedagogical literature health pedagogy is trated as a subdiscipline of pedagogy, within which the theoretical foundations of modern health education are created. It has theoretical support in classical social pedagogy. The subject of research of health pedagogy is interdisciplinary and it covers issues related to a social health reality, which are analyzed from a pedagogical perspective and on the basis of the assumptions of modern philosophy of health and in connection with the achievements of medical and social sciences in the areas related to the protection and promotion of health. The article presents the formation of the theoretical foundations of pedagogical practice focused on health goals and the concepts and methods of practicing health pedagogy that are emerging today.
In 1998 on the World Health Assembly there was approved that health is one of the fundamental rights of the human being. Human health depends on many interrelated factors, among which the most important is lifestyle. For this reason, efforts to improve public health should be focused on health promotion, including health education and prevention. Health promotion is defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over their health by making choices and decisions conducive to health. Improving the health and the life quality are the primary goals of the Polish National Health Programme for 2007-2015. This article presents the specific objectives of the Polish National Health Programme in the context of health promotion, including among others, the reduction of tobacco distribution, alcohol consumption, nutrition improvement and physical activity increase among Polish population.
Ciechańska Beata, Olejniczak Dominik, Skonieczna Joanna, Dykowska Grażyna. Zagrożenia zdrowia mieszkańców wsi, w tym dzieci, w kontekście prac wykonywanych w gospodarstwie rolnym = Threats to the health of villagers, including children, in the context of the work carried out on the farm. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):181-192. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.03.2016. Revised 17.04.2016. Accepted: 17.04.2016.  Zagrożenia zdrowia mieszkańców wsi, w tym dzieci, w kontekście prac wykonywanych w gospodarstwie rolnymThreats to the health of villagers, including children, in the context of the work carried out on the farm Beata Ciechańska1, Dominik Olejniczak2, Joanna Skonieczna2, Grażyna Dykowska2 1Studenckie Koło Naukowe Zdrowia Publicznego, sekcja Promocji Zdrowia, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny 2Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny  Słowa kluczowe: zagrożenia zdrowia, środowiskowe uwarunkowania zdrowia, ludność wiejska.Key words: health threats, health determinants, rural population. lic zdr. publ. Beata Ciechańska1dr n. med. Dominik Olejniczak2mgr Joanna Skonieczna2dr n. o zdr. Grażyna Dykowska2 StreszczenieStopień narażenia na choroby i urazy wśród ludności wiejskiej jest inny, niż w przypadku mieszkańców miast. Wynika to z uwarunkowań środowiskowych, a także ze specyfiki pracy. Wart podkreślenia jest fakt, iż, nadal duża liczba dzieci narażona jest na uszczerbek na zdrowiu w wyniku angażowania ich do prac niebezpiecznych lub przekraczających ich możliwości. W 2012 roku 168 mln dzieci na świecie wykonywało pracę, a 85 mln dzieci angażowanych było do prac niebezpiecznych. Gałęzią działalności gospodarczej, w której najczęściej pracują dzieci, jest rolnictwo [1]. W Polsce praca dzieci w rodzinnym gospodarstwie rolnym jest społecznie akceptowalna. Pomimo, iż udział dzieci w tych zajęciach niewątpliwie może mieć pozytywny wpływ na ich zdrowie praca na wsi często wiąże się z licznymi groźnymi dla zdrowia i życia urazami.Istnieje szereg instytucji, które prowadzą działania, mające na celu zminimalizowanie ryzyka zdrowotnego wśród mieszkańców wsi. Działania te polegają między innymi na realizowaniu programów zdrowotnych, opartych na edukacji. Te inicjatywy, choć słuszne, wymagają jednak zintensyfikowania, by objąć swoim zasięgiem jak największą grupę ludności wiejskiej, szczególnie dzieci i młodzieży. Threats to the health of villagers, including children, in the context of the work carried out on the farm AbstractThe degree of exposure to disease and injuries among the rural population is different in the case of urban residents. This is due to environmental conditions, as well as the specifics of the work. It is worth emphasizing that, still a large number of children are exposed to bodily harm as a result of engaging their use for dangerous workor exceeding their capabilities. In 2012, 168 million children worldwide involved in jobs, and 85 million children were involved hazardous work. Branch of economic activity in which children usually work, is agriculture. [1]In Poland, the work of children in a family farm is socially acceptable. Although the share of children in these classes can undoubtedly have a positive impact on their health work in the countryside it is often associated with numerous dangerous to life and limb injuries.There are a number of institutions that carry out activities aimed at minimizing health risks among the villagers. These measures consist, inter alia, implementation of health programs based on education. These initiatives, though correct, however, intensify the need to embrace its reach as the largest group of rural population, especially children and adolescents.
Health inequities are defined as systematic differences in health that can be avoided by appropriate policy intervention, and for this reason are considered unfair and unjust. Health inequities are not solely related to access to health care services; they are caused by the unequal distribution of these determinants of health, including power, income, goods and services, poor and unequal living conditions, and the differences in healthdamaging behaviours that these wider determinants produce. They are defined as systematic differences in health that can be avoided by appropriate policy intervention and that are therefore deemed to be unfair and unjust. To be able to devise effective action, we first need to understand the causes of these inequities in health. Health inequities are not solely related to access to health care services; there are many determinants related to living and working conditions, as well as the overall macro-policies prevailing in a country or region. The differences in social and economic development are reflected in health inequities that can be seen both between and within countries. Furthermore, evidence shows that even in the more affluent countries health inequities are seen in all parts of Europe. In the WHO European Region the gap in life expectancy between countries is 17 years for men and 12 years for women. Inequities in health are caused by the unequal distribution of these determinants of health, including power, income, goods and services, poor and unequal living conditions, and the differences in health-damaging behaviours that these wider determinants produce. The experiences of various countries indicates that in order to narrow the health inequities countries have to improve living conditions including the provision of comprehensive welfare systems, and high-quality education and health services. The Strategy Health 2020 developed and approved by the WHO European Region countries is focusing on reducing inequities in health, which are key strategic objectives of endorsed by the 53 Member States. It emphasizes the need to strengthen population-based prevention on the social determinants of health. Also, in 2009 the European Commission developed European Union (EU) Health Strategy Programme titled “Solidarity in health: reducing health inequalities in the European Union”.
The main goal of this article is to review publications using tools and databases collected within the SHARE project that concerns problems of health and physical functioning, mental health, risk fac­ors, aging population and its health consequences. Data from SHARE study were used in many analyzes concerning health, especially to assess the health status and the prevalence of disease conditions, assess conditions of physical functioning and risk factors. Moreover, studies based on SHARE data are used to assess the comparability of scale in relation to international comparisons and between subgroups of studied population aged 50+.
Celem artykułu jest przegląd publikacji wykorzystujących narzędzia oraz bazy danych zebrane w ramach projektu SHARE dotyczących problemów zdrowia i funkcjonowania fizycznego, zdrowia psychicznego, czynników ryzyka, starzenia się populacji i konsekwencji zdrowotnych. Dane z badania SHARE wykorzystano do licznych analiz dotyczących zdrowia, w szczególności do oceny stanu zdrowia oraz rozpowszechnienia stanów chorobowych, oceny funkcjonowania fizycznego i czynników ryzyka. Wiele badań na podstawie danych SHARE służy do oceny zastosowanych skal badawczych w odniesieniu do porównań międzynarodowych oraz pomiędzy podgrupami badanych populacji w wieku 50+.
Among the many studies on the Krasiński family, those devoted mainly to Zygmunt Krasiński, an outstanding poet, one of the Polish national poets, understandably dominate. But the fate of other members of this family that was so distinguished for Poland, may also be interesting. Especially those whose lives were marked by the complicated health conditions of the descendants of Zygmunt Krasiński. The article is devoted to Zofia Krasińska, his granddaughter, who during her short life struggled with an inherited disease in her family – tuberculosis.
Wśród wielu opracowań dotyczących rodziny Krasińskich dominują, co zrozumiałe, opracowania poświęcone głównie Zygmuntowi Krasińskiemu – wybitnemu poecie, jednemu z polskich wieszczów narodowych. Ale interesujące mogą być również losy innych członków tej zasłużonej dla Polski rodziny. W szczególności tych, na których życiu odciskały swoje piętno skomplikowane uwarunkowania zdrowotne potomków Zygmunta Krasińskiego. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest Zofii Krasińskiej, jego wnuczce, która przez swoje krótkie życie zmagała się z dziedziczną w tej rodzinie chorobą – gruźlicą.
It was revealed that in the years 2006–2015 the highest health inequalities characterized the inhabitants of Europe with low level of education and in the second income group GIH-Q20-40. The lowest inequalities in terms of health were revealed among the Europeans with secondary education and the highest income group. The highest inequalities with bad health were found among Europeans with higher education and the highest income group. The reason for the inequalities are other determinants of the state of health, e.g. availability of health care services. The lowest inequalities with bad health were revealed in a group of people with secondary and lower education and occurred in 2014 in the first and third income group.
Wykazano, że w latach 2006–2015 najwyższymi nierównościami zdrowotnymi charakteryzowali się mieszkańcy Europy z niskim wykształceniem i w drugiej grupie dochodowej GIH-Q20-40. Najniższe nierównomierności związane ze zdrowiem wystąpiły u mieszkańców Europy ze średnim wykształceniem i w najwyższej grupie dochodowej. Najwyższe nierównomierności związane ze złym zdrowiem wystąpiły u mieszkańców Europy z wysokim wykształceniem i w najwyższej grupie dochodowej. Ich powodem są inne determinanty stanu zdrowia, np. dostępność opieki zdrowotnej. Najniższe nierównomierności w związku ze złym zdrowiem wystąpiły w grupie osób ze średnim i niskim wykształceniem w 2014 roku w pierwszej i trzeciej grupie dochodowej.
The analysis was worked out on the basis of Health Variables of The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC), European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). The SRH-self-rated health variable in relation to education and income was used in ther analysis. There were two research hypotheses put forward and verified during the study. H1: Education is a stronger determinant than income affecting health inequalities of the populations of the, so called, new UE countries. H2: The state of health inequality, investigated during the period 2006–2015, is increasing in the, so called, new UE countries.
Analizę opracowano na podstawie Health variables of The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC), European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). Do analizy wykorzystano zmienną SRH-self-rated health w zależności od wykształcenia i dochodu. W toku pracy postawiono dwie hipotezy badawcze, które poddano weryfikacji w badaniach. H1: Wykształcenie jest silniejszą od dochodu determinantą wpływającą na nierówności zdrowotne populacji w tzw. krajach nowej UE. H2: Stan nierówności zdrowotnej badany w okresie 2006–2015 roku zwiększa się w tzw. krajach nowej UE.
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