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The aim of this study was to find the relationship between the parent’s alcohol addiction and adult children’s perception of the grieving process. The study involved 112 adult men and women (45 participants whose parent or both parents were addicted and 67 people, whose parents were not addicted). An Inventory of Daily Widowed Life (IDWL) by Caserta and Lund (Polish language version) was used to study the dynamics of the process of coping with loss. Changes in the way of experiencing the death of a parent were assessed by SDS inventory by Steuden and Kurtyka. Perceived dynamics of process of coping and the way of experiencing the death of a parent were compared between those groups. The results show that people from alcoholic families do not differ significantly from the control group in terms of perceived dynamics of the process of coping with loss. However, significantly more people from alcoholic families (in comparison to the control group) are still experiencing emptiness and abandonment (despite the passage of time). To help this group in active search for support could reduce the negative emotions experienced as a consequence of the death of a loved one.
The death of a child is one of the most difficult and painful experiences in an adult person’s life. Statistics reveal the terrifying frequency of this phenomenon. Several thousand children and young adults die every year as a result of diseases, accidents, homicide and suicides. Unfortunately, despite the universality of this experience, a child’s death is still a socially tabooed phenomenon. Depending on the type of loss, there are various difficulties for mothers and fathers with experiencing mourning. Lonely parents may be more likely to experience mental and somatic health problems, such as severe depression (Sanders, 1989), physical exhaustion (Rando, 1986), insomnia (Bowlby, 1980), dissociative disorders, or somatoform disorders (Łuszczyńska, 2011). Even a permanent change in personality being a result of complications in the course of mourning is a possible outcome. It was also noted that grieving parents often have tight and dysphoric affect associated with the experience of helplessness in the face of a loss. Felt anger is directed not only to the immediate environment, but above all to the grieving parents themselves, as a result of the growing sense of guilt (Johnson, 1987). The paper presents results of a study on the problems of a child’s death and the difficulties of parents in coping with the loss, which affects both the family and the society.
The article investigates the structure of romance and grief narrative included in Bobbie Ann Mason’s “Shiloh,” on the basis of Patrick C. Hogan’s th eory of literary universals and his work on aff ective narratology. Following Hogan, I argue that emotions are deeply embedded in stories and that stories are typically designed so as to manipulate the aff ective responses of their readers. I will focus on the way the story depicts prototypical stages of romance and grief and where it deviates from universal narratives involving concerning grief, separation, attachment, and romantic love, arguing that the aff ective and aesthetic potential of the story lies precisely in where it departs from these prototypical narratives. At the same time, I shall speculate on how discourse organization manipulates the formation of aff ective schemata and empathic alignment in readers.
Losing a child is the most devastating experience that a mother can experience. The aim of this study was an analysis of factors associated with maternal grief after losing a child: time since loss, type of loss and parenthood. The data were analyzed through combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. A sample of 60 grieving mothers (M = 40,0; SD = 9,87) completed the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief and demographic characteristics questionnaire. The qualitative part of the research was realized by form of semi-structured interviews with 12 mothers aged from 28 to 55 years, focused on deeper understanding of the factors associated with mothers' grief. The data were analyzed through Consensual Qualitative Research. Grief in mothers after more than three years from the loss is lower. There were found no differences in grief of anticipated and sudden loss. Mothers with anticipated loss perceive sudden loss as more difficult, and conversely. Grief in mothers who lost their only child is higher than in mothers who have had another child in time of the loss. Mothers who lost the only child have found the meaning of life in caring about others.
Strata dieťaťa je najzraňujúcejšou skúsenosťou akú môže matka zažiť. Cieľom práce bola analýza faktorov súvisiacich s prežívaním zármutku u matiek po strate dieťaťa: času od straty, typu straty a ďalšieho rodičovstva. Údaje boli analyzované kombináciou kvantitatívneho a kvalitatívneho prístupu. 60 matiek po strate dieťaťa (M = 40,0; SD = 9,87) vyplnilo Texaský revidovaný inventár zármutku a dotazník demografických charakteristík. S 12-timi matkami po strate dieťaťa vo veku od 28 do 55 rokov bol realizovaný pološtruktúrovaný rozhovor zameraný na hlbšie porozumenie faktorov súvisiacich s prežívaným zármutkom. Údaje boli analyzované konsenzuálnym kvalitatívnym výskumom. U matiek po viac ako troch rokoch od straty je zármutok nižší. Neboli zistené rozdiely v zármutku medzi očakávanou a náhlou stratou dieťaťa. Matky s očakávanou stratou dieťaťa hodnotili náhlu stratu dieťaťa ako náročnejšiu a naopak. Zármutok u matiek, ktoré stratili jediné dieťa, je vyšší ako u matiek, ktoré mali v čase straty ďalšie dieťa. Matky, ktoré nemali ďalšie dieťa nachádzali zmysel života v starostlivosti o druhých.
Content available remote Memory-dependent grief in Octavia Butler’s Fledgling
The article explores grief as a memory-related emotional response to the loss of loved ones as presented in Octavia Butler’s fantasy novel Fledgling. The article deals with the inability to experience grief due to memory loss and the struggles that come with it. The reasons behind the inability of the main character to experience grief and its meaning are investigated. Two potential explanations are explored: the inability to experience grief as a result of general dissociative amnesia caused by the traumatic experience of witnessing the slaughter of one’s family and being left on the brink of death, and the possibility of the loss of affect induced by overwhelming feelings of loss. The grief over a person of whom the memories are intact is analyzed and contrasted with the lack of grief for the forgotten relatives. The idea of continuing bonds connected with the mourning process is briefly presented and illustrated using examples from Fledgling. The theory of five stages of grief formulated by the psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is briefly introduced. Some of the stages of Kübler-Ross’s theory (denial, anger and acceptance) are illustrated through the analysis of the grief experienced by the main character. The distinct inability to govern or temper the emotional response to death is presented. Grief is also briefly introduced as a possible bonding instrument.
The article is devoted to history of formation and functioning of Russian word grief. Historical dictionaries and Old Russian texts XI-XVII centuries (hagiography) are sources of the materiał. The lexical units ‘state of mind’ were polysemantic in old Russian (3-12 meanings). As a result of the long use of polysemantic words in Old Russian texts there is a lexico-semantic group ‘state of mind’ and modern direct sense of the word grief.
Suicide is still one of the most stigmatized types of death, arousing controversy. There exists its special type: assisted suicide in which a one kills themselves with the help of another person. It is very interesting to compare the psychological consequences of these two forms of death for the suicide survivors – that is, the relatives of the ones who took their own lives. While there are many similarities between suicide and assisted suicide, certain "technical differences" between them can significantly affect the later functioning of the survivors. In the case of "ordinary" suicide, we distinguish factors that make it difficult to survive bereavement, while assisted suicide may sometimes also have a facilitating effect on this process. The literature review shows that suicide survivors experience a higher sense of guilt (exacerbated by sometimes felt relief), anger, abandonment and responsibility, and lower support and acceptance than the relatives of other deceased. Interestingly, they do not necessarily suffer from mental disorders more often, but they are more stigmatized and feel the need to hide the circumstances of their loved ones’ death. People left after the assisted suicide also sometimes experience emotions such as relief and a sense of abandonment, they tend to distance themselves from others and hide the truth about the death of their loved ones (in this case also because of the fear of legal consequences). The most significant differences, important for the later experience of bereavement, are the possibility of saying goodbye, as well as the belief that they provided their loved ones the "good death". These factors make it much easier to mourn, reduce the traumatic experience of grief. However, there are other factors potentially complicating bereavement – research shows that assisting in suicide correlates with certain mental disorders. This may be, for example, because of ethical doubts that this practice raises, conflict with the value system, potential remorse, alienation from the community after condemning such an act, fear of legal consequences and doubts if assisting in a suicide was a right decision.
The article is devoted to determining the specifics of war injuries among people of various ages living in the deoccupied Kyiv and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine. The purpose of the research is to determine the residents’ traumatic experience in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war. The direct effects of PTSD concern intimate relationships such as marriage, social interactions, decreased productivity, and decreased resilience. This study shows that PTSD symptoms are more common for respondents over fifty years of age, who have deficit of social resources. It has been proven that the severity of PTSD symptoms in the residents of the de-occupied Kharkiv region is statistically significantly lower than the symptoms of the residents of the de-occupied Kyiv region, which is due to the longer occupation and more pronounced joy from liberation. Therefore, the appearance of PTSD symptoms in a more delayed period is likely.
Comparing Grief in French, British and Canadian Great War Fiction (1977–2014) (2018) by Anna Branach-Kallas and Piotr Sadkowski attests to the widespread and continuing impact of the First World War, which it examines in a selection of British, French, English-Canadian, and French-Canadian novels written in the last forty years. Signifi cantly, in contrast to the prevailing analytical framework, Branach-Kallas and Sadkowski do not focus on literary representations of combat and front life, but on texts that depict the long-lasting aftermath of the war in order to investigate the psychological and social eff ects of the confl ict and to inquire into why the war refuses to be buried in the past. Comparing Grief explores the “changed reality” after the Great War and analyses the cultural trauma produced by the war in France, Canada, and Britain, focusing on shell-shock and the ensuing disintegration of individual identity and communal bonds.
In this article paper, the author presents her own experience of working as a photographer, using photography (or, more broadly, a photographic session) as an action that facilitates coping with the experience of loss. The article describes two types of bereavement sessions: the Memoir project and the Trauer project. In the first of the projects, the author took photographs and helped to conduct the session. In the latter case, she was both a performer and photographer. Both sessions had the intended effect and fit into the theoretical framework to which the author refers in the paper.
Autorka zaprezentowała w artykule własne doświadczenia pracy fotografa stosującego fotografię (czy szerzej: sesję fotograficzną) jako działanie ułatwiające radzenie sobie z doświadczeniem straty. W tekście opisane zostały dwa rodzaje sesji odnoszących się do pracy z żałobą: projekt Memoir i projekt Trauer. W przypadku pierwszego z nich autorka wykonywała fotografie i pomagała w przeprowadzeniu sesji. W drugim była zarówno performerką, jak i wykonawczynią zdjęć. Obie sesje przyniosły zamierzony efekt i wpisują się w teoretyczne ramy, do których nawiązuje autorka.
Most Western cultures place a great value on autonomy. American society in particular has always stressed the need to succeed via self-reliance, a characteristic which, in recent decades, has additionally manifested itself in an increasing inclination for self-examination reflected in the deluge of autobiographical writing, especially memoirs. This analysis focuses on memoirs of spousal loss, a specific subgenre of life writing in which, due to the loss of a loved one, the narrating self realizes how unstable a sense of autonomy is. In their bereavement narratives, Joan Didion, Anne Roiphe, and Joyce Carol Oates admit that after losing a life partner their world crumbled and so did their sense of self. The article examines the following aspects of the grieving self: 1. how grief tests one’s self-sufficiency; 2. how various grief reactions contribute to self-disintegration; 3. the widow as a new and undesirable identity; and 4. writing as a way of regaining one’s sense of self.
Sigmund Freud famously distinguished normal mourning and pathological melancholy by the affects’ duration and persistence. This temporal perspective paves the way for reading affect beyond its expressivity and considering it a question of form. In the article, this radical formalist approach is used to examine the way depressive affect manifests itself in the structure of the music video to Portishead’s Only You (dir. Chris Cunningham, 1998), in particular concerning tempo and rhythm. Eugenie Brinkema’s remarks on grief as an affective form marked by heaviness and inertia serve as the basis for analysing tempo. The exploration of rhythm is rooted in Peter Kivy’s assertion that reading musical expression is mediated by understanding the affective properties of the human voice. This makes way for applying Julia Kristeva’s concept of the depressive discourse, understood as a set of particular speech patterns and qualities indicative of depression/melancholy.
Zygmunt Freud rozróżnił normalną żałobę i patologiczną melancholię w oparciu o czas trwania i trwałość afektu. Spojrzenie na afekt z perspektywy czasowości pozwala odczytywać go nie przez pryzmat treści, ale formy. W artykule perspektywa radykalnego formalizmu została wykorzystana do zbadania sposobu, w jaki depresyjny afekt przejawia się w strukturze teledysku do utworu Portishead Only You (reż. Chris Cunningham, 1998), w szczególności w odniesieniu do tempa i rytmu. Teoretyczną podstawę analizy tempa stanowią uwagi Eugenie Brinkemy na temat żalu jako afektywnej formy naznaczonej ciężkością i bezwładnością. Eksploracja rytmu jest zakorzeniona w stwierdzeniu Petera Kivy’ego, że odczytywanie ekspresji muzycznej jest zapośredniczone przez rozumienie afektywnych właściwości ludzkiego głosu. Umożliwia to zastosowanie koncepcji dyskursu depresyjnego Julii Kristevej, rozumianego jako zestaw określonych wzorców i prozodycznych właściwości mowy wskazujących na depresję/melancholię.
The paper examines the Books of Samuel from two perspectives by posing two sets of questions: when is it legitimate (or, when is it perceived to be legitimate) to kill people, and when is this strictly forbidden? And how come to terms with one’s own mortality? The ‘ars necandi’ refers to four distinct areas: killing in war, suicide, murder and execution. Murder is absolutely prohibited, executions are best avoided, killing in war should be limited as much as possible, whilst suicide is not evaluated. The ‘ars morendi’ distinguishes between premature death, which hits hard and is difficult to process, and death in old age, which is desirable, but needs to be carefully prepared for nonetheless. David himself is threatened by a thousand deaths; his survival is a miracle, his eventual death a soberly noted fact.
Content available remote Why Compassion Still Needs Hume Today
Over the past years the relevance of compassion for society and specific practices such as in healthcare is becoming a focus of attention. Philosophers and scientists discuss theoretical descriptions and defining characteristics of the phenomenon and its benefits and pitfalls. However, there are hardly any empirical studies which substantiate these writings in specific societal areas. Besides, compassion may be in the eye of attention today but has always been of interest for many contemporary philosophers as well as philosophers in the past, David Hume amongst them. Three themes related to Hume’s hypotheses on compassion are discussed and compared to outcomes of an empirical study amongst nurses and patients with a chronic disease. This comparison gives insights into the perception of those for whom compassion is of specific importance in their daily lives and into the usefulness of Hume’s notions on compassion.
This article seeks to decode the artistic strategies employed by Nick Cave on two of his recent albums, Skeleton Tree (2016) and Ghosteen (2019), to process the trauma related to the sudden death of his teenage son, Arthur, in July 2015. Understandably, the literary layer of both productions is marked by the author’s grief and attempts to overcome it. However, the lyrics on both albums are also an account of a recovery from a trauma. It is a process composed of four stages: the shock experienced by an individual; desperate attempts to return to the reality before the trauma, which for obvious reasons turns out to be impossible; developing a trauma narrative, i.e. retelling a traumatic event; the beginning of the healing process with accepting the loss as a crucial component. The entire process also assumes a significant participation from Cave’s audiences, as the artist consciously allows us access to an intimate and traumatic experience on a previously unprecedented scale.
The author was able to transform the story of the disappearance of Amandine Moulin, which embodied the loss of the meaning of life, in a work of analysis and a thoughtful prospecting. In fact, working on the reconstruction of meaning leads her to boldly explain the mechanism of destruction following the influence of manipulation and narcissistic perversion. We will therefore try to demonstrate that the motif of loss in this novel outlines the path of an individuation of the self, considering that Amandine will eventually be mature and will recover her missing part of soul. We will first highlight the great moments of this plural loss experienced by the narrator and the other characters. Then, we will deepen the different dimensions of this loss of meaning and trace the course of individuation as explained by the C.G. Jung.
Suicide – calling for help, cry of despair, incomprehension, shock and a question `Why? Why did not he want to live, why did not he ask for help, why did not we notice anything?' Death by suicide is always an immense shock for the family, acquaintances and the closest environment. It is the act of incomprehension of the causes and reasons for taking their own lives. When we hear of suicides we tend to focus on people who committed suicide and forget about those who were left with the unanswered question `Why?' In most cases we ponder on the suffering of the person who committed suicide, on their motivation and an inexplicable choice of death and we forget about the relatives who have to face the suicide of a close person, struggle with loss, sorrow and despair. Family in mourning very often cannot handle the loss of a close relative and need some outside help because they either cannot rely on help from the family or friends or it is insufficient. We often do not know how to behave in the face of death, how to help people in mourning to accept the loss and come back to social and family life which goes on regardless of anything. Social work should become an answer to the needs of families in mourning and especially the ones that faced suicidal death. The article is an attempt to present methods and actions that a social worker can and should undertake while working with a grieving family. It points out the need for complete and professional prepa­ration of a social worker. Social work with a client who has experienced the suicide of a close person necessitates a complete and professional action based on knowledge, intuition and also experience.
Samobójstwo – wołanie o pomoc, krzyk rozpaczy, niezrozumienie, szok i pytanie: Dlaczego? Dlaczego nie chciał żyć, dlaczego nie prosił o pomoc, dlaczego nic nie zauważyliśmy? Śmierć samobójcza jest zawsze wielkim szokiem dla rodziny, znajomych i najbliższego środowiska; aktem niezrozumienia przyczyn i powodów odebrania sobie życia. Słysząc o samobójstwach, najczęściej zatrzymujemy się nad osobami, które odebrały sobie życie, często zapominając o tych, którzy pozostali z tym pytaniem: Dlaczego? W większości przypadków zasta­nawiamy się nad cierpieniem osoby, która popełniła samobójstwo, nad jej motywacjami i niezrozumiałym dla nas wyborem śmierci, zapominając jednocześnie o tych, którzy zmuszeni zmierzyć się z samobójczą śmiercią osoby bliskiej, walczą ze stratą, żalem i smutkiem. Rodzina pogrążona w żałobie bardzo często nie radzi sobie ze stratą bliskiej osoby, potrzebuje wówczas pomocy z zewnątrz, ponieważ wsparcie najbliższych bądź przyjaciół jest niewystarczające lub nie można na nie liczyć. Często nie wiemy, jak się zachować w obliczu śmierci, jak pomóc ludziom przeżywającym żałobę, aby w sposób spokojny pogodzili się ze stratą i mogli powrócić do życia społecznego i rodzinnego, które bez względu na wszystko, toczy się dalej własnym biegiem. Praca socjalna powinna stać się odpowiedzią na potrzebę pracy z rodziną w żałobie, a zwłaszcza z tą rodziną, na krótej śmierć miała charakter samobójczy. Artykuł jest próbą ukazania potrzeby pełnego i profesjonalnego przygotowania pracownika do zadań związanych z pomocą rodzinie w trudnych sytuacjach życiowych, zwłaszcza ze wsparciem w obliczu śmierci jednego z jej członków. Czas żałoby powinien być czasem trwania pracownika z klientem, czasem rozmów i profesjonalnych działań mających na celu pomoc w powrocie do normalnego funkcjonowania i nauki życia bez osoby bliskiej. Ale jak żyć, ze świadomością, że najbliższa nam osoba wybrała śmierć?
This is a study of the novel Loin d'eux by Laurent Mauvignier (1999) and Thésée, sa vie nouvelle by Camille de Toledo (2020). Through these two works, this article examines how the modalities of a survival of memory and of the traumatic memorial image are inscribed in the body and mind and how the narrative and scriptural forms resonate with them. I will first analyze how Mauvignier's writing of the wound meets inhibited speech and silence, suggesting in solitary subjects the failure for a shared language. I will then question in de Toledo's text how the relationship to a painful bodymemory proceeds from an inscription in the present, an awareness of a memorial corporality and a desire to “survive with”. Both these texts respectively give us pause to reflect on how the memory trace is apprehended through the power of speaking and listening.
Głos prawicowego dyskursu populistycznego, który staje się coraz głośniejszy, nie-wątpliwie zasługuje na naszą uwagę. W tym kontekście nasuwają się następujące pytania: co pomaga różnym prawicowym populistom osiągnąć sukces? Z czym i w jaki sposób zwracają się do swojego wyborcy, aby zdobyć jego głos? W artykule omówiono techniki i strategie ma-nipulacji politycznej, w szczególności technikę emocjonalizacji. Skupiono się na dwóch prze-ciwstawnych biegunach na skali emocjonalnej/afektywnej związane z żalem i płaczem lub śmiechem i pożądaniem. Badanie dotyczy materiałów wizualnych (plakatów, występów online itp.) używanych w public relations i posiadających największy potencjał, by najszybciej dotrzeć i wzbudzić zainteresowanie odbiorcy. Analizie poddano efekty wynikające z repre-zentacji i instrumentalizacji afektów i emocji mających wpływać na odbiorcę.
The increasingly louder voice of right-wing populist discourse undoubtedly de-serves our attention. In this context, the question arises: what helps the different right-wing populist subjects to achieve their success? How and how do they address the voters to win their vote? The paper deals with the techniques and strategies of political manipulation, es-pecially with the technique of emotionalization. The focus is on two opposite poles on the emotional or affective scale, which can be associated with grief and crying or laughing and pleasure. The research deals with the relevance that the visual material (posters, online pres-ence, etc.) used by the political parties has on the voter recipients. The study analyzes which effects result from the representation and instrumentalization of affects and emotions and how they can influence the recipient.
Die immer lauter werdende Stimme des rechtspopulistischen Diskurses verdient ohne Zweifel unsere Aufmerksamkeit. In diesem Zusammenhang drängen sich die Fragen auf: Was verhilft den unterschiedlichen rechts orientierten populistischen Subjekten zu ihrem Er-folg? Womit und wie sprechen sie ihre Wähler an, um deren Stimmen zu gewinnen? Der vor-liegende Beitrag setzt sich mit den Techniken und Strategien der politischen Manipulation, insbesondere mit der Technik der Emotionalisierung, auseinander. Im Fokus stehen dabei zwei entgegengesetzte Pole auf der emotionalen bzw. affektiven Skala, die sich mit Trauer und Weinen oder Lachen und Lust assoziieren lassen. Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit dem visuellen Material (Plakate, Onlineauftritte usw.), die Parteien im Rahmen ihrer Öffentlich-keitsarbeit verwenden. Dieses hat das größte und schnellste Potenzial, das Interesse der Re-zipienten zu wecken. Analysiert wird, welche Effekte sich aus der Darstellung und Instrumenta-lisierung der Affekte und Emotionen ergeben und wie sie den Rezipienten beeinflussen können.
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