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The article refers to the issues linked with defining hybridization of development concept, along with its application to sectoral approach. Its aim is on the one hand an attempt to strictly define the category of hybrid development in a context of inputs, products and effects, and on the other hand an initial verification of the hybridization of development concept within the green economy and real estate sectors. This allows defining and solving the following research problem: how should the hybridization concept be understood and what are the effects of its manifestation in selected green economy and real estate sectors? Conclusions arising from the research indicate that linking quite different inputs, and then creating on their base multifunctional and elastic solutions leads in consequence to hybrid or patchwork changes taking place in sectors and territories. These kinds of processes can suggest appearing of new patterns of development, arising from the mechanism of neoliberal capitalism, territorial legacy and globalisation.
The aim of the paper is to present selected aspects of sustainable development related to environmental protection and the creation of a green economy, with special reference to the global and European context for the development of an environmentally friendly goods and services market, taking into account the cases of Central and Eastern European countries. One of the most important elements of the strategy to promote clean economic growth and foster the transition to a more sustainable and greener economy is the energy sector, where the aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sulfur oxides and support the development of renewable energy sources. Some of the achieved results in this area are presented in this paper.
The main objective of the study is to identify and assess some chosen aspects of eco-innovativeness of the companies listed within such indices as WIG Energy, WIG Oil & Gas, WIG Basic Materials of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The scope of this analysis encompasses selected results which facilitate achieving environmental benefits. The investigation, however, does not discuss either expenditure on eco-innovative activities or the instruments measuring the influence of eco-innovation. The analysis of the investigated dilemma was based mainly on two research methods, namely survey analysis, as well as digital and documentary source analysis. The results indicate a relatively high eco-innovativeness of the companies in terms of organizational and marketing activities and low in product and services aspects.
Politicians as well as scientists are involved in the fight against climate change. People around the world are more aware of the need to be concerned about the environment. But the most important issue is the introduction of structural changes in economies, starting with changes in different branches of industry. This article presents examples of European and American companies bringing in new technologies to improve production processes so as to be more efficient and low-carbon emitting. It is also important to introduce changes in finished products that should be more environmentally friendly. Attempts have been made by companies functioning in the same industry to promote environmentally friendly technologies. That co-operation extends to the search for methods to help take advantage of by-products in an economical way as well to protect the natural environment.
Greenhouse gases are gases that increase in concentration because of human activity. Carbon dioxide accounts for the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. The ecological environment can be improved and global warming can be mitigated by reducing carbon dioxide levels. Today, the focus around the world is on CO2 emissions into the environment. The Baltic countries that produce more electricity, such as Estonia, emit more carbon dioxide into the environment, while countries that produce less electricity, such as Lithuania and Latvia, emit less. Application of the panel data analysis of GDP per capita and CO2 emissions in millions of tonnes for the years 2000-2021 for the selected countries revealed that the calculated regression constant and coefficient for the independent variable GDP per capita are rather unreliable, which means that there is no common regression function for all these countries, but the differences in the residuals give valuable insight in the specifics of each country.
This paper is going to discuss the “green economy” idea1 as a possible answer to the global concern of human economic activities and their (harmful) consequences to the future development perspectives for our planet. Inevitably, it has to refer to the tensions between traditional polluting industry and the challenges of innovative economy. We will look at the attempts to solve the emerging problem of how to form economic systems to make them more sustainable. Some elementary answers (e.g. sustainable material cycle thinking, 3R solutions etc.) are already there. Some more complex approaches being currently developed on local, regional, national and global scales are also to be mentioned. The essay will present some strategic policy responses to global environmental problems caused i.e. by tradition-al industrial economic activities and policies. These responses are hidden behind the notions of “green develop-ment”, “green growth” or “green economy”. “Greening the economy” is increasingly perceived as a must and it brings new hopes and inspirations to political debates on different fora (like UNEP, EU, OECD) and political processes (e.g. “Environment for Europe” process within UN ECE, Rio+20 process etc.). We will show how environmental and sustainability challenge created by world economic system is being dealt with and addressed by these fora, what policy tools are being developed, and how it can contribute to more sustainable future. We will refer to main strategies and key instru-ments which are already in place at different levels, indicating some opportunities and challenges, as well some pitfalls and perspectives for success in applying these strategies and instruments. Finally, the paper will point out looming limitations of “green economy” idea and possible implications and perspectives for more complex and durable solutions. Additionally, looking from a broader perspective, a proposal will be put forward for new sys-tematic framework arrangements on global scale to stimulate inclusive and sustainable development of the world. Some institutional changes/reforms are here proposed, including those related to early warning and preemptive monitoring.
Artykuł ten podejmuje ideę “zielonej gospodarki”, jako jedną z możliwych odpowiedzi na problemy o wymiarze globalnym, związane z działalnością gospodarczą człowieka i jej konsekwencjami – często szkodliwymi – dla perspektyw rozwoju na naszej planecie. Wymaga to np. dostrzeżenia napięć jakie powstają, gdy „tradycyjny”, generujący duże zanieczyszczenie środowiska, przemysł staje wobec wyzwań innowacyjnej gospodarki. Warto zwrócić uwagę na próby rozwiązania tych problemów, wymagających odpowiedniego kształtowania systemów gospodarczych, tak aby przyjęły one formy bardziej zrównoważone. Kilka podstawowych odpowiedzi zostało już zaproponowanych (np. material cycle thinking, czy podejście 3R – reduce, reuse and re-cycle). Rozwijane są też bardziej skomplikowane rozwiązania w skali globalnej, regionalnej czy globalnej. W tekście zaprezentowane zostaną niektóre strategiczne odpowiedzi na globalne problemy środowiskowe, po-wodowane między innymi przez „tradycyjną” działalność przemysłową i politykę gospodarczą. Odpowiedzi te kryją się za pojęciami, takimi jak „zielony rozwój”, „zielony wzrost”, czy „zielona gospodarka”. „Zazielenianie gospodarki” jest w coraz większym stopniu postrzegane jako konieczność. Jednocześnie, hasło to wnosi nowe nadzieje i inspiracje do debat politycznych na różnych forach (takich jak UNEP, UE, OECD) i w różnych procesach politycznych (np. proces ministerialny „Środowisko dla Europy”, proces przygotowawczy do światowej Konferencji ONZ ws. Zrównoważonego Rozwoju – „Rio+20” i in.). Artykuł jest próbą ukazania, jak wyzwania dla środowiska i zrównoważonego rozwoju są podejmowane przez te fora, jakie instrumenty politycz-ne są w związku z tym rozwijane i w jaki sposób może się to przyczynić do otwarcia perspektyw dla bardziej zrównoważonej przyszłości. Zostaną tu przywołane główne strategie i kluczowe instrumenty na różnych pozio-mach zarządzania, ze wskazaniem na niektóre nowe możliwości i wyzwania, jak również na niektóre zagrożenia oraz perspektywy pomyślnego zastosowania tych strategii i instrumentów. Ukazane zostaną także wyłaniające się ograniczenia idei „zielonej gospodarki”, jak też możliwe implikacje i perspektywy dla bardziej złożonych i trwalszych rozwiązań. Dodatkowo, patrząc z szerszej perspektywy, zostanie zasygnalizowana propozycja no-wych elementów dot. ram systemowych w skali globalnej, które stymulowałyby rozwój inkluzywny i zrówno-ważony. Proponuje się tu pewne zmiany instytucjonalne, w tym dotyczące wczesnego ostrzegania i monitoringu wyprzedzającego (preemptive monitoring).
The concept of green economy plays an important role in economic development programmes around the world. It is also part of the economic policy and government regulations in Poland. The overall goal of the green economy, which is to ensure sustainable development of the country’s economy, impacts the strategy and policy of each company. ISO 14001 is generally considered the main tool for addressing environmental issues in the management of an enterprise. The standard provides a proven and reliable foundation for the environmental management system (EMS). However, the relationship between the ISO 14001‑based EMS and the economic aspect of environmental protection is still poorly studied. The study addresses the gap. The article explores the relationship between the prevalence of ISO 14001‑based EMS and the economic aspect of environmental protection in the green economy of Poland. The study covers the period from 2000 to 2022. Correlation analyses of the data obtained from the ISO survey and statistical indicators of the green economy of Statistics Poland (GUS) were used. The results of the study show the impact of the prevalence level of ISO 14001‑based EMS on the amount of capital expenditures for environmental protection, as well as on the amount of energy and resources taxes paid by the business sector. Furthermore, the relationship between the growth dynamics of the number of certified EMS and QMS was analyzed. The implementation of ISO 9001 was established as a prerequisite for the implementation of ISO 14001, but it is not the only factor that influences this decision. The direction for further research is proposed.
Nature is a source of everything that surrounds us. Resources of our planet are, however, limited and the rate at which they are used leads to negative consequences not only for the globe, but also for its inhabitants. Pressure on environment is so great that it threatens the supply of resources to satisfy the residents’ needs and their wellbeing. Only responsible activity of humans in terms of development perspectives may limit excessive exploitation of natural environment and preserve it for future generations, while simultaneously lead to economic growth and development. One of such perspectives is the introduction of „green economy”. It is a set of activities undertaken to increase economic growth while taking due care of environment. “Green economy” involves monitoring of the effi ciency of the aforementioned activities and of the state of greening the economy. Polish public statistics has put forth a set of measurements which can be used for this monitoring. The aim of this article is to evaluate the quality of life in Poland with the use of specially selected set of indices used to assess the state of green economy. This work consists of two parts. The fi rst presents both theoretical aspects of green economy and indices to measure it. The other, however, focuses on Poland against the background of a selected group of indices, which can describe and assess the quality of life of Polish residents.
Research background: The concept of sustainable firm performance has gained significant interest within the highly competitive business arena. There has been a significant increase in the adoption and implementation of circular economy practices by industries. If a company can implement an established approach to circular economy practices, it may expedite the attainment of sustainable corporate performance. This research is conducted in the context of ready-made garment organizations that are following green criteria in their business activities. The study focuses on an emerging South Asian country, Bangladesh, as it holds a strong position in the global apparel and garment market; it is imperative to assess and ensure the environmental maintenance of this country’s garment sector. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between circular economy practices and sustainable organizational performance. The study focuses on the contributory relationship of circular economy practices on three-dimensional sustainable performance, i.e. on environmental, financial, and social performance. Method: This is a quantitative survey-based study; a total of 418 managers were selected to participate. Primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire given to a sample of permanent managers of green garment organizations in Bangladesh. For data input and analysis, SPSS and PLS-SEM software were used. Findings & value added: The results of our study demonstrate a noteworthy relationship between circular economy practices and sustainable performance. This research enhances our comprehension of the efficacy of circular economy practices in addressing environmental issues. The study examines the potential ramifications of implementing circular economy practices for policymakers in the green garment sector, which is known for its significant labor-intensive activities, and ranks as the country's second-largest contributor. The outcomes provide a distinctive perspective for adding value to the environmental concerns in emerging economies. Thus, through an investigation of circular economy practices, our research provides valuable insights for the market of global garment products concerning the environment, resource maximization, energy saving, and circular production processes.
Green Economy is often seen as a remedy to the largely failed efforts of sustainable development. This paper unpacks and discusses the ambiguities of strategies towards a Green Economy in order to encourage reflection about its potential unintended and undesired outcomes. It juxtaposes current arguments in favour of Green Economy with real economic, political and cultural developments. Three arguments receive special attention: first, the proposition that the Green Economy reformulates the failed or at least insufficient strategies of sustainable development; second, the assumption that “economy” and “ecology” can now be reconciled; and third, the assumed positive effects of greening of the economy for countries in the Global South and their fight against poverty. The paper argues that the Green Economy can turn out to be a false promise.
Pomimo licznych sukcesów polityka zrównoważonego rozwoju nie powiodła się. Ekologiczne, społeczne i ekonomiczne problemy nie zostały rozwiązane. Strategia zielonej gospodarki wydaje się być uaktualnieniem zrównoważonego rozwoju. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie dwuznaczności zielonej gospodarki. Ma ona pokazać wszystkie efekty tego typu polityki, również te, które nie są intencją państw ją wprowadzających. W tekście zestawiono niektóre z argumentów na rzecz zielonej gospodarki z realnymi uwarunkowaniami gospodarczymi, politycznymi i kulturowymi. Trzy z nich zasługują na szczególną uwagę. Pierwszy związany jest z tezą, że zielona gospodarka stanowi przeformułowanie strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju. Druga teza zakłada, że „gospodarkę" i „ekologię" można teraz pogodzić, trzecia wreszcie – że zielona gospodarka ma pozytywny wplyw na rozwój gospodarczy krajów Południa i służy walce z ubóstwem.
Content available remote Zielona gospodarka w dokumentach strategicznych Unii Europejskiej
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji zielonej gospodarki i zidentyfikowanie jej obecności w głównych dokumentach strategicznych Unii Europejskiej, które zakreślają ramy problemowe dla polityk szczegółowych i programów działania oraz stanowią wytyczne dla krajów członkowskich, pokazując jednocześnie drogę transformacji gospodarki.
The global financial crisis influenced the content of the new European Union`s strategy Europe 2020. The strategy emphasizes sustainable development and green economy as an engine of future development.. The green economy has a significant role in the structural changes in European economies. Horizontal, environmental and sectorial strategies support the transition to green economy.
Oeconomia Copernicana
tom 7
nr 2
Since the crisis of the real economy in 2008, an intense discussion about the need for changes in the economy, supported by a number of declarations on the global scale, has been developed. The analysis of the causes and effects of the economic downturn and the challenges of the future have had a huge impact on this state of affairs. As a result, some states have taken action to remedy the situation. Many of them were aimed at structural changes in production, consumption and environmentally friendly investment. At the same time, the concept of "low carbon economy" and "green economy" gained importance. The aim of this paper is to present the role of the state in the economy in terms of creating conditions for a green economy. The thesis of the publication is: implementation of structural changes related with creating a green economy requires involvement of the state.
The article investigates the features of investment activity in the region with the reference of bioeconomy. The concept of “bioeconomy” is determined. The significance of the introduction of this concept in the 21st century is proved. The idea of “green” economy as a part of “bioeconomy” is outlined. The notion “green” investments, their value, involvement peculiarities in the regional economy, priority areas for investment are described. The efficiency of investing 2% of world GDP in bioeconomy is analyzed. The cluster model of regional development with region’s ecobrand forming is offered. Formation of clusters increases the investment attractiveness of the region, enhances its competitiveness and increases the amount of investment.
Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniu istoty działalności inwestycyjnej w regionie z uwzględnieniem potrzeb biogospodarki. Zostało określone pojęcie «biogospodarki». Udowodniono znaczenie wprowadzenia wyżej wymienionej koncepcji w XXI wieku. Określono istotę gospodarki «zielonej» jako składowej biogospodarki. Określono pojęcie «zielonych » inwestycji, ich znaczenie, szczegóły ich pozyskania dla gospodarki regionalnej, określono prioretytowe strefy ich lokowania. Przeanalizowano skuteczność inwestycji 2% światowego PKB w biogospodarkę. Zaproponowano model klasteryzacji rozwoju regionalnego ze stworzeniem ekomarki regionu w celu aktywizacji pozyskania «zielonych» inwesycji dla biogospodarki regionu.
Sustainability determines activities not only at the macroeconomic level, but most of all at the company level. Its assumptions are translated into reality by the green economy, the development of which is supported in organizations by human resource management. This article presents a HRM trend that has been developing for around thirty years and that literature refers to as Green HRM (GHRM). The notion of GHRM and its terminology are presented on the basis of a brief overview of studies. Also explained is why human resource management in a sustainability–oriented company is distinct enough to justify the introduction of a new term—green HRM.
Zrównoważony rozwój jest wyznacznikiem działań podejmowanych nie tylko w ujęciu makrogospodarczym, ale przede wszystkim na poziomie przedsiębiorstw. Praktycznym urzeczywistnieniem jego założeń zajmuje się zielona gospodarka, której rozwój na poziomie organizacyjnym wspiera zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie trendu w obszarze ZZL, który rozwija się od około 30 lat, zwanego w literaturze przedmiotu zielonym ZZL (Green HRM – GHRM). W artykule dokonano krótkiego przeglądu literatury, pozwalającego przedstawić pojęcie GHRM oraz pokrewne terminy, a także objaśnić, na czym polega odmienność zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w firmach dążących do zrównoważonego rozwoju, które upoważnia do wprowadzenia nowego terminu, jakim jest zielone ZZL.
Purpose: The research objective of this paper was to define the lines of the environmental technologies development in the context of the transformation of the economy towards green growth. The discussion focuses on the challenges accompanying the transformation processes and the implementation of sustainable technological changes. The research results allowed identifying the prospective lines of technological development regarding the transformation towards green growth as well as the future research areas. Design/methodology/approach: The study was based on the analysis of the development trends strictly connected with environmental technologies. The adopted methodology involved a comprehensive literature review and quantitative research using the CAWI technique combined with complementary qualitative research using an expert panel. Findings: The analyses allowed distinguishing the most important trends and placing them within the process of the Silesia Province green transformation. The dominating importance was attributed to energy generation, storage and decarbonization (CCS and CCU) technologies. Research limitations/implications: The paper highlights the green transformation issues and the technological changes within the transition process while searching for a model approach enabling to delineate the development determining factors, especially environmental technologies. Practical implications: The study results can be used to formulate development scenarios and conduct analyses that involve these green economy components which determine the development of chosen technological areas. Originality/value: In the coming years, green economy will constitute a significant area of regional and international development incorporating resource management, RES, energy and material efficiency, clean technologies, CSR, biodiversity protection or the models of sustainable consumption and production. However, there is no research on how green economy is to be implemented in areas undergoing transformation, particularly, which technologies and factors should be considered. The identification of the challenges concerning the transition towards green economy and environmental technologies may prove critical for the Silesia Province, a region heavily affected by transformation processes, to formulate its 2030 Green Silesia Strategy and the development of its regional specialization.
Content available Czas na zielone kołnierzyki
Jako cel niniejszego opracowania przyjęto przedstawienie: istoty zielonych miejsc pracy jako priorytetu w międzynarodowych i unijnych strategicznych dokumentach dotyczących rozwoju; warunków wspierających rozwój zielonych miejsc pracy; stanu rozwoju zielonych miejsc pracy w Polsce. Realizacja celu wymagała analizy dokumentów i uregulowań prawnych nawiązujących do zielonych miejsc pracy oraz danych statystycznych o wielkości i strukturze pracujących w Polsce.
So far, it has been said about white, blue and pink collar workers, and now it’s time for the color green. Green collars is the common name for the green work places, and the people who works there. Such jobs exist in various fields and sectors of economy. The concept of green jobs began to spread as far as the development of the concept of a green economy. Implementation of a green economy requires structural changes, including the creation of green jobs. Their creation is important from the economic, ecological and social development points of view. For this reason, the article presents their essence, regulations associated with them and the state of development of green jobs in Poland. It also identifies the actions necessary to stimulate the creation of such jobs.
Content available Zielona ekonomia jako nowa koncepcja rozwoju miast
Artykuł został poświęcony zielonej ekonomii ujętej w kontekście nowej koncepcji rozwoju miast. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie uzasadnienia teoretycznego pojęcia zielonej ekonomii oraz przybliżenie jej znaczenia w rozwoju wybranych państw, regionów i miast wysoko rozwiniętych. W części empirycznej dokonano wstępnego rozpoznania efektów generowanych przez działalności związane z zieloną ekonomią w wybranych dużych miastach Polski i Danii w kontekście efektów środowiskowych, gospodarczych oraz transportowych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w oparciu o analizę porównawczą bazującą na wskaźnikach dynamiki zmian. W celu interpretacji założono, że wdrożenie koncepcji zielonej ekonomii w miastach powinno prowadzić do efektów wzrostu gospodarczego przy równoczesnym zmniejszeniu obciążeń środowiskowych.
The following article provides an analysis of the current state and potential development of biogas and biomethane production, and their significance in promoting a "green" economy. The main areas of "green" economy focus were identified as the development of alternative energy sources, an effective waste management system with recycling, organic agriculture, improved water resource and ecosystem management, sustainable ("green") transport, as well as increased energy efficiency in housing and communal sectors. It was shown that the production and use of biogas/biomethane can contribute to achieving almost all of these goals, while also ensuring climate neutrality. Analysis of European experience in using waste for biogas/biomethane production reveals a steady trend in the development of industry. This growth has become particularly relevant following the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has also impacted the European energy market. The report assessed the Ukraine's potential for biogas/biomethane production from organic waste of various origins, highlighting its importance in addressing energy supply issues, both in times of peace as well as during the periods of martial law and energy system destruction. Successful biogas production cases in Ukraine were also analyzed, demonstrating that some enterprises are equipped to produce biogas and biomethane. The research findings were used to develop the recommendations for Ukrainian manufacturers on effective biogas production to expedite the transition towards a climate-neutral, "green" economy.
Konieczność utrzymania wzrostu oraz rozwoju gospodarczego łączy się w obecnych warunkach z koniecznością zachowania jakości środowiska i jakości życia. Poszczególne gospodarki przekształcają swoje wzorce produkcji i konsumpcji w kierunku gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, neutralności węglowej i eliminacji negatywnych skutków zmian klimatu, mając na celu ochronę zasobów, w świetle zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. W niniejszym artykule skupiamy się na zielonym wzroście i zielonej gospodarce, jako aktualnej i preferowanej koncepcji na drodze do zrównoważonego rozwoju. Głównym celem artykułu jest przegląd teoretycznych podejść do koncepcji zielonego wzrostu oraz zielonej gospodarki. Aby osiągnąć główny cel, wykorzystano analizę dokumentów oraz źródeł deklarujących różne podejścia i sposoby przedstawiania zielonego wzrostu oraz zielonej gospodarki. Artykuł przedstawia poglądy na temat wspólnych punktów zbieżności, rozbieżności oraz kierunków rozwoju koncepcji zieleni, korzystając ze źródeł literaturowych.
The need to maintain economic growth and development is, in the current conditions, coupled with the need to maintain a quality environment and quality of life. Individual economies are transforming their production and consumption patterns towards a circular economy, carbon neutrality and the elimination of the negative impacts of climate change, with the aim of conserving resources, in the light of the principles of sustainable development. In this paper we focus on the green growth and the green economy, as a current and the preferred concepts on the road to sustainability. The main objective of this paper is to review the theoretical approaches to the concepts of green growth and green economy. To achieve the main objective, an analysis of documents and sources declaring different approaches and ways to presenting the green growth and green economy was used. This article presents views on the common points of convergence, divergence and directions of development of green concepts, using the literature sources.
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