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Piłka nożna uprawiana na naturalnych murawach trawiastych od wielu pokoleń cieszy się ogromną popularnością, Bardzo intensywne użytkowanie tych terenów oraz wysokie wymagania odnośnie ich jakości powodują, iż niezbędne jest szczególne podejście do zakładania i pielęgnacji tych muraw.
This paper presents an attempt to assess the potential use of Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth. as a renewable energy source. Abandonment of human management is often followed by a decrease in species richness in semi-natural grasslands, mainly due to the increased dominance of clonal grasses such as Calamagrostis epigejos which were formerly repressed by management. The biomass resource of this, and its accompanying, species, i.e. species of the Solidago genus and others e.g. Cirsium rivulare, Deschampsia caespitosa, Molinia coerulea and Filipendula ulmaria, was evaluated in the green wastelands of the River Bytomka valley (Upper Silesia, Poland). It was found that approx. 1.2 t·ha−1 of dry matter can be obtained from approx. 30% of the average share of Calamagrostis epigejos in plant communities of unmown meadows. This is 10 times less than in the case of Miscanthus giganteus, a non-native cultivated grass. An increase in the biomass component of Calamagrostis epigejos reduced that of Solidago sp. (−0.522176, p< 0.05) and other species (−0.465806, p< 0.05). The calorific value of Calamagrostis epigejos biomass is approx. 15.91 MJ·kg−1, which is comparable to the calorific value of coal and close to, inter alia, that of Miscanthus sacchariflorus (19 MJ·kg−1) as an energy crop. The presented research is in its preliminary stages and therefore, it is necessary to investigate the reaction of Calamagrostis epigejos to regular mowing and to removal of the biomass from the studied areas.
The aim of this paper is to analyze yield variation of Dactylis glomerata and Festuca pratensis varieties grown on organic and mineral soil. This paper has drawn on two field experiments set up and carried out between 2010 and 2013. The experiment was conducted in two experimental stations: one in the Research Centre for Cultivar Testing in Krzyżewo and the other in the Experimental Stations for Variety Testing in Uhinin. The experiment in Krzyżewo was set up on ploughed soil, with spring barley as a forecrop. In Uhnin the experimental plots were located on peat meadow. The experimental plots were sown with varieties of Dactylis glomerata: Niva, Tukan, Amila, Crown Royale and with varieties of Festuca pratensis: Limosa, Pasja, Anturka, Amelka. The full exploitation of Dactylis glomerata varieties was due between 2012 and 2013, whereas for Festuca pratensis it was due between 2011 and 2012. In the experimental plots with the varieties of Dactylis glomerata the grass was harvested six times a year and chemical analysis of the biomass was done taking dry matter only from five cuts. The varieties of Festuca pratensis were harvested four times. Each year in the course of the experiment fresh and dry matter of each cut were weighed. The grass species and their varieties as well as the particular mowing and kind of soil where the grass was grown have an impact on the yield. On mineral soil the yield of Dactylis glomerata was higher than Festuca pratensis. On organic soil the yield of both species was similar. During the two years of experiment the highest yield among Festuca pratensis varieties was noted for Amelka whereas among varieties of Dactylis glomerata the yield was similar and differences were not statistically signifi.
Grasses are often used to recultivate areas contaminated during shale gas extraction. This is due to the fact that they adapt very well to unfavorable soil conditions such as: high pH, salinity, water deficit or the presence of harmful substances. Additionally, the grass root system releases enzymes into the soil that increase the activity of microorganisms and bacteria that decompose polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are the main component of drilling waste. In turn, assessment of initial growth and development (germination tests) is a cheap and quick method to assess the sensitivity of the tested plants to pollutants. Young plants are more susceptible to harmful substances. The study aimed to determine the effect of drilling waste, containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the initial growth and development of selected grass species, with a specific focus on germination energy and capacity, as young plants are more sensitive to harmful substances compared to older plants. Among the tested species, Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra showed the highest energy and germination ability, while Poa pratensis showed the lowest. The experiment showed that of the tested grass species, Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra were the least sensitive to the effects of PAHs, with the smallest reductions in root length and seedling height observed in these species. Additionally, the highest concentration of PAHs was found in soil seeded with Lolium perenne, while the lowest was found in soil seeded with Poa pratensis.
Trawy ozdobne i turzyce powinny na dobre zagościć w miastach. Warto im się przyjrzeć bliżej i dobrze je wykorzystać.
The aim of the investigation carried out in 2006-2007 was to assess differences between 5 grass species and 5 species of plants belonging to meadow herbs in their ability to accumulate selenium. According to the results, among the grass species, the samples of Arrhenatherum elatuis L. had the highest average Se content (46 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.), and the lowest average Se amount was found in Holcus lanatus L. (24 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.). The content of Se in meadow weeds (70 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.) was approximately twice as high as in grasses (32 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.). Among this group of plants, the highest Se accumulation occurred in Equisetum arvense L. (103 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.) and the lowest – in Taraxacum officinale (59 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.). Both in grasses and in meadow weeds, the Se content significantly depended on the amount of this element in soils. In the following species: Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Poa pratensis L. and Taraxacum officinale, the amount of accumulated Se was also conditioned by the soil’s abundance in organic and total C.
Celem badań prowadzonych w latach 2006-2007 było określenie zróżnicowania w zdolności nagromadzania selenu przez 5 gatunków traw oraz 5 gatunków roślin zaliczanych do ziół łąkowych. Wykazano, że wśród analizowanych gatunków traw najwięcej selenu zawierały próby Arrhenatherum elatuis L. (46 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), a najmniej Holcus lanatus L. (24 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), średnio dla badanych gatunków roślin. Zawartość Se w chwastach łąkowych (70 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.) była ok. 2-krotnie większa niż określona dla traw (32 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.). W tej grupie roślin największą kumulację Se wykazywał Equisetum arvense L. (103 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), najmniejszą Taraxacum officinale (59 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.). Zarówno w trawach, jak i chwastach zawartość selenu była istotnie zależna od ilości tego pierwiastka w glebach. Dla gatunków: Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Poa pratensis L. oraz Taraxacum officinale o ilości nagromadzonego Se decydowała również zasobność gleb w C-org. i S-og.
Przeprowadzono badania biomasy miskanta cukrowego pod kątem energetycznego wykorzystania w procesie spalania i fermentacji beztlenowej. Wyniki wskazują na dużą przydatność tej biomasy do wykorzystania jako biopaliwo stałe, ze względu na małą naturalną wilgotność, wysokie temperatury topliwości i skład popiołu ograniczający ryzyko korozji i zanieczyszczania kotłów. Wydajność biogazu i biometanu z kiszonki miskanta okazała się relatywnie niska.
Miscanthus sacchariflorus biomass was converted to energy by combustion and anaerobic digestion. The biomass was found useful as a solid biofuel, due to its low natural humidity, high melting temp. of ash and reduced risk of boiler corrosion and fouling. The yield of biogas and MeH from the Miscanthus silage was relatively low.
The dependence of the content of various forms of nitrogen and absorption of N by cocksfoot grass on meteorological conditions was established in a field experiment. Correlations between the content of total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, N-NH4, and N-NO3 in sward and roots of cocksfoot grass and some meteorological elements, i.e. maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average daily temperature measured at 5 and 200 cm, air relative humidity, cloud cover, sum of precipitation, sum of evaporation and soil temperature measured at a depth of 2, 5, 10, 20 cm were analyzed. Correlation coefficients between the forms of nitrogen in the plant and the above meteorological elements were calculated, as well as multiple regression equations, multiple correlation coefficients and determination coefficients. No significant relationship between the forms of N (Ntotal, Nprotein, N-NH4, N-NO3) in sward and roots of cocksfoot grass and the course of meteorological conditions was clearly stated. The relationship between the content of N-NH4 in sward and Ntotal and N-NO3 in roots, and certain meteorological elements is relatively small and can be characterized by the value of determination coefficients, i.e. 0.166, 0.106 and 0.151, respectively. According to the statistical analysis, the absorption of nitrogen by cocksfoot grass depends to a relatively small though significant extent (R2=0.249) on certain meteorological elements. However, further research is still recommended.
Na podstawie wyników ze ścisłego doświadczenia polowego określono zależność zawartości różnych form azotu oraz pobranie N przez kupkówkę pospolitą od przebiegu warunków meteorologicznych. Rozpatrywano korelacje między zawartością azotu ogółem, azotu białkowego, N-NH4 i N-NO3 w runi i korzeniach kupkówki a niektórymi elementami meteorologicznymi: temperaturą powietrza maksymalną, minimalną, średnią dobową mierzoną na wysokości 5 i 200 cm, wilgotnością względną powietrza, zachmurzeniem, sumą opadu atmosferycznego, sumą parowania i temperaturą gleby mierzoną na głębokości 2, 5, 10, 20 cm. Obliczono współczynniki korelacji między formami azotu w roślinie a przebiegiem wymienionych elementów meteorologicznych oraz równania regresji wielokrotnej, współczynniki korelacji wielokrotnej i determinacji. Nie stwierdzono jednoznacznie, że istniała istotna zależność zawartości form azotu (Nog., Nbiał., N-NH4, N-NO3) w runi i korzeniach kupkówki pospolitej od przebiegu warunków meteorologicznych. Zależność, która wystąpiła między zawartością N-NH4 w runi oraz Nog. i N-NO3 w korzeniach a niektórymi elementami meteorologicznymi, jest stosunkowo niewielka i można ją scharakteryzować wielkością współczynników determinacji, kolejno: 0,166; 0,106 i 0,151. Pobranie azotu przez kupkówkę pospolitą zależało w stosunkowo niewielkim, lecz istotnym, stopniu (R2=0,249) od przebiegu niektórych elementów meteorologicznych. Wskazują na to rezultaty obliczeń statystycznych; nieodzowne jest kontynuowanie prac dotyczących omawianych zagadnień.
The main objective of the research was to study the effect of the Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica grasses on the higher and lower environment temperature and lower relative humidity; the secondary objective was to compare whether the Stenotaphrum secundatum grass has a greater impact on the environment parameters of comfort than the Zoysia japonica species. Six materials were used for the extensive green roof, each one forming a layer of the system, which were placed on the concrete slab and in an upward direction, including: PVC geomembrane, Polyester asphalt carpet, Pumice stone, Planar geodren, Prepared soil with guano, compost, muss, and Substrate. In order to make measurements of the higher and lower ambient temperature, a digital thermometer and lower relative humidity meter was used. Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica were used as grass species, as they were the most representative of the grasses used in extensive green roofs. The experimentation was carried out for 2 months from September to October of 2021, having built 3 modules of 1000x600mm roofs, including 1module of the concrete roof with ceramic covering and 2 modules of extensive green roof with two types of grass: Stenotaphrum secundatum and Zoysia japonica. The readings of the environment temperature and relative humidity of the higher and lower part were taken in six points of each module to have a greater number of representative measurements. The watering of the 2 green roof modules with grass was carried out twice a week, applying 5L of water per module. The results indicate that the Zoysia japonica grass is the one that presents a better behavior before the higher ambient temperature and that the Stenotaphrum secundatum grass behaves better before the lower ambient temperature and lower relative humidity. The conclusions indicate that the Stenotaphrum secundatum grass behaves better temperature and relative humidity; the two grass types exhibit different behavior.
Content available Bioakumulacja metali ciężkich w trawach pastewnych
Celem badań było określenie bioakumulacji metali ciężkich (Pb, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd) w trawach pastewnych z obszaru województwa podlaskiego na podstawie współczynnika bioakumulacji. W próbkach gleby oznaczono pH, pojemność sorpcyjną i zawartość węgla organicznego. Zawartość metali ciężkich w roślinach i glebach określono metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej z atomizacją w płomieniu. Gleby charakteryzowały się głównie kwaśnym odczynem, wysoką pojemnością sorpcyjną i zawartością węgla organicznego. Zawartość metali ciężkich w badanych trawach pastewnych nie przekraczała krytycznych zawartości metali w odniesieniu do roślin paszowych, z wyjątkiem siedmiu próbek traw w przypadku ołowiu. Współczynniki zmienności w przypadku zawartości metali ciężkich w badanych trawach pastewnych były następujące: Pb – 37%, Ni – 63%, Cu – 30%, Zn – 34%, Cd – 48%. Największy współczynnik bioakumulacji odnotowano w przypadku niklu i trawy z miejscowości Remieńkiń (11,54), a najmniejszy dla kadmu i trawy z miejscowości Jemieliste (0,04).
The aim of this study was estimation of bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd) in forage grasses from the area of Podlasie Province based on the bioaccumulation factor. In the soil samples the pH, organic carbon content and CEC were determined. Determination of heavy metals contents in plant and soil material was carried out by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Soils were characterized mainly by acidic reaction, high cation exchange capacity and organic carbon content. The content of heavy metals in studied forage grasses did not exceed the polish regulations related to plant usage for feeding purposes, except the lead content in seven samples. Coefficients of variation for particular heavy metals content in studied forage grasses were as follows: Pb – 37%, Ni-63%, Cu – 30%, Zn – 34%, Cd – 48%. The highest bioaccumulation factor was found for nickel and grass from the village Remieńkiń (11.54), while the lowest for cadmium and grass from the village Jemieliste (0.04).
The aim of our work was to investigate the antioxidant activity of Rheum palmatum extracts. Antiradical activity against DPPH and ABTS radicals, reducing power FRAP and total phenolic contents, were investigated in one-, two- and three-year-old roots of rhubarb fertilized with nitrogen at the rates of 50, 100 and 200 kg N/ha. It was proved that nitrogen dose as well as the age of plantation did significantly influence antioxidant activity and total phenolic of root extracts. The highest values were determined in one-year-old plants, antioxidant activity ranged the level of 112–203 μM Trolox/g and total phenolic compounds average content was 22 mg GAE/g FW. Two-year-old roots were characterized by 3–11%, and three-year-old ones by 15–23% lower antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds content. When nitrogen dose increased, polyphenols content, DPPH and FRAP values increased as well, although, ABTS showed a different tendency.
Celem badań była ocena aktywności antyoksydacyjnej oraz zawartości polifenoli w ekstraktach z korzeni rzewienia dłoniastego. Aktywność antyoksydacyjna mierzona testami ABTS, DPPH i FRAP i zawartość polifenoli ogółem, była oceniana w roślinach jedno-, dwu-, i trzyletnich nawożonych azotem w dawce 50, 100, 200 kg N/ha. Stwierdzono, że zarówno dawka azotu jak i wiek rośliny miały istotny wpływ na aktywność antyoksydacyjną i poziom polifenoli w surowcu. Największą aktywność antyoksydacyjną 112–203 μM Trolox/g stwierdzono u roślin jednorocznych. Również u tych roślin odnotowano największą zawartość polifenoli (22 mg GAE/g św. m.). U roślin dwuletnich wartości te były o mniejsze o 3 i 11%, zaś u trzyletnich o 15 i 23%. Wraz ze wzrostem dawki azotu wzrastała aktywność antyoksydacyjna (testy DPPH i FRAP) i zawartość polifenoli.
Mean duration of heat balance components during autumn nights with advection-radiation and radiation weather in years 1994-1999 were stated on the basis of data observed in meteorological station Ursynów-WAU. Mean fluxes of heat balance components and values of components ratios are presented in tables.
Poza nakładami związanymi z prawidłowym założeniem trawnika potrzebna jest wiedza o pielęgnacji oraz czynnikach psujących jego wygląd. Jednym z nich są choroby traw powodowane przez grzyby.
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