Gender equality has progressed a great deal in recent decades in response to modernisation, industrialisation, and the generally rising level of education. A transformation in gender beliefs has accompanied the progress on gender equality and beliefs about gender roles have mainly changed in countries in North America and Europe, while in Muslim and Asian countries they have remained the same. The analysis in this article focuses on civic participation and investigates its relation to equalitarian gender beliefs. Multi-level regression models and data from World Values Survey (WVS) collected from 46 countries in 2005 allow depicting the relationships. The findings show that membership in civic associations covariates with equalitarian gender beliefs, but the sign of the relation depends on the gender and the type of association.
The purpose of this paper is to present the analyses of the discursive strategies of constructing gender difference in the articles published in the Science in Poland bulletin. This bulletin is an important platform for the popularization of Polish and world science. It is funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland. In the article, I assume that gender is a socially constructed structure (including discursive) level, about the difference between men and women, especially anatomically. Starting from the assumptions of the theory of discourse, which is understood as the process of producing and reproducing social meaning, the analysis includes articles published on the website between 2005 and 2010. In the first part of the paper, I introduce the definition of gender and gender beliefs, which are an important context for the analysis. Then, the content and the method of research (the analysis of discourse) are characterized. In the last part of the paper, the results of research characterizing the main discursive strategies reproducing gender in polarized, homogeneous, and universal categories are presented.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja zjawiska feminizacji nieaktywności zarobkowej, rozumianego jako zbiór procesów utrudniających kobietom w wieku aktywności zawodowej podejmowanie i utrzymywanie pracy zarobkowej. Autorzy odpowiadają na pytanie, czym charakteryzuje się zjawisko nieaktywności zarobkowej kobiet i na jakie problemy (kulturowe, funkcjonalne, instytucjonalne) napotykają kobiety w podejmowaniu lub utrzymywaniu pracy zarobkowej. Autorzy egzemplifikują fakt, że feminizacja nieaktywności zarobkowej wynika z genderowych norm opiekuńczych oraz słabości państwa jako dostarczyciela dóbr i usług (także strażnika stanowionych norm). Tekst uwzględnia definicję kluczowego zjawiska, prezentację istotnych treści literatury przedmiotu i zarys kontekstów ważnych dla odczytywania aktywności kobiet na rynku pracy, informacje o zrealizowanych projektach, które dostarczyły podstawy empirycznej dla podjętych analiz oraz omówienie tego materiału wraz z konkluzjami uwzględniającymi zbiór cech feminizacji nieaktywności zarobkowej.
The aim of this article is to present the phenomenon of economic inactivity feminization understood as a set of processes hindering women of working age from entering and remaining at labour market. The text offers a definition of this phenomenon and provides literature review on the subject. The empirical material for the analysis has been collected within the two projects (one involving a diary competition and the other – interviews with mothers of children with disabilities). The authors explore the characteristics of the women’s economic inactivity, they describe and analyse the problems (cultural, functional, institutional) that women encounter when they attempt to enter labour market and stay employed. Having undertaken the analysis of various aspects of the phenomenon, the authors provide evidence that economic inactivity feminization results from gendered welfare norms as well as from weakness of the state.
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