Stwierdzono, że wielkość załadunku - stopień wypełnienia komory sterylizatora sprzętem medycznym ma wpływ na efektywność sterylizacji gazowej tlenkiem etylenu. Skuteczność każdego procesu sterylizacji tlenkiem etylenu należy kontrolować wskaźnikami biologicznymi.
The purpose of the study was establishing whether the size of the load - that is the degree of filling of sterilizer chamber with medical instruments - could have an effect on the time needed for eradication of all microorganisms subjected to the action of ethylene oxide. The test organism used was the strain of Bacillus subtilis var. niger ATTC 9372. Tests were prepared with about 3.6 x 106 spores per one test. The tested samples were exposed to ethylene oxide at concentration of 750 mg/l, at 50-80°C, at 40% humidity during 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 minutes in three variants: in empty sterlizer chamber im chamber loaded with plastic objects (polyethylene and polypropylene) - 600 g weight - in chamber with similar load weighing 1200 g. The obtained results showed that the degree of filling of sterilizer chamber influenced the efficiency of, sterilization with ethylene oxide. The effectiveness of each sterilization process with ethylene oxide should be controlled using biological indicators.
Stwierdzono, że kontrola biologiczna skuteczności sterylizacji gazowej tlenkiem etylenu może być przeprowadzana przy użyciu testów bakteryjnych zawierających początkową liczbę spor szczepu Bacillus subtilis var niger ATTC 9372 rzędu 105 lub 106 przechowywanych nie dłużej niż sześć miesięcy.
It was found the correlation between the storage time of biological indicators and their usefulness for monitoring of gas sterylization with ethylene oxide (EO). Bacillus subtilis var niger ATTC 9372 was used as a test organism. Two kinds of investigations were done: observation of bacterial growing or lack of growing after 1 hour exposition of storaged tests in EO (EO concentration- 750 mg/l, temperature ± 50°C, (humidity - 40%) and examination of drop in number of spores on strip tests after storage time. The results show that sterilization efficacy may be monitored using such spore strip tests up to six mounths of storage.
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