Mowa kierowana do dziecka w okresie niemowlęctwa należy do zjawisk językowych posiadających swoiste cechy. Specyfika ta dotyczy zarówno systemu fonetycznego, jak i morfologicznego oraz składniowego. Charakterystycznym aspektem mowy kierowanej do niemowląt jest również tworzenie form adresatywnych nazywających dziecko. W grupie adresatywów można zatem odnaleźć formy odimienne, w których zaszły określone procesy fonetyczne i morfologiczne, oraz fakultatywne sposoby nazywania odbiorcy tekstu, na przykład określenia metaforyczne bądź metonimie. Formy adresatywne kierowane do niemowląt nie tylko pełnią funkcję identyfikacyjną oraz dyferencyjną, ale także stanowią środek językowy, za pomocą którego nadawca wyraża swoje uczucia względem małego dziecka.
The speech directed at a child in its infancy is one of the lingual phenomena having its own specific features. This specification refers both to the phonetic system as well as the morphological and syntactic ones. A distinctive aspect of the speech directed at infants is also creating the forms of address by which the child is called. In this group of forms of address one can find forms derived from a name in which there have occurred certain phonetic and morphological processes and facultative methods of calling the recipient of a text, for instance metaphorical expressions or metonymy. The forms of address directed at infants apart from identification and differential functions are also known to be a lingual tool used by a speaker to express their emotions towards a young child.
Considering constant decrease of book reading in the country, it is extremely interesting to notice that book zone in social media is constantly expanding. Increasing number of book review blogs, bookstagrams (Instagram book profiles), book vlogs on Youtube as well as new groups and book fanpages created on Facebook, which speedily gain popularity, are the factors which contribute to popularization of reading in Internet. This article focuses on activity of book-related Facebook groups and fanpages, especially their use of specific language forms which emerged there. The environment of readers has created specific terms describing its members. This idea is being copied by commercial publishers, which begin to name their readers after the publishing house name, which aims at making readers more commited to the brand. The aim of this article is to show the use of such language forms, their variations and influence on the recipients.
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Bei dem zu analysierenden Material handelt es sich um Anschriftformen in Briefköpfen des Schriftwechsels von Adam Mickiewicz an seine Freunde. Diese wurden aus einer Gesamtanzahl von 1154 Briefen herausnotiert. Einige Briefe waren an Personengruppen oder Institutionen gerichtet. Die Diskriminante jedoch bildet die Titelei in Briefen an Frauen (der Dichter unterhielt Korrespondenz mit 39 Damen).
The present paper seeks to determine how French philology students eval-uate their intercultural interactive and discursive competence based on their use of address forms in the mother tongue and in the target language. It al-so attempts to establish the impact of students’ knowledge of address forms on classroom interaction and the effectiveness of educational dis-course. The analysis of the data, collected by means of a survey, made it possible to identify prototypical address forms in Polish and French, estab-lish their functions and reveal situations in which they have real relevance.
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