In Poland, research-related fanzines rarely include writings edited by Polish fans of science fiction, horror and fantasy. Active fans edited amateur magazines which were very important because they popularized fantastic literature and culture in Poland. The role of fantastic fanzines was not limited solely to the promotion of amateur creativity or publishing translations of foreign fiction not available on the market, but also consisted in the creation of creative bonds between writers and readers. The remnants of the activities of Polish fantastic fiction fans are about one hundred titles including “Quasar”, “Red Dwarf” and “Other Planets”. These three fanzines as effects of pure amateur work are also very similar to the professional magazines. Each of them has a different poetics and thematic dominant. They have also published stories written by famous Polish writers such as Ewa Białołęcka and Andrzej Sapkowski.
The literary poetics of Mexican writer Juan José Arreola (1918–2001), one of the great figures of 20th century Latin American narrative, rests on three pillars: his inscription in a specific literary tradition, an authorial position as a “cultural megaphone” and his preference for fantastic literature. Within that literary tradition, for Arreola Kafka, perhaps like no other author, provides a possible literary lens to examine in depth the human being of our time. The purpose of this paper is to traverse this Arreola-Kafka literary bridge and to read some edges of the Kafkaesque in Arreola’s work, paying special attention to the possible communicating vessels between the two literary projects.
The aim of this paper is to define and to analyse the fantastic universe of short stories by Manuel Baixauli published in the volume Espiral (2010), an original and highly significant example of modern fantastic literature that has abolished the real and imaginary borders, that is to say a significant example of fantastic literature conceived as a language phenomenon. The conception of reality integrates and naturalises the supernatural and the irrational in a vision that joins multiple dimensions and perspectives of reality. The self-referential component is also of essential importance in this fantastic, which assimilates and exhibits themes and motifs of inherited traditions in a fully conscious way. Baixauli reflects on the ways of perception and representation of reality, in a proposal in which he combines elements that come from some forms of genre whithin the fantastic tradition. And he does it with full awareness of the linguistic and cultural condition of the referents he uses, exploring implicit meanings, metaphorical value, expectations they generate, etc. A literature that, from the point of view of fantastic literature, opts for hybridism and self-reference.
The article argues that the Brazilian rural short-story of the fin de siècle captures the interface between two milieux: the modern–urban and the archaic–rural. After asking whether the term “Regionalism” is an appropriate label for either the short-story or the novel, the article goes on to show that the presence of the supernatural and the uncanny, characteristic features of the fantastic, was not peculiar just to the rural setting but also survived, perhaps less overtly, in the city. The fears and superstitions of a simple peasant might therefore have more in common with the mind of a sophisticated member of the elite than had previously been thought the case.
In 1881 Maria de Bell-lloch, a pseudonym used by Maria del Pilar Maspons i Labrós (1841-1907), published Llegendas catalanas. A writer of the Renaixença movement, she is one of the first women who stand out in the study of Catalan folk literature in this foundational period of interest for folklore in Catalonia. Some of the stories in the collection have been considered fantastic stories and have been included in various anthologies. The aim of this paper is to analyse this corpus in a philological way to see which stories can be integrated into fantastic literature, considering the theoretical difficulties that the legend poses as a genre.
The aim of this article is to define alternative history genre (branch of fantastic literature) as a participating in the historical writing formula (H. White). The author juxtaposes literary studies, literature and history as neighboring branches of humanistic knowledge. Alternate history genre could be displaced as displaced by both, the history and literary studies. This genre, as a type of fantastic literature, is understood as dangerous phantasm, because of fictional abilities. In this article historiography and literary studies are diagnosed as forming a sisterhood relationship. When the opportunity arises, it is shown that the idea of postmodern history is no novelty, since until the decline of the 18th century history did not stand in oppossition to literature. Actually, the way of thinking about history as an (literary) art has a splendid tradition rooted in antiquity. It is shown that, in fact, there is no essential difference between alternate history (as a branch of fantastic literature) and counterfactualism as a methodology of history. It drives the author to a conclusion − by comparison of the methodologies of history and literary studies in the field of narrativity, and, according to Hayden White, comprehends history as a type of fiction, historio-graphia, literary artifact, or historical writing – that the alternative history novel could be understood as a third path to reconcile literary studies and historical studies. The participation of popular culture, where the alternate history genre and fantastic literature traditionally belongs, makes the history and literary studies more transgressive, widely open for the contemporary forms of communication and more hearable.
The aim of this article is to define alternative history genre (branch of fantastic literature) as a participating in the historical writing formula (H. White). The author juxtaposes literary studies, literature and history as neighboring branches of humanistic knowledge. Alternate history genre could be displaced as displaced by both, the history and literary studies. This genre, as a type of fantastic literature, is understood as dangerous phantasm, because of fictional abilities. In this article historiography and literary studies are diagnosed as forming a sisterhood relationship. When the opportunity arises, it is shown that the idea of postmodern history is no novelty, since until the decline of the 18th century history did not stand in oppossition to literature. Actually, the way of thinking about history as an (literary) art has a splendid tradition rooted in antiquity. It is shown that, in fact, there is no essential difference between alternate history (as a branch of fantastic literature) and counterfactualism as a methodology of history. It drives the author to a conclusion − by comparison of the methodologies of history and literary studies in the field of narrativity, and, according to Hayden White, comprehends history as a type of fiction, historio-graphia, literary artifact, or historical writing – that the alternative history novel could be understood as a third path to reconcile literary studies and historical studies. The participation of popular culture, where the alternate history genre and fantastic literature traditionally belongs, makes the history and literary studies more transgressive, widely open for the contemporary forms of communication and more hearable.
The purpose of this article is first to discuss the most well-known French theories of fantastic literature, and second, to describe their reception in Poland. The origins of the French fantastic as a controversial trans-generic genre are presented. Furthermore, the article examines the restrictive attempts to define the genre in the 1950s–1970s in France (by Castex, Caillois, Vax, Todorov), as well as the subsequent efforts of critics (Andrevon) to redefine the genre and return to the widest trans-generic perception of the fantastic. Then, it illustrates various attempts to interpret French theories in Poland (using the example of Lem’s and Niziołek’s works). The conclusion emphasizes that it is possible for these two simultaneous critical discourses, originating from the Polish and Romance tradition, respectively, and defining the fantastic in very different ways (the wider versus the restrictive approach), to reach a consensus in Poland, thanks to recent attempts to reform the theory of the fantastic in France.
Celem artykułu jest omówienie, w pierwszej jego części, najbardziej znanych francuskich teorii literatury fantastycznej, w części drugiej zaś pokazanie ich recepcji w Polsce. Przedstawiono zatem początki fantastyki francuskiej jako kontrowersyjnego gatunku transgenologicznego. Zaprezentowano następnie restrykcyjne próby definicji gatunku od lat pięćdziesiątych do siedemdziesiątych XX wieku we Francji (Castexa, Caillois, Vaxa, Todorova), a także późniejsze wysiłki krytyków (Andrevona) zmierzające do redefinicji gatunku i powrotu do jak najszerszego, transgenologicznego postrzegania fantastyki. Potem zilustrowano różnorodne próby interpretacji francuskich teorii w Polsce (na przykładzie prac Lema i Niziołek). W konkluzji podkreślono, że istnieje możliwość, by te dwa symultaniczne dyskursy krytyczne w Polsce, wywodzące się odpowiednio z tradycji polonistycznej i romanistycznej, definiujące fantastykę w sposób bardzo różny (ujęcie rozszerzone versus restrykcyjne), osiągnęły jednak konsensus dzięki ostatnim próbom reformy teorii fantastyki we Francji.
This paper aims to remind readers of the achievements of one of the pioneers of the Polish theory of the fantastic in literature, Andrzej Zgorzelski (1934–2017). The paper first discusses the researcher’s methodological approach. He regards himself as an “essentialist” or “substantialist” and subsequently summarizes his most significant works devoted to fantastic literature and its theory. Then, it describes Zgorzelski’s theory of the fantastic and the model of the supra-genological types of fiction that are based on it.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przypomnienie osiągnięć jednego z pionierów polskiej teorii literackiej fantastyki Andrzeja Zgorzelskiego (1934–2017). Artykuł najpierw omawia pozycję metodologiczną badacza, który sam siebie określał jako „esencjonalistę” czy też „substancjonalistę”, następnie zaś pokrótce opisuje najistotniejsze pozycje jego dorobku, poświęcone fantastyce i jej teorii, by wreszcie skoncentrować się na wypracowanej przez Zgorzelskiego teorii fantastyki oraz stworzonym na jej podstawie modelu supragenologicznych typów literatury.
Artykuł podejmuje próbę krytycznego omówienia propozycji teoretycznoliterackich zawartych w pracy brytyjskiej badaczki Farah Mendlesohn Rhetorics of Fantasy. Studium to, opublikowane w 2008 r., stanowi najnowszą istotną pozycję w akademickiej dyskusji dotyczącej teorii (oraz taksonomii) literatury „fantastycznej” czy też niemimetycznej, rozpoczętej ponad 40 lat temu przez takich uznanych badaczy jak Tzvetan Todorov czy Eric Rabkin. Z wielu przyczyn studium Mendlesohn wydaje się zajmować w niej pozycję szczególną; artykuł analizuje zarówno jego niewątpliwe osiągnięcia, jak i możliwe niedociągnięcia.
The present article attempts at a critical discussion of taxonomical proposals of British scholar Farah Mendlesohn included in her study Rhetorics of Fantasy (2008). The study in question can be probably regarded as the most significant recent item in the academic discourse devoted to the theory (and taxonomy) of “fantastic” or non-mimetic literature, started more than 40 years ago by such notable researchers as, for example, Tzvetan Todorov or Eric Rabkin. From several reasons Mendlesohn’s study seems to occupy a special position in this discourse; the article analyzes both its indubitable achievements and possible shortcomings.
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This article aims to show how Luke Orbitowski shapes the image of the city in his novel Święty Wrocław (“Holy Wroclaw”). Analysis of tokens that build the image of the city, their meaning, the way of reference (abstract or real) and astriking emotional impression allows the reader to specify the function of the city, and answer the question about what differs presented visions of Wroclaw in the horror story novel by Orbitowski and the crime drama in the style of noir by Marek Krajewski.
On several occasions the influence of Kafka on Ribeyro has been studied around eight or ten stories written by Julio Ramón between the late forties and early fifties, due to their subject matter or their approach to the absurd, to some fantastic elements, to the strange or to ironic pessimism, that is to say, the work conceived until a realistic stage opened new horizons to his short story production. However, a deeper study of Julio Ramón’s work can relate it in a more accurate and useful way with the diaries, where there is a kind of spiritual brotherhood with Kafka confessed by Ribeyro himself. From this new perspective, it is possible to analyze some mature stories such as “Silvio en El Rosedal”, “Ausente por tiempo indefinido” or “Surf ” from the perspective of the writer’s status as an artist in contemporary society, which emphasizes the relevance of the creative subject more than the perfection of the created work, in the reflections on literature and art and in the presence of the writer in the family and social spheres.
Questo studio nasce dalla constatazione dell’assenza di Grazia Deledda sia dai curricula delle università spagnole sia dal mercato editoriale della Spagna. Tale oblio è stato subìto da altre autrici di varie nazionalità a lei contemporanee e ha una doppia origine: il loro genere e il genere letterario che esplorano. La produzione di studi accademici che analizzano l’opera di Grazia Deledda contribuirà al suo concreto inserimento in specifiche sezioni del programma di studi, oltre a fornire una base per la promozione e la diffusione della sua opera sul piano editoriale. Con questo obiettivo, il presente studio si propone di offrire una nuova lettura dei Racconti sardi (1894) di Grazia Deledda attraverso un’analisi critica della sua architettura, tra realismo magico e genere fantastico, all’interno di quella che potrebbe anche essere definita l’estetica del limite (Tomassini, 1992). Il fantastico o perturbante e il realismo magico tentano di rielaborare la storia dell’alterità in contrapposizione alle storie normative e legittimate, proponendo un mondo a misura dell’esperienza dell’altro che rifiuta la verità ufficiale, nel caso del realismo magico, o sottolineando i difetti della concezione univoca della realtà, nel caso del fantastico. Si tratta di narrazioni che, in un secondo livello di lettura, possono presentare un potenziale messaggio sovversivo che passa inosservato grazie ai meccanismi dei generi del non reale, meccanismi che permettono un allontanamento del lettore, una riformulazione del patto di finzione e, quindi, molteplici livelli di lettura che, in sostanza, fanno di Deledda un’autrice classica, meritevole di continue riletture, la cui narrazione parte dal locale per diventare universale.
This paper discusses the absence of Grazia Deledda both in Spanish university curricula and on the Spanish publishing market, an oblivion shared by other female authors of her time. This exclusion has a dual cause: the writers’ gender and the literary genre they cultivated. In this study, I offer a new reading of Deledda’s Racconti sardi (1894) through a critical analysis of its architectural elements, resonating with magic realism and the fantastic genre. These elements fit within the aesthetics of the liminal (Tomassini, 1992), which seeks to reinterpret the history of otherness as opposed to normative and legitimised histories. While magic realism proposes a world tailored to the experience of the other, which belies the official truth, the fantastic highlights the flaws of the uniform conception of reality. Such narratives may convey a subversive, albeit often overlooked, message as the mechanisms of the genres of the non-real promote readers’ estrangement, a revision of the contract of fiction and, therefore, multiple levels of reading. These accomplishments make Deledda a classic author whose narrative production, which starts from the local to become universal, is worth continual re-reading.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie fantastyki J.-P. Bours’a, jednego z najmniej znanych reprezentantów belgijskiej szkoły niezwykłości. Dzieło pisarza wyróżnia się niezwykłym bogactwem: Bours praktykuje wszystkie podgatunki fantastyki pozostając prawdziwym mistrzem krótkiej formy. W moim artykule, analizuję charakterystyczną cechę jego fantastyki: niejednoznaczność. Aby osiągnąć ten efekt, pisarz posługuje się całą gamą technik ( niedopowiedzeniem, elipsą) co ukazuję w La Mort du juste.
The aim of this article is to present the fantastic literature of J.-P. Bours, one of the least known representatives of the Belgian uncanny. His oeuvre is remarkably rich: Bours practices all the subgenres of the fantastic and remains a master of the short form. In this article, I analyze the distinct characteristic of this fantastic literature: ambiguity. In order to produce this effect, the writer uses a vast array of techniques (like the unsaid and ellipsis), as shown in La Mort du juste.
This article aims at presenting the Polish state of research on cultural images of women and girls in fantasy literature for young recipients. The context of this analysis lies in the review of research papers on this issue regarding literature for children and youth as such as well as fantasy prose for adult readers. Fantasy is a frequent choice of young readers in Poland, which is probably why it plays an important role in transmitting cultural standards, also related to gender models. For this reason, the thesis for this article is of key importance, as is researching those literary models. The article shows the focus of domestic analyses to date that regarded the heroines of fantasy books available on the Polish market, addressed at (exclusively or not) young recipients. This publication also suggests the course of further research endeavours.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie stanu polskich badań nad kulturowymi obrazami kobiet i dziewcząt w literaturze fantastycznej dla młodych dorosłych. Kontekst rozważań stanowi przegląd prac badawczych dotyczących tej problematyki w twórczości literackiej dla młodzieży w ogóle oraz w prozie fantastycznej dla czytelników dorosłych. Fantastyka jest częstym wyborem czytelniczym młodych Polaków i Polek, dlatego przypuszczalnie odgrywa ona istotną rolę w transmisji wzorców kulturowych, także tych związanych z modelami genderowymi. Stąd kluczowa dla niniejszego tekstu teza, zgodnie z którą badanie tych literackich modeli jest równie istotne. W artykule pokazano, na czym skupiały się dotychczasowe rodzime analizy konstrukcji bohaterek utworów fantastycznych dostępnych na rodzimym rynku wydawniczym, kierowanych (wyłącznie lub między innymi) do młodych odbiorców, a także zaproponowano kierunek dalszych eksploracji badawczych.
Der Artikel enthält das Abstract ausschließlich in englischer und französischer Sprache.
Our article is an analysis of the issue of translating emotions in literary texts on the basis of a corpus which consists of fragments from Maupassant’s fantastic tales translated into Romanian. By means of a comparison of the original with the translated published versions, where we apply methods specific to translation history and criticism, we follow and assess the implications of the translator’s different (subjective) strategies on the lexical and pragmatic level used in order to render the various degrees of fear in the target language.
Notre article a pour objectif une discussion des particularités de la traduction des émotions dans les textes littéraires, par l’intermédiaire d’une analyse traductologique réalisée sur un corpus de fragments tirés des contes de Maupassant traduits en roumain. En appliquant la méthodologie spécifique à la critique et histoire des traductions, notre analyse comparative du texte original et des diverses traductions roumaines mettra en évidence la place de la subjectivité du traducteur dans l’application des différentes stratégies traductives, sur le plan lexical et pragmatique, pour rendre en langue cible les différents degrés de la peur.
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