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Beginning from the position of disability understood as a social and cultural construct, this paper aims to analyze and compare representations of disability in fairy tales by such authors as the Grimm brothers, Hans Christian Andersen, Oscar Wilde, Charles Perrault, Giovanni Francesco Straparola, and Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. Despite the prevalence of disabled characters in many fairy tales, there exists just a handful of articles on disability in fairy tales within the field of disability studies (Schmiesing 2014). Therefore, this study attempts to fill in a knowledge gap in the area of disability studies by looking at disability and characters with disabilities in fairy tales from the perspective of the social model of disability. In this paper I seek to explore variations in the way different authors describe disability/sickness/deformity and to discuss such subjects related to the area of disability studies as overcoming disability and the question of cure (understood, in the context of fairy tales, as a supernatural restoration to the able-bodied state). In addition, I attempt to see if there exist any differences in how sick/disabled/deformed fairy tales characters are portrayed depending on their gender.
The article Autoreferentiality in Two European Fairy Tailes: Charles Perrault’s “Donkeyskin” and “On a Fool who Married a Princess and Became a King” offers a critical introduction to Charles Perrault’s Donkeyskin fairy tale, published for the first time in Polish in this very issue of “Creatio Fantastica” journal, as well as a comparative analysis of French and Polish editions of the aforementioned work along with a lesser known Polish one, entitled On a Fool who Married a Princess and Became a King. Anne-Marie Monluçon uses those texts as an exemple of the use of the “text-within-a-text” or “story-within-a-story” (mise en abyme) narrative device and proceeds with an in-depth interpretation and close reading of the fairy tales in order to explore their autoreferentiality. Finally, the author focuses on how Charles Perrault succeded in finding a “middle voice” between the literary fairy tale and a folk one—and, at the same time, how autoreferentiality and mise en abyme may be successfully utilized in both genres, challenging the way one may want to draw differences between literature performed for the courtly joy of the highborns and on the backyard for the common folk.
The article discusses the methods used to translate phrasemes in the Kashubian version of the book Baśnie. Brawãdë by Jan Drzeżdżon. The translator, Roman Drzeżdżon, was unable to find any equivalent phrasemes in the target language. He translated them literally or described their meaning. Moreover, he also used the compensation strategy and introduced phrasemes in places where they were absent in the original.
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The aim of the articles is to present one of the fairy tales written by Alina and Jerzy Afanasjew. Analysis and interpretation contains reflections about the structure of the text, symbols, imagery and values, impact of folk tales and other genres.
The authors of this article concentrate on the use and role of fairy tales in foreign language teaching to primary school children. They discuss these notions on the basis of scholarly literature and questionnaire responses of 2nd- and 3rd-year students of pedagogy and language studies at Wielkopolska University of Social and Economic Studies in Środa Wielkopolska. Apart from pointing to the necessity of introducing fairy tales in education, particularly foreign language education, they identify and describe in their account a number of tools which can be helpful for the presentation and discussion of content from fairy tales in a foreign language class at the primary school level. They also enumerate a number of effects which children’s work with fairy tales brings and in the end they draw conclusions with regard to the subject in question.
Stories have been a part of civilisation since time immemorial, with fairy tales having a very specific position among them. Fairy stories have accompanied us, as individual personalities, since early childhood. They are a guide for us, a manual that introduces us to the world in its multiple forms. They help us create a moral code for the rest of our lives. The period of pre-school age is also referred to as the ‘age of folk tales’, because folk stories (both classic and modern) provide a universal appeal for youngsters. The development of cognitive processes and ways of thinking takes place very intensively during childhood, while fundamental shifts with regard to the reception of the story occur in children of pre-school and early school age. Media currently produce alarge amount of content intended for children and classic fairy tales, although these stories form only a part of the space dedicated to children in this regard. Very popular are especially cartoon stories (whether in television or film) that are very well-liked especially by pre-school children. Contemporary young ones are in intense contact with traditional stories – they ‘consume’ them much more often, while the range of plots, characters and themes they have at their disposal is really wide and diverse. In our study, we seek to focus in more detail on the programme selection of various children’s television channels in Slovakia.
Anne Sexton’s vivid and scandalous literary heritage has always been arousing controversy mostly due to its confessional character. It is, however, underestimated that one of the sources of her poetic inspirations was a broadly defined European culture and tradition, including the Grimms’ fairy tales. This article strives to inquire how Sexton revisits narratives of canonical tales with special regard to female protagonists. An apparent discrepancy will be shown between the two versions in terms of poetic imagery, character construction, and the reality in which they are firmly anchored. The morals drawn from the poems markedly diverge from the original versions, for it is with pessimism and disillusionment that Sexton transforms the naïve and sentimental images. The applied adaptation, hence, serves here to articulate the conflict between the traditional, male-centered set of values and a feminist perspective. The poems’ structures, literary figures, cultural references, features of genre, and other elements will be examined and analyzed to compare the retold stories with their archetypes and to provide a detailed interpretation in the light of the addressed problems.
Content available remote Život a dílo Boženy Čapkové z hlediska etnomuzikologie a literární vědy
Božena Čapková (1866-1924), mother of Karel Čapek, lived with her family in the foothills of the Giant Mountains in the small town of Úpice. In 1893 she started collecting folk songs for the Czechoslavic Ethnographical Exhibition which took place in Prague in 1895. She was responsible for the recording of texts, whilst the notation scores were done by a teacher Karel Kořízek, also from Úpice. Their collection was greatly acknowledged by the Exhibition committee as one of the best. once again in 1907, they both partook in another collection towards a project declared by the Czech Working Committee for folk song. Their collection from both projects contains 502 songs and 45 rhymes. Apart from this project, Božena Čapková collected superstitious stories, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and superstitions. She was also interested in traditional food and dress. She published several other superstitious stories regarding the water sprite in Český lid in 1896, and the terminology of Lenten meals in 1911. The author of the study found several so far unknown superstitious stories and legends and one fairy tale deposited in the Museum of Czech Literature in Staré Hrady by Jičín.
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of Snow White myth in contemporary culture in the relation to the changing concepts of femininity and masculinity. The Author takes into account several contexts of this issue. First, it can be understood in the terms of patriarchal power over women’s identity and body. Also, the author analyses the Snow White in a light of girl’s socialization into passive roles. In the article feminist interpretation of Snow White are also reconstructed. The different versions of Snow White fable are confronted with the various kinds of relations between women and men in contemporary society.
Starting from the basic premises of Schank's (1998) notion of indexing in story telling and the representational approach of language (Saeed 1996, 2003), this paper investigates whether fairy tales create initial indexes for children, that may (not) be re-indexed later in adult life, by reshaping their pre-existing experiences. More specifically, it focuses on the way fairy tales present several concepts already familiar to children, and whether this representation matches children’s pre-existing experiences. The data collected comes from several of Grimm Brothers' fairy tales and consists of a corpus of 62839 word tokens. The fairy tales included were thematically related to general areas of everyday experience: femininity, blackness, whiteness, day, night, being young, ageing. The following semantically contradictory lexical pairs (listed with their text frequency) were examined in the expanded concordance, in relation to their collocations and semantic associations: ( 143) old - (58) young, (134) woman - (71) maiden, (116) day - (40) night, (63) white - (83) black. These were then compared with an adults’ and a children’s dictionary to check whether the collocations, semantic associations of the selected words as portrayed in the data, matched the societally accepted meanings found in dictionaries. The comparison indicated that, although the connotative meanings were included in the majority of denotative meanings that make up words' definitions in the adult dictionary examined, only five of them matched the connotative meanings of the words examined in the data. On the other hand, the way the above concepts/words were presented in the children’s dictionary, was very simple, probably reflecting children’s experiences. It seems, thus, that the concepts - at least some of them - presented in the fairy tales examined, do not “officially” relate to children's but to adults' experiences, functioning as an index that re-shapes children’s pre-existing concepts.
Getting to know favourite fairy tales of animated pre-school children is aimed at an article and the spectrum of values carried by the main characters of these fairy tales in the light of own empirical examinations. Analysing the issue of favourite heroes of fairy tales animated in the life of the child they pointed out that undoubtedly television was providing with models, of models of the behaviour. Children willingly are watching fairy tales and have a big knowledge about favourite one's heroes. Sometimes details are presenting even small change from remembered stretches, are describing appearing there figures, mainly based on what they are doing. A fact that all examined children have their favourite fairy-tale form seems material and are able to justify why like her. Describing one's hero are keeping an eye on outside features and keeping it and acting peculiarly. Making an appraisal of one's hero good and evils are using moral categories, however not always this evaluation is correct. Favourites of fairy tales have defects admittedly - are fighting from other, but it isn't projecting the child rapidly onto their overall picture - still are liked. Children are choosing pretty and simultaneously, in their view, of good heroes. The majority from them is declaring that they want to be so, as their favourite heroes from fairy tales.
Artykuł ma na celu poznanie ulubionych animowanych bajek dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym oraz spektrum wartości niesionych przez głównych bohaterów tych bajek w świetle własnych badań empirycznych. Analizując zagadnienie ulubionych bohaterów bajek animowanych w życiu dziecka, zwrócono uwagę, że niewątpliwie telewizja dostarcza modeli, wzorów zachowania. Dzieci chętnie oglądają bajki i mają dużą wiedzę o swoich ulubionych bohaterach. Prezentują niekiedy nawet drobne szczegóły z zapamiętanych odcinków, opisują występujące tam postacie, głównie na podstawie tego, co robią. Istotny wydaje się fakt, że wszystkie badane dzieci mają swoją ulubioną postać bajkową i potrafią uzasadnić, dlaczego ją lubią. Opisując swojego bohatera, zwracają uwagę szczególnie na cechy zewnętrzne oraz jego zachowanie i postępowanie. Dokonując oceny swojego bohatera, posługują się kategoriami moralnymi dobra i zła, jednakże nie zawsze ta ocena jest prawidłowa. Ulubieńcy bajek mają wprawdzie wady – walczą z innymi, ale nie rzutuje to na ich całościowy obraz w oczach dziecka – nadal są lubiani. Dzieci wybierają ładnych i jednocześnie, ich zdaniem, dobrych bohaterów. Większość z nich deklaruje, że chcą być tacy, jak ich ulubieni bohaterowie z bajek.
Once Upon a Time in the Suburbs. The Use of Fairy Tales in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands   In the article, Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands is analyzed. Drawing from Vladimir Propp’s theory the author traces the presence of structures, and stylistic and narrative features characteristic of fairy tales. In the second part of the essay, it is argued that through the use of fairy tales Burton is able to introduce the motif of the rite of passage of the main protagonist.
Two hundred years after the original edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1812–1815) was published there is a possibility to ponder upon how books of the Brothers Grimm were edited in Poland. The review presents fairy tales in self-contained issues in periods: 1895–1939, 1939–1945, 1945–1989, 1990–2011. The first book by Brothers Grimm in Poland was Baśnie dla dzieci i młodzieży (1895) translated by Cecylia Niewiadomska, edited by Gebethner & Wolff. A big number of single fairy tales were published in the years 1918–1939. After the Second World War the most popular collection of fairy tales by W. and J. Grimm was Baśnie translated by Marceli Tarnowski and edited by Nasza Księgarnia in 1956. Up to year 2000 it was reprinted 18 times! In 1982 Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza published the first critical edition: Baśnie braci Grimm (transl. by Emilia Bielicka and Marceli Tarnowski, with afterword and comments by Helena Kapełuś) and in 2010 Media Rodzina published the first full version of W. and J. Grimm’s fairy tales: Baśnie dla dzieci i dla domu (translation and afterword by Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska). After 1989 we can observe “chains of books” – multiple adaptations and other editions “related to” those fairy tales. Mass culture and commercial aspects brought many variants of text and visual representations. Many of them have new authors. Present- day adaptations are – like in the 19th century – books for the youngest children, but sometimes they are also new fairy tales inspired by the plot (e.g. Bohdan Butenko’s book). In present times there are possibilities to familiarize children with the original text of the canonic fairy tales, but more and more often only specialists are interested in it.
The author, inspired by philosophical aesthetic reflection, presents one of the aesthetic qualities: ugliness. Based on the assumption that “Grimms’ Fairy Tales” directly reach the realm of the unconscious, utilising towards that end not only symbolic meaning, but also a wide range of operations through imagined sensory perception, she identifies in the texts such fragments of the stories which relate to specific sensations caused in the real world using physical stimuli. The analysis constitutes only a case-based introductory study of the issue of senses in literary texts. She does not focus on the tale as an independent existential creation, which carries a multitude of interpretative references and meanings, only the possibilities offered by the analysis of a work, which consists of a transfer of a literary description to the imagination of the sensory experience occurring (hypothetically) in the receiver’s imagination.
Content available Baśń w okowach edukacji
The paper presents the case of introducing children to fairytale literature. Fairytales, which initiate children’s literary education, tend to be interpreted as typical didactic pieces at school. Their potential connected with influencing the emotional realm and developing aesthetic sensitivity is underestimated. The aim of the research is to recognize the ways of introducing fairy tales and presenting them in selected textbooks used in early education. The subjects of the analysis include “My i nasz elementarz” [We and Our Primer] and “My i nasza szkoła” [We and Our School]. The choice of the above mentioned textbooks resulted from the desire to learn what ways of using fairy tales (or their components) are propagated by the contemporary creators of early childhood education goals. These considerations led me to the description of reception through cognition (intellectual cognition, the fulfillment of didactic goals) and constitute the first part of the article, which I compared with the intuitive reception that grew out of psychoanalytic interpretations. Knowledge, which has its source in a psychoanalytical approach, can provide valuable support in designing activities and creating conditions for the reception of texts in early literary education.
W niniejszym tekście pochylam się nad kwestią wprowadzania dzieci w literaturę baśniową. Baśnie, inicjujące edukację literacką dzieci, w szkolnej rzeczywistości są zazwyczaj interpretowane jako typowe utwory dydaktyczne, a ich potencjał związany z oddziaływaniem na sferę emocjonalną i rozwijaniem wrażliwości estetycznej – niedoceniany. Celem badań uczyniłam poznanie sposobu wprowadzania baśni oraz prezentowania ich w wybranych podręcznikach edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. Przedmiotem analiz stały się My i nasz elementarz i My i nasza szkoła. Wybór powyższych książek wynikał z chęci poznania sposobów wykorzystywania baśni (bądź jej komponentów) propagowanych przez aktualnych twórców celów edukacji wczesno­ szkolnej. Rozważania te doprowadziły mnie do opisu odbioru po­przez  poznanie  (intelektualne,  realizacja  celów  dydaktycznych) i stanowią pierwszą część tekstu, której przeciwstawiam odbiór intuicyjny, wyrosły z interpretacji psychoanalitycznych. Wiedza mająca źródło w podejściu psychoanalitycznym może stanowić cenną podporę w konstruowaniu działań i warunków odbioru tekstów we wczesnej edukacji literackiej.
The following article is aimed to increase reader knowledge about the most popular cartoons among children at the age of 5–9 and the values that occur in them. It describes how the pandemic affected on children real time which they were spending in front of the television. The first part of the article is a description of value and cartoon terms. The next section is a summary of research conducted with children in the form of an interview relating to the cartoons. Follow-up of the paper contains information about time spending in front of the television among children before and during the pandemic. In the further part, titles of the most popular cartoons among children was presented. Successive part showed analysis of the several fairy tales in terms of their plot and worth appeared in them. The last part of the article contains conclusions of the paper.
The story of fathers who were imprisoned behind the barbed wire of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp is an example of paternity understood as an attitude of love and responsibility towards children. These fathers-prisoners of the camp were deprived of an ability to look after their own children, so they considered that writing fairy tales for their daughters and sons will be the proof of memory of their children but also an attempt to get closer to them through words. It is something that seems unrealistic in conditions which can be called hell on earth. Nevertheless, this idea has become a reality and so fairy tales, with colorful illustrations and texts written in meticulous calligraphy, were composed. Their authors were Polish prisoners, who worked slavishly for the SS offices where plans for the further expansion of the camp were made. Owing to this office work prisoners had access to paint, carbon paper and copying devices. Those fairy tales are a testimony to paternal love and hopes for a better world. They do not lack of educational messages or awareness of dangers and threats which life can bring.
The fairy tales with their literary form, given by Charles Perrault in 17th century, have become with the passing of time a part of collective patrimony. No wonder many writers have been making use of this source in order to create their versions of Perrault’s stories. The most interesting fairy tales seem to be those which rewrite Bluebeard. One of them is Amélie Nothomb’s novel, published in 2012 and supporting the same title, in which readers can find a realisation of the phenomenon called by G. Genette a “pragmatic transposition” (“transposition pragmatique”).
utworach Andersen przybliża czytelnikom zmagania pierwszych emancypantek, a mianowicie – ich ciężką pracę w celu utrzymania rodziny, znoszenie ostrej krytyki ze strony wrogiego społeczeństwa i poczucie samotności. Kobiety w drugiej połowie XIX wieku były również zmuszane do małżeństwa z narzuconymi partnerami, którzy mogli zapewnić im tytuł i dobre życie. W tekstach Andersena są także postacie wyrażające sprzeciw wobec tego sposobu zakładania rodziny. Wiele bohaterek ustrzega się przed małżeństwem z rozsądku, ale większości brakuje odwagi, by opuścić rodzinne środowisko. W baśniowej twórczości widzimy różne postacie kobiece, od niewinnej pasterki, po kochającą matkę, a kończąc na boskim diable. Warto jednak dodać, że ta ostatnia, tj. Królowa Śniegu, istniała w tym czasie, ale tylko w wyobraźni pisarza.
The article shows the path of women to independence in the nineteenth century, shown in the stories and fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. In the era of the author cited, women began to fight for the opportunity to work in more establishments, electoral rights, and access to education. In his works, Andersen brings readers the struggles of the first emancipants, namely − their hard work in order to keep the family, endure harsh criticism from the hostile society, and with a sense of loneliness. Women in the second half of the nineteenth century were also forced to marry with imposed partners who could provide them with a title and a good life. There are also characters in Andersen’s works expressing opposition to this way of starting a family. Many a heroine escapes from a love-free marriage, but everyone lacks the courage to leave the family environment. In fairy-tale creativity, we can see a variety of female characters ranging from innocent shepherdess to a loving mother, and ending with a divine devil. It is worth adding, however, that the latter, ie the Snow Queen, existed at that time, but only in the imagination of the writer. Biogram
The aim of this paper is to present the educational role of stores and fairy tales. First, theoretical part underlines the importance of developing a reading interest in lower primary class children. The second part implies the practical ways to support the integral child development through reading. Several groups of books are presented here which can be of vital importance in educational process: books introducing moral values, books teaching culture and good behaviour patterns, books helping to deal with difficult situations among friends, books teaching adaptation skills in new social roles and books showing how to cope with illness and disability, in case of both reader himself/herself and his/hers relatives.
Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie wychowawczej roli bajek i opowiadań. Pierwsza część, teoretyczna, dotyczy znaczenia rozwijania zainteresowań czytelniczych u dzieci w młodszym wieku szkolnym. Druga część prezentuje implikacje praktyczne mające na celu wspieranie integralnego rozwoju dziecka poprzez lekturę. Przedstawiono kilka grup książek, które mogą stanowić znaczącą pomoc w procesie wychowania: książki wprowadzające w wartości, uczące kultury i dobrego zachowania, pomagające radzić sobie w sytuacjach trudności w relacjach zrówieśnikami, uczące przyjmowania nowych ról społecznych oraz tego, jak radzić sobie zchorobą i niepełnosprawnością własną i osób bliskich.
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