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Changes in cellular fatty acid composition during naphthalene degradation, at the concentrations of 0.5 g l⁻¹ or 1.0 g l⁻¹, by Pseudomonas sp. JS150 were investigated. In response to naphthalene exposure an increase in saturated/unsaturated ratio was observed. Additionally, the dynamic changes involved alterations in the contents of hydroxy, cyclopropane and branched fatty acids. Among the classes of fatty acids tested the most noticeable changes in the abundance of cyclopropane fatty acids were observed. Since day 4 of incubation these fatty acids were not dectected in bacterial cells growing on naphthalene. In contrast, markedly increased in the percentage of hydroxy fatty acids over time was observed. However, the proportions of saturated straight-chain and branched fatty acids did not change such significantly.
Zbadano zawartość rtęci ogółem w kapeluszach i trzonach grzybów jadalnych, takich jak: borowik szlachetny, podgrzybek brunatny, maślak zwyczajny, maślak pstry, maślak sitarz, gąska zielonka, gąska niekształtna (siwa), zasłonak kleisty, gąsówka mglista i gołąbek jadalny, zebranych na terenie Wdzydzkiego Parku Krajobrazowego w latach 1995-1996. Przedstawiono dostępne z piśmiennictwa dane o stopniu skażenia rtęcią grzybów z rodzaju borowik Boletus i podgrzybek Xerocomus.
Mercury concentration was determined in the caps and stalks of nine species of edible mushrooms collected at the area of Wdzydzki Landscape Park in 1995-96. The mushroom species examined were: king bolete Boletus edulis, bay bolete Xerocomus badius, slippery Jack Suillus luteus, variegate bolete Suillus variegatus, European cow bolete Suillus bovinus, sandy knight-cap Tricholomaflavovirens, gray and yellow knight-cap Tricholoma portentosum, orange slime cort Cortinarius mucosus, cloudy clitocybe Lepista nebularis and bare-toothed brittle gills Russula vesca. The method of mercury measurements was cold-vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy (CV-AAS) after wet digestion of the samples with concentrated nitric acid. King bolete showed highest mercury concentrations both in the caps and stalks, i.e. 2600 ± 2000 and 1600 ± 1200 ng/g and was followed by cloudy clitocybe with 830 ± 620 and 390 ± 260 ng/g dry weight, respectively. Mercury content of all other examined mushroom species was below 500 ng/g dry weight.
Na podstawie wyników własnych i wytypowanych stacji sanitarno-epidemiologicznych dokonano oceny skażenia powietrza atmosferycznego formaldehydem w Polsce.
On the basis of won studies and the results reported by selected Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations the pollution of atmospheric air with formaldehyde was evaluated. All air samples were obtained by the aspiration method continuously during 24 hours. In the samples formaldehyde was determined by the colorimetric method with chromotropic acid. The obtained results showed that in the highly industrialized parts of the country excessive air contamination was present. The highest proportions of the results excedding acceptable level were noted in Łódź - 67.8%, and in Silesian cities, such as Dąbrowa Górnicza - 88.0%, Dzierżoniów - 22.7%, Rybnik - 39.0%, Wodzisław - 31,0%, Wałbrzych - 65%. In urban areas, even with high trafíic intensity, no significantly excessive concentrations of formaldehyde in air were found. The proportion of results above the acceptable value was from 0.3 to 9.0%.
Wyznaczono dynamikę i kinetykę rozkladu szeroko stosowanego w kraju fungicydu - karbendazymu. Badania prowadzono w warunkach modelowych symulujących wodę rzeczną, destylowaną i ekosystem wodny uwzględniając różne stężenia początkowe fungicydu i temperatury oraz wpływ na rozklad karbendazymu zdolności adaptacyjnych mikroflory i właściwości kumulacyjnych.
The study of the breakdown of the fungicide carbendazim widely used in Poland was carried out under model conditions simulating the environment of river water moderately polluted, distilled water, and dynamic aqueous ecosystem. The experiments were conducted using the fungicide in concentrations about 1 and 5 mcg/l at two temperatures - about 20°C and 5°C, and after adaptation of microorganisms to the presence of the fungicide. Taking the results of the experiment with river water the rate of the breakdown was studied, determining also the kinetic parameters of the break own process: rate constants and half-times of breakdown. This process agreed, as a rule, with the kinetic equation of first order and depended on the type of water, initial concentration, temperature and microflora adaptation to the environment of the tested substance. The process of carbendazime breakdown after adaptation of the microorganisms of river water to the fungicide was occuring at a much higher rate at both test temperature and depended on the initial concentration. Temperature decrease to about 5°C inhibited the process of carbendazime degradation, but only if the initial concentraion was higher. The concentrations of carbendazime in aqueous environment under dynamic conditions during 14-day exposure decreased by 14-19% and had no negative influence on the biocenosis of the experimental ecosystem Carbendazime was not taken up by water-thyme and Lebistes reticulata in the experimental ecosystem, was poorly concentrated by snails and accumulated slightly in the sediments of the ecosystem.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad sorpcją wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w osadach dennych pochodzących z Jeziora Zegrzyńskiego. Podano równania izoterm adsorpcji fenantrenu, fluorantenu, pirenu, chryzenu, benzofajpirenu w osadach dennych pochodzących z Jeziora Zegrzyńskiego.
The sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic sediments from Zegrzyńskie Lake was examined. Batch experiment was performed in order to determine sorption efficiency in different kinds of sediments from Zegrzyńskie Lake. Five polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene benzo[a]pyrene) were chosen to this experiment and sorption process was examined on seven sediments of different properties. Chosen hydrocarbons are of different structure of molecule and different chemical and physical properties. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic sediments and in water phase were measured in the following order: extraction with dichloromethane, concentration on rotary evaporator, silica gel clean up, n-hexane elution, concentration on rotary evaporator and in vials, GC/MS analysis. Chemical composition of aquatic sediments were examined using methods for sewage sludge and soils analysis. In every sediment concentrations of PAHs, organic matter and organic: carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulphur were measured. Also fractional analysis of sediments was made. Isotherms of sorption were measured for these sediments and compounds. Equations of these isotherms were performed and were used in order to find relationships between sorption efficiency and sediments composition. Depending on sediment properties and composition different concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were found in solid phase. Sediments of high quantities of organic matter and small particles were the best sorbents for PAHs. Fluoranthene, pyrene and chrysene were efficiently sorbed in sediments of high concentration of organic matter. And efficiency of phenanhrene and benzo[a]pyrene sorption were better in sediments with high quantity of organic sulphur.
The aim of this study was to optimize storage conditions of a microbial community used for degradation of petroleum-derived environmental contaminants. Microorganisms were either freeze-dried or directly frozen (-20°C) in the presence of four stabilizers: trehalose, sucrose, glycerol and DMSO. It was found that preincubation with trehalose and sucrose had a positive impact on cell viability for both tested storage techniques. Disaccharide-stabilized consortia were more biodiverse than control samples (untreated with any protectants) and they retained high xenobiotic biodegradation capabilities. The effect of glycerol and DMSO was unexpectedly poor, contradicting other findings on the protective action of these compounds on monocultures. Higher cell survival was achieved only upon short-term (7 days) freezing, whereas DMSO proved to be lethal in the case of freeze-dried communities. Taking into account practical and economic reasons, the use of sucrose rather than the more expensive trehalose appears as the most efficient method for microbial consortia biostabilization during long-term storage. The experimental work provides some important data concerning the problem of elaboration of improved methods for preserving robust microbial communities to be used in environmental biotechnology practice.
The influence of selected physicochemical factors on the degradation of five PAHs in river water and distilled water was tested. Even in darkness, in distilled water some losses of PAHs were observed, different for various compounds, from 22% to 41% after 21 days. Aeration with air increased the losses of PAHs. But very high degradation was found when samples were irradiated with light, for some PAHs up to 90%. The loss of PAHs in river water occurred much faster then in distilled water. The changes in PAH concentrations in distilled water could be described by first order reaction. The equation was proposed and the half-lives were calculated. In river water two stages of degradation were noticed. The different PAHs showed the different degradation, the fastest process was for benzo[a]pyrene and indeno[c,d]pyrene.
Wykonano badania zawartości formaldehydu w ściekach oraz w wodach powierzchniowych i wodzie do picia.
The high toxicity of formaldehyde and its relatively high number of release sources called for extensive studies for elucidating its sources and the degree of contamination of waters in Poland with this compound. In the study formaldehyde was determined in community sewage, industrial sewage and precipitations in the street, as well as in surface waters, waters taken for supplying networks and drinking waters. It was tried also to establish the possible influence of meteorological factors on formaldehyde presence in surface waters. Formaldehyde was determined by the colorimetric method with chromotropic acid after previous distillation of the analysed samples of waters and sewage. It was found in these studies that the main source of contamination of surface waters with formaldehyde are community sewage and industrial sewage. In summer the concentration of formaldehyde in these waters was higher than in winter. It is stressed that the maximal values of these concentrations in studied waters were above the acceptable value, even several times. Despite this unfavourable situation it was found that in tap water obtained from rivers this contamination was negligible, and after treatment it contained practically no formaldehyde. Thus formaldehyde in drinking water is not a health risk for the population.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących zawartości Pb i Cd w wodach jezior Rynny Kórnickiej, przeprowadzonych w okresach lata i jesieni 1988 i 1993 roku. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że oznaczane metale, w obecnie występujących stężeniach, nie stanowią zasadniczego zagrożenia dla badanych wód.
Concentrations of lead and cadmium in water of lakes located on agricultural and recreation areas have been analysed. Surveas were performed in summer and autumn 1988 and once more in 1993. Concentrations of both metals were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after chelation and extraction. Obtained results sugest that present concentrations of lead and cadmium are not very dangerous for analysed waters.
Oznaczono zawartość niektórych metali ciężkich i wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA) w glebach pobranych z tras komunikacyjnych w Krakowie w m-cu czerwcu 1991 r. Zaobserwowano wzrost zawartości oznaczanych WW A w punktach o zwiększonym nasileniu ruchu kołowego. Dla metali stwierdzono znaczne przekroczenia najczęstszych ogólnych zawartości w warunkach naturalnych.
The concentration of heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were determined in the soils obtained from various traffic roads in Cracow including sorroundings of steel works. The method of atom absorption spectromery was using to determination of Ca, Mg, Pb, Fe, Zn, Cd, Cu. PAH (fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene + chryzene, benz(a)pyrene, benz(ghi)perylene, fenanthrene and perylene) were determined by gas chromatography. The higest concentration of heavy metals was found in zone of steel works. A steep fall concentration of Fe was observed in the soils with increasing distance from the works. It seems that the variety in concentration of metals don't depend only on vehicular traffic. The highest mean PAH concentration exceeding 800 µg/kg of dried soils was found in soil samples taken from roads where the traffic is the highest.
Oznaczano zawartość pierwiastków w kościach ogonowych owiec rasy laine-merynos pochodzących z czterech owczarni położonych na obszarze województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Materiałem do analizy były kręgi ogonowe owiec, które amputowano żywym owcom. Oznaczenia wykonano za pomocą metody potencjometrycznej dla oznaczenia fluorków, kolorymetrycznej dla oznaczania fosforanów oraz absorpcyjnej spektrofotometrii atomowej dla pozostałych pierwiastków: Ca, Mg, Fe i Zn. Obliczenia statystyczne, a w szczególności analizę parametryczną, wykonano za pomocą programu komputerowego Statistica i Statistica Neural Network.
Contents of selected elements in tail bones of laine-merino sheeps were examined. The animals were raised in four sheep-fold places in the Western Pomerania region of Poland. The material was the tail vertebrae removed from live sheeps. Fluoride content was determined with an ion-selective electrode, phosphate content was assessed by colorimetry, while AAS was used to assay Ca, Mg, Fe,and Zn content. Statistical analysis, especially parametrical analysis, were done by Statistica and Statistica Neural Network software package.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad występowaniem ponadnormatywnych ilości azotanów w wodzie do picia, dostarczanej przez wszystkie publiczne i o charakterze publicznym urządzenia wodne na terenie miast i wsi województwa bydgoskiego. Zobrazowano też sytuację w tym zakresie w odniesieniu do studni przydomowych.
The study was undertaken to evaluate the degree of drinking water pollution in the towns and countryside of the Bydgoszcz District, supplied by various installations, on the basis of the results of investigations of sanitary-epidemiological stations. Evaluation was done according to the state in 1985 as compared with that of 1981 to establish the eventual dynamics of the changes. The data presented in the tables indicate that the water supplied by the big water lines (public and institutional) does not contain nitrate quantities exceeding the norm (above 10 mg N/dm3). Their presence at a 20 mg N level/dm3 was found only in four (1.5%) lines supplying large state farms. Small installations were much more frequently polluted with nitrates, especially public wells and those of local institutions, a total of 8.8% in towns and as many as 17% in the country, where a tendency to deterioration of this state is also visible in contrast to the towns. Among the plants and institutions supplied by these water sorces the situation is most unfavourable in agriculture, schools, educational and food producing and distributing establishments. The nitrate concentration in the analysed water varied in genera] within the limits of 10-30 mg N/dm3, maximal amounts within 60-200 mg N/dm3, showing an about 50% decrease in the compared time periods. Nitrates occur most frequently and in highest concentrations in water of wells belonging to individual households which supply about 50% of the rural population and about 11% of town dwellers. The percent of these wells in which quantities of nitrates exceeding the norm were found (over 40%) does not reflect fully the true state because the up-to-date investigations concerned mainly installations with a good technical state and correct localisation. Systematic analysis of drinking water taking into account of the nirate content is indispensable for evaluation of the permanent situation which at present requires improvement of the local segment and individual water supply by the realisation of many technical and organisational undertakings.
Metodę chromatografii gazowej zastosowano do oznaczania zawartości fenantrenu, fluorantenu, pirenu, bezno(a)pirenu, chryzenu, benzo(g,h,i) perylenu i perylenu w materiale roślinnym
Gas chromatographic method was used to determine the concentration of PAHs (pyrene, fluoranthene, phenanthrene, chrysene, benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene) in the grass. Study materials were collected near the traffic road in Cracow. PAHs were extracted with cyclohexane. The glass column coated with Kieselgel was used tu purified the extract. The extract was concentrated on vacuum evaporator and put on the top of glass column with aluminium oxide. PAHs were determined in cyclohexane eluant by gas chromatography after concentrate. The highest PAH concentration was 23,7 µg/g (phenanthrene in the sample of the grass collected from PI. Wolności). The concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in range from 0.04 to 0.4 µg/g depended on the place of collecting sample.
Przedstawiono i omówiono dostępne wyniki badań stopnia skażenia żywności pozostałościami dieldryny i aldryny. Oszacowano, że wielkość spożycia dieldryny i aldryny w Polsce jest 5-10-krotnie niższa od wyznaczonych wartości dopuszczalnego dziennego pobrania (ADI; RfD). Dieldryna i aldryna były stosowane w Polsce krótko i w małych ilościach w latach 1958-1971. O ile pozostałości aldryny są praktycznie nieobecne w żywności produkowanej w kraju, to źródłem dieldryny jest skażone środowisko naturalne. Pozostałości dieldryny i aldryny potencjalnie mogą jeszcze występować w niektórych środkach spożywczych pochodzących z Azji, Oceanii, Afryki i przypuszczalnie z Ameryki Łacińskiej, tj. w rejonach świata gdzie conajmniej jeszcze niedawno stosowano te pestycydy.
Dieldrin and aldrin exposure from a particular food items in Poland in 1970-1996 was calculated by multiplying its annualized mean consumption rates by residue concentration in the food. Estimated daily dietary intakes of dieldrin and aldrin were from 1,0 do 1,3 µg per person in 1970-1985 and from 0,50 do 0,58 µg per person in 1990-1996, on the average. Fish and dairy products are a main source of dieldrin in a total diet in Poland.
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