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Background and Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyse the effects of sustainability-oriented innovation practices on the overall organizational performance. Further, this paper also aims to advance understanding of the measurement of corporate sustainability practices with the focus on innovation dimensions. Design/Methodology/Approach - The study uses data obtained from a survey of 116 organizations encompassing both the manufacturing and service industries in Slovenia. Descriptive statistics were used in order to determine the level of sustainability-oriented innovation practices deployment. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to extract the underlying factors and to provide a basis for assessing their reliability and validity. In addition, regression analysis was used to quantify the effect of sustainability practices on the organizational performance. Results - Data analysis result showed that sustainability-oriented innovation practices are significantly associated with organizational performance. Therefore, empirical evidence from this research confirmed the premise that building innovation competencies and integrating innovation activities in organization’s processes lead to performance benefits. This contributes to the debate about the potential for organizations to be sustainable and competitive. Conclusion - The presented research on corporate sustainability provides important theoretical and practical insights on which the deployment of sustainability-oriented innovation practices are conducive to fostering a broader set of performance benefits. As such, managers should increase organizations’ capacity for innovation which can be beneficial in terms of performance implications and achieving sustainability goals
The paper presents results of empirical study on creation of added value in Polish telecom sector, based on Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator. First, an EVA analysis was performed for publicly traded telecom companies. Next, the e ectiveness of EVA itself in management of telecom companies was evaluated. A statistical analysis was made to investigate dependence between EVA and other indicators of company value, confirming that EVA sign and magnitude are in agreement with indicators based on data from financial books. Finally, the eff ectiveness of using EVA for prediction of market capitalization of telecom companies was investigated. Overall results do not give a clear picture and cannot allow to state that EVA is a better determinant of value of telecom company than financial indicators like Earnings Per Share (EPS).
Modeling languages are needed to describe the conceptual construct underlying software. Several modeling languages have been proposed during the last decades. Cognitive complexity is one of the common problems in designing modeling languages. Users have to split their attention and cognitive resources between two different tasks when working with complex language: solving the problem and understanding the elements composing the language. Several researches have been accomplished to evaluate cognitive complexity of modeling languages, among them, metric based and empirical approaches aremore important and convenient than others. In this paper, we compared these two methods. Results show that there is no significant relation between outputs generated by these approaches.
The purpose of this paper is to examine regulatory agencies and regulated parties in an empirical study of administrative disputes initiated against the decisions of regulatory agencies in Croatia. We first aim to provide an overview of the status and trend estimates regarding these disputes; second, to answer the question how well does the system work from the perspectives of both the plaintiffs and the regulatory agencies; third, to identify the problem areas and to compare these with problem areas identified by the authors studying the broader area of administrative judiciary in Croatia, and finally to compare efficiency level of regulatory agencies to other public authorities in confirming the legality of their decisions and actions. Data on all administrative disputes against 12 Croatian regulatory agencies’ decisions in the 17-year period between 1995 and 2011 are used to identify the main characteristics and trends relating to these disputes. Data for 2012 to 2013 was also examined to identify initial changes and emerging trends in the new administrative judiciary system resulting from fundamental legal reform as part of Croatia’s process of accession to the European Union in 2013. The results show these administrative disputes to be often costly and timely with modest outcome for the plaintiff and impressive success rate for the most of regulatory agencies.
There are many models in the current statistical literature for making inferences based on samples selected from a finite population. Parametric models may be problematic because statistical inference is sensitive to parametric assumptions. The Dirichlet process (DP) prior is very flexible and determines the complexity of the model. It is indexed by two hyperparameters: the baseline distribution and concentration parameter. We address two distinct problems in the article. Firstly, we review the current sampling methods for the concentration parameter, which use the continuous baseline distribution. We compare three different methods: the adaptive rejection method, the mixture of Gammas method and the grid method. We also propose a new method based on the ratio of uniforms. Secondly, in practice, some survey responses are known to be discrete. If a continuous distribution is adopted as the baseline distribution, the model is misspecified and standard inference may be invalid. We propose a discrete baseline approach to the DP prior and sample the unobserved responses from the finite population both using a Polya urn scheme and a Multinomial distribution. We applied our discrete baseline approach to a Phytophthora data set.
This paper focuses on the reading competence of a foreign language and aims at showing a particular approach to the reading comprehension of German texts. The role of inference and the knowledge of basic grammar while reading is discussed and particular analytical reading strategies are presented as a support to the theoretical questions. Their validity in the process of meaning reconstruction is finally approved by an empirical study.
W pracy przedstawiono propozycję wykorzystania statycznej metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej w empirycznych badaniach stanu i perspektyw wybranych procesów społecznych i gospodarczych towarzyszących integracji europejskiej.
In the paper author proposes use the statistical multidimensional comparative analysis in evaluations of the European integration processes. The basic problem is the concept of the synthetic distance measure of development to compare levels of development in European countries.
Protokoły głośnego myślenia są metodą badawczą stosowaną do pozyskania informacji na temat procesów poznawczych w trakcie procesu czytania mapy. W badaniach z wykorzystaniem tej metody uczestnicy głośno wypowiadają myśli oraz opisują swoje rozumowanie w trakcie rozwiązywania postawionego przed nimi zadania. Cały proces poznawczy jest nagrywany (np. kamerą cyfrową), a uzyskany materiał badawczy w postaci protokołów głośnego myślenia podlega analizie pod kątem stosowania różnych kategorii wypowiedzi. Protokoły głośnego myślenia jako metoda, która pozwala na obserwację nie tylko rezultatów, ale przede wszystkim procesu rozwiązywania problemu, są wykorzystywane w różnych dziedzinach nauki, np. w psychologii i pedagogice. W latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku metoda znalazła szersze zastosowanie w kartografii i jest wykorzystana np. w badaniach nad strategiami uczenia się treści mapy stosowanymi przez różnych użytkowników (o różnym poziomie znajomości zasad redakcji map lub osoby widzące, niewidome i niedowidzące), a także w badaniach użyteczności map. Metoda protokołów głośnego myślenia jest bardzo czasochłonna – na etapie zbierania danych, w trakcie kodowania i analizy protokołów. Niektóre niedogodności mogą być ograniczone, ale są również utrudnienia, które należy traktować jako nieodłączną jej cechę. W artykule zostały omówione niektóre problemy, które mogą być rozwiązane w trakcie planowania badań z zastosowaniem protokołów głośnego myślenia. Należy do nich wybór osoby eksperymentatora, jest on bowiem często dokonywany wbrew zaleceniom metodologicznym. Inną ważną kwestią jest skrócenie czasu analizy zebranych danych. Można to osiągnąć przez zastosowanie specjalnego oprogramowania, np. TRANSANA, MacSHAPA lub ELAN, które może być pomocne na różnych etapach opracowania i analizy nagrań. Ostatnią sprawą jest stosowanie innych metod razem z protokołami głośnego myślenia. Metody takie mogą dostarczyć danych uzupełniających. W artykule podano przykłady pokazujące, jak kartografowie rozwiązywali omawiane problemy metodologiczne w swoich badaniach. Poszukiwanie metod badawczych stosowanych w innych dziedzinach nauki i dostosowanie ich do problemów badawczych kartografii korzystnie wpływa na rozwój kartografii jako dyscypliny naukowej. Pozwala to na rozwinięcie warsztatu metodycznego i jednocześnie na skuteczniejsze uzyskiwanie odpowiedzi na stawiane pytania badawcze.
Think aloud method is the source of in-depth information on the processes that take place in the mind of a subject. The approach is applied when a researcher wants to understand why and how decision-making is being conducted. Applying the think aloud method, research subjects are asked to voice their thoughts while working on a given problem. The thinking aloud is recorded, transcribed, then (with help of independently working coders) segmented and coded. The think aloud method has been applied in various disciplines, e.g. psychology, education and knowledge engineering. It has been also applied in cartography since the last decade of the 20th century. The method has been used in order to get to know map learning strategies applied by various users (professionals vs. cartographically inexperienced, sighted vs. blind and visually impaired) or in map usability testing. The method is valuable to monitor not only the results of the tasks, but also the entire process of map use, acquisition of information from a map, strategies of problem solving. But the method is time- and labour-consuming, at the stage of data collection, particularly during coding and analysis of protocols. Some drawbacks of the method can be limited, but there are shortcomings that have to be treated as an inherent feature. Selected issues that should be resolved while designing the research with think aloud method are discussed in the article. The choice of the research assistant is often made against the methodological recommendation – it is a researcher, an author of the study. The another issue is a reduction of time used for an analysis, it can be achieved by an application of a special purpose software. Tools, like TRANSANA, MacSHAPA or ELAN, can help a researcher at various stages of the conducted study. The final issue discussed in the article, is an application of other methods that provide complement data. Examples showing how cartographers faced the discussed methodological issues are also presented. Cartographers keep searching for the new methods. The application of techniques from other disciplines, e.g. eye-tracking or think aloud methods, enriches cartography as science discipline and helps better answering for stated research questions and problems.
Background : Software development productivity is widely investigated in the Software Engineering literature. However, continuously updated evidence on productivity is constantly needed, due to the rapid evolution of software development techniques and methods, and also the regular improvement in the use of the existing ones. Objectives : The main goal of this paper is to investigate which factors affect productivity. It was also investigated whether economies or diseconomies of scale exist and whether they may be influenced by productivity factors. Method : An empirical investigation was carried out using a dataset available at the software project repository ISBSG. The major focus was on factors that may affect productivity from a functional point of view. The the conducted analysis was compared with the productivity data provided by Capers Jones in 1996 and 2013 and with an investigation on open-source software by Delorey et al. Results : This empirical study led to the discovery of interesting models that show how the different factors do (or do not) affect productivity. It was also found out that some factors appear to allow for economies of scale, while others appear to cause diseconomies of scale. Conclusions : This paper provides some more evidence about how four factors, i.e., programming languages, business areas, architectural types, and the usage of CASE tools, influence productivity and highlights some interesting divergences in comparison with the results reported by Capers Jones and Delorey et al.
Within an enclosed shooting range of the EMJOT company, the process of firing one hundred single bullets from a Glauberyt machine pistol was recorded. The empirical test used 9x19 mm FMJ Luger (Parabellum) ammunition manufactured in the Czech Republic in 2017. As the weapon is dedicated to special forces, the shots were fired by an anti-terrorist operative, at a target located 25 m away. In order to determine bullet dispersion, the results of the experiment were subjected to statistical processing. Mean displacement and mean square displacement relative to the mean hit point, histograms, normal distribution, as well as statistical tests and hypotheses were used for estimation. The shots were recorded with a high speed digital camera Phantom v 9.1. The videos recorded were used to determine the initial kinematic parameters of the bullet trajectory.
Na zamkniętej strzelnicy firmy EMJOT przeprowadzono rejestrację procesu wystrzelenia z pistoletu maszynowego Glauberyt ogniem pojedynczym stu pocisków. Do badań empirycznych użyto amunicję 9x19 mm FMJ Luger (Parabellum) produkcji czeskiej z 2017 roku. Ze względu na dedykowanie broni dla oddziałów specjalnych strzały oddane zostały przez antyterrorystę, do tarczy znajdującej się w odległości 25 m. W celu określenia rozrzutu pocisków wyniki eksperymentu poddano obróbce statystycznej. Do estymacji zastosowano uchylenie średnie i uchylenie średnio-kwadratowe względem średniego punktu trafień, histogramy, rozkład normalny, oraz testy i hipotezy statystyczne. Przy wykorzystaniu szybkiej kamery cyfrowej Phantom v.9.1 przeprowadzono rejestrację wykonanych strzelań. Zarejestrowane filmy posłużyły do określenia początkowych kinematycznych parametrów lotu pocisku.
Wielowymiarowość współczesnego projektowania architektonicznego, od fazy koncepcyjnej do wykonawczej, wymaga obligatoryjnego uwzględnienia na każdym etapie projektu i wykonawstwa potrzeb osób z ograniczeniami funkcjonalnymi, w tym seniorów. Punktem wyjścia do kształtowania obiektów architektury senioralnej są główne zasady projektowania uniwersalnego sformułowane i rozwijane przez Ronalda Mace od początku lat 70. XX w. Powołując się na te teorie, artykuł przedstawia studenckie wizje obiektów dedykowanych seniorom, projektowanych z wykorzystaniem technik badawczych warsztatowych w ramach realizowanego projektu POWR "Hub dostępności - centrum praktycznej nauki dostępności" oraz metodologii Research by Design. Powiązanie procesu projektowego z badaniami naukowymi wyzwoliło nowe możliwości interpretacji rozwiązań architektonicznych i stało się ważnym źródłem nowej wiedzy.
The multidimensionality of contemporary architectural design, from the conceptual to the execution stage, requires mandatory consideration at every stage of design and execution, of the needs of people with functional limitations, including seniors. The starting point for the design of architecture for seniors is the main principles of universal design formulated and developed by Ronald Mace since the early 1970s. Drawing on these theories, the article presents student visions of structures designed for seniors using workshop research techniques as part of the ongoing POWR "Accessibility Hub - centre for practical accessibility learning" (orig. Hub dostępności - centrum praktycznej nauki dostępności) Project and the research by design methodology. Linking the design process with scientific research has unleashed new possibilities for interpreting architectural solutions and has become an important source of new knowledge.
This article presents the results of an empirical study on the perception of celebrities by modern society. In the theoretical part, the literature was reviewed. Various definitions of a celebrity, their functions in society and the statuses received by virtue of their social status have been mentioned. The study was conducted with the use of a quantitative and qualitative survey method - in this case an online questionnaire.. The author tried to establish associations about these people, their activities and the target group of their activities - all seen through the eyes of an ordinary audience. There was also an interest in the influence of celebrities on the respondents’ lives. The questionnaires were completed by over 300 people, mostly aged 17-25, living in Poland. The intended research goals have been achieved, which allowed for initial research on a given topic and drawing appropriate conclusions. It was established, i.a., three main areas with which celebrities were associated and short definitions of these people.
Artykuł przedstawia omówienie wyników badania empirycznego na temat postrzegania celebrytów przez współczesne społeczeństwo. W części teoretycznej dokonano przeglądu literatury. Wspomniano o różnych definicjach celebryty, ich funkcjach w społeczeństwie oraz o statusach otrzymywanych ze względu na status społeczny. Badanie przeprowadzono za pomocą ankiety ilościowo-jakościowej przy wykorzystaniu kwestionariusza internetowego. Autorka próbowała ustalić skojarzenia dotyczące tych osób, ich zajęcia oraz grupę docelową ich działań - wszystko widziane oczyma zwykłego odbiorcy. Zainteresowano się również wpływem celebrytów na życie respondentów. Ankiety zostały wypełnione przez ponad 300 osób, w większości w wieku od 17 do 25 lat, mieszkających na terenie Polski. Zamierzone cele badawcze zostały osiągnięte, co umożliwiło wstępne zbadanie danego tematu oraz wyciągnięcie odpowiednich wniosków. Ustalono trzy główne obszary, z którymi kojarzono celebrytów oraz krótkie definicje tychże osób.
Zweryfikowano empirycznie wyniki analizy teoretycznej skuteczności działania wentylacji naturalnej w budynkach dla brojlerów w warumkach wysokich temperatur, a także porównano skuteczność działania wentylacji naturalnej do mechanicznej. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki badań generalnie potwierdzają, wyniki badań symulacyjnych i wskazują, że w okresie letnich upałów wentylacja naturalna zapewnia warunki termiczne porównywalne do tych, jakie są możliwe do uzyskania przez wentylację mechaniczną.
Paper presents an attempt to empirical studying the efficiency of natural ventilation in broiler houses during high ambient temperatures in the summertime. Moreover, the study aimed at comparing the microenvironment in similar buildings with natural and mechanical ventilation, under similar weather and technological conditions. The effect of various ambient temperatures and wind velocities on differences between inside and outside temperature was also evaluated. Obtained results suggest that the natural ventilation should provide the proper thermal conditions in a broiler house at high air temperatures in the summer. Experimental data generally confirmed the results of simulation study indicating that well designed natural ventilation system should protect the birds against thermal stress to similar degree like mechanical ventilation.
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