Emotional culture of a teacher is rich in content, original in pedagogics and little studied phenomenon that causes great interest in the modern process of preparation of musical art teachers. Scientists consider that combination of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ideas help the future teacher to perceive the surrounding world in all its material and spiritual wealth, to find in himself the best noble feelings, to give them to the pupils, to induce them to self-perfection. The aim of the article is to ground theoretically the set of pedagogical approaches to forming future musical art teacher’s emotional culture in the process of higher professional education (on material of study of musically-artistic character in vocally-choral works). One of the main conditions of formation of the emotional culture of a future teacher-musician is professionally selected educational repertoire. A selection of the right variety of genres and styles of conducting and choral repertoire, building on the level of complexity and sequence of study of a particular teaching material, the work on the artistic imagery in music – it all helps to keep the interest of students to the conductor's art, can cause quite a wide range of emotional experiences aimed at nurturing the emotional culture. In this perspective choral music may become for future specialists emotionally vivid source of knowledge of lifestyle, culture and spiritual content of the historical era. Indicative in this respect was, is and always will be the works of classical composers. The culture of emotions of a specialist of music profile involves finding and implementing interesting and effective ways of organization of the educational process that will ensure the effectiveness of this process. The educational-cognitive activity of students-musicians should be directed at understanding the role of emotional culture in their professional activities. Teachers should encourage future professionals to the fundamentals of emotional culture, to create a positive emotional atmosphere in the classroom, to ensure active work of students in the application of acquired knowledge, abilities and skills in the educational-cognitive activity, to develop an individual model of interaction with the pupils.
The aim of the article is to explain the meaning of the school emotional culture concept. The article presents following terms: culture, school culture, emotional culture. A few different views on the problem were presented in the text – the views of such sociologists as Erving Goffman, Arlie Hochschild and Steven Gordon. These are the scientists who introduced many new categories to the discussion on the topic of the social contexts of creating and expressing emotions. These are the categories: emotional culture, the feeling rules, emotional ideologies, emotional labour, emotional practice of teaching. By bringing up the issue the author points at the immense heuristic potential of emotional culture and exposes new and interesting fields for the scientists in the educational domain.
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Building upon A. K. Henrikson’s concept of mental mapping, the author proposes an interpretative framework to approach the European emotional landscape concerning Germany since 2010, when the symptoms of the European Union’s economic crisis became more visible. The main emotion considered here is fear in its broader sense. The analysis deals with collective emotions seen as a stabilized cultural element in international relations. The question of change in the dominating emotional regime is treated from a constructivist perspective as a norm change on the microsystemic level of the relations between given state agents and Germany, as well as on the macrosystemic scale of the international structure. Final remarks concern the reactivation of fear and its limits.
The meaning and interconnection of such definitions as emotions, emotional state, emotional culture, self-determination of the creative personality (in professional and life sphere), emotional intelligence are under view in the article. In the course of the study were used such methods as study, analysis, generalization, systematization of data of scientifical-methodological and special literature. The researcher analyzes approaches to definitions and structures, under which conditions they develop, examines basic theories of emotions. The aim of the study is to reveal the influence of the emotional state of personality on the process of self-determination and self-realization, to analyze the term “emotional culture” as the main condition for effective professional self-determination. It is being proved that self-identity is a controlled process and such qualities as emotional culture (in the context of professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher) and creative potential play an important role in this process. Emotional culture is understood as an integrated dynamic personal education, with its own structure, and a set of knowledge about the development of emotions, skills and methods of analising and controlling them. These skills are aimedat the adequate response, that contributes to verbalizationof human emotions, emotional openness, emotional empathy and giving emotional support toothers when needed. Among the leading components, ensuring the formation of a high level of emotional culture are the following: sociocultural, behavioral, emotional, motivational, ethical and moral. Emotional culture includes the emotional competence and emotional literacy. There are the following components in the structure of emotional culture, such as axiological, technological and personally creative. The interaction of emotional culture and emotional intelligence can be most fully realized in the emotional environment. Emotional environment includes emotions and emotional relations that occur in humans during interaction. So pedagogical influence on the process of professional self-determination of a person occurs under condition of targed pedagogical work to help a person to understand himself better, to be able to estimate personal skills. Hence, professional self-determination is a controllable process. And one of the elements controlling professional self-determination is the development of emotional culture of the individual. Thus, the ways of development of emotional culture of the person are suggested. This improves the effectiveness of the process of self-determination.
As the theoretical framework of this text serves the concept of S. Gordon’s emotional culture. It includes emotion dictionaries, norms, and beliefs about emotions. I am interested in some aspects of the emotional culture of professionals in the social welfare sector. The results obtained are intended to provide further discussion on the transformations of emotional culture in the sphere of help.
Ramą teoretyczną niniejszego tekstu jest koncepcja kultury emocjonalnej Stevena Gordona. Obejmuje ona słowniki emocji, normy i przekonania wobec emocji. Interesują mnie aspekty kultury emocjonalnej profesjonalistów w sektorze pomocy społecznej. Uzyskane wyniki mają służyć dalszym dyskusjom na temat przemian kultury emocjonalnej w sferze pomocy.
This paper addresses issues of feminism, masculinity, and the emotional culture of middle-class men who self-declare as feminists. The author discusses feminist theories on masculinity and its relations with femininity, critical theories of masculinity, and the role of emotional culture in the expression of masculinity. Feminists have proposed a dimorphic definition of feminism as a political movement and personal attitude critical of masculine domination. The critique of patriarchal, hegemonic masculinity has led feminists either to identify with “positive” masculinity or to reject masculinity for a post-gender narrative or material-discursive fact of “being a man,” which suggests an inadequacy of the sex/gender distinction in the description of gender identity. The identification with feminism allows men to avoid the crisis of traditional masculinity and the perspective of gendered emotions, as well as to gain insight into gendered determinants of emotional expression.
The author tries to define the intanglements between emotions and foreign policy in international relations. Starting with a theoretical framework presenting the key-concept of “emotional culture” through an approach inspired by newer cultural studies as well as constructivist theories of International Relations, he shows first the link between emotions and remembrance in emotional communities. Furthermore, he underlines the stabilizing function of a given emotional regime, but also the possibility of its political instrumentalization and the risks of manipulation. He takes then the example of how some European emotional cultures have evolved concerning Germany after 1945 (from fear to confidence). Some final comments evoke successful and less successful forms of reactivation of the former emotional norm in relation with Germany in the past years since the beginning of the financial crisis in the Euro-zone. This shows the still dominatingheterogeneity of emotional cultures in Europe.
Autor artykułu podejmuje próbę definiowania wzajemnych relacji między emocjami a polityką zagraniczną w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Począwszy od teoretycznego uzasadnienia kluczowego pojęcia „kultury uczuciowej“ według podejścia zainspirowanego zarówno najnowszymi badaniami kulturoznawczymi, jak i konstruktywizmem w teorii stosunków międzynarodowych, wskazuje najpierw na związek między emocjami a pamięcią we wspólnotach uczuciowych. Dalej podkreśla funkcję stabilizującą danego reżimu uczuciowego, ale też możliwości jego politycznej instrumentalizacji oraz ryzyko jego manipulacji. Następnie przedstawia przykład ewolucji niektórych europejskich kultur uczuciowych w stosunku do Niemiec po roku 1945 (od strachu do zaufania). Kończący komentarz autor poświęca udanym i mniej udanym formom reaktywacji dawnej normy uczuciowej doyczącej. Niemiec w ostatnich latach, od momentu rozpoczęciakryzysu finansowego w strefie Euro, zwracając przy tym uwagę na dalej panującą różnorodność kultur uczuciowych w Europie.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag unternimmt der Autor den Versuch einer Definition der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Emotionen und Außenpolitik in den internationalen Beziehungen. Als theoretische Basis dient hier der Schlüsselbegriff „Gefühlskultur“, der sich von den neueren kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen sowie von der sozialkonstruktivistischen Theorie der internationalen Beziehungen inspiriert. Zunächst wir auf den Nexus zwischen Emotion und Erinnerung in so genannten Gefühlsgemeinschaften hingewiesen. Des Weiteren unterstreicht der Autor die stabilisierende Rolle kollektiver Gefühlsregime, allerdings aber auch die Möglichkeiten politischer Instrumentalisierung sowie das Risiko einer Manipulierung. Als Beispiel wird die Entwicklung bestimmtereuropäischer Gefühlskulturen in Bezug auf Deutschland seit 1945 dargestellt (vom Angst- zum Vertrauensverhältnis). Abschließend werden aktuelle, mehr oder weniger erfolgreiche Versuche erwähnt, die einstige Gefühlsnorm bezüglich Deutschlands zu reaktivieren, insbesondere seit dem Beginn der Eurokrise. Daraus wird die nach wie vor herrschende Vielfalt europäischer Gefühlskulturen deutlich.
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