This paper presents the results of comparative research carried out at the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budejovice (ITB) into the foreign language knowledge of students according to different teaching methods. At the Institute, traditional teaching methods (with a real teacher) are applied, supported by the use of information and communication technologies. The research demonstrated that the results from both forms of teaching were comparable, thereby proving that ICT can contribute positively to the development of the professional language skills of students in higher education. The latest technologies have the capacity to influence both the learning environment and the learners themselves, including the way they collect and process information and form new knowledge. If applied appropriately, new technologies can substantially support this process.
The article discusses the competencies of vocational education teachers, as well as discusses the results of own research, which aimed to determine three types of teachers conceptualized by students - the most liked, the least liked, and the dream one. The research used the interview method, where the research technique was an interview, and the research tool was an interview questionnaire. The students' statements were analyzed using the Python Natural Language Toolkit used for natural language processing. In this way, the most common words used by students in describing teachers were selected. As a result, the personal qualities and pedagogical competencies of mechatronic teachers that students approve and disapprove of, as well as those that they lack and which would make a difference to the effectiveness of education, were identified.
In the article, the issue of teaching the foreign language to adult learners has been raised. The author presented a set of components allowing to conduct individual foreign language classes with a business client effectively. Special attention has been paid to non-linguistic elements of a didactic unit which allow to diversify the classes and which introduce friendly atmosphere that simplifies the memorization of the material. The opinion has been stated that the key to effective teaching and educational success is the attitude of the teacher who builds a creative and dynamic team together with the student. As a conclusion, the author presented a few rules of good classes in the company.
Celem artykułu jest zdefiniowanie modelu dobrego nauczania uniwersyteckiego bazującego na opiniach studentów. Tekst rozpoczyna analiza definicji skutecznego nauczania i sposobów jego pomiaru. Następnie przedstawiony jest model ewaluacji nauczania pod kątem jego przydatności, zgodnie z ocenami studentów uniwersyteckich (Webb & Vallero, 2017). Część empiryczna odnosi się do analizy opinii studentów dotyczących zajęć uniwersyteckich celem określenia elementów dobrego nauczania najbardziej odpowiednich dla uczących się w danym kontekście edukacyjnym. W części końcowej artykułu zaproponowano nowy model oceny nauczania akademickiego, oparty na opiniach studentów.
The paper aims to define a workable model of good pedagogy for the purpose of evaluation of university teaching based on student ratings. Firstly, it reviews definitions of effective teaching and ways of measuring it. Then, the model of good pedagogy selected for its suitability for evaluation by university student ratings is introduced (Webb & Vallero, 2017). The next part of the study examines data from student evaluation of university subjects to determine the elements of good pedagogy most relevant to the learners in that particular educational context. Finally, the paper proposes a new model for the purpose of evaluation of good university teaching based on student ratings.
The aim of this study is to draw attention to the demand for a more user-friendly teaching process, which would be less of a lecture and more of an activity, and in which the student is treated as a creator and not a recipient of knowledge or the object of the educational process. Therefore, it is worth considering how to teach a young person to think independently and learn effectively.
Ongoing civilizational changes have led to the shift of expectations towards teachers especially those teaching vocational school students, preparing them to enter and thrive in the competitive labour market. It is not enough for vocational school students to gain qualifications, they must also be prepared for dealing with ever-changing circumstances including changing requirements of specific jobs. The teacher is responsible for securing appropriate conditions for students to think out of the box, to be independent, to understand themselves and the world around them, and to be able to organize the school environment appropriately to face civilizational challenges. The article, based on own research, discusses the competencies and personalities of mechatronic teachers described by their students as well as the way teachers organize the educational process and a realistic attitude the youth has towards the teacher and the education process.
Dokonujące się zmiany cywilizacyjne spowodowały zmianę oczekiwań społeczeństwa względem nauczycieli, w szczególności nauczycieli szkół zawodowychprzygotowujących uczniów do zaistnienia i utrzymania się na wymagającym rynku pracy. Uczniom szkoły zawodowej nie wystarczy, że zdobędą kwalifikacje zawodowe wyodrębnione w zawodzie, lecz powinni być w pełni przygotowani do funkcjonowania w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości, w tym do zmieniającychsię wymagań na konkretnym stanowisku pracy. Na nauczycielu spoczywa obowiązek zapewnienia warunków sprzyjających wyzwalaniu u uczniów myśleniainnowacyjnego, bycia autonomicznym, twórczym, rozumiejącym siebie i otaczające środowisko, a także zorganizowania środowiska szkolnego w taki sposób, aby w przyszłości uczniowie sprostali wymaganiom cywilizacyjnym. W artykule na podstawie badań własnych omówiono jakie kompetencje i jaką osobowośćposiadają nauczyciele przedmiotów mechatronicznych w opinii ich podopiecznych, jak nauczyciele ci organizują proces kształcenia, a także jaki „realistyczny”stosunek ma młodzież do nauczyciela oraz procesu kształcenia.
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