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Horyzonty Polityki
tom 9
nr 29
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to assess the state of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions in Europe (which are not universities for Economics) comparing the academic developments in the field of entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Western Europe (WE). THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: To fulfil the objectiveof the paper such research methods as literature review and Internet research were applied. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The process of arguments presented in this paper was systemized in two parts. Firstly, there was discussed the theoretical background of academic entrepreneurship education. Secondly, based on own Internet research there was presented and discussed the educationalprogramme in the field of entrepreneurship at selected European universities. RESEARCH RESULTS: There are discrepancies in teaching entrepreneurship between universities in Europe. West-European universities offer a richer entrepreneurship programme than those in South-Europe. Moreover, universities in CEE lag behind those in WE in entrepreneurship education. Poland is an exception,which offers a range of specialist subjects in the field of entrepreneurship, which Polish academics seem to specialize in. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS:The paper focuses on examining the entrepreneurship as a single subject (compulsory or optional) of university curriculum. It is recommended to analyze, if universities have specialist chairs for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship centres offering a comprehensive entrepreneurship programme.
Curriculum enrichment principle is one of the approaches in education of mathematically gifted students. Usage of didactic computer games could be one of the possibilities of accomplishment.
Problem zanieczyszczenia wody w Polsce musi być jak najszybciej rozwiązany. Szczególnie duże korzyści może przynieść unowocześnienie gospodarowania zasobami wodnymi przez zarządzanie nimi w ramach zlewni, a nie województwa. Taka sytuacja ma miejsce na terenie dorzecza górnej Raby. Gminy z dorzecza oraz Miasto Kraków utworzyły związek, którego celem jest ochrona jakości wody w Rabie i Zbiorniku Dobczyckim. Jednak wśród społeczności lokalnej pojawił się opór w stosunku do budowy nowych oczyszczalni czy rozbudowy systemu kanalizacji, co hamuje inwestycje Związku. Dlatego edukacja i kształtowanie świadomości to ważne elementy gospodarki wodnej. We współpracy z Zespołem Edukacji Ekologicznej INOŚ UJ w latach 2003-2004 na terenie gmin dorzecza zrealizowano program informacyjno-edukacyjny oparty o innowacyjną technikę ,,doradców domowych". Podstawowym założeniem programu było odwiedzenie przez doradców jak największej liczby domostw, zbadanie ich nastawienia do planów rozbudowy infrastruktury wodno-kanalizacyjnej oraz promowanie zachowań prośrodowiskowych. W pierwszej fazie programu (2003) doradcy odwiedzili 1721 gospodarstw. Około 30% mieszkańców wyraziło sprzeciw wobec budowy nowych oczyszczalni ścieków w ich miejscu zamieszkania. W drugim etapie programu doradcy domowi wizytowali kolejne gospodarstwa wśród których było 24% tych, które wzięły udział w pierwszym etapie programu. Ewaluacja wykazała, że mieszkańcy, którzy spotkali się z doradcami po raz drugi, byli bardziej świadomi stanu czystości wód dorzecza, częściej wyrażali zgodę na odpłatne podłączenie gospodarstwa do kanalizacji oraz na budowę oczyszczalni ścieków w pobliżu miejsca ich zamieszkania. Aby efekty edukacji były długotrwałe, a działania podjęte na terenie dorzecza przyniosły oczekiwane zmiany w świadomości mieszkańców program powinien być kontynuowany i ewaluowany.
Water pollution in Poland needs an immediate solution. Water management seems to be most effective by using watershed rather province politics. Co-operation between various municipalities makes realization of various projects possible. Municipalities situated in the Upper Raba and the City of Krakow established the Association aimed at protection of water quality in the Raba River and Dobczyce Reservoir. First effects - building of sewage system and treatment plant - have been already seen. Further investigation is constantly halted by the local communities. Negative attitudes of inhabitants stem mainly from their lack of knowledge. That is why education and attitude shaping are important elements of water management. In the municipalities situated in the Raba River Watershed information and education program using home advisor technique was realized in two subsequent years (2003-2004). The main goal of the program was visiting local households by the home advisors in order to promote eco-friendly attitudes and behaviors. In the first phase of the program (2003), home advisors visited 1721 households. The first phase showed that ca. 30% of the population was against the water treatment plants establishment. In the following year, the evaluation of the program was conducted using the same technique. Amongst 500 households that took part in the second phase there were people, who participated in the first phase (24%). Evaluation proved that their awareness of water pollution in the Raba River Watershed was higher than of the other program participants. They also more frequently accepted the necessity of payable connection of their houses to the sewage system and building of treatment plants in their immediate vicinity. Educational activities resulted in a change of environmental problems perception among local residents. But they are most effective only when they are constant. Such a programs should be continuously monitored and advised. Those inhabitants who were included in the educational program however, most often changed their attitudes towards such investigations than the rest of the local population.
Content available remote Patients' adherence in asthma
While diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorders (AS D) is clear, misconceptions of AS D create barriers and challenges for children with AS D and their interaction in the educational environment around them. The social model of disability states people with disabilities are more limited by social constraints than actual impairment (Llewellyn and Hogan 2000). In hopes to diminish these social constraints, continued education and progression of programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is essential. When observing the different teaching strategies educators used to assist children with AS D, no one educational strategy was deemed appropriate for use. Findings revealed there were no defined guidelines on how to interact with autistic children and left teachers to use their own teaching methods. Literature reflect a lack of educational strategies for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in an academic setting; at the various grade levels. One of the newer strategies to be investigated is the role of physical activity in children with ASD. Regular physical activity is highly beneficial towards the health of all children with or without disabilities. However, social and behavioral impairments leave little opportunity for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to be successful in participating in physical activity; resulting in a possible higher risk of being inactive. Exercise options such as martial arts, swimming and yoga programs have been shown to be successful for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Content available Kształcenia kadr na potrzeby współczesnych miast
Miasta są centrami rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego – miejscami koncentracji potencjału gospodarczego i innowacji oraz ośrodkami usług świadczonych na rzecz społeczności lokalnej. Są przede wszystkim „tworem” społecznym, efektem aktywności i kreatywności ich obywateli, relacji międzyludzkich oraz pochodną wspólnej tradycji i kultury. Zarówno w okresie rozkwitu, jak i kryzysu w istotny sposób determinują rozwój regionu czy kraju. Miasta i ich kondycja są dziś w centrum uwagi i zainteresowań różnorodnych instytucji i organizacji. Zarówno w obszarze badań naukowych, jak i praktycznych działań oraz politycznych inicjatyw, miasto jest definiowane i opisywane przez pryzmat koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Karta Lipska [2007] wyznaczającą ścieżkę zrównoważonego rozwoju miast jako główne priorytety wskazuje dobrobyt gospodarczy, równowagę społeczną i zdrowe środowisko. Istotą zrównoważonego rozwoju miast jest zatem integracja i synchronizacja działań wokół kluczowych obszarów, takich jak: jakość życia, gospodarka innowacyjna „oparta na wiedzy” i niskoemisyjna, zasobooszczędne gospodarowanie oraz adaptacja do zmian klimatu. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój ma być kluczem do sukcesu w ich rozwoju. Wyzwania te wymagają innowacyjnych rozwiązań w wymiarze gospodarczym, społecznym, przyrodniczym i instytucjonalnym. Dlatego na znaczeniu zyskuje nowoczesne i kompleksowe podejście do planowania i zarządzania rozwojem miast, szczególnie w kontekście powiązań i relacji między sferą przyrodniczą, społeczną i gospodarczą.
Complexity and diversity of cities and their functional areas, facing socio-economic changes and ecological problems, become a great challenge for planning and management of their development. Developing awareness and responsibility of urban society and professionalization of personnel managing present cities, in particular in the context of resource-efficient management, development of high quality life, innovative and low-emission economy and social participation, is crucial. The aim of the article is the identification of needs and expectations in the scope of education for the sake of urban sustainable development. The article focuses on current problems of the development of education process at universities, particularly in the context of multi-agent co-operation and practical education profile. It discusses the needs and indicates recommendations in the scope of education for the sake of sustainable development of cities. It presents the ways of the development and frames of practical functioning of the education programme Economics of a Sustainable City – a new and innovative didactic offer that responds to the needs of labour market.
Unfavorable living conditions of the population, particularly in rural areas, and the relatively low level of health culture, expressed by bad nutrition, insufficient physical activity, alcohol abuse, and smoking, are not conducive to maintaining the health of the population. The health status of the population, including children and young people, is assessed as highly unsatisfactory. The aim of this study was to evaluate the research on health behavior, serving as a basis for formulation of health education programs in rural areas. Literature reports seem to indicate that this sphere of life and education is a bit neglected, probably highly diverse and determined by the influence of various factors, both environmental and individual. Therefore, identification of hazards, understanding their life situation, diagnosing the situation, especially in a group of school children, is particularly desirable and expected. The development of health promotion and prevention programs among adolescents must be based on a fully reliable diagnosis of social situation, documented and monitored. Circulating information from newspaper reports and the school environment suggests the need for particular actions in the field of school health education, conducted by prepared, authoritative staff of educators. Such are the expectations and needs of young people and those who consider the health issues of children significant. The problem of great importance is the issue of research on the health behavior of young people, including rural areas, and the development of compatible research tools. The lack of such tools makes the comparison of the results obtained by different authors difficult. The acquired theoretical knowledge and implementation of various health programs have often failed to produce practical results. What is needed are the actual steps to promote health in schools and homes, and the skills to use the existing knowledge to make the analysis and search for the determinants of health behavior of young people. The skillful linking of thinking, action and knowledge of the determinants of health behavior, will prevent from one-sided trends in education, and will bring more focus on the skills and versatility in the harmonious development of young people. To develop the action strategy for health education, addressed to a group of children and young people of school age in rural areas, it is important to know the perception of health in this environment.
Przeprowadzono badania w 1425 szkołach podstawowych, które realizowały program edukacyjny „Czas przemian" dotyczący higieny wieku dojrzewania. Oceniono przyjęte przez szkoły rozwiązania organizacyjne przy realizowaniu ww. programu oraz jego przydatność. Oceniono również sposób w jaki program został przyjęty przez uczniów i jakie są uwarunkowania tej oceny.
The educational program „The Always Changing Program" was performed in 1500 primary schools in 21 major towns in different voievodships and concerned 200 thousands children from 5 and 6 classes. The studies aimed at the evaluation of its usefulness for health education in primary schools as well as of feedback reaction from pupils. 1406 schools and 1425 school children who completed this program participated in the study. The results showed that both schools and coordinators from the Sanitary Epidemiological Stations are well prepared to introduce this program. The approaches applied by schools were in accordance with the intentions of the program. The program was positively evaluated by school authorities as far as its contents and additional tools in which it was equipped are concerned. The need for the continuation of this program was expressed together with the proposals concerning its extension including films. The opinions expressed by school children allow to conclude that the program is useful and that this kind of education is expected to be continued in schools. It was found different feedback reaction depending on sex and social status. This creates the need for more specific approaches for defined groups of children. The evaluation of the influence of this program on specific knowledge and behavioral patterns in children are planned.
Autorka przedstawia wyniki ewaluacji programu edukacji zdrowotnej w szkole wyższej. Studenci preferują tematykę związaną bezpośrednio z ich potrzebami zdrowotnymi i postulują też ograniczenie teorii na rzecz zaleceń praktycznych. Koniecznym jest integracja składników edukacji akademickiej, a także staranniejszego i skuteczniejszego prowadzenia edukacji zdrowotnej na niższych szczeblach edukacji, tak by studenci mogli skupić się na metodyce edukacji zdrowotnej.
Author presents the results of health education program's evaluation in academy. She stresses the fact that students prefer subject matter directly related to their own health needs and postulate to increase practical teaching by limitation theoretical knowledge. Author postulates the need of integration academic education's elements and also more accurate and effective carrying on health education on lower levels of education, so that students using their skills and widening their knowledge could concentrate on methodic of health education, threated like one of the instruments of their future work.
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