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Analiza podstawowych wskaźników i wielkości ekonomicznych jest lustrzanym odbiciem i weryfikacją skuteczności wszystkich procesów i działań podejmowanych w przedsiębiorstwie. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia tych procesów i sprowadzenia ich do aspektów finansowych w postaci analizy podstawowych, rocznych sprawozdań finansowych składanych przez METALODLEW SA. Upublicznienie tych danych traktujemy jako proces budowania wiarygodności naszego przedsiębiorstwa wobec klientów, dostawców, partnerów handlowych oraz tak ważnych instytucji finansowych jak banki, fundusze, instytucje publiczne czy nawet urzędy skarbowe. Analiza ta pokazuje zarówno te dobre jak i trudne strony prowadzonej działalności. Zapraszamy inne odlewnie do prezentacji swoich wyników - poznajmy się także przez przedstawiane dane finansowe i rezultaty naszych działań.
The analysis of the basic economic factors and economic values is a mirror reflection and a verification of the effectiveness of all processes and activities undertaken in the given enterprise This article is an attempt to present and to bring about these processes to financial aspects in the form of analysis of the above-mentioned basic, annual financial reports set by METALDDLEW SA. The showing and spreading of these data are treated as the process of building the image and reliability of firm towards its customers, suppliers, trade partners and very important financial institutions, like: banks, public institutions and even fax offices. The analysis is presented in a reliable way; it shows both good and difficult sides of the firm carrying out its activities. You are invited to present your results in order to get acquainted with other firms, awing to the presentation of your image and learning about their financial data and results of their activities.
W rozważaniach nad zagadnieniem bezpieczeństwa elektroenergetycznego kraju należy uwzględniać wszystkie podstawowe obszary funkcjonalne tego sektora, a wśród nich zagadnienia pozyskiwania surowców energetycznych, wytwarzania energii elektrycznej, jej przesyłu, dystrybucji oraz użytkowania. Są one bowiem częścią łańcucha technologicznego dostaw energii elektrycznej do użytkowników końcowych. Wśród istotnych czynników wpływających na bezpieczeństwo funkcjonowania sektora elektroenergetycznego można wymienić: ekonomiczne, organizacyjne i prawne. Były one przedmiotem analiz przeprowadzonych w ramach Projektu Badawczego Zamawianego nr PBZ-MEiN-1/2.2006 pt. „Bezpieczeństwo elektroenergetyczne kraju”, realizowanego przez konsorcjum politechnik Gdańskiej, Śląskiej, Warszawskiej i Wrocławskiej, w szczególności dotyczących zadania 7 – pt. „Wpływ czynników ekonomicznych, organizacyjnych i prawnych na bezpieczeństwo elektroenergetyczne”. Artykuł stanowi krótką syntezę rezultatów wymienionych wyżej analiz, wykonanych przez różne ośrodki naukowe kraju.
Relative performance of students by gender in public examinations was assessed using questionnaires and standardized test on one hundred and eighty students from some selected urban centered schools in Benue State. Casual comparative design and correlation design were used and the results showed that socio-economic status of parents affects the performance of their children/wards (students), and there is no significance difference in the level of performance between boys and girls in public examinations. Parent should be enlightened through seminars and workshops on the importance of educating themselves and their children/ward. Governments, nongovernmental organization (NGO’S) and individuals should establish more schools for more education of both sexes. These were the suggestions advanced.
The nations need more and more energy to achieve their main objectives, launching the economic growth, or at least maintaining it. There is a relationship characterized by an inverted U-shaped curve between the emissions of pollutants (some local contaminants, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals) per capita and GDP per capita distribution. We selected nine observation variables and twenty-seven observation units. Each observation units are OECD member states. It is expected to be confirmed that between the values of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and gross domestic product growth there is a statistically significant relationship. The so called developed countries need more and more energy to produce their GDP (for example agricultural production) and because of this their CO2 emission increased in the observed period of time. The strongest relationship of the whole analysis is between the observation units, energy consumption and CO2 emission. Unfortunately we can state that if a country wants to raise its GDP-level this country will use more energy to achieve this goal. The source of the large part of extra energy will be fossil fuels because they are still the cheapest energy sources.
Kraje na wiecie potrzebuj¹ coraz wiêcej energii, aby zwiêkszaæ wzrost gospodarczy lub przynajmniej utrzymaæ go na obecnym poziomie. W artykule dokonano analizy wybranych wskaników rodowiskowych, ekonomicznych i efektywnoci ekonomicznej z zastosowaniem teorii krzywych rodowiskowych Kuznetsa. Do analizy wybrano dziewiêæ zmiennych i dwadziecia siedem jednostek obserwacji, którymi by³y kraje cz³onkowskie OECD. Postawiono hipotezê, ¿e miêdzy wartociami zu¿ycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych oraz wzrostu produktu krajowego brutto jest istotny statystycznie zwi¹zek. W wyniku analiz stwierdzono, i¿ kraje rozwiniête musz¹ zu¿ywaæ coraz wiêcej energii do produkcji PKB i dlatego w obserwowanym okresie wzros³a emisja CO2 . Najsilniejszy zwi¹zek zaobserwowano miêdzy jednostkami obserwacji, zu¿yciem energii i emisji CO2 . Mo¿na stwierdziæ, ¿e pañstwo chce zwiêkszyæ PKB musi zu¿ywaæ wiêcej energii, aby osi¹gn¹æ ten cel. Znaczna czêci dodatkowej energii bêdzie pochodzi³a nadal z paliw kopalnych, poniewa¿ s¹ najtañszym ród³em energii.
Production quantity, quality, and prices of cow milk in Czech Republic, as well as in Poland, are permanently influenced by economic factors and, after EU participation, also by the milk quota regime. Alongside similarities production characteristics, in Poland and the Czech Republic there exist substantial differences. The aim of this study was to overview changes taking place in the meat and milk sectors of the Czech Republic. Despite the decreasing cattle population (including dairy cows), production in the Czech Republic is rather stable because of rising milk yield. During the last few years there has been a milk surplus on the market, even thought dairy exports dominate over import. A precondition of the realization of milk on the market is its high quality and this has become a basic prerequisite for profit and for the maintenance of the customer in the competitive market. An analysis has therefore been carried out of the economic indicators of the dynamics of milk yield, overall production and the quality indicators of milk, the bulk purchase and buying price of milk, during the years 1998 to 2004, including a survey of the costs, profits and the marketability of milk in the given years. In 2004, the milk purchase price, including compensation payment, ranged around 8 crowns (CZK) per litre. However, the production costs of milk sold increased to 8.42 crowns resulting in a lack of profitability. This was a result of an increasing growth rate in expenditure over milk yield. The level of expenditure and profits of the milk production of agricultural enterprises is going to be comparable with average results attained in EU-15. The static level of milk production is characteristic for all countries operating with a milk quota regime (EU-15, Norway, Switzerland and Canada). Individual reference quantities become a limiting factor for many producers. Based on EU data milk output is forecast to exceed national quota for 2005/6 in Czech and Poland, exposing both countries to hefty fines.
The contribution is aimed on the analysis of company’s profitability especially on rate of return on assets – ROA indicator. The article is divided into two parts. In the first part is characterized indicator ROA and the ROA is disaggregating into two components: profit margin and total assets turnover. In the next part are analyzed the main factors that impact ROA and determine the level of the ROA. The main factors can be classified as operating leverage, cyclicality of sales and product life cycle.
Requirements for flexible manufacturing have been increasing in the last years. In order to insure effective operation of expansive manufacturing equipment, which has to run automatically and unattended, tool monitoring is important. Therefore, the essential problem to be overcome to achieve the full potential of unmanned machining is the development of effective and reliably sensors systems to monitoring the process and corrective action in case abnormal operation. The ultimate goal of the development of such production equipment is to enhance the overall economic of the manufacturing process. Even when there are at present many monitoring systems commercially available in the market for tuming processes, serious difficulties still remain to be solved to apply monitoring systems successfully in machining centers. Being these difficulties mainly related with the limited accessibility to the rotating tool for sensing purposes in tool driven machining processes. Therefore, the primary objective of this paper assess the feasibility of using force signal analysis as means for monitoring tool condition in drilling.
W pracy przedstawiono obliczenia dotyczące zastosowania wielokryterialnej metody podejmowania decyzji (AHP) do analizy wyboru typu gospodarstwa agroturystycznego. W artykule przedstawiono i scharakteryzowano metodę do wyboru wariantów z czterech różnych spotykanych typów przedsiębiorstw agroturystycznych. Wykazano, że metodę AHP można z powodzeniem stosować do wyboru typu gospodarstwa agroturystycznego, przy czym przyjęto równoważne priorytety czynników ekonomicznych i funkcjonalnych.
The paper presents calculation the multiple criteria decision analysis of concepts of a type building site planning for the farm tourism. For the multi-criteria analysis a simple model using the AHP method was adopted. The article presents and characterizes the method for selecting variants from four different types of agrotourism farms. It has been shown that the AHP method can be successfully used to select the type of agritourism farm, with the adoption of equivalent priorities of economic and functional factors.
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