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Nowadays the developed Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies deliver many new opportunities to manufacturing companies. One of their benefits may be the elimination of costly tools in the passage from design to production. This cost is one of crucial factors of decision making process about the use of technology in a defined production case. The managers have to determine at which quantity of produced goods the purchase of tooling is profitable. The objective of the paper is to present literature review about economic aspects of AM and the analysis of production cost of a medium size plastic component in the SLS process compared to the cost of the same part produced with injection moulding (IM).
Economic and environmental aspects of generating energy from renewable sources in various forms: thermal, electric and mechanical have been presented in this article. Utilization of those resources and their promotion has been imposed on us by the climate convention but substantial level of pollution in large cities of our country contributed to that as well. RES share in the production of electricity and heating in Poland is regulated centrally by the directive of Minister of Economy. RES utilization is gradually becoming more rational in our country. It levels the prices of biomass for energy sector which has a visible impact on the level of round wood prices in Poland.
The paper aims to examine the influence of selected animal welfare aspects on the net farm income. Data used in the study were collected under the EDF (European Dairy Farmers) program in 280 farms representing 22 European countries. It was analyzed using the variance and covariance analysis. Following animal welfare aspects were taken into consideration: access to pasture, frequency of milking, culling rate, period between calvings and milk yield. Combinations of each two aspects were also taken into account. Milk production is one of the most important branches in Polish agriculture. Net farm income obtained by milk producers are influenced by factors related to animal welfare. It was found, that farms providing animals with access to pasture are characterized by lower culling rate and milk yield than farms not providing animals with access to pasture. At the same time farms providing animals with access to pasture obtain higher net farm income. The limitation in revenue causes by decreased in milk yield is recompensed by savings in costs. It might be supposed, that this result is related both, to improved health status of animals, and lower costs of feeding. That confirms, that access pasture is a very important determinant of net farm income. Another important factor determining net farm income in milk production is culling rate. Farms characterized by higher culling rate obtain lower net farm income.
Equinor (formerly Statoil) deals in the exploration, production, transport, refining and sale of crude oil and petroleum products. Recently, the oil industry has experienced the deepest crisis since at least the nineties. Despite the resignation of many important investors, it should be remembered that the population is growing, the world is also demanding energy. Therefore, despite instability in the oil market, Equinor wants to develop its operations. Of course, the company has place an emergency plan for "worse times", which is why it is developing towards renewable energy sources. It also does not cease operations at all stages from exploration to production in the oil sector. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to present new mining areas for Statoil.
The presented paper discusses utilisation of glyceride compounds as well as glyceride compounds in mixtures with silico-organic compounds as a potential active constituent of biocide-free systems enhancing biological wood durability. Experiments were carried out on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood with respect to wood decaying fungi. In addition, biological tests were conducted taking into consideration aging processes. The applied system turned out to have potential possibilities of competing with biocidal systems that are being withdrawn for ecotoxicological reasons.
The paper presents results of mycological tests and accelerated ageing tests for 13 commercially available decorative coatings in relation to costs of their purchase. Mycological tests with the use of A. niger showed that only four preparations protect spruce wood against attack of the test fungus. None of the coatings was resistant to the destructive effect of UV radiation. Testing results of resistance against A. niger attack and accelerated ageing were compared relative to purchase costs of the applied preparations. It was found that the most advantageous preparations were those with medium efficacy and of low prices. However, for the comprehensive economic analysis of the application of tested decorative coatings it is required to consider costs of coating application and surface renovation.
Systematic increase of demand for wooden biomass and fuels generated from it is the result of the need to fulfill European Union obligations. For those sawmills which very often operate on the verge of profitability it creates a chance for improving their efficiency. Those having a sufficient amount of raw material at their disposal should consider launching production of wooden briquettes, as such initiative does not require any significant investment and may be complementary to company primary activities. Profitability of such venture depends on numerous variables. The aim of this article was to determine the value of sawmill residue when processed further into briquettes taking into account the impact of various factors. The research took account of: material intensity ratio depending on the material used, sales price per unit of final product, the entrepreneur’s target margin, briquettes production cost as well as the cost of transport in case of those enterprises which do not possess their own raw material.
In Poland the percentage of disabled individuals aged 0-14 years is 3.1%, while in the age group over 70 years it is as high as 45%. The article presents an attempt of a variant estimation of purchase costs of kitchen equipment for the disabled. Three hypothetical types of kitchen designs were investigated: low-budget, medium-budget and high-budget, respectively. Based on literature guidelines and a review of market prices it was established that the costs of the three kitchen design variants are approx. 6000 PLN (1240 €), 42 500 PLN (9870 €) and over 225 000 PLN (52 530 €). A high percentage of the total cost of kitchen equipment may be connected with specialised mechatronic equipment (up to 40% total kitchen cost). In the case of the cheapest kitchen variant a lack of expensive specialised equipment may be compensated by an appropriate layout of typical kitchen components.
Tematem artykułu są ekonomiczne aspekty wyboru sposobu zasilania w odnawialną energię pierwotną jednorodzinnych pasywnych budynków mieszkalnych zlokalizowanych w Poznaniu, spełniających kryteria zgodnie z Passive House Institute (PHI). Wytypowano dziesięć rozwiązań technicznych gwarantujących spełnienie parametrów komfortu klimatycznego wewnątrz budynków w okresie całego roku oraz przyjęto wykorzystanie wyłącznie energii odnawialnej do pokrycia zapotrzebowania na ciepło, chłód oraz energię elektryczną. Prowadzi to budynek do standardu obiektu o zerowym zużyciu energii końcowej w perspektywie rocznej. W artykule przedstawiono analizę ekonomiczną uwzględniającą koszty inwestycyjne i całkowite koszty eksploatacji (zmienne koszty eksploatacji, koszty amortyzacji urządzeń, koszty serwisu i napraw), a także koszty skumulowane w perspektywie 3, 5, 10 i 15-letniej. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w programie PHPP oraz w autorskim arkuszu kalkulacyjnym. Wybór najkorzystniejszego rozwiązania technicznego zaopatrzenia budynków pasywnych w odnawialną energię pierwotną jest istotny i stanowi standard wyprzedzający obecne unormowania prawne występujące w Polsce.
The subject of the article is the economic aspects of choosing the method of supplying renewable primary energy to single-family residential passive buildings located in Poznań, meeting the criteria according to the Passive House Institute (PHI). Ten technical solutions were selected to guarantee the climate comfort parameters inside the buildings throughout the year and the use of only renewable energy for the needs of heat, cold and electricity was achieved, leading the building to the zero-energy standard of the building in the annual perspective. The article presents an economic analysis including investment costs and total operating costs (variable operating costs, depreciation costs of equipment, service and repair costs), as well as cumulative costs in the perspective of 3, 5, 10 and 15 years. The calculations were carried out in the PHPP program and in the author’s spreadsheet. The selection of the most advantageous technical solution supplying renewable primary energy to passive buildings is important and is a standard that is ahead of current legal regulations in Poland.
The article contains data concerning the production and economic aspects of producing starch from three starch potato cultivars, such as Adam, Pasja Pomorska and Ślęza. The considerations are based on an experiment conducted in 2008–2010 at the Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, situated in Bałcyny (N = 53°35’49’’; E = 19°51’20,3’’). The study has shown that the cultivar Adam is the least economically useful starch potato, as it gives low starch yields, generates very high unit costs and presents the least favourable response to modifications in foliar fertilization that do not lead to the improvement of yielding. The lowest unit costs of producing starch occurred in the production of the potato cultivar Ślęza. Depending on the applied foliar fertilization treatments, the starch production unit costs decreased the most for the cultivar Pasja Pomorska, reaching the highest cost reduction level in the variant consisting of soil dressing A – 280 kg ha⁻¹ NPK (80 N, 80 P, 120 K) and foliar fertilization variant a – Basfoliar 12-4-6 [8 dm ha⁻¹].
W artykule ujęto dane dotyczące uwarunkowań produkcyjno-ekonomicznych skrobi trzech wybranych odmianach ziemniaka skrobiowego: Adam, Pasja Pomorska i Ślęza. Bazą były badania prowadzone w latach 2008–2010 w Stacji Doświadczalnej Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Bałcynach (N = 53°35’49’; E = 19°51’20,3’). W badaniach wykazano, iż najmniej przydatną do uprawy w warunkach glebowo-klimatycznych Warmii, ze względu na najniższą wydajność skrobi, z punktu widzenia ekonomicznego, jest odmiana Adam, która generuje niskie plony skrobi, najwyższe koszty jednostkowe pozyskania oraz najmniej korzystnie reaguje na modyfikacje nawożenia dolistnego, nie skutkując poprawą plonowania. Najniższe koszty jednostkowe skrobi wystąpiły w produkcji ziemniaka odmiany Ślęza. W zależności od zastosowanych wariantów nawożenia dolistnego w odmianie Pasja Pomorska następowały największe spadki kosztu jednostkowego skrobi, który osiągnął najwyższą wartość redukcji kosztu w wariancie nawożenia doglebowego A – 280 kg ha⁻¹ NPK (80 N, 80 P, 120 K) oraz w nawożeniu dolistnym a – Basfoliar 12-4-6 [8 dm ha⁻¹].
Subject and purpose of work: This article is a continuation of ongoing research; whose primary aim was to show ceramic waste as a full-value substrate for the production of mineral-asphalt mixtures. The authors, basing on the examined characteristics of aggregate obtained in the process of crushing the socalled “ceramic cullet”, present the thesis that this material can be a full-fledged aggregate for concretes used in road construction. The authors emphasize ecological advantages of such a solution. The purpose of this research was to analyse whether such measures as those described above are economically justifiable. Materials and methods: In the article, based on business data, the costs were estimated and compared to the prices of the aggregates used by companies producing asphalt mixtures. Results: Economic comparisons have shown that the costs of described recycling were not satisfactory. Conclusions: Taking into account the ecological effect, it is recommended that ceramic waste is recycled by using it for the production of mineral-asphalt mixes for general use.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Artykuł jest kontynuacją prowadzonych prac badawczych, których celem nadrzędnym było ukazanie odpadów ceramicznych jako pełnowartościowego substratu do produkcji mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych. Autorzy opierając się na zbadanych cechach powstałego z rozkruszenia tzw. „stłuczki ceramicznej” kruszywa prezentują tezę, że materia ta może być pełnowartościowym kruszywem do betonów używanych w drogownictwie. Autorzy podkreślają ekologiczne zalety takiego rozwiązania. Celem niniejszej pracy było przeprowadzenie analizy czy wymienione działania są uzasadnione ekonomicznie. Materiały i metody: W artykule na podstawie danych z przedsiębiorstw oszacowano wymienione koszty oraz porównano je z cenami kruszyw, które wykorzystywane są przez firmy produkujące mieszanki asfaltowe. Wyniki: Porównania ekonomiczne udowodniły, że koszty opisanego recyklingu nie były na satysfakcjonującym poziomie. Wnioski: Biorąc pod uwagę efekt ekologiczny zarekomendowano recykling odpadów ceramicznych przez ich wykorzystanie do produkcji mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych do ogólnego użycia.
W artykule omówiono zaniedbania przejawiające się praktycznie zanikiem turystyki wodnej na śródlądziu (oprócz Warmii i Mazur). Wskazany został kierunek usunięcia zaniedbań i rozwoju tej znakomitej formy działalności ludzkiej na polskich wodach śródlądowych.
The article describes negligence as a result of which the inland water tourism (with exception of Warmia and Mazury) has practically disappeared. It points out the direction of this negligence elimination and of the development of this excellent form of human activity on Polish inland waters.
Quality management has to consider a lot of new aspects regarding the latest trends in the field. The authors of the proposed paper will point at the interconnection of three major aspects: technical, communication and economical aspect. The authors propose, based on these aspects, a Triad of Quality. The main aim of quality management is essentially to increase effectiveness indicators in the organisation, rather than satisfying customers by certain product properties or focusing on increasing the market share. The authors propose their indicators of profitability of quality- Return on Quality, ROQ. The Triad of Quality is proposed as a new way of perceiving the economical aspects of quality. The paper will present a proposal of a system of indicators based on the communication aspect and the economical aspect of quality.
tom nr 6
14509--14515, CD 6
Leasing jest obok kredytu samochodowego najbardziej powszechną formą finansowania zakupu samochodów osobowych przez przedsiębiorców. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe rodzaje leasingu, z których najpopularniejszym wariantem jest leasing operacyjny. Rynek leasingu samochodów osobowych od 2011r. stale rośnie. W 2014r. wg prognoz Związku Leasingu Polskiego po raz pierwszy w historii w leasing zostanie przekazanych ponad 100 tys. samochodów osobowych. Porównano koszty leasingu i eksploatacji używanego 4-letniego oraz nowego samochodu Fiat Grande Punto, a następnie przedstawiono koszt miesięcznej raty leasingowej oraz serwisowej. Okazało się, że koszt raty leasingowej używanego samochodu w standardowym leasingu operacyjnym oraz nowego auta w wariancie leasingu All Inclusive jest porównywalny. Warto więc rozważyć leasing nowego auta zamiast używanego – zwłaszcza że zakup oraz korzystanie z używanego samochodu związane są z wysokim ryzykiem nieprzewidzianych kosztów napraw oraz innych przykrych niespodzianek, jakie mogą się pojawić po zakupie.
Leasing a car is, except taking a loan, the most common form of car financing by polish businessmen. The article presents the basic types of lease of which the most popular option is an operating lease. Since 2011 car leasing market has been constantly growing. According to the predictions of Polish Leasing Association in 2014 for the first time in the history of the lease in Poland over 100 thousand cars will be transferred. Comparison showed that monthly cost of lease and service of a 4-years-old and a new Fiat Grande Punto are almost the same. Therefore, it is worth considering to buy a new car instead of an used one - especially when the purchase and use of an older car are associated with a high risk of unexpected repair costs and other unpleasant surprises that may arise after the purchase.
The experiment was conducted in the years 2001–2003 at the Experimental Station in Złotniki. The aim of the performed investigations was to evaluate economic effectiveness of different fungicidal protection programs in winter wheat. Winter wheat of cv. Sakwa was cultivated using the following two variants of seed treatment: 1) Raxil 060 FS at the dose of 60 ml/100 kg grain, 2) Raxil 060 FS + Latitude 125 FS at the doses of 60 and 200 ml/100 kg, and five variants of fungicidal foliar protection: 1) Vista 228 SE, 2) Sportak Alpha 380 EC, 3) Sportak Alpha 380 EC + Vista 228 SE, 4) Sportak Alpha 380 EC + Vista 228 SE + Juwel 250 SC, 5) control – without protection. The use of the above plant protection products contributed to the increase of winter wheat grain yield from 0.60 t/ha to 2.07 t/ha. This increase of yield covered costs of performed chemical control. The economic analysis showed that most effective variant of winter wheat chemical protection was seed treatment with Latitude 125 FS with additional two foliar treatments with the following fungicides: Sportak Alpha 380 EC and Vista 228 SE. Irrespective of the applied seed dressing, additional application of Juwel 250 SC at the stage of early milk maturity turned out to be economically not justified.
Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w latach 2001–2003 w Stacji Badawczej w Złotnikach. Celem podjętych badań było określenie wpływu zróżnicowanej ochrony fungicydowej na nasilenie występowania chorób grzybowych liści, kłosów, podstawy źdźbła i korzeni pszenicy ozimej. Pszenicę ozimą odmiany Sakwa uprawiano stosując dwa warianty zaprawiania nasion: 1) Raxil 060 FS w dawce 60 ml/100 kg ziarna, 2) Raxil 060 FS + Latitude 125 FS w dawkach odpowiednio 60 i 200 ml/100 kg ziarna oraz pięć wariantów nalistnej ochrony fungicydowej: 1) kontrola bez ochrony, 2) Vista 228 SE, 3) Sportak Alpha 380 EC, 4) Sportak Alpha 380 EC + Vista 228 SE, 5) Sportak Alpha 380 EC + Vista 228 SE + Juwel 250 SC. Zastosowane środki ochrony roślin pozwoliły na uzyskanie wzrostu plonu ziarna pszenicy ozimej w zakresie od 0,60 t/ha do 2,07 t/ha. Ocena ekonomiczna wskazuje, że najbardziej efektywnym wariantem chemicznej ochrony w uprawie pszenicy ozimej było zaprawianie ziarna preparatami Raxil 060 FS + Latitude 125 FS połączone z dwukrotnym zabiegiem fungicydowym preparatami Sportak Alpha 380 EC i Vista 228 SE. Nieuzasadnione ekonomicznie było zastosowanie dodatkowego opryskiwania preparatem Juwel 250 SC w fazie dojrzałości wodno-mlecznej pszenicy, niezależnie od zastosowanej zaprawy nasiennej.
The paper presents various benefits of using the innovative solutions of building integrated photovoltaics. Additionally, the effects are described that BIPV systems have on power networks, the natural environment, architecture as well as social and economic aspects.
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