Texts are written/spoken language expressions produced by a writer/speaker in a specifi c communication process. Texts used in the translation didactic system must fulfi ll conditions of glottodidactic relevance i.e. they must be carefully selected and must contain a combination of suitable linguistic features. These linguistic features are to be in conformity with a given translation didactic system. Texts are selected by a teacher of translation, whose knowledge of a language for specifi c purposes is broad enough to enable him to choose texts with elements typical of specialist communication. The preparation of didactic texts means fi rst of all selecting a most suitable text. Secondly, it refers to the division of text into meaningful chunks as well as its modifi cation by means of elaboration or elimination techniques. Other possibilities are text compression or highlighting of certain elements of the structure of the text. At the beginning, translation students may benefi t from retranslation exercises and the use of hybrid texts. Finally, the whole process of translation didactics should be oriented towards confronting students with the problem of equivalence.
The article presents findings of the research into the use of discussion forums in remote learning. This tool was used in a series of academic classes aimed at developing selected elements of translation competence. The paper begins with a discussion of the notion of translation competence and its components, followed by a presentation of didactic objectives formulated for the presented series of classes with full-time teaching in mind, the level of knowledge and skills of the course participants, the degree of realization of the didactic objectives in remote teaching, and conclusions.
One of the leading topics in translator and interpreter education is how to match the educational vision of the educators with that of the market and that of the students. The debate has been going on for more than two decades now, and it seems it is likely to occupy the researchers and practitioners in the nearest future. One aspect of the educational aspirations to make students active and successful players on the Language Service Provision market is entrepreneurship. The aim of this paper is to promote effective operationalization of this concept to help graduates not only find a job, but first of all make them self-directed in significant life choices.
Próba powiązania koncepcji dydaktyki translacji z potrzebami kształcenia odpowiadającymi wymaganiom rynku usług tłumaczeniowych oraz potrzebom rozwojowym samych studentów stanowi jeden z wiodących wątków toczącej się obecnie dyskusji w obszarze akademickiego kształcenia tłumaczy. Debata ta trwa już od ćwierćwiecza i wydaje się, że nadal będzie podejmowana przez teoretyków i praktyków dydaktyki translacji. Jednym z aspektów tak pojętej edukacji są cechy i umiejętności określane mianem przedsiębiorczości. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu promowanie skutecznej operacjonalizacji pojęcia przedsiębiorczości tak, by absolwenci studiów tłumaczeniowych (i innych związanych z komunikacją specjalistyczną) nie tylko potrafili znaleźć pracę, ale by – przede wszystkim – stawali się podmiotami swoich znaczących działań życiowych.
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