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Content available remote Katedra Technologii Zabezpieczeń Przeciwkorozyjnych : działalność dydaktyczna
W Katedrze Technologii Zabezpieczeń Przeciwkorozyjnych prowadzone są studia inżynierskie, magisterskie oraz doktoranckie. Oferta dydaktyczna obejmuje dwa kierunki dyplomowania: Technologia Zabezpieczeń Przeciwkorozyjnych oraz Inżynieria Korozyjna. Poza regularnymi studiami, w katedrze realizowane są Studia Podyplomowe oraz kursy zawodowe. Na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej działa Zespól Certyfikacji Personelu w zakresie kontroli wykonastwa robót przeciwkorozyjnych przy użyciu powłok organicznych i nieorganicznych.
In the Department of Anticorrosion Technology there are carried but Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Ph. Doctor studies. Didactic offer includes two diploma specializations: Anticorrosion Protection Technology and Corrosion Engineering. Apart form the regular studies Post-Graduate Studies and qualification courses are offered by the department. There exists Personnel Certification Unit at the Chemical Faculty of Gdansk University of Technology. It focuses on the quality control over the realization of anticorrosion protection measures conducted with the use of organic and inorganic coatings.
Content available Wokół kryzysu w myśleniu o dydaktyce normatywnej
The learning process is subject to change. The direction of changes is not unambiguous and results from different paradigms. Didactics must be subject to changes resulting from psychological processes. They take into account the universal regularities of thinking, memory, perception, emotions and motivation. Learning and teaching are complicated process that should not take into account only one paradigm.
Signum Temporis
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Introduction. The modern society develops rapidly, and constantly significant changes take place in economics, politics, social processes. The processes of changes leave behind schools, education, upbringing, and neither society, nor personality needs, nor individual potential improvement at school is satisfied.Aim of the Study. To analyse the unity of didactics, pedagogical psychology and methods as the theory basis of pupils' educational cognition.Materials and Methods. Pedagogy history, didactics, pedagogic psychology and method sources in Latvian, European and Russian pedagogy and psychology were used for the scientific analysis.Results. Theories of didactics have been perfected within the historic development of school and pedagogic thought. Methodology principles of conformity of nature and culture that require basing pupils' cognition on peculiarities of the specific age and development in studies are significant.Conclusions. Results of the scientific analysis prove that training should use didactic theories, actual findings of pedagogical psychology that correspond to the period, and methods of each lesson should be based on that for the specific age of pupils. General didactics theories are not sufficient for the school.
The authors of the article present the most important facts about Department of Polish Studies at University of Ostrava (Czech Republic). They focus on research, didactics and departmental activities aiming at the promotion of Polish language abroad.
Content available remote Innowacyjne środki dydaktyczne w pracy katechetycznej
In the first part of the article entitled the relationship between catechesis and technological innovations is shown. This highlights the role of new technologies in communication between generations, since this depends on both the deposit and faith, as well as the pedagogical process, which are the constitutive elements of catechetical mission. Finally, the fundamental challenges in present times have been pointed out, showing that they are so heavily penetrated by the tele-information culture. Therefore, it may be concluded that innovative training resources may be a valuable help in the process of teaching religion, when a teacher will seek to understand changes that have taken place in cultural awareness and psychology in a new generation. However, they only play a supportive function to catechetical methodology and pedagogical strategy and they should never substitute the catechist and his or her personal relationship with a student.
The topic of this article is a diagnosis of the level of a phraseological sub-competence of a translator conducted on the basis of a survey carried out among students of neophilology with the translator specialization. The aim of the study is to determine the level of linguistic awareness of the surveyed in the area of phraseological sub-competence. The question posed is in what way they comprehend the essence of the multi-word linguistic units and if they can extract supra-lexical units of a translation. As such, the accuracy of a translation is dependent on the correct segmentation of the original. Those surveyed, faced with a 99-word text containing 25 multi-word linguistic units (75% of the whole text), extracted only seven of such structures in at least 50% of their answers. It can be deduced that the students consider phraseological units extremely idiomatic. In most cases, they do not notice other, less prototypical structures in the text, which should be considered globally in the process of translation. This conclusion justifies the undertaking of firm action in the area of phraseodidactics and phrasal translation as part of a philological academic education.
The author of the article proposes the way of reading and interpreting Olga Tokarczuk’s novel at high school. The choice of the novel results not only from the changes in curricu-lum, but also from a chance of enriching the lists of obligatory reading with the texts under-taking interesting problems such as relation between man and animals. The scholar sees here a counterweight for problems connected with liberation of the nation or social topics that seem to dominate in Polonistic discourse at high¬ school. The very presence of Olga Tokar-czuk’s novel at Polish language classes would question an anthropocentric way of interpret-ing the world around.
The author of the article poses a question concerning adequacy of research proposals inspired by the circle called ‘the ethic of reading’ and ‘theological return’. She points out to the fact that questions concerning axiology of reading, that have been recently considered old- fashioned, are the classical problems of humanistics today. It results from the notion of interference between different disciplines, but above all from the fact that ethical response to the work of literature is an integral element of individual reading. Ethics appears in read-ers mind before poetics. It makes possible uniting a reader (that has been wrongly divided into an emotional and a suspicious kind) into one subject of multiple reading experience. Powerful institutions of a text are based after all on individual reading of a subject that ex-periences, understands and evaluates the text.
The ski teacher works in different conditions than other teachers, even different from other physical education teachers. The difference arises due to the season of the year and the venue of the skiing lessons. Such factors as the natural environment, harsh winter conditions, a potential threat to students’ safety and very strong emotions have an impact on human behavior, which is especially strong on the didactic communication on the slopes. The main difficulties regard the level and way of mutual perception of information. In search of effective methods of communicating between students and ski instructor we were attracted by the information value of the tracks on the snow. Each time a skier goes down he leaves ski tracks on the snow, which largely characterize the skiing technique performed. The properties of this track – its depth, radius, or type are dependent on many factors – including pressure forces, speed or force of friction. Raising the student’s awareness that the track left by him on the snow is the effect of the operations performed – may be an effective way of communication. This assumption constitutes the basis of the research problem. How to improve the didactic communication structure in skiing? Can the snow tracks be the basis of efficient didactic communication? Teaching effectiveness largely depends on the efficiency of the process of communication between teacher and students. The paper contains discussion focused on understanding the effectiveness of teaching skiing on the basis of a practical method that takes into account the analysis of traces of skis on the snow. The presented material is the basis for development of teaching methods to be used in experimental research as an independent variable.
Recently we have been witnesses to the creation of information society. Knowledge is becoming the most important value of the contemporary civilization. Scientific Information Centres and libraries equip their collections with new carriers of information. The changes observed in libraries in recent years have resulted in the development of information search skills of library users. The advancement of IT gave the users new possibilities of information gaining. The most important task of NDU’s Library – beyond the traditional duties connected with gathering, preparation and providing sources of information – is the assurance of direct network access to information through systems and computer networks. The development of Information Technology is still giving new information retrieval possibilities which allow fast searching of the library computer catalogues gathering information about the collection. It also results in easier access to the resources of the Internet as well as access to source and factual information at the oreat speed.
The article discusses the results of studies on values declared by high school graduates. The survey was conducted in September 2017 in two high schools in Rzeszów. 130 respondents were asked to point out 3 of the most treasured positive values and 3 of the most undesirable anti-values. The high school graduates were also asked what they expected from their Polish teachers who discover the world of values with them. The analysis of students’ answers indicates that high school graduates appreciate the most the following values: love, family, friendship. By contrast, they consider hatred, falsehood, disease and egotism to be the most unwanted anti-values. In the respondents’ view it is worth discussing thoroughly and delving into the meaning of notions such as: erotic love, friendship, freedom or hatred.
Artykuł ukazuje ideę „Cyfrowej Szkoły” poprzez porównanie jej z placówką tradycyjną. Za-warto w nim korzyści i zagrożenia tej nowej formy nauczania, porównanie kosztów przedsięwzię-cia oraz wyniki badań opinii uczniów i nauczycieli w wybranej „Cyfrowej Szkole”.
The article presents the idea of the „Digital School” by the comparison with the traditional school. The article describes the benefits and risks of this new form of teaching. In it are presented the costs of the „Digital School” project and the results of opinion surveys of students and teach-ers in the selected „Digital School”.
This article contains a brief analysis of John Locke’s epistemological views on the moral education of children. Locke believed that, in order to develop, man must be able to think for himself. As regards teaching, Locke advocated shaping a research instinct and independent thinking in children, combining language acquisition with learning about things, shaping intellectual abilities, dispositions and habits that enable further education and acquiring a profession. In the sphere of moral education he recommended developing moral concepts in children using the knowledge about the development of their awareness and based on real examples, stimulating their perceptiveness and cognitive activity in terms of proper conduct.
The text concentrates on the work of an academic teacher who combines the roles of a teacher and a researcher in one profession. The author asks a question: what is the quality of students’ academic education? In a hypothetical answer to this question the author formulates a thesis that the quality of education is dependent on the relation between theory and practice. The utility of knowledge is therefore determined by the science-education dependence, contemporary vision of science in the understanding of knowledge, the understanding of the utility of knowledge, the dominance of rationalism in cognition and learning.
Content available Examples of Original Descriptive Geometry Task Items
Now blended-learning is widely used in teaching descriptive geometry, which means that traditional teaching and e-learning are interspersed alternately within a single issue. For teachers the basic advantage is the possibility of efficient organization, while for the students the availability of learning materials at any time and place. For descriptive geometry the precise construction of the course is very important because of the hierarchicalsequential structure of the subject. Teaching-learning is here treated as a process, in which the individual stages and their interrelationships are carefully planned. In this process the consistency and compatibility of consecutive steps are very important as they should match the content and level of difficulty. Communication in descriptive geometry is performed through graphics, knowledge is mainly transmitted through drawing tasks. The selection of topics and their degree of difficulty are adequate to the stage and their function in the curriculum. The paper will present the concept of teaching descriptive geometry using Internet platform with short description of each component in the established system. Presented examples of drawing tasks and solutions are described by the profile of the task, which contains the most important characteristic from the teacher`s point of view.
W nauczaniu geometrii wykreślnej obecnie wykorzystuje się blended-learning, gdzie tradycyjne nauczanie stosowane jest naprzemiennie ze zdalnym kształceniem w ramach jednego zagadnienia. Model ten zakłada etapy pracy obowiązkowej przeplatanej pracą własną w domu z wykorzystaniem witryny internetowej. W przypadku geometrii wykreślnej precyzyjne konstruowanie kursu jest bardzo istotne ze względu na hierarchiczno-sekwencyjną strukturę tematyki kształcenia. Nauczanie-uczenie się jest tu traktowane jako proces, którego poszczególne etapy oraz ich wzajemne powiązania w całym systemie są starannie zaplanowane. W tym procesie bardzo ważna jest spójność i zgodność poszczególnych części polegająca na ścisłym dopasowaniu treści i poziomu trudności elementów pośrednich. W geometrii wykreślnej komunikacja odbywa się za pomocą grafiki, zarówno na wykładach, ćwiczeniach oraz pozostałych etapach uczenia się zadania rysunkowe stanowią podstawową formę przekazania treści. Temat i stopień trudności są adekwatne do roli jaką zadanie ma odegrać w przyjętym systemie kształcenia. W referacie zaprezentowano koncepcję nauczania geometrii wykreślnej z wykorzystaniem platformy internetowej wraz z krótką charakterystyką poszczególnych części składowych. Dla opisanej koncepcji przedstawiono typy zadań oraz ich pożądane własności ze względu na cel zastosowania w systemie. W artykule zamieszczono zróżnicowane przykłady tematów i rozwiązań. Zbiór najistotniejszych cech przedstawiono w ujęciu tabelarycznym pod roboczą nazwą profilu zadania. Wydaje się, że taki zestaw ważnych cech z punktu widzenia prowadzącego zajęcia może ułatwiać interpretację zastosowania prezentowanego zadania w danym systemie kształcenia.
The author’s scope is to briefly present the life and the area of scientific interest of Jan Horowski, an outstandingscholar, especially in the Greek literature and school didactics of Latin.
W artykule zaprezentowano elementy inspiracji do twórczej pracy dydaktycznej odnoszące się do edukacji filozoficznej w szkołach. Ze względu na podejmowany temat, na wstępie zostanie przedstawiona krótka charakterystyka dydaktyki filozofii jako nauki oraz pełnione przez nią podstawowe funkcje. Następnie na podstawie analizy podstawy programowej odnoszącej się do zajęć filozofii w szkołach średnich, zostaną omówione najważniejsze elementy odnoszące się do edukacji filozoficznej. Analizie zostaną poddane cele kształcenia oraz treści nauczania, które zostały opracowane oraz umieszczone w ministerialnych dokumentach. Zaprezentuje się też główne zasady nauczania, które pełnią istotną rolę w edukacji, stanowiąc wskazówki, które nauczyciel powinien mieć na uwadze podczas prowadzenia zajęć. Umiejętna organizacja pracy podczas poszczególnych jednostek lekcyjnych będąca kluczem do efektywnego rozwoju ucznia, prowadzi do podjęcia tematyki związanej z metodami dydaktycznymi.
In the article there were presented inspirations for didactic work related to the philosophical education at school. In order to show the issue of philosophical education, there was presented short description of philosophy didactics as a science and its basic functions. Then there were considerated main components of philosophical education out of the core curriculum analysis. Next the author alnalyses education goals and curriculum content which we can find in ministry documents. There were also decipted the main teaching principles, which play fundamental part in education. This principles are also pointers for teachers, who schould remember them when teaching a class. Skilfull class organisation is a key to effective pupil development and due to that the atricle raises issues related to teaching methods.
Content available remote Didaktické a psychologické aspekty výuky psychologie na středních školách
The purpose of the present study is to draw attention to role of didactics of psychology in the preparation of future teachers of psychology. The paper aims on proces of modern teaching and learning, which is based on the experiential learning of students as a means of personal development. We present the contribution of experiential learning in education on selected examples.
iSybislaw is a Bibliographic Database for students, post-graduate students and researchersIn this paper the iSybislaw bibliographic database of World Slavic Linguistics publications is presented. The author demonstrates its vast potential as a research tool and citation source, concentrating on the possibilities of using all iSybislaw functions and options in university teaching and scientific research. The author points out that the database can be used not only by students and scientists of Slavic, Polish and Russian philology, but also, even if to a lesser extent, for philologies and linguistics of all languages. iSybislaw sprzymierzeńcem studentów, doktorantów oraz pracowników naukowychW pracy prezentowana jest bibliograficzna baza danych publikacji z zakresu światowego językoznawstwa slawistycznego. Autor pokazuje jej olbrzymi potencjał jako źródła informacji i cytowań, koncentrując się na możliwościach wykorzystania wszystkich funkcji iSybislawa w nauczaniu uniwersyteckim i pracy naukowej. Zostało podkreślone, że baza danych iSybislaw może być użyteczna nie tylko dla studentów i naukowców zajmujących się slawistyką, polonistyką i rusycystyką, ale także, nawet jeśli w mniejszym stopniu, dla filologów wszystkich języków oraz językoznawców.
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