In modern society the state determines the priority role of pre-school education, giving preference to the primary component of lifelong learning, which should provide a versatile personality development of the child. Essential in modern conditions for the person becomes a teacher, his/her competence, erudition, culture. Culture of consumption is an important element of a developed society with a high level of economic development. Definitions issue requires a separate study to determine the content, methods and techniques of education culture consumption in preschool children. The main factor in a culture of individual consumption is a social group in which it is brought up, and socio-economic values that prevail in it. Consumer behavior of other members of the group which becomes a role model can have a stimulating character both positive (for example, the desire for rational consumption along with others) and in a negative sense (for example, the desire to outdo the other consumption). Therefore timely attention and positive example to others promotes adult education of the children value attitude to consumer goods, imparting them with the skills of literate consumer behavior. The author analyzes the level of awareness of the importance of training teachers of cultural consumption, meaning ways of forming during preschool childhood. The content of the diagnostic survey, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the survey of teachers of preschool institutions is presented. The analysis of government regulations and programs for training, education and development of children of preschool age outlines areas of work with teachers on their review of the methods and techniques of education of cultural consumption in preschool children. The analysis of the level of knowledge of practicing teachers on the problem of education of preschool age children’s culture of consumption showed the need for in-depth work on the designated direction. This is due to incomplete and insufficient understanding of the phenomenon of “consumer culture” and the features of education in preschool age.
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In the paper the authors describe the phenomenon of inconspicuous consumption, including the consumer behaviors characteristic of it and the socioeconomic processes underlying it. The authors analyzed the manifestations of inconspicuous consumption from the perspective of three conceptions of materialism: Belk’s, Richins and Dawson’s, and Kasser and Ryan’s. They identified the elements linking inconspicuous consumption with specific aspects of materialism as well as the points of difference between these two phenomena.
Autor opracowania omawia znaczenie społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego w ograniczaniu konfliktów we współczesnym świecie. Przedstawia wybrane koncepcje społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego. Skupia swoją uwagę na cechach charakteryzujących społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego, w szczególności na roli kultury konsumpcji, konsumpcjonizmie, indywidualizmie, narcyzmie kulturowym, wolności konsumenckiej, zdolności do ekspansji poprzez oddziaływanie wzorów i systemów wartości charakterystycznych dla społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego na mieszkańców krajów rozwijających się. Omawia najczęściej pojawiające się konflikty związane ze sferą konsumpcji, dotyczące wykluczenia z konsumpcji dużych grup społecznych. Wskazuje na własności społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego, które minimalizują występowanie konfliktów zbrojnych w krajach wysokorozwiniętych. Wykorzystując koncepcję G. Lipovetskiego społeczeństwa mody, wskazuje, że ekspansja społeczeństwa konsumpcyjnego na tereny krajów Trzeciego Świata może ograniczyć występowanie konfliktów zbrojnych.
In this paper the author describes the significance of consumer society in restricting conflicts in the contemporary world. He presents the selected concepts of consumer society. In addition, he concentrates on the features typical of consumer society, particularly the role of the culture of consumption, consumerism, individualism, cultural narcissism, consumer freedom, and an ability to expand through the means of patterns and the systems of values characteristic of consumer society on the inhabitants of developing countries. The paper most frequently describes the conflicts associated with the sphere of consumption, including those related to the exclusion of large social groups from consumption. The author points to the features of consumer society which minimize the occurrence of armed conflicts in highly developed countries. By employing the concept of G. Lipovetsky concerning fashion society, the author indicates that the expansion of consumer society to Third World countries may restrict the occurrence of armed conflicts.
Зміни у відносинах власності й економічна криза загострили проблему зайнятості й зниження життєвого рівня населення, трансформували (посилили) участь держави в забезпеченні соціальної захищеності особистості, підсилили диференціацію населення за доходами. Розуміння потреб та інтересів споживача є необхідним як для проведення ефективної державної соціальної політики, так й для формування перспективних за економічною результативністю й водночас соціально-відповідальних маркетингових трендів. Стаття присвячена дослідженню обсягів, структури та тенденцій особистого споживання громадян України в 2015 році.
Changes in the relations of property and economic crisis intensified the problem of employment and decline of standard of life of population, transformed (strengthened) participation of the state in providing of social security of personality, increased differentiation of population on profits. Understanding of necessities and interests of consumer is needed both for realization of effective public social policy and for forming perspective both from the point of view of economic effectiveness and socially-responsible marketing trends. The article is sanctified to research of volumes, structure and tendencies of the personal consumption of citizens of Ukraine in 2015.
The article deals with the problem of “quality of life” from the philosophical perspective. In contemporary scientific studies, the issue of quality of life is analyzed in sociological, political and medical aspects. The author of the article is looking for a philosophical model of theoretical reflection on the quality of life, he refers to this problem in the recognition philosophy of values. His research is based on the ideas of Max Scheler, and his later continuators. The author analyzes the problem of “quality of life” in the axiological, biological and cultural perspectives. The philosophical thought, and especially its axiological approach, is necessary to understand the phenomenon of quality of life in different contexts.
Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce jakości życia ujętej od strony filozoficznej. We współczesnych opracowaniach naukowych ta kwestia jest analizowana od strony socjologicznej, politologicznej, medycznej. Poszukując modelu teoretycznego refleksji nad jakością życia odwołuję do filozofii wartości, opieram się na koncepcji Maksa Schelera i Nicolai Hartmanna i ich późniejszych kontynuatorów. Wątek „jakości życia” opracowuję w perspektywie aksjologicznej, biologicznej i kulturowej. W moim przekonaniu wszystkie te trzy perspektywy składają się na to, co określamy mianem „jakości życia”. Namysł filozoficzny, a szczególnie ujęcie aksjologiczne jest niezbędne do zrozumienia tego fenomenu w szerokiej zróżnicowanej perspektywie
We live in a society and culture of consumption. What are the characteristics of this culture? What has contributed to its formation? In what way does it influence people? These are the main questions tried to be answered in the article Culture of consumption. The culture of consumption is the culture of ordinariness. It lures and attracts crowds in many ways. It is light, simple, pleasant and a little bit infantile. It does not demand any effort, absorbtion or preparation. The aim of the culture of consumption is buying, using and dispensing goods that satiate people’s wishes. The culture of consumption advocates material and hedonistic values. The culture of ordinariness is subject to the rule of the market. It is not the producer who imposes products but the consumer who decides through his individual choices, on the producer’s success. Such culture creates changes in social life. Social inequalities and identity problems occur. An individual is alone in its consumption and is deprived of durable social bond. Consumption determines the place in a social structure, it defines group identities and it creates the sense of self value. The culture of consumption forms a man and a man expresses his needs and wishes in this culture.
We live in a society and culture of consumption. What are the characteristics of this culture? What has contributed to its formation? In what way does it influence people? These are the main questions tried to be answered in the article Culture of consumption. The culture of consumption is the culture of ordinariness. It lures and attracts crowds in many ways. It is light, simple, pleasant and a little bit infantile. It does not demand any effort, absorbtion or preparation. The aim of the culture of consumption is buying, using and dispensing goods that satiate people’s wishes. The culture of consumption advocates material and hedonistic values. The culture of ordinariness is subject to the rule of the market. It is not the producer who imposes products but the consumer who decides through his individual choices, on the producer’s success. Such culture creates changes in social life. Social inequalities and identity problems occur. An individual is alone in its consumption and is deprived of durable social bond. Consumption determines the place in a social structure, it defines group identities and it creates the sense of self value. The culture of consumption forms a man and a man expresses his needs and wishes in this culture.
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