Economic performance is described and explained by both economics and business ethics. Suggested by business ethics the cultural aspect includes different than assumed in economic science forejudgements which concern the nature of economy as well as the attendance of taking part it subjects – member of a particular society. The most important foundation is recognition that economy, which makes part of social reality, is under cultural conditions out of the economic ones. Since ethics and the mainstream economics presume two different ideas of social reality there is no chance to interdisciplinary discussion on economic performance. The aim of this study is to present a new methodological approach: social constructivism which could be applied to describe and explain economic processes and performances as related to custom and ethics. The author believes that the constructivist approach can be developed by institutional economics which is an alternative to mainstream economics.
The article deals with the problem of the cultural orientation of professional training of primary school teachers’ content, influence of art on the comprehensive development of the personality, providing of systemic understanding of future teachers the essence of artistic phenomena. The dominance of the interpretation of artistic cultural phenomena is emphasized as an important practically oriented tool that changes the level of teacher’ perceptions of socio-cultural aspects of pedagogical reality, provides value-motivational basis of his/her professional culture, significantly enriches the full range of artistic and pedagogical functions. The purpose of the article is the explanation of the essence of artistic-pedagogical interpretation of artistic works and the ways of its multidimensional usage at the lessons of artistic and aesthetic cycle of primary school in the system of professional training of future teachers of primary classes, in particular as a way of creative achievement of cultural values; as one of the kinds of learning activity; as a didactic system of art knowledge. Taking into account the hedonic, educational and communicative functions of art and especially the perception of art works by younger schoolchildren the artistic-pedagogical interpretation of artistic works is characterized in the process of the modern training of future teachers as a pedagogical phenomenon, which essence consists in transmission of primary school teacher artistic evaluation of artwork by younger schoolchildren with the purpose of emotional and aesthetic influence on consciousness of schoolchildren. The attention on the connection of the problem of interpretation with the most important issue such as the symbolism of art is focused; in particular one of the oldest scientific methods to study the symbol is singled out, which to this day remains the main – hermeneutic interpretation. The features of using of the artistic-pedagogical interpretation of artistic works are considered in accordance with the specific means of expression of any given art (fine art, arts and crafts, music, choreography, theater) considering the patterns and trends in the educational process of primary school.
The article deals with the problem of the creation of the renewed system of teacher education that provides on the basis of national heritage of world significance and established European traditions the formation of teaching staff, which are able to carry out professional activity on the basis of democracy and humanism, to implement educational policy as priority function of the state, which is directed to the development and self-realization of a personality, to satisfaction of his or her educational, spiritual and cultural needs. The purpose of article is to study the paradigmal approaches to professional training of future teachers and clarification of the requirements for training the teachers of primary classes in the context of its paradigmal renovation. Theoretical and methodological foundations of modern professional training of future teachers of primary classes are considered in the article. The special attention is focused on the amplification of cultural capacity of professional training future specialists, on the integrating of formation of specialist’ personal qualities and his/her professional readiness, the system of value concepts is considered that is the basis of personal orientations of the future teacher, regulate his/her activity, transfer in a qualitatively different way of life – a more meaningful and ordered. The necessity of using of works of folk art is justified, which have a special value in the process of cultural identification of a teacher, in his/her choice of culture-expedient and creative image of the professional activity. The necessity of transformation of the traditional functions of the student in learning to learn by heart is indicated that is organized on the basis of a specific professionally expedient case, which is based on the results of learning and competence and creates conditions for providing of orientation of educational programs on the personality of a student. The personality-oriented, cultural, axiological and competency paradigms are distinguished, their implementation will provide deep exploration and transmission of cultural and historical values, promote the formation of humanistic worldview of a teacher and of the model of culture expedient professional activity.
Artykuł opisuje podejście do dwujęzyczności i sposobu jej nauczania na przykładzie emiratu Abu Dhabi w Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich. Praca ta przedstawia zarówno zarys pedagogiczny, aczkolwiek głównie skupia się na kontekście społeczno kulturowym. Porusza ważny problem możliwości utraty dziedzictwa kulturowego podczas dwujęzycznego program nauczania i w jaki sposób rząd i ministerstwo edukacji chroni swój naród przed tym zagrożeniem. Kolejno omawia podstawy prawne sektora edukacyjnego w Abu Dhabi i Zjednoczonych Emiratach.
This article describes the different methods used in bilingual education programs, focusing on how they have been adapted in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The article outlines pedagogical approaches and describes the relevant sociocultural context. It outlines actions that might result in a loss of heritage and details how the government has protected the nation from these risks. It also discusses the legal background of the educational sector in the UAE and the Emirate.
The article discusses pedagogical, cultural studies, linguistic and bibiological approaches to the analysis of Russian textbooks. Examples of scientific studies of textbooks of the XVIII century, made from the standpoint of these approaches, are given. The conclusion is made about the need for an integrated approach to the study of textbooks.
Artykuł podejmuje próbę analizy podręczników języka rosyjskiego dla cudzoziemców aspekcie pedagogicznym, kulturoznawczym, lingwistycznym oraz bibliologicznym. Przytaczane są przykłady podręczników XVIII wieku; wyprowadzony jest wniosek o konieczności kompleksowego podejścia do badań nad podręcznikami.
В статье рассматриваются педагогический, культуроведческий, лингвистический и библиологический подходы к анализу учебников русского языка для иностранцев. Приводятся примеры научных исследований учебников XVIII века, выполненных с позиций указанных подходов. Делается вывод о необходимости комплексного подхода к изучению учебников.
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