Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest wodzionka – jedna z charakterystycznych zup śląskich, która w ostatnich kilku latach stała się kulinarną atrakcją Górnego Śląska. Zupa ta, mająca wiele lokalnych odmian, doczekała się swojego przeboju, felietonów w prasie oraz w Internecie, programów kulinarnych, festynów itd., co niewątpliwie przyczynia się do promocji tak samej potrawy, jak i odkrywania dziedzictwa kulinarnego tego regionu, z którym jest utożsamiana. Materiał, który stał się podstawą analizy, pochodzi z dwóch źródeł: zastanych (literatura przedmiotu, w tym również archiwalna, materiały internetowe) i wywołanych (wywiady przeprowadzone w latach 2007-2017 z mieszkańcami dwóch województw: opolskiego i śląskiego).
The subject of this study is the wodzionka - one of the characteristic Silesian soups, which in the last few years has become a culinary attraction of Upper Silesia. This soup, which has many local varieties, has had its hit, columns in the press and on the Internet, culinary programs, festivities, etc., which undoubtedly contributes to the promotion of the same dish, and discovering the culinary heritage of the region with which it is equated. The material that became the basis for the analysis comes from two sources: existing (literature on the subject, including archival, online materials) and induced (interviews carried out in 2007-2017 with the inhabitants of two provinces: Opole and Silesia).
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Eating is an inevitable part of every journey and therefore, expanding the gastronomic offer should be a priority for the tourism industry. There are dishes popular among tourists in particular parts of Poland and they are indicated in this paper. The regions are connected with the products which added to the List of Traditional Products have an opportunity to become famous not only in the country but also to become a great export commodity. However, agrifood products are under special protection and have the potential to become unbeatable in the gastronomic offer when enlisted in the European Union system of Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed. Also current trails in Poland are presented in the paper. On such culinary trails, a tourist can become familiar with both regional flavours and traditions as well as with local customs. There are not too many of them in our country, but new ones are constantly being established and becoming more and more popular. A questionnaire survey was carried out to evaluate the attractiveness of a regional cuisine and its importance in tourism. It consisted of questions concerning the knowledge of regional dishes and the willingness to know them. On the basis of the obtained results, it has been stated that a potential tourist is interested in getting to know new dishes. However, she or he does not know many regional dishes. There were also problems with names and locating the dishes in a particular region correctly.
Cеlеm niniejszego opracowania jеst próba przеdstawіеnіa autorskіеj koncepcji szlaku kulіnarnеgo „Podkarpacki Szlak Miodowy”, przebiegającego przez wybrane miejscowości wojеwództwa podkarpackіеgo. Badaniami objęto producеntów miodu i innych wyrobów pszczelarskich, zе szczеgólnym uwzględnіеnіеm mіodów rеgіonalnych. Przyjęto założenie, że wojеwództwo podkarpackіе ma sprzyjające warunkі do rozwoju turystykі kulіnarnеj związanej z produktami pszczelarskimi oraz, że producеncі produktów pszczelich są zaіntеrеsowanі w promowanіu swoich pasiek i produktów przеz obecność na tematycznym szlaku kulіnarnym. W opracowaniu posłużono się takimi metodami i tеchnіkami badawczymi, jak: obsеrwacja, wywіad, analіza SWOT oraz koncеpcja autorska szlaku zwіązanеgo z mіodеm. Wykorzystano podstawową lіtеraturę w zakrеsіе podjętеgo problеmu badawczеgo oraz zasoby internetowe.
The article presents author’s conception of culinary trail related to beekeeping households, honey and apiarian products. The trail named „Podkarpackі Honey Trail” contains 9 apiaries and flagship store located in the area of Podkarpackіe voivodeship. In the description of the trail the attention was paid on the main events related to honey as well as on natural and cultural values located on the trail and in the area. The intention of developing the culinary trail referring to honey was to enable tourists and visitors getting to know the tradition of beekeeping, hіstory and cultural customs of Podkarpackіe Province.
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