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In management theory and business practice the dealing with a diverse workforce has played a leading role in recent years. In a globalizing economy companies recognized potential benefits of a multicultural workforce and tried to create more inclusive work environments. Unfortunately many of them have been disappointed with the results they achieved. The reason for this is that too little attention has been paid for the norms, values and behaviors involved. Given the fact that diversity is essentially about cultural norms and values, appropriate reflection work becomes a fundamental task to create a truly inclusive work environment where people coming out from diverse backgrounds feel respected and recognized. The paper focus on the challenge of building an inclusive diversity culture showing that a “culture of inclusion” has to be built on solid grounds. It shed light on the process of developing such a culture in CISCO corporation which serves as an example of a good practice in this respect.
Job satisfaction is related to the match between an individual and the environment. This match gains special significance in the field of values. Behaviours of managers in a given organisation are the exemplification of values but also indicate what is important in a given culture. Since the requirements of corporate culture cause some unification of employees, it seems that for job satisfaction it will be important whether or not managers will ensure them individual treatment. Thus, the objective of the research conducted was to check what managers’ behaviours are most closely related to job satisfaction.
W artykule zawarte są wyniki badań ankiety dotyczącej tylko jednego ujęcia kultury organizacyjnej z punktu widzenia orientacji na klienta. Zaproponowano konstrukcję ankiety oraz wprowadzenie jej jako elementu badawczego przedsiębiorstw. Na podstwie przeprowadzonych w firmach analiz przy użyciu skonstruowanej ankiety wysunięto hipotezy dotyczące powiązań kultury organizacyjnej z polityką prowadzoną w stosunku do klientów. Istniejąca w danej firmie kultura, a w szczególności jej związek z orientacją na klienta decyduje w dużej mierze o jakości przedsiębiorstwa.
The article includes the results of research realized in different firms. The special questionnaire was elaborated by the author taking in account 17 problems related to the cusotomer orientation practicised in companies possessing an own corporate culture. The goal was to find the mutual relation between these both questations in investigated firms and to put an appriopriate diagnosis for the further perfomance. It means as well to facilitate the improvement activities inside of companies changing positively different aspects of proper corporate culture.
The paper addresses the concept of Weyerhaeuser’s culture which was transformed as the result of mergers and implemented policies against recession. The culture, particularly their long-term vision and values played a crucial role in Weyerhaeuser’s company. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, founder of the firm, realized that a firm’s reputation was the most important asset. Significant increases in housing demand over 1997-2005 had led to an enormous pressure for faster deliveries and innovations in the construction industry. Weyerhaeuser decided to become global leader by transforming its culture and launching the iLevel concept7.
Pracowników każdej organizacji postrzegać można w kategoriach cennego zasobu. Jeśli efektywność i wartość rosną, pracownicy mają odpowiednią motywację do pracy. W celu stymulowania poziomu motywacji pracowników organizacje wprowadzają określone systemy, na ogół zgodne z wartościami kultury korporacyjnej danej firmy. Wartości te, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o korporacje międzynarodowe, bywają konfrontowane z wartościami wyznawanymi w kraju, w którym dana korporacja funkcjonuje. Niedopasowanie wartości może wpłynąć na nieskuteczność systemu motywacyjnego. Uniwersalnym bodźcem są pieniądze. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują jednak, że w subiektywnej ocenie wielu pracowników, skuteczniej niż bodźce materialne oddziałują na nich bodźce niematerialne.
The employees of every organization can be perceived in categories of valuable resources. The effectiveness and value of such a resource grows if the workers have the proper motivation to work. In order to stimulate the motivational level of employees, organizations introduce defined motivational systems that are usually in agreement with the corporate culture of the given company. These values, especially in the case of international corporations, tend to be confronted with values recognized in the various countries in which the given corporation operates. A mismatch of values may result in an ineffective motivational system. Money is the universal stimulant. However, research shows that in the subjective assessment of many workers, intangible stimuli are more effective than tangible ones.
By adopting an empirical and rational approach, this article investigates the influence of ethics on decision-taking in business based on case studies dating back to 50 years ago. It contrasts theoretical principles of ethics and the actual market activities of businesses by taking a closer look at two ethically controversial events from the automotive and pharmaceutical industry where human life and health was at risk. The foregoing analysis demonstrates that, where profit maximisation is at stake, businesses are prompted to take advantage of imprecise laws or absence of legal provisions, and manipulate data to protect its interests at the expense of product liability and consumer/patient safety.
Today, the business history constitutes an important branch of economic and social history, primarily in western historiography. It is defined as scientific documentation of the history of particular companies, especially their manufacturing and social work. In its research, classical historical methods are combined with those of the history of technology, trade, and mentalities. The business history is a branch that encompasses a number of additional disciplines; it is close to business economy and is closely linked to the economic theories. Family companies or firms as economic units constituted also a field of delicate social and cultural policy. In Western Europe and North America, they organized a major part of socially needed labour and became an arena of activity for different interest circles and groups. The family business history as a part of the business history and history of society has been studied in recent years, mostly in the German and American scientific and business milieu, with a special accent placed on its political, mental and cultural connotations. Especially in the United States established magazines, institutions, guides, professional associations and job positions. Family business research developed an original methodology and conceptualized new topics. If we had to answer the question tents after the existence of the family business history as a new scientific discipline, the answer is not clear. In most developed countries of the world except the United States remained the family business history still part of the history of business or, like in Germany, part of the social and economic history. The historical dimension of the family business is still so by‑product of most research centers dedicated to the family business. However, investigative provides promising potential for the future.
Content available Ethical considerations in solving economic problems
The article addresses the issue of ethics in business. The positive attitude to ethics declared by some liberal economists confronts business units with new dilemmas. The economic conflicts, wars, and pandemic crisis treated as a challenge for economic recovery highlight the ethical side of choices. In this way, individualistic rationality is confronted with multilateral benefits. The relation between ethical norms and economic criteria considers the point of view respecting human participation in the process of managing a business. As a consequence, ignorance of ethics in business as a concept of applied ethics, which means ethical relativism, leads man to a crisis of values depriving the system of the liberal economy of a sense of orientation and thus hindering the search for rational solutions.Ethics introduces a personalistic dimension to economic considerations associated with an individual responsibility coming from respect for human values and dignity. In the social aspect, compliance with ethics is acondition of mutual acceptance, cooperation, and bonding within the community. Ultimately, the place of ethics in economics is a consequence of the relationship of economics with humans and, at the same time, the attitude of individuals to ethics. Paying more attention to ethical issues serves the humanisation of economic relations, displaces business egotism, and awakens the tendency to cooperate by seeking the common good.
The presented text is a reflection on family entrepreneurship in the Czech milieu. It asks when the current term of family company originated and how its meaning developed. It concludes that modern family entrepreneurship, which results in a modern entrepreneurial tradition gradually transforming into a family brand or logo and constituting business culture inside as well as outside the company, can be traced to the late 18th century. A massive development of private family companies arrived in Central Europe in the second half of the 19th century, but the companies had no need to present themselves as family companies. Establishment of the term as we know it now occurred almost undetected in the interwar period. The tradition of the company and its roots are often much older than the term “family firm” itself.
Among the significant determinants influencing the corporate culture is the degree of riskiness in the operational activities of a company. Firstly and most importantly, business entities must be prepared to respond quickly to the needs of an external as well as the internal environment, to be in close relationship with customers, to use internal business activities, to strive to build the desired way of behaviour and actions of all stakeholders. The paper aims to define possible risks of ethical credibility based on the analysis and research in selected production companies operating in Slovakia and then propose options, measures to eliminate the threats to ethical credibility and thus increase the credibility and reliability of manufacturing companies.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wzajemnych związków istniejących między wiedzą i zarządzaniem wiedzą a kulturą organizacyjną. Szczególnie wiele miejsca poświęcono na ukazanie kultury organizacyjnej jako determinanty implementacji zarządzania wiedzą. Zaprezentowano także zarys metodyki diagnozowania kultury organizacyjnej w procesie implementacji koncepcji zarządzania wiedzą.
The aim of the article is to present the correlation between knowledge management (KM) and organizational culture (OC) in a company. The issue of organizational culture as a determinant of knowledge management implementation is widely described. In the last section of the article an outline of the methodology of diagnosing of the organizational culture in the process of implementation the idea of knowledge management is presented.
W artykule przybliżono pojęcie kultury korporacyjnej, ze szczególnym naciskiem na procesy zarządcze. Scharakteryzowano podstawowe modele kultury korporacyjnej, dokonano próby oceny poszczególnych elementów kultury w polskich przedsiębiorstwach branży wydobywczej. Autorzy scharakteryzowali także kokpit menedżera jako narzędzie systemu Business Intelligence wspomagające kulturę pracy kadry zarządzającej oraz technicznej.
The article brings closer the concept of corporate culture, with special emphasis on processes management. Characterized basic models of corporate culture, the evaluation of individual elements trial culture in the Polish mining industry enterprises. The authors characterize the Manager Cockpit as a tool of System Business Intelligence to support a culture of work.
Celem artykułu jest opis funkcjonalistycznego ujęcia kultury organizacyjnej, które jest historycznie najstarszym ujęciem procesów kulturowych zarządzania. Prowadzona analiza jest oparta na refleksji na temat rozwoju paradygmatów w naukach społecznych i paradygmatów nauk o zarządzaniu. W artykule przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę paradygmatu funkcjonalistycznego w badaniach kultury, która prowadzi do postulatów pluralizmu epistemologicznego i metodologicznego w zarządzaniu.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the functionalist approach to organizational culture, which is historically the oldest approach to culture processes in management. The analysis is carried out in conjunction with a reflection on the evolution of paradigms in the social sciences and management sciences paradigms. The article includes a critical analysis of the functionalist paradigm in the study of culture and the postulates of epistemological and methodological pluralism in management.
This article presents a theoretical analysis of scientific sources of philosophy, culture, cultural studies, and sociology concerning the interpretation of university culture and set the value of the academic essence in development of European education, science and innovation.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the functionalist approach to organizational culture, which is historically the oldest approach to culture processes in management. The analysis is carried out in conjunction with a reflection on the evolution of paradigms in the social sciences and management sciences paradigms. The article includes a critical analysis of the functionalist paradigm in the study of culture and the postulates of epistemological and methodological pluralism in management.
Celem artykułu jest opis funkcjonalistycznego ujęcia kultury organizacyjnej, które jest historycznie najstarszym ujęciem procesów kulturowych zarządzania. Prowadzona analiza jest oparta na refleksji na temat rozwoju paradygmatów w naukach społecznych i paradygmatów nauk o zarządzaniu. W artykule przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę paradygmatu funkcjonalistycznego w badaniach kultury, która prowadzi do postulatów pluralizmu epistemologicznego i metodologicznego w zarządzaniu.
The aim of the article is to explain interconnectivity between corporate culture and safety culture, which aim to utilize motivation to prevent work accidents and other unwanted events in an enterprise. The article deals with ways how to improve approaches to Occupational Health & Safety, OH&S, at work place through proper direction of corporate culture. It introduces internal and external determinants of corporate culture, which have a significant effect. The article introduces common features of corporate culture and safety culture as an element of the OH&S management system with emphasis on system effectiveness. The final portion of the article presents the hierarchy of needs model, which may serve as a basis motivating employees to follow safety and health rules at work place.
Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie wzajemnych połączeń między kulturą korporacyjną i kulturą bezpieczeństwa, które mają na celu wykorzystanie motywacji w celu zapobiegania wypadkom przy pracy i innych niepożądanych zdarzeń w przedsiębiorstwie. W artykule wskazano na sposoby poprawy podejścia do bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, BHP w miejscu pracy, poprzez właściwą stronę kultury korporacyjnej. Wprowadzono wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne determinanty kultury korporacyjnej, które mają znaczący wpływ. W artykule wskazano na wspólne cechy kultury organizacyjnej i kultury bezpieczeństwa, jako element systemu zarządzania BHP z uwzględnieniem efektywności systemu. Końcowa część artykułu przedstawia hierarchię modelu potrzeb, które mogą służyć jako podstawa motywowania pracowników do przestrzegania zasad bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w miejscu pracy.
The study examines the effects of four major organizational culture traits, involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission on measures of company effectiveness, with the use of data collected from machine-building enterprises. The results indicate that the mission trait is the most prominent of the four traits in terms of fostering overall company performance, sales growth, market share growth and ROA.
Praca bada wpływ czterech głównych cech kultury organizacyjnej tj. zaangażowania, zgodności, adaptowalności i misji na efektywność, z wykorzystaniem danych zebranych w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłu maszynowego. Rezultaty wskazują, że to właśnie misja jest najistotniejsza w odniesieniu do ogólnych wyników firmy, wzrostu sprzedaży, wzrostu udziału w rynku oraz wskaźnika rentowności aktywów.
The relevance of the survey is due to the need to understand the role of the manager of a higher education institution in conditions of uncertainty against the background of socio-economic crises, when the organizational culture of the management of an educational institution is being formed. Large-scale transformations in all spheres of life are outlined, which drive the economy, science, culture, education, industry and lead to the development of innovative approaches to the formation of organizational culture, based on the need to use professionalism and deeper experience of professional managers of higher education institutions. The article highlights the essence and conceptual and terminological apparatus of the researched topic. The content of the concepts “organizational culture” and “innovative management” is considered. The article highlights the issues of organizational culture as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of the institution in the system of higher education. The essence of organizational culture in a higher education institution is considered and revealed. The relevance of the study of organizational culture is connected with the fact that knowledge of the characteristics of the organizational culture of a higher education institution will allow to assess the degree of its stability, predict possible directions of management decisions, and also contribute to the achievement of planned results. The article focuses on the fact that the success of a higher education institution is directly linked to its culture. After all, the main indicator of a good state of affairs in a higher education institution is the ability to attract and retain talented employees. The impact of organizational culture on various aspects of higher education institution activities, which are considered by a number of sciences, such as personnel management, economics and sociology of work, organization theory, strategic management, management psychology, management sociology, is singled out. In the article, it is determined that organizational culture in an educational institution is formed under the influence of management consulting. The essence of consulting activity in a higher education institution is considered and disclosed. The main functions of consulting in institutions of higher education, which contribute to the qualitative formation of organizational culture in the institution of higher education, are highlighted. Content aspects of the process of modeling organizational culture in a higher education institution are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the components of the model based on the application of modern principles and innovations for the perspective development of the higher education system and assistance in providing higher education institutions with highly qualified personnel. An analysis of the theoretical foundations and classification identification of the design of consulting activities in a higher education institution as a tool for the formation of organizational culture is carried out. The difficulties and contradictions inherent in the formation of the organizational environment of a higher education institution are considered.
Research background: The relevance of the research on corporate culture in the conditions of changes is substantiated and its elements, which are important for effective transformations, are defined. The influence of corporate culture on the company performance and its elements is identified. The article deals with hierarchical levels of corporate culture which identify elements of corporate culture and "hidden" factors that allow establishing relationships with the outside world and promote productive work. Purpose of the article: The objective of the article is to identify the elements of the organizational culture at the enterprise level, which influence the effectiveness of its activities under the changes and generalization of its components that determine its ability to transform the existing state in accordance with the established world experience and practice. The research is based on the experience of gas transportation companies in Ukraine. Methods: The McKinsey 7S model was used to describe the enterprise to assess the state of the proposed levels of formation and to change its corporate culture. The McKinsey 7S Framework used in this study as analytical tool to explore a system of interrelated elements which improve the organization's work, raising the level of employee culture and generating common values. The expert method was used to assess the qualitative indices of enterprise internal environment, including "style/culture" and "common values", based on the questionnaire of the experts' group. The survey was conducted at three levels of management for the gas transportation companies, located in different regions of Ukraine. The three levels of management for the mentioned above enterprises - top, middle and low managers were taken into account. The use of the fuzzy logic method makes it possible to investigate the influence of the corporate culture elements on the results of the enterprises and to identify those elements which are important for the implementation of changes at the enterprise and without which it is impossible to achieve effective transformations. Findings & Value added: Taking into account the results of the assessment of corporate culture elements at the investigated companies, the directions of corporate culture development for enterprises that are in a state of changes are pointed out, namely: use of different management styles; support of employees in making innovative decisions; development of cooperation and elimination of conflicts between workers; formation of general corporate values; creating trust between employees and top managers; promoting the development of young workers; use of the mechanisms of education and maintenance of a high level of morality and culture of workers.
Content available Zmiany w firmie a kultura organizacyjna
The objective of the paper is to present the relations between the changes in a company caused by the changes of its environment and the company's organisational culture. The base of all the changes in an enterprise is the organisational culture and its change. Considering the organisational culture from the perspective of the process of implementing changes in an enterprise, we can conclude that the culture of an enterprise becomes as a "two-edged weapon". Culture is a unique image of an enterprise through each we can identify it in the light of its history, behavioural models, system of values and policy applied. If we do not understand the tradition, which constitutes the core of each company, we can advocate changes which completely misfit the enterprise and are doomed to be rejected. On the other side, many organisations quite deliberately use the change of the organisational culture as a factor supporting the change process.
Artykuł dotyczy sposobów kształtowania proefektywnościowej kultury organizacyjnej. Autorka omawia zależność między zmianą w przedsiębiorstwie a kulturą organizacyjną przedsiębiorstwa. Jej zdaniem, nie można mówić o zmianach w organizacji bez równoczesnego przeprowadzenia procesu zmiany kultury organizacyjnej. W pewnym momencie kolejność tych procesów ulega przestawieniu - aby efektywnie wprowadzić zmianę w przedsiębiorstwie należy najpierw zmienić jej kulturę organizacyjną. W artykule przedstawia spotykane w literaturze propozycje przemian kulturowych w przedsiębiorstwie.
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