The main purpose of this paper are gender stereotypes, which determine an image of femininity and masculinity in contemporary culture. The paper considers the consequences of compartmentalization. The author presents her own research about the stereotypes which create an image of femininity and masculinity in contemporary culture. The text concerns the problem of specific developmental limitations, which are hidden behind the aforementioned compartmentalization. The author based her research and theoretical inspiration on social psychology and social pedagogy (interconnected via socialization).
The book published last year records experiences and meditations on the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The topics of the publication include: the author’s observations of contemporary culture, the deconstruction of the axionormative order and emerging of culturally foreign social worlds. The author shares his views on the nature of observed changes as well as their sources. The adapted cognitive perspective is concentrated around the rich legacy of the social sciences of Catholic Church.
The article aims to analyse the phenomenon of kidult, that is, participating in life and culture combining elements that are typical for both children (kids) and adults. Postmodern cultural practices that glorify youth, flexibility, communicative strategies based on individualization, freedom of language, humour and effective communication are described in the article. The aim is to create an attractive and original utterance, while language rules are of secondary importance. Kidult as a conglomerate of many styles and socio‑cultural patterns seems to be a fashionable element of contemporary lifestyle.
This article will present two media incidents that occurred in April 2019 in two dioceses of the Catholic Church in Poland. These events share several features, one of which – the burning of objects (which I described as modern autodafe) – is an important connecting factor. The purpose of the article will be cultural, media and religious studies analysis of these events.
The author assumes an axiological understanding of culture (‘the culture is a system of man’s intrinsic values’). In his view, the spiritual history of mankind has been dominated by three forms of culture: primitive (xenophobic, naturalistic, related to security, collectivistic), traditional (hierarchic, idealistic, ascetic, collectivist or individualistic) and contemporary (egalitarian, utilitarian, hedonistic, auto-centric). They have appeared consecutively. Today they function side by side.
The article is devoted to selected descriptions of the body in contemporary poetry, indicating the emergence of a reflection on the possibility of the actual experience of someone else's flesh in connection with the characteristic of the latest expansion of the culture of different images of human physicality. Tadeusz Różewicz's and Marcin Baran's poetic reflection (poets who are divided by one generation) reveals their common sense of difficulty concerning fulfillment arise from the close proximity of others. The discussed poem, in the article, by Czesław Miłosz concerns the vision of bodily rapprochement that transforms not only lovers but also the world around them. Important for the above examples is the conviction of the need to search for a language that would allow to write about these experiences (and, therefore, they often use this characteristic approach of poetic inexpressibility).
The paper presents the results of the analysis of about a hundred Polish books for younger children (3–10 year-olds) written in the 21st century. During the research special attention was paid to the depiction of children’s play in the analysed literature. The author compared the character of play in Polish children’s classics (M. Konopnicka, M. Kownacka, Cz. Janczarski) with recent stories and novels (written by G. Kasdepke, R. Jędrzejewska-Wróbel, R. Witek, A. Tyszka and others). Some sociological research is referenced in order to assess whether writers present actual situations of play (diagnostic) or try to influence play by giving advice on how to play and what to play (prescriptive). The main conclusions of the research are: in contemporary literature for young readers, children’s play is not presented as often as it was in the previous century; children characters need adults’ help, advice or company to play, they rarely play outside with their friends without adult supervision. Instead, children’s play now often takes place in cyberspace and kids become addicted to their computers and other electronic devices; children are often bored and expect help in finding interesting and involving forms of play.
One of the so-called general sources in moral theology are the views and beliefs of people, which are in a close relation with the cultural conditions of their existence. Moral decisions, attitudes and factual acts always betray their underlying „cultural” roots, that is those related directly to the currently accepted and promoted visions of the human being, the society and the world. Living within the realm of their culture, humans accept it to some extent and through their acts, they express the moral awareness of the époque. When reflecting upon the human beings and their acts, moral theology cannot ignore these factors. However, moral theology seems to be troubled by these factors. Underestimating the so-called cultural determinants draws moral theology towards the position of anti-rationalist Biblicism. On the other hand, an excessive emphasis on the cultural factors leads - in extreme cases - towards the undermining of the traditional teaching of the Church on the following issues: the sources of morality, the acts which are immoral by nature and the existence of objective moral norms. In practice, the use of the particular sources is always subjected to the holistic vision of moral life, its sources and aims, and to the holistic conception of moral theology. Hence, the role that one is likely to define for the cultural sources will ultimately depend on the more general methodological assumptions adopted by the researcher. Also the opposite is true: the way in which the cultural sources are dealt with imposes a specific meta-perspective on one's research. Thus, the Biblicist approach to moral theology leads to a complete exclusion of the social, historical or cultural determinants. All attempts to classify this branch of knowledge within the so-called Human Sciences make the general sources supreme, and sometimes makes them the sources. Cultural phenomena become the only determinants of moral evaluation in all aspects of ethics, and only on the level of ethos, that is the current moral practice. If the sources and the aims of moral life are only seen on the natural plain, the cultural sources will naturally find its place in the argument. If the sources and the aims of moral life are believed to be supernatural, the cultural sources will only be of relative and limited use. Also, the position that moral theology defines for the cultural sources depends on the method it adopts. The so-called positive method confines itself to the interpretation of the Biblical data. The cultural sources only play the role of some kind of „prolegomena” to the real debate. Their analysis, usually presented in the introduction, helps better understand the Revelation, while the latter is analysed with no reference to the general sources. The systematic method, on the other hand, consists in relying on combined premises. Under this approach, the cultural sources constitute supplementary material – an auxiliary premise and an illustration for the argumentation based on the Revelation. Retaining the coherent identity of the Catholic moral theology calls for an integral approach to, and the hierarchical organization of all sources. The so-called cultural sources are of limited use to it: they are incomplete and imperfect. They are not the primary, nor the only determinant of moral good or evil. They also fail to give the complete answer to the question of good. This answer only comes through the Revelation. This is why a moral theologian is obliged to unveil textually embedded moral obligations, which God imposes on the human being, here and now – thus, also in all the complex cultural circumstances of the actual life of each of us. This textual embedding may make it difficult for the readers to discern the vital aspects of the God's moral message contained in the Revelation.
Jednym z tzw. źródeł ogólnych teologii moralnej są poglądy i przekonania ludzi związane z uwarunkowaniami kulturowymi ich egzystencji. U podstaw decyzji moralnych, postaw oraz konkretnych czynów można bowiem odnaleźć przyczyny w swej istocie „kulturowe”, to znaczy związane z aktualnie akceptowanymi i promowanymi wizjami człowieka, społeczeństwa i świata. Istniejąc w ramach określonej kultury, człowiek w pewnym stopniu przyjmuje i wyraża w swoim działaniu świadomość moralną własnej epoki. Podejmując refleksję nad człowiekiem i jego działaniem, teologia moralna nie może nie uwzględnić tych uwarunkowań. To jednak przysparza jej ciągle wielu problemów. Niedocenienie tzw. źródeł kulturowych prowadzi ją zazwyczaj do antyracjonalnego biblicyzmu, z kolei przesadne akcentowanie – w skrajnych przypadkach – do podważenia tradycyjnego nauczania Kościoła w takich zagadnieniach, jak: źródła moralności, czyny z natury złe, istnienie obiektywnych norm. W praktyce wykorzystanie poszczególnych źródeł jest zawsze podporządkowane przyjętej wizji życia moralnego, jego źródeł i celu, oraz całościowej koncepcji teologii moralnej. Dlatego można powiedzieć, że miejsce, jakie przyzna się źródłom kulturowym, będzie zależało ostatecznie od ogólnych założeń metodologicznych. Ale też odwrotnie: sposób potraktowania źródeł kulturowych owocuje pewną całościową wizją prowadzonych refleksji. Ujęcie teologii moralnej w duchu biblicyzmu prowadzi więc do nieliczenia się z uwarunkowaniami społeczno-historyczno-kulturowymi. Wszelkie zaś próby sprowadzenia tej dziedziny do rzędu tzw. nauk o człowieku nadają źródłom ogólnym rangę najważniejszych, a niekiedy jedynych. Zjawiska kulturowe stają się też jedynym wyznacznikiem oceny moralnej we wszelkich ujęciach etyki wyłącznie na płaszczyźnie etosu, czyli zastanej moralności. Jeśli początek i cel życia moralnego będzie postrzegany na płaszczyźnie wyłącznie naturalnej, wówczas i źródła kulturowe refleksji zajmą istotne miejsce w argumentacji. Jeśli zaś uzna się nadprzyrodzony charakter początku i celu moralności, źródła te zyskają jedynie charakter względny, ograniczony. Miejsce, jakie teologia moralna przyzna źródłom kulturowym, zależy również od przyjętej metody. Tak zwana metoda pozytywna ogranicza się do interpretacji danych biblijnych. Źródła kulturowe traktowane są wówczas co najwyżej jako swoiste „prolegomena”. Ich analiza, prowadzona najczęściej w ramach wstępu, pozwala lepiej zrozumieć treści objawione, ale te są już analizowane bez odniesienia do źródeł ogólnych. Metoda systematyczna natomiast polega na wykorzystaniu różnych przesłanek. Źródła kulturowe stanowią wówczas dodatkowy materiał poznawczy, dodatkową przesłankę, ilustrację dla wywodów opartych na Objawieniu. Zachowanie tożsamości katolickiej teologii moralnej domaga się integralnego ujęcia oraz hierarchizacji wszystkich źródeł. Tak zwane źródła kulturowe mają dla niej charakter ograniczony; są niepełne i niedoskonałe. Nie są one ani pierwszym, ani tym bardziej jedynym wyznacznikiem dobra i zła moralnego. Nie dają też one pełnej odpowiedzi na pytanie o dobro. Taką odpowiedź daje tylko Objawienie. Dlatego zadaniem teologa moralisty jest wydobywanie spod wszelkich nawarstwień treści wymagań moralnych, jakie Bóg kieruje do człowieka tu i teraz, a więc także w skomplikowanych uwarunkowaniach kulturowych, które mogą przesłonić istotę wezwania Bożego zawartego w Objawieniu.
The article deals with the relations between sex and shopping (wider: the contemporary forms of sexuality and lifestyle of consumerism) and biological, psychosocial, cultural reasons of such connections. The author analyses jokes about sex&shopping, popular scientific media texts, movies and popular literature, in which the two ideas sex&shopping are collected and compared. She also shows material categories: sex industry, prostitution, sponsoring. She investigates in which economical and social conditions the symbiosis of sex and shopping is successful. She hypothesizes that the formula sex&shopping is a kind of important metaphor for the contemporary society, shows the constant emancipation ambitions of women in the realm of economics and sex, characterizes ‘singles’ culture’ and the one type of feminism at the turn of 20thc., which is named power-dressing or glamour feminism.
In the theoretical part, we present a historical tradition of the so-called montage effect as a relation between a text and a picture, which relates to the discipline known as linguistics of an image. In the material part, we analyze the intermedial narration technique on the example of a Polish translation of a quasi-novel (a debut novel) by Jaroslav Rudis Niebo pod Berlinem which is examined in the light of Walter Benjamin’s theory of culture.
The article is devoted to changes occurring in the axionormative sphere, which result is a change in the situation of the Church in society. It is often referred to as a crisis. The author presents the most important threads of the discussion, which has been going on for several decades in the environment of German theologians and sociologists. They identify the reasons for the weakening of the role of church institutions and point out the possibilities of remedying these problems. The situation of the Catholic Church in Germany is different than in Poland, but similar trends in social and cultural development, including changes taking place in the sphere of values, might lead to the Church of Poland facing similar issues in the future. Therefore, structural and pastoral changes may also be needed in the Polish Church, to increase the effectiveness of preaching the Gospel to modern man.
Artykuł poświęcony jest przemianom następującym w sferze aksjonormatywnej, których skutkiem jest zmiana miejsca i roli Kościoła we współczesnym społeczeństwie, często określana mianem kryzysu. Autorka przedstawia najważniejsze wątki toczącej się od kilku dziesięcioleci w środowisku teologów i socjologów niemieckich dyskusji na temat możliwych przyczyn osłabienia społecznej pozycji instytucji Kościoła oraz sposobów radzenia sobie z tą sytuacją. Problemy Kościoła katolickiego w Niemczech są nieco inne niż w Polsce, jednak zbliżone kierunki przemian społeczno-kulturowych, w tym również tych zachodzących w sferze wartości, sprawiają, że Kościół w Polsce w przyszłości prawdopodobnie będzie musiał stawić czoła podobnym problemom. Potrzebne mogą okazać się pewne zmiany strukturalne oraz pastoralne, które mogłyby się przyczynić do wzrostu wiarygodności i skuteczności głoszenia Ewangelii współczesnemu człowiekowi.
The article is composed of two parts. The first contains a formulation of the relational theory of culture, in which culture is the way elements of a given collective become interconnected. This definition makes it possible to perceive that both human and animal collectives have cultures, as do collectives formed entirely of material objects. The differences between them result from the manner in which the elements constituting the whole relate to one another. In the second part of the article, the author presents the relational theory of cultural participation, in which cultural participation is the influence of a certain element (an individual or group, but also objects, living organisms, etc.) on relations between the constituent parts of the given collective. The article also contains an extensive critique of the traditional view of cultural participation, and proposes ways in which the process could be researched if viewed in relational categories.
Starting from the statement that self-reflection is necessary for the development of any scientific discipline, the author of this article – a historian and sociologist – considers the characteristics of research on everyday life. What is the subject of this subdiscipline and when did such research start? What methods does it use? The author reflects on these issues, while referring to his own experience as a historian and to the book by Bogumiła Mateja-Jaworska and Marta Zawodna-Stephan, Badania życia codziennego. Rozmowy (nie)codzienne w Polsce (2019) [Studies of Everyday Life: (Not) Everyday Conversations in Poland], in which the statements of contemporary everyday researchers are quoted. The author concludes that the beginnings of such research should be sought in the very distant past and that its material might be provided by all the creations of human culture. He also wonders if and how evidence of the modern digital age will survive.
W katolicyzmie Maryja odrywa szczególną rolę pośród świętych – jest matką Jezusa, Syna Bożego. Jej wyjątkowość odbija się także w kulturze, która wyrasta z chrześcijaństwa. W kulturze tej jest ona prototypem kobiecości i macierzyństwa, łącząc w sobie nie tylko kult Maryi, ale także pozostałości przedchrześcijańskiego kultu pramatki. W pobożności ludowej, a zwłaszcza w jej wiejskiej wersji, postać Maryi ujawnia się w dwojaki sposób: jako Maryi z Nazaretu, znanej z kart Ewangelii, oraz jako przychodzącej z nieba Matki Bożej. W obu przypadkach Maryja jest tą, która przebywa z ludźmi, dzieląc ich troski życiowe. Wraz z urbanizacją, ten kulturowy model został przeniesiony do miasta, jak to ukazują w swoich powieściach Sylwia Chutnik i Salcia Hałas. Współczesny obraz kulturowy Maryi często wykracza poza teologiczną ortodoksję, co widać na przykład w „ewangelizacyjnych” działaniach Ady Karczmarczyk, a także wykorzystania wizerunku Maryi w sztuce, kulturze popularnej oraz w modzie. Opisane w artykule przykłady pokazują, że osoba Maryi odgrywa wciąż bardzo ważną rolę we współczesnej kulturze, choć funkcjonuje w niej często w sposób niezgodny z jej ewangelicznym i teologicznym obrazem
In Catholicism, Our Lady’s role among the saints is special, as she is the mother of Jesus, Son of God. Her uniqueness is reflected also in the culture stemming from Christianity. Here she constitutes the prototype of womanhood, maternity and mother-figure combining the cult of Our Lady and the relics of the pre-Christian cult of mother goddess. In popular piety, and especially in its rural version, the figure of Our Lady appeares in two ways: as Mary of Nazareth, known from the pages of the Gospel, and as the coming from heaven Mother of God. In both cases she is the one who lives with people, sharing their life concerns. Along with urbanization, this cultural model was transferred to the city, as it is shown in the novels of Sylwia Chutnik and Salcia Hałas. The contemporary cultural image of Mary often goes beyond theological orthodoxy, as it can be seen in Ada Karczmarczyk’s “evangelization” attempts, as well as in the use of Mary’s image in art, pop-culture and fashion. The examples presented in the paper indicate that Mary as a character still plays an important part in the contemporary culture, although the way she functions in it is often inconsistent with her image in the Gospel and theology.
The article discusses the problem of textualization of culture and shows the process of moving anthropology towards ethnography. The author looks for the answer to the question about the final shape that anthropology assumed today, and also about the significance of this kind of change for the “science” of culture itself. The starting point of the considerations is the assumption that if deconstructivism in postmodernism undermined the legitimacy and sense of reading the text (reading the text of culture is not a sense and meaning reading, but its production), perhaps anthropology is going in a similar direction today. The article consists of two main parts. The first discusses the issue of postmodernist reconstruction of culture, including changes occurring within the subject and the object of anthropological cognition. The second part talks about a new way of “researching” culture, which takes on the character of the meta-reflection of ethnography. Three main but different interpretations of culture as a text have been discussed here: interpretive anthropology, meta-ethnography and “theory” of G. Steiner’s translation.
W niniejszym artykule został omówiony problem tekstualizacji kultury oraz pokazano proces przechodzenia antropologii w stronę etnografii. Autorka szuka odpowiedzi na pytanie o ostateczny kształt, jaki dziś przybrała antropologia, a także o to, jakie znaczenie ma tego rodzaju zmiana dla samej „nauki” o kulturze. Punktem wyjścia rozważań jest założenie, że jeśli dekonstruktywizm w postmodernizmie podważył zasadność i sens czytania tekstu (czytanie tekstu kultury nie jest odczytywaniem sensu i znaczenia, lecz jego wytwarzaniem), to być może również antropologia idzie dziś w podobnym kierunku. Artykuł składa się z dwóch głównych części. W pierwszej omówiono kwestię postmodernistycznej rekonstrukcji kultury, w tym zmiany zachodzące w obrębie podmiotu i przedmiotu poznania antropologicznego. W części drugiej mowa jest o nowym sposobie „badania” kultury, który przybiera charakter metarefleksji etnografii. Zostały tu omówione trzy główne, ale różne, interpretacje kultury jako tekstu: antropologia interpretatywna, metaetnografia oraz „teoria” przekładu G. Steinera.
The aim of the article is to analyse the cultural and social phenomenon of contemporary popular literature, in particular crime novels, burdened with the widespread though outdated stereotype that they represent low culture, intended for unsophisticated audiences. The analysis of the content and themes of crime novels shows that they are fully-fledged texts of culture, a multicultural palimpsest, a protocol of cultural and social events, “an anthropological testimony of our times” (Mariusz Czubaj). Crime novels are widely bought and read, adapted into movies and TV series. The authors of crime books include Nobel laureates as well as people with rich life experiences (journalists, reporters). Among the authors of crime novels, there is a large representation of academics and university professors: anthropologists, philosophers, philologists, cultural scholars, literary scholars, sociologists. Crime writing has ceased to be a shameful occupation, forcing people to write under a pseudonym. Crime novels have a large cultural and cultural-creative capital, as evidenced by, among others, literary tourism and literary crime festivals.
This article deals with issues related to the giving of proper names by designers of objects. Briefly discussing the history of Polish (and global) design and recalling the names of contemporary projects, the author points out the basic research problems, such as the issue of the individuality and seriality of projects and their names, the functions of chrematonyms (aesthetic and pragmatic), and onymic strategies. The description uses the findings of cultural theorists, art historians and onomastics researchers. An additional, interpretative context is provided by issues from the field of ‘thing studies’.
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienia związane z nadawaniem nazw własnych przez projektantów przedmiotów. Omawiając krótko historię polskiego (i światowego) designu oraz przywołując nazwy współczesnych projektów, autorka wskazuje na podstawowe problemy badawcze, takie jak kwestia indywidualności i seryjności projektów oraz ich nazw, funkcje chrematonimów (estetyczne i pragmatyczne) oraz stosowane w nazewnictwie strategie onimiczne. W opisie wykorzystano ustalenia teoretyków kultury, historyków sztuki i badaczy onomastyki. Dodatkowym kontekstem interpretacyjnym są zagadnienia z obszaru thing studies.
The category of ‘religion of the future’, which was the subject of Maurycy Straszewski’s philosophical inquiries, is also present in contemporary philosophical, theological or anthropological discourse. Straszewski emphasised that culture, scientific progress and the history of philosophy are inextricably linked to the history of religion and theology. He emphasised the importance of religious needs for the very emergence of dogmatic systems as well as philosophy. Nowadays, we deal with secularisation, on the one hand, and a kind of revitalisation of religion, on the other. The current revival of religiosity differs from earlier ones in its global scope and its original forms, and also involves a kind of ‘suspension’ of the previous determinants of religion, such as dogma, authority, cult, orthodoxy.
Kategoria „religii przyszłości”, która była przedmiotem dociekań filozoficznych Maurycego Straszewskiego, obecna jest także we współczesnym dyskursie filozoficznym, teologicznym czy antropologicznym. Straszewski podkreślał, że kultura, postęp naukowy, historia filozofii nierozerwalnie związane są z historią religii i teologią. Akcentował istotę potrzeb religijnych dla samego powstania systemów dogmatycznych, jak i filozofii. Współcześnie mamy do czynienia z jednej strony z sekularyzacją, z drugiej ze swoistą rewitalizacją religii. Obecny powrót religijności różni się od wcześniejszych globalnym zasięgiem i jego oryginalnymi postaciami, a także wiąże się z swoistego rodzaju „zawieszeniem” dotychczasowych wyznaczników religii, takich jak dogmat, autorytet, kult, ortodoksja.
The article argues for the need to give the autonomy to the personal thinking in the domain of philosophy and worldview. The basic assumption is that personal thinking, which contains the weak and particular side of human individual, is one of the fundamental elements of philosophy and worldview but can be expressed in them, because of this weakness and particularity, only in a hidden form. The fact that it must be hidden is the source of deformation of personal thinking not only in public domain of philosophy and worldview but most importantly in the personal thinking itself. Giving the autonomy to it, not only can we purge the public sphere of large areas of falsification but also offer the human individual a chance for a better self-understanding as it enables it to develop without trying to justify itself in public terms. This process seems to be enabled by the fact that the contemporary public culture itself is weakened by relativism, inflation of words and views or the dominance of superficial, popular culture.
The text presents fashion as a phenomenon strictly belonged to contemporary culture. As a background it takes a certain theory of values and some facts taken from Internet and cyber culture investigation. It depicts a confrontation of different layers and political wings in relation to traditional clothes and functional clothes. It derives conclusions and observations about contemporary society, remarks and forecasts on cybernetic fashion.
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